3a Newsletter Week of October 23 2017

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This week will be hectic as we prepare for the Fall Foliage Festival. Our
booth is the fruit cup booth. All items will be provided for our booth. We
will need parents to volunteer to come early to chop the fruit. Please bring in one large bag of
candy by Thursday, October 26. Please attend the Home & School meeting on Wednes-
day, October 25 in order to get the most updated information regarding the Fall Foliage Festi-
We emphasize the spiritual,
intellectual, and physical For the Halloween Parade of costumes on October 31, our costume theme is Viva Cultu-
development of each ra! Our costumes are the nuns of Loretto and the La Sallian brothers of Cathedral. I will
send photos of them in the weekly e-mail so you can get an idea of what the costumes
might look like. If students do not have the theme costume, they should wear their regu-
lar uniform to school on Halloween.


This week, students will work on This week in Language, we
rounding numbers. They will also will work on pronouns and
their place in sentences. In
be using estimation to help them determine if
spelling, our unit is a review
their answer in addition or subtraction is rea- unit, so there will be no dictation or spelling test. In
sonable. Soon after that, they will be adding reading, we will begin the next unit: Inspired by the
and subtracting greater numbers. We will con- Sea. We will r ead Sarah, Plain and Tall as well
tinue to compare numbers in order to attain other books relating to the sea. We will also have a
mastery. Please continue to practice their special art project: an oil pastel landscape of the de-
sert, the prairie or the sea. Please have students be
basic addition and subtraction facts with them.
thinking about the book they will use for our first
They will need to have a good grasp of these book report in November. It must be a chapter book.
facts in order to do well in adding and sub- It can be a book that they have read previously, but
tracting greater numbers and for regrouping. it must be a chapter book. Probe books continue to
Tutoring for math is from 3:30-4:30 . Title I be presented. Tutoring for reading begins on Tues-
tutoring is also available. days from 3:30-4:30. tu\\toring is also available.

Students will have extra practice on the letters that we have covered in our text-
book. They will also work on copying notes and poems from the board.
SCIENCE-This week students will present their solar system projects.

RELIGION-This week students will learn the history of the rosary and
make their own rosary. They will have to say the prayers that go along
with the rosary as they put the rosary together. This weeks Word of the
Week is scholar-a specialist in a particular branch of study. This
Weeks Good News comes from Matthew 22:34-40.

SOCIAL STUDIES-This week students will learn about rural communities

and how these types of communities meet their needs and how the
people who live there entertain themselves.

Parents, remember that the drop-off is only available in the morning. It is not open for use in the after-
noon nor is it available as a place for parking. Please help us to keep your children safe by following the
drop-off usage rules.

We are still collecting pop tops for Ronald McDonald House. We have filled a large collection box and have
almost filled another one! Help us out by sending in pop tops (soda tabs)! We could win a class party! Thank
you to all who have sent in tops! We are doing an awesome job!
We are also collecting box tops and Prices bottle caps. Help us out by sending these items in whenever you
buy products with the box top label or Prices products!
Please send in any prayer intentions that you may have so that we can pray for them during our morning an-
nouncements and during our Friday rosary. Dont forget to send your children with their rosary on Fridays!
October 22 Red Ribbon Week
October 23 8th graders visit Cathedral/Loretto
Sock it to Drugs!/Wear red socks
October 24 Shade Out Drugs/Wear sunglasses
October 25 Home & School meeting 7:45 a.m.
Love yourself: Dont do Drugs/Wear red t-shirt and jeans
Fire department presentation grades 3K-2nd
October 26 Mass 5A/Bring stewardship envelopes
Put a Cap on Drugs/Wear a cap
Bag of candy due
October 27 Wear free dress with H&S pass or regular uniform/Wear your red rib-
bon today!
FALL FOLIAGE FESTIVAL from 3:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
October 31 Costume Parade in gym @ 9:00 a.m. Theme: Viva our Culture! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


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