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Maharshi Bhrigu's
Bhrigu Sutras
The original book BHRIGU SUTRAS, which I am translating has no introduction
whatsoever and hence, I am unable to say anything about the author thereof. It
valuable hints and aids, in delineating the character & fortunes of a native , in
walks of life. What is popularly known as Bhava Phala (effects of the 12 houses) in
standard texts, is dealt with a direct touch, and with particular reference, to the
stationed in various houses, the aspects they receive and the fact, that a planet
is in
exaltation, own or enemy house. Even a cursory perusal of the book, would convince
even a professional astrologer, that this book can enable astrologers, to predict
future of a native, and form an opinion about planetary dispositions in a
horoscope, with
a fair amount of ease.
Sage Bhrigu, like other authors, has described in anumber of slokas, acts of sexual
perversion, arising as a result of peculiar planetary mappings. With a view to
maintaining literary decency, these have simply been termed as "sexual perversion".
It will be seen that the Sage indicates occurrence of certain important events in a
life at specified ages. It was noticed by me, in a number of horoscopes, that,
though the
events forecast, have actually occurred, the years of their occurrence (in about
50% of
the cases) were different. I have not been able to ascertain, as to how the Sage
has fixed
the various ages, at which the events were to occur and why they occur late, in a
of cases. Despite this slight discrepancy, Bhrigu Sutras, will prove to be a
valuable aid
to practising astrologers in making decisions, on important questions concerning
Part II of this book is comparable to a First-Aid Box or South Indian Cuisine -
Aviyal -
which can contain all the vegetables that a cook can lay his hands on. Important
information on Bhava Phala, transits, assessment of strength of planets, major
and their effects etc. have been included.
Signed : N N Krishna Rau
6th MAY 1959
Effects of Planets
12 Houses
Bhava Phala
Om Sri Suryanarayanaya Namaha
Effects of
in different houses
Bilious constitutionally; eye troubles; intelligent; observes religious rites;
stomach; foolish;
very few children; quick-witted; talks only as much as necessary; liking for
happiness in general
In Aries Reputation and good education.
In Aries with benefic aspect on SUN Higher knowledge.
In Aries with conjunction/aspect of
malefic/debilitated planet Proud; inclination to disregard religious
poverty; eye troubles.
The evil effects will be nullified if there is
also a benefic aspect.
In Leo Material happiness and bodily comforts.
In Cancer Higher knowledge; some diseases; good
In Capricorn Heart disease and heart attack.
In Pisces Great liking for women.
In Virgo Loss of wife; ungrateful.
Conjunct with benefics Good health; grateful.
Conjunct with malefics Sufferings from higher fever and
dysentry in the 3rd/7th year.
OR In Libra The evil effects will be nullified if there
is also a benefic aspect.
The effects stated above for SUN in various signs of the zodiac will arise if the
specified sign also happens to
be the Ascendant at the same time. These effects will be in addition to those
in the opening para.
SUN in 2nd House
Diseases of the mouth; dental troubles; punishment from King/Govt. in the 25th
year & losses thereby.
In Aries/Leo None of the above malefic results will
Very good wealth and landed property.
Conjunct/Aspected by malefic Eye/ear troubles/diseases; meagre
education; mean minded.
Conjunct/Aspected by benefic Wealthy; good eye-sight.
Conjunct Mercury Talks in lighter vein.
If the dispositor of SUN is in
exaltation/own house Talks succinctly and clearly; knowledge
of ancient sciences;
broad-minded; bodily comforts; lives like
a King.
SUN in 3rd House
Intelligent; no younger brothers; loss of elder brother; in the
years, suffers bodily.
Conjunct/Aspected by benefic Prosperous brothers.
Conjunct/Aspected by malefic Cruel hearted; cruel professions; will
have 2 mothers; valorous;
not afraid of fighting; reputation.
If the dispositor of SUN is strong
and favourably placed Brothers will enjoy longevity.
If the dispositor of SUN is
conjunct/aspected by a malefic Loss of wealth.
If the dispositor of SUN is
conjunct/aspected by a benefic Wealth; material prosperity;
SUN in 4th House
Defect in any limb/organ; proud; enemity with public; hot constitutionally; mental
worries; after attaining the
age of 32, native will succeed professionally and in many respects; in addition to
engaging himself in public
charities; attains knowledge and becomes valorous.
If dispositor is exalted or in own house, Conveyances,; great wealth;
charities; travels in high class
or in quadrant/trine conveyances; enjoys "jhoola" or
rocking chair & the likes.
Conjunct/Aspected by malefic or the Rickety/poor class conveyance; no
house to live-in; will be
4th house happens to be Libra or enemy spending his lifetime in a rented
sign for the SUN
SUN in 5th House
Poor wealth; bulky body; death or misfortune to father in the 7th year of native;
shrewd & intelligent; very
few children.
If dispositor is strong birth of sons.
If dispositor is affected by malefics birth of daughters.
If SUN is conjunct Rahu/Ketu Loss of children due to wrath of
serpent god.
If SUN is conjunct Mars Loss of children due to enemy.
If SUN is aspected by benefic None of the above malefic effects
will arise.
SUN in 6th House
Large number of enemies; few nephews and in-laws; growth of wealth and
agricultural income;
eye troubles in the 20th year of native.
If Conjunct/Aspected by benefic None of the above malefic effects
will arise but the native will
be constitutionally hot; great
interest in chanting Mantras and
have never-ending worries.
If dispositor of SUN is conjunct or Good health; good number of
relations and enemies.
aspected by benefic
If dispositor of SUN is weak Destruction enemies, in addition to
native's father being
very weak.
SUN in 7th House
The native's marriage will not take place on attaining marriageable age but at a
later stage; hatred
towards opposite sex; interest in women other than wife; 2 marriages; a long
travel in the 25th year;
having to consume food of inferior quality; humorous in nature.
If SUN or dispositor happens The native will have only one wife.
to be in Own House/in Exaltation
If SUN or dispositor occupy Debilitation,
enemy house OR aspected/conjunct malefic More than one marriage is
SUN in 8th House
Few children; eye troubles; boils and itches on head or diseases on head in the
year of native.
If Aspected/Conjunct benefic No such malefic effects indicated
above but the native will
possess meagre wealth; loss of cattle
& bodily ailments.
If dispositor is strong Landed property.
If dispositor is exalted/in own house Long life.
SUN in 9th House
Charitable minded; devotion to God and Preceptor; meagre prosperity; hatred
towards father; possesses wife
and children.
If in Aries/Leo Longevity for father; rich;
prosperity; devotion to God;
If in Libra/enemy house or
Aspected/Conjunct malefic Loss of father.
If conjunct benefic Long life for father.
SUN in 10th House
The native will possess command over knowledge or reach a stage in scholastic
career by the 18th year; in
good books of superiors; good profession; attains a status in life; reputation;
to earn well.
If in Aries/Leo Does public charities like erecting
temples/rest houses etc.
If in Libra/in enemy house/ Will become somewhat a misfit
professionally; liking for men
Aspected/Conjunct malefic of questionable character; wastes
money on immoral
purposes and will become
SUN in 11th House
Good agricultural income; from the 25th year onwards, the native will possess good
conveyances; will earn as a
broker or through his capacity to talk diplomatically and cleverly; love for
If conjunct malefic Conveyances; will fritter away
his wealth.
If in Aries/Leo Good conveyances; good amount
of wealth.
If conjunct lord of 4th Wealth; control over large
amounts of money;
costly & decorated conveyances;
great prosperity.
SUN in 12th House
Will suffer from appendicitis in the 36th year; wasteful expenses; sinful in all
actions; loss of wealth; harms
quadrupeds; lives outside one's native place.
If dispositor is strong Will enjoy blessings of God and
will enjoy life.
If conjunct malefic Will not even possess a good
If conjunct lord of 6th Will suffer from long standing
diseases and sorrow,
besides having too many
Effects of
in different houses
Very handsome looking; unsteady mentally; pilgrimage or long-distance travel in
native's 15th
MOON in Aries, Taurus or Cancer Interest in ancient literature and shastras;
wealthy; happy;
influence in higher circles; sweet tongued
but not very intelligent;
soft skin; strong build.
Aspected by benefic Very healthy; intelligent; diplomatic in talking;
If lord of Ascendant is weak The native will suffer from diseases.
If lord of Ascendant is aspected by benefic Healthy.
MOON in 2nd House
Congenial environments; valorous; wealthy; little happiness; distinct professional
achievements through
the help of King/Govt in his 18th year.
If conjunct malefic Poor education.
If conjunct benefic Well educated and wealthy.
If MOON is standing alone without Well educated; wealthy; well-versed in
worldly affairs.
any aspect
MOON in 3rd House
Average number of brothers and sisters;rheumatic complaints; poor diet; moderate
suffers punishment from King/Govt
in native's 24th year, resulting in loss of wealth; no cattle wealth; stingy.
MOON in 4th House
Enjoys high class food; growth of financial and agricultural prosperity; abundance
of milk; sickly
mother; will be brought-up on
breast-milk of women other than his mother; interest in women other than his wife;
If in Cancer and is waxing or Full Moon Long life for mother.
If in Cancer and is waning/conjunct malefic Early loss of mother; no
If MOON is strong Conveyances.
If MOON is conjunct benefic Public charities and service to
MOON in 5th House
The native's wife will be very good looking but a bit quick-tempered and will have
a birth-mark in
between breasts; will possess two wives;
abundance of milk; strong build; moderate hunger; will have more daughters and only
one son;
blessings from Goddess; gain of quadrupeds;
truthful; too many worries.
If conjunct/aspected by benefic Blessings from God.
If conjunct/aspected by malefic Will not be lucky.
If MOON is waxing & nearing Full Moon The native will possess good
intellect and power of expression; interest in
feeding others; steady growth of
prosperity; lead a kingly life.
MOON in 6th House
Poverty; sufferings from want of finance; intimacy with a widow in his 36th year;
thirst for money.
Conjunct malefic Commits sinful deeds; suffers from
long-standing diseases.
Conjunct Rahu/Ketu Extreme poverty; cruel; suffers from
too many enemies; will have no brothers
OR will not be on brotherly terms
with his own brothers; diseases/disorders
arising due to poor digestion; likely
to meet his death in water.
If MOON is weak Totally malefic results.
If MOON is conjunct benefic Free from diseases.
MOON in 7th House
Sweet talk; looks through one eye or one who looks sideways; sexual enjoyments from
year; great love for women; favours from royalty.
If lord of 7th is strong Two wives.
If MOON is weak Loss of wife.
If exalted or in own house without Will have only one wife; his education
suffers due to woemn; stingy.
MOON in 8th House
Little or no conveyance; accidents in water; will forsake his relatives due to
If MOON is weak Moderate longevity.
If exalted or in own house Long life.
MOON in 9th House
Highly learned; very charitable towards public, like constructing temples/wells
etc. public
activities; prosperous children.
If nearing Full Moon or strong Great prosperity; good longevity for
If conjunct malefic or standing in a malefic house Poor prosperity and will suffer
loss of parents.
MOON in 10th House
Academical attainments.
If debilitated/conjunct malefic Intimacy with widows and bitterness
arising therefrom in the 20th/27th year
of the native; very intelligent;
good deeds; reputation; kind hearted;
devotion towards God/Preceptor.
If dispositor is strong Public charities and praiseworthy
If dispositor is weak and is badly placed Loves wife; professional failures and
obstacles due to wife.
OR is conjunct/aspected by malefic
MOON in 11th House
Highly learned; children; helpful to others; will beget children early in life;
praiseworthy habits.
If dispositor is weak Very heavy expenses.
If dispositor is strong Financial gains.
If MOON is strong Gain of properties, precious
stones and articles white in colour.
If conjunct Venus Conveyances drawn/driven by
men; highly educated; protecting and
feeding a number of people.
MOON in 12th House
Consumes inferior quality food; expenses and lossess of questionable nature;
gambling losses;
expenses on women and luxury; excess of anger;
worries on various counts; venereal diseases; finds difficulty in feeding himself.
If conjunct benefic Learned; kind hearted.
If conjunct malefic/enemy Goes to hell after death.
If conjunct benefic and malefic Goes to Sreshta Loka after
at the same time
Effects of
in different houses
Wound marks on body or marks caused by boils, itches and the like; stealing habit;
navel of more
than average size; reddish hands;
cruel hearted; excess of anger; extraordinary valour; moneyed; suffers from
peculiar diseases;
company of rogues.
If exalted or in own house Enjoys excellent health; enjoys
sight-seeing; well built body; reputation;
favours from highly placed
persons; long life; financial prosperity; learned.
If in enemy or malefic house Poor longevity; few children;
rheumatic/shooting pains; ugly face.
If conjunct or aspected by malefic(s) Eye diseases.
OR staying in malefic house
MARS in 2nd House
Poor education.
If lord of 11th is standing in 6, 12, or 2nd Eye troubles.
If Mars under these circumstances is Good eye-sight will result.
aspected by benefics
If exalted or in own house Higher education and good eyesight.
If in malefic house/aspected by malefic Eye troubles.
MARS in 3rd House
Native's wife will be of questionable character.
If aspected by benefic No blemish on wife's character;
no younger brothers; financial income.
If conjunct Rahu/Ketu Intimacy with women of
questionable character; hates brothers;
bitterness with brothers; few
If conjunct/aspected by malefic Loss of borhters.
If exalted or in own house Prosperity; longevity for brothers;
aspected by benefic
If aspected by malefic The native will be weak.
If occupying friendly house Courageous
MARS in 4th House
Adversities in the home of the native; death of father in his 8th year; ill health
to mother.
If conjunct benefic The native may not have a
house of his own and may have to live in
another's house; want of
finance & agricultural produce;having to live
in old or indecent house.
If conjunct benefic and at the same time Conveyances; household
property; long life for mother.
in own house/exalted/friendly house
If debilitated/conjunct malefic Loss of mother; enemity with
relatives; having to quit his native place;
want of clothes and
insufficiency of food.
MARS in 5th House
Sufferings from want of finance; few or no children; ungentlemanly actions; in bad
books of
superiors; sufferings from wounds/cuts in his
6th year; uttering lies; very shrewd.
If exalted or in own house Good number of children;
feeds others; wields powers delegated
by King/Govt;; troubles
from enemies.
If aspected/conjunct malefic Loss of children; mental
disorders and allied diseases.
If lord of 8th from Ascendant is conjunct malefic The native will become
valorous and may be given away in adoption.
MARS in 6th House
Reputation; capable of achieving success in undertakings; defeats enemies;
children; marital
happiness and conveyance in his 27th year.
In malefic house conjunct/aspected by malefic The above effects will be
enjoyed in full; in addition, there will be
rheumatic and shooting
If in Virgo/Gemini Possibility of leprosy.
If aspected by benefic No such disease.
MARS in 7th House
If it happens to be a malefic sign and/or Loss of wife.
Mars is conjunct malefic even if the 7th
happens to be Aries/Scorpio
If conjunct/aspected by benefic The above malefic effect
will NOT occur; but there will be foreign travel.
If conjunct benefic and at the same time Loss of wife; failing that the
native will develop intimacy with a woman other
standing in exaltation/own house/friendly house than his wife; sexual
with malefic aspect
If connected with Saturn Sexual perversions
If conjunct Ketu Contacts with women in
if also conjunct another malefic loss of more than 1 wife
if there is a benefic aspect the native will commit
If Mars is conjunct/aspected by enemy Loss of wife.
OR with debilitated planet
If conjunct Rahu Intimacy with servantmaid
or widow.
MARS in 8th House
Eye diseases; longevity below 60; loss of father; urinary diseases; few children;
rheumatic and
shooting pains.
If conjunct benefic Good health; good
If occupying malefic house OR Rheumatics diseases and
conjunct/aspected by malefics
If dispositor of Mars is strong Full longevity.
MARS in 9th House
Loss of father; moderate prosperity.
If Mars is strong Prosperity; adultery.
MARS in 10th House
If Mars is in 10th with dispositor Long lived brothers; good
prosperity; interest in chanting hymns;
thereof fairly strong devotion.
If conjunct malefic Failures in undertakings
and professional reverses; loss of
reputation; capable of
professional earnings from his 18th year;
able-bodied; stealing
If conjunct with lord of 9th/10th Raja Yoga will arise.
If conjunct Jupiter Gain of landed property.
MARS in 11th House
The native besides enjoying financial prosperity, will become a man of manifold
If conjunct lord of 11th Lordship over a town.
If conjunct benefic High class Raja Yoga;
prosperous brothers and prosperity.
MARS in 12th House
Sufferings from want of finance; rheumatic and bilious constitution; ungentlemanly
actions; sinful
Effects of
in different houses
Learned; proficiency in witchcraft and black-magic; sweet talk; kind hearted;
pilgrimage in the
native's 27th year.
If conjunct malefic or staying in malefic house
Diseases generally; Lucoderma; excess of bile.
If conjunct or aspected by benefic or staying in benefic house
Good health; lustrous body; knowledge of astrology; slight defect in any organ;
with gentlemen; quarrels and
misunderstandings with brothers in native's 17th year; deceitful.
If exalted or occupying own house
Happiness with and from brothers.
If debilitated or conjunct or aspected by malefic
Will go to hell after death; forsakes comfortable bed; worships Dushta Devata
If conjunct/aspected by Saturn
Troubles to left eye.
In this Yoga, if conjunct lord of 6th or debilitated planet .... No such defects;
If conjunct auspicious planet
Charities; proficiency in debating and in use of arms; well built body.
MERCURY in 2nd House
Talkative; good number of children; interest in shastras; contented; moneyed;
habits; acquires good amount of wealth
by his 15th year.
If conjunct malefic or staying in malefic/enemy house or debilitation
Poor education; Rheumatic and phlegm in diseases.
If conjunct/aspected by Jupiter
Proficiency in mathematics and astronomy; self confident.
MERCURY in 3rd House
Gain of gold in native's 15th year; praiseworthy habits; financial prosperity.
If dispositor is strong
Brothers prosper; courageous.
If dispositor is weak
Sufferings to brothers; fear complex.
MERCURY in 4th House
Courageous; broad eyes; happiness from father and mother; knowledge; acquires money
questionable means in 16th year.
if conjunct Venus/Jupiter
Many conveyances
if dispositor is strong
Conveyances like palanquin.
if conjunct Rahu/Ketu/Saturn
Loss of conveyances; loss of happiness; bitterness with relatives; uttering lies.
MERCURY in 5th House
Fear of death for uncle; well-being of mother; birth of children doubtful;
intelligent; sweet tongue.
if dispositor is strong
Prosperous children.
if dispositor is weak
Loss of children.
if Mercury is debilitated
The native will be adopting a child; proficiency in chanting mantras/hymns;
deeds; knows how to talk
according to times.
MERCURY in 6th House
Respect and presents from King; obstacles in the direction of native's education;
showy and
proud; influence in hgiher circles
in the native's 30th year; will write or edit books.
if in Aries/Scorpio
Leprosy of blue colour.
if conjunct Rahu/Saturn
Rheumatic and shooting pains; quarrels with distant relatives.
if dispositor is strong
Prosperous nephews.
if conjunct Ketu
Acquaintance/intimacy with widow and monetary gains therefrom.
MERCURY in 7th House
Happiness and well-being of mother; charitable disposition; broad-minded; very good
if conjunct benefics
Gain of conveyance and horse in native's 24th year; good wife.
if dispositor is strong
Only 1 wife.
if dispositor is weak or posited in malefic house or conjunct Mars/Saturn/Rahu
Loss of wife. This Yoga occuring in the horoscopes of girls will result in loss of
husband or
the native herself
suffering from leprosy.
MERCURY in 8th House
Number of children = 7 ; public charities in the 25th year.
if dispositor is strong
The native will enjoy full span of life.
if dispositor is conjunct malefic or debilitated or in enemy house
Poor longevity.
MERCURY in 9th House
Large number of children; highly learned in shastras and Veda; proficiency in
music; good
amount of patiency; charitable;
longevity for father; professional earnings through business; hates Preceptor.
if dispositor is strong
Good longevity for father; interest in meditation or being aloof.
MERCURY in 10th House
Good deeds; hgihly courageous; reputed; highly prosperous; eye diseases in the 28th
if in exaltation/own house/conjunct Jupiter
Religious charities/sacrifices.
if combust, retrograde or conjunct malefic
Opposes religious sacrifices.
MERCURY in 11th House
Kind hearted; financial prosperity and birth of son in his 27th year.
if conjunct malefic
Loss of money through low-class people.
if exalted/in own house/conjunct benefic
Financial prosperity.
MERCURY in 12th House
Knowledge; valorous in battle.
if conjunct malefics
Fickle-minded; bitterness with highly placed persons including King.
if conjunct benefics
Expenses on charity and in the right directions; meagre education; sickly mother.
Effects of
in different houses
in Sagittarius/Pisces
Well-versed in various shastras; children; happy long life.
in Cancer
Full benefic results; kingly life; an elevated position after his 16th year.
if debilitated or occupying malefic or enemy house or conjunct malefic
Ungentlemanly actions; fickle-minded; longevity below 60 years; no children;
forsakes his
own relatives; proud; ungrateful;
quarrels with his friends and well-wishers; likes travel; contacts people with evil
JUPITER in 2nd House
Financial prosperity; intelligence; financial and agricultural prosperity in his
16th year.
if exalted or occupying own house
High financial prosperity.
if conjunct malefic
Obstacles in education; deceitful; stealing habit; vulgar in talk.
if debilitated or conjunct malefic
Drunkard; irreligious; no children.
if conjunct Rahu
Wife's character will be of a questionable nature.
JUPITER in 3rd House
Highly stingy; growth of brothers; patience and tolerance; pilgrimage in his 38th
year; forsakes
if dispositor is strong
Prosperity to brothers; wanting in courage; indecisive; poverty.
JUPITER in 4th House
Happiness; intelligence; household property; abundance of milk and cereals; good
if dispositor is strong and occupying Subha Vargas (benefic classifications) and
if there
is also conjunction of Venus/Moon
Conveyances like horse or those drawn/driven by human beings; spacious house.
if conjunct/aspected by malefic
Jupiter in this Yoga becomes malefically disposed, hence the native becomes
and cruel; suffers without enough
finance or house; loss of mother; ill-disposed towards relations; unhappy;
disinterested in
religion and charities.
JUPITER in 5th House
Intelligent and clever in acting according to circumstances and time; broad eyes;
interested in
feeding others; loves his family; attains
captaincy or professional elevation through King's favour in his 18th year; good
number of
if dispositor happens to be strong and is at the same time stationed in a
house or debilitated
Loss of children but will have a minimum of 1 boy; expenses on account of
if conjunct Rahu/Ketu
Loss of children due to wrath of Serpent God.
In this Yoga, if there is benefic aspect, the above evil results will not occur.
JUPITER in 6th House
Defeat of enemies; increased number of nephews and in-laws; wound or boil-marks on
if conjunct benefic
Freedom from diseases.
if conjunct malefic or staying in malefic house
Rheumatic pains and diseases due to cold.
if staying in Capricorn/Aquarius conjunct with Rahu/Ketu
Leprosy of the worst kind.
JUPITER in 7th House
Good education and financial prosperity; heavy gains in various directions;
possesses a chaste
and devoted wife.
if dispositor is weak and is conjunct Rahu/Ketu/Saturn/Mars and aspected by
Loss of wife.
if conjunct benefic or is in exaltation/own house without any malefic conjunction
The native will have only 1 wife hailing from a rich family. Besides, the native
will enjoy
Raja Yoga from his 34th year.
JUPITER in 8th House
Poor longevity; uncharitable deeds.
if conjunct malefic
Commits sin.
if dispositor is conjunct benefic and is staying the 8th
Long life.
if dispositor is weak
Poor longevity.
if dispositor is conjunct malefic
Intimacy with widows after his 17th year.
if in exaltation/own house
Full span of life; weak constitutionally; learned.
JUPITER in 9th House
Charitable; meditation or likes being aloof; moneyed; performs religious sacrifices
in his 35th
year; long life for father; public charities;
feeds and protects a number of people.
JUPITER in 10th House
Charitable; good deeds; studies Gita or philosophy; respect and honour from a
number of people.
if dispositor is strong
High class religious sacrifies.
if conjunct malefic or staying in malefic house
Unsuccessful professionally.
JUPITER in 11th House
Learned; moneyed; horse or conveyances in his 32nd year.
if conjunct benefic OR conjunct malefic+benefic together
The native will enjoy high class conveyances and great prosperity.
if conjunct MOON
Effortless financial gains.
Note : The learned authror says, in this sloka, that the native will enjoy
conveyance and increased
prosperity if Jupiter is in 11th with the
conjunction of another benefic only OR conjunction with a benefic and a malefic
Jupiter is the highest ranked benefic planet. Another benefic in conjunction with
Jupiter will
therefore become a formidable
beneficial combination whihc is said to confer highly auspicious results. The Sage
seems to
suggest that one or two malefics
in conjunction with such a formidable benefic combination cannot noticeably alter
benefic results.
JUPITER in 12th House
Mediocre finances; interested in studies; few children; proficiency in
commits adultery; ungentlemanly character;
suffers from tumours/wounds.
if conjunct benefic or in exaltation/own house
Goes to heaven after death.
if conjunct malefic
Goes to hell after death; expenses on right lines; intimacy with enciente women.
Effects of
in different houses
Knowledge of astronomy; loves wife; long life; fastidious in dressing; handsome
praiseworthy habits; taste for feminine company; moneyed; learned.
if conjunct benefic
Costly jewels; lustrous body of golden colour.
if conjunct debilitated or inimical planet OR aspected by malefic
Stealing habit; rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases.
if dispositor is conjunct Rahu
Prolific progenitor.
if there is a benefic in the 4th or the dispositor of 4th is conjunct with a
Very high prosperity.
In this Yoga, if Venus is occupying own house, very high class Raja Yoga arises.
if conjunct/aspected by lords of 8/12 or Venus is otherwise weak
Hard hearted; 2 marriages.
VENUS in 2nd House
Wealthy; fairly large family; eats costly dishes; patience and tolerance; kind
hearted; helpful to
others; begets a good wife in his 32nd year.
if dispositor is weak and posited in 6/8/12
Eye sight will be affected.
if conjunct MOON while the above Yoga is occuring, : Night blindness; bereft of
financial losses; eye troubles.
VENUS in 3rd House
Very stingy; patience and tolerance.
if dispositor is strong and in exaltation/own house
Growth of brothers.
if dispositor is weak or debilitated or in enemy house
Loss of brothers.
if Venus is conjunct malefic
Quarrels with brothers; enjoys wealth.
VENUS in 4th House
Lustrous body; intelligence; happiness with sisters; happy, patient and tolerant;
conveyance and establishes himself in his profession
in his 30th year; abundance of milk.
if dispositor is strong
Loves mother; loves his wife; commits adultery; sexual perversion; prosperity in
if debilitated or conjunct enemy planet
Professionally unsuccessful; spends life outside his mother province; intimacy with
ungentlemanly actions.
VENUS in 5th House
Intelligence; adviser; grown-up wife and children; presents from King/Govt.
if occupying malefic house and/or conjunct malefic or debilitated planet or Venus
Loss of children; dull-headed.
if conjunct benefic
Intelligent; good children; conveyances; strong and healthy.
VENUS in 6th House
Good number of nephews and in-laws; defeat of enemies; expenses in wasteful
directions; utters
lies; suffers from diseases.
if dispositor is strong
Increased number of nephews and in-laws and also enemies.
VENUS in 7th House
Highly sexed; commits adultery; fond of kissing; successful in all directions;
recipient of costly
presents from relatives; good wife.
if conjunct malefic or debilitated or staying in enemy house
Loss of wife; 2 marriages; no children.
if conjunct benefic or staying in exaltation/own house
Long life; will have a prosperous father-in-law; the native will also enjoy
prosperity through
his wife; fond of women.
VENUS in 8th House
Happy; danger to life of native's mother in the 4th year; poor longevity; sickly
praiseworthy wife; discontented.
if conjunct benefic
Full span of life.
VENUS in 9th House
Charitable; gentlemanly; possesses a good wife and children; long-lived father.
if conjunct malefic
Early death of mother; loss of money; commits adultery.
if conjunct benefic
High prosperity and kingly environment.
if conjunct lord of 4th/7th
High class conveyances; neat and tidy in dressing; wields power; knowledge of
VENUS in 10th House
Chivalrous; good profession; many conveyances.
if conjunct malefic
Unsuccessful professionally and commits sinful deeds.
if conjunct Mercury/Moon
Possesses high class conveyances; performs many religious sacrifices and
charities; talkative; happy;
prosperity and paraphernalia.
VENUS in 11th House
Learned; high financial prosperity; gain of land; kind hearted.
if conjunct benefic
Many conveyances.
if conjunct malefic
Gain of money through questional sources and ungetlemanly actions.
if conjunct malefic, or lord of 8th or debilitated
Poor financial gains.
VENUS in 12th House
Extreme poverty.
if conjunct malefic
Mean minded; goes to hell after death.
if conjunct benefic
High financial prosperity; enjoyments on cot; goes to heaven after death.
Effects of
in different houses
The native will suffer from rheumatic and bilious complaints.
if exalted
Lordship over a village or town; financial and agricultural wealth.
if in own house
Paternal prosperity.
if Saturn enjoys lordship over 4,9 or 10
High prosperity and Raja Yoga.
SATURN in 2nd House
Financially a poor status; two wives.
if debilitated or conjunct malefic
Commits sinful deeds and earns livelihood through inferior trades; eye diseases;
heavily in
SATURN in 3rd House
Loss of brothers, particularly younger ones; profession in inferior trades.
if conjunct malefic
Bitterness and hatred towards brothers.
if exalted or occupying own house
Prosperity to brothers.
SATURN in 4th House
Loss of mother; 2 mothers; loss of happiness; poverty.
if Saturn happens to be lord of Ascendant
Long life for mother.
if exalted or in own house
Gain of conveyances.
SATURN in 5th House
No children; poverty; sinful deeds; profession in inferior trades; adopts a
if aspected by Jupiter
Two wives.
if Saturn is strong in 5th
Only one wife.
SATURN in 6th House
Defeat of enemies; Financial and agricultural prosperity.
if conjunct Mars
Travels far and wide; Raja Yoga of a moderate order; happiness due to his high
status in
if Saturn has lordship over 8th house
Malefic results generally; rheumatic pains; wound marks on body.
SATURN in 7th House
Lean-bodied wife; intimacy with women of questionable character; suffers much
if exalted or in own house
Intimacy with many women.
if conjunct Ketu
Sexual perversion
if conjunct Venus
Sexual perversion; intimacy with women of lower class and addicted to drinking.
SATURN in 8th House
Poverty; intimacy with women from lower walks of life.
if exalted or in own house
Full span of life.
if debilitated or in enemy house
Short life; earns his food as a labourer.
SATURN in 9th House
In his 39th year, will do public charities of a high order like erection of rest
houses, tanks and the
if exalted or in own house
Full span of life for father.
if Saturn is weak
Short life for father; if there is Raja Yoga in the horoscope, the presence of weak
Saturn in
9th causes cancellation thereof.
SATURN in 10th House
Bath in Ganes in his 25th year; stingy; bilious constitution.
if conjunct malefic
Professional setbacks.
if conjunct benefic
Successful and daring professionally; self respect; respect from highly placed
persons; high
prosperity & kingly paraphernalia.
SATURN in 11th House
High financial prosperity; gain of land; respect from highly placed persons.
if exalted or in own house
Learned; conveyances.
SATURN in 12th House
Develops defect in any organ.
if conjunct malefic
Loss of eye-sight/eye.
if conjunct benefic
Good eye-sight; goes to heaven after death; wasteful expenses.
Effects of
Dragon's Head/Tail
in different houses
Still born children.
if occupying Aries, Taurus or Cancer
Kind hearted; mental happiness.
if aspected by benefic
Marks on face.
RAHU / KETU in 2nd House
Suffers from various diseases; loss of children and suffers sorrow thereby; dark
if conjunct malefic
Two wives or two marriages.
RAHU / KETU in 3rd House
Abundance of oil-seeds like mustard, til, sesamum.
if conjunct benefic
Mark on neck; full longevity; courageous.
RAHU / KETU in 4th House
Various ornaments; enjoys happy company of two wives; loss of mother and sorrow
if conjunct malefic
Early loss of mother.
if conjunct benefic
:Long life for mother.
RAHU / KETU in 5th House
No children or loss of children due to wrath of Serpent God; Birth of children will
occur after
conducting pooja of Naga Pratima (golden image of
Serpent God) in manner prescribed in Bhrigu Sutras Chapter VIII, Sloka V. Rheumatic
sinful deeds; wrath of king; company of rogues.
RAHU / KETU in 6th House
Courageous; very happy life.
if conjunct Moon
Intimacy with women in higher walks of life; stealing habit; poor finances.
RAHU / KETU in 7th House
2 wives or 2 marriages; second wife will suffer from tumour; intimacy with widows;
RAHU / KETU in 8th House
Serious diseases in native's 32nd year.
if dispositor is strong
Longevity 60 years.
RAHU / KETU in 9th House
No children; intimacy with low born women; servitude; irreligious; early loss of
father; hates his
RAHU / KETU in 10th House
Intimacy woth widows; profession in inferior trades; company of rogues; some
knowledge of
shastras; mean habits.
RAHU / KETU in 11th House
Good number of children; financial and agricultural prosperity; professionally in
and earnings therefrom.
RAHU / KETU in 12th House
Few children; eye diseases.
if conjunct benefic
Goes to Heaven after death.
if conjunct Jupiter or Mercury
Will renounce the world OR become a sanyasi.
Strength of Planets
Assessment of Strength of Planets
Aspects 7th House Only
SUN is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :
100% benefic (equivalent to Jupiter) if occupying Sagittarius.
FULL benefic if owning trines [1, 5, 9]
SUN is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :
SUN is a 50% natural malefic
Malefic when owning 3,6,8, 11 and 12th houses in a horoscope.
Malefic results will be bestowed by SUN when occupying quadrants
[1,4,7,10] and trines [1, 5, 9].
Aspects 7th House Only
MOON is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :
when MOON is weak, it's only 25% benefic.
Full MOON is 100% benefic comparable to Jupiter.
When possessing 75% of rays (assuming 100% for Full Moon), it is
considered 75% benefic equal to Venus,
When Moon is between New Moon and Full Moon OR Full Moon and
New Moon, it is considered 50% benefic.
When Moon is aspected by Jupiter (irrespective of the rays possessed
by Moon), it is considered 100% benefic.
Even when weak Moon is aspected by both Saturn & Jupiter, it is
considered 100% benefic equivalent to Jupiter.
However malefic a Moon may be, Jupiter's aspect on Moon is enough to make it a
When Full Moon occupies Sagittarius or Pisces, it is considered 100%
benefic, equivalent to Jupiter.
Moon is full benefic when owning trines.
Benefic effects will be conferred by Moon, if as a benefic, it stays in
MOON is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :
Weak Moon is considered 75% malefic.
Malefic effects will be conferred by Moon if as a malefic, it stays in
When debilitated (irrespective of the number of rays, even when nearing
Full Moon or a Full Moon), and also when combust,
MOON is considered 100% malefic comparable to Saturn.
MOON becomes a full malefic when aspected by Saturn.
Even when occupying Cancer, if conjunct or aspected by malefic, it is
considered a full malefic.
MOON becomes a malefic when owning 3, 6, 8, 11 & 12th houses.
Aspects 7th House
Special Aspects : 4th House & 8th House
4th House Aspect is the strongest
MARS is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :
When occupying Ascendant and/or owning quadrants/trines.
MARS is considered a malefic under the following circumstances:
It is considered to be a 75% natural malefic.
When owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
When staying in quadrants/trines.
Aspects 7th House Only
MERCURY is considered a benefic under the following circumstances:
It is considered to be a 50% natural benefic.
100% benefic (equivalent to Jupiter) when conjunct weak Moon (Full
Moon also).
When owning trines.
Benefic effects will be conferred by Mercury when as a benefic, it
occupies quadrants or owns Ascendant & 10th house
MERCURY is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :
Considered 75% malefics when conjunct malefics.
Even while staying in Gemini/Virgo, if it is conjunct/aspected by
malefics, it is considered malefic.
75% malefic when owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
Aspects 7th House
Special Aspect : 5th House & 9th House
5th House Aspect is the strongest
JUPITER is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :
It is considered to be the highest of all benefics or a 100% natural
When owning trines (1, 5, 9)
When occupying quadrants OR owning Ascendant & 10th house
JUPITER is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :
When owning quadrants OR 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
When occupying 6, 8 or 12th houses.
Aspects 7th House Only
VENUS is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :
It is a 75% natural benefic.
100% benefic when conjunct weak Moon (Full Moon also).
When owning trines (1, 5, 9).
Confers benefic effects when occupying quadrants (1, 4, 7, 10) OR
owns Ascendant.
VENUS is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :
When owning quadrants or 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
Aspects 7th House
Special Aspects : 3rd House & 10th House
3rd House Aspect is the strongest
SATURN is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :
When owning quadrants/trines.
SATURN is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :
Total or 100% natural malefic.
When owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
Malefic effects will be conferred if staying in quadrants.
Aspects 7th House Only
RAHU is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :
When owning quadrants/trines.
When staying in Capricorn (equivalent to Jupiter).
RAHU is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :
Total or 100% natural malefic.
When owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
Malefic effects will be conferred if staying in quadrants/trines.
Aspects 7th House Only
KETU is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :
When owning quadrants/trines.
KETU is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :
Total or 100% natural malefic
When owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
When occupying quadrants/trines.
Malefics acquire benefic qualities or power to confer benefic effects by reason of
their stay in
Ascendant or lordship over the Ascendant or
Benefics in quadrants give benefic results; malefics in quadrants give malefic
Benefics when they own Ascendant & 10th house simultaneously, becomes all the more
Malefics staying in 5 and 9 result in greater adversities for the native.
On Aspects
Planet being aspected by Moon is already receiving the aspect of Jupiter, is also
capable of
confering auspicious results.
e.g. assume Jupiter in Pisces, weak Moon in Cancer and any planet in Capricorn. The
in Capricorn receiving Moon's aspect
will be capable of conferring auspicious results.
Very strong or exalted planet in opposition to equally very strong or exalted
planet become
e.g. Exalted Sun in Aries and exalted Saturn in Libra. Both become ineffective.
Malefics standing in 10th (without any conjunction/aspect of benefics), will confer
servitude. If 3
similar malefics stand in the 10th,
the native will be serving servants.
On Major Periods
When the Major Period of Saturn, who is occupying Ascendant,
operates, the native will be faced with servitude. If such Saturn is
conjunct with other malefics, figuratively speaking, the native will not
even get alms.
There will be financial gains in Major Period of malefic standing in 5th
house, if such a malefic is aspected by another malefic friendly to the
Highly auspicious results will occur in Major Periods of planets in own
house, if aspected by another planet which is also in own house.
Likewise, in the Major Period of a planet in friendly house, if aspected by a
planet which is
also in a friendly house, auspicious results.
So also in the Major Period of a planet enjoying own navamsa, if aspected by
planet enjoying own navamsa, auspicious results.
In other words, the Major Periods of planets, being aspected by planets of
strength, will produce very good results.
The Major Period of the planet in conjunction with Rahu, however good it
may be from other points of view, will be equal to that
of a Major Period of malefic.
The effects of the Major Period of a planet in retrogression will be of a
moderate order.
If SUN is standing in 5, 7 or 9, the native will go on a pilgrimage and will
enjoy an elevated position professionally in the Major Period of SUN.
Angaraka Dosha
Kuja Dosha
The detection of Angaraka Dosha in the horoscope of a would-be bridegroom or bride,
is enough
nowadays, to put off his/her marriage by several years; in some cases, the
horoscope with this
evil is not even considered by others, but thrown off as a hopeless case. In such
cases, to shortcircuit
spinsterhood for the girl, the parents sometimes, out of sheer disgust, declare
that no
horoscope exists and arrange marriage without consideration of horoscope. Even for
boys with
this or similar evil, the same process is followed. Many such marriages have taken
place and
there are cases of such couples carrying on normally, thus establishing, in some
cases at least,
that the seriousness attached to Kuja Dosha is unwarranted.
It is not uncommon to come across advertisements seeking horoscopes of boys/girls
with Kuja
Dosha in 7th, 8th etc. with a view to pick-up a match with equally strong Kuja
Dosha. Some have
even searched thousands of horoscopes, extending over years, to find a suitable
match with Kuja
Dosha. From our personal contacts with astrologers and students in the field, we
have been able
to measure the importance attached by the public. to this evil and have also been
cases of boys and girls remaining unmarried until well past their youth because of
of suitable horoscope with this evil. We have therefore, come to the conclusion,
that there is no
correct appraisal of what constitutes Kuja Dosha and that unnecessary and
importance is being attached to it in a large number of cases, resulting in youth
being wasted.
Whilst everyone is conscious of this evil, it appears that the majority do not know
precisely the
extent of the Yoga, how the evil works and how it ultimately leads to premature
death of the
native or his partner. We have brooded over the question whether it is in God's
purpose of
creation to let some bachelors remain unmarried and thus deny the greatest
enjoyment in life.
How does Angaraka Dosha arise ?
In practice, the presence of Mars in 7th/8th from Ascendant, in some cases, from
Moon also, is all
that is wanted to condemn a horoscope with Kuja Dosha but the sloka #s 108-109
above say
that Kuja Dosha arises if Mars is found in Asdt/2/4/7/8/12 for boys and in
1/2/4/7/8/12 from
Moon/Venus in a girl's horoscope,
We personally do not subscribe to this view in full that the dosha arises from Asdt
for boys and
from Moon/Venus for girls, but we support the view of those Sages who say that this
evil operates
with full force from Asdt, 50% force from Moon and with 25% force from Venus
without distinction
of sex.
Quantum of Angaraka Dosha
The slokas referred to above merely say that the evil arises by virtue of stay of
Mars in certain
houses but not the quantum of evil in the different houses.
Similarly, the quantum of evil which arises by reason of Mars staying in different
signs of zodiac is
also not given. The following Table in use in the Malayalam speaking areas of South
gives clearcut
idea of the quantum of this evil in different houses and signs and with what force,
it operates
from Asdt, Moon and Venus.
TABULATION -----> indicating the quantum of evil contributed by planets SUN, MARS,
SATURN, RAHU & KETU occupying specified positions from ASCENDANT.
Planets standing in Ascendant, 7th & 8th houses
128 120 112 96 72 64 32 24
Mars 192 180 168 144 108 96 48 36
Sun 64 60 56 48 36 32 16 12
Planets standing in 2nd, 4th and 12th houses
32 30 28 24 18 16 8 6
Mars 48 45 42 36 27 24 12 9
Sun 16 15 14 12 9 8 4 3
The above table is designed primarily to ascertain the Dosha Saamya or
the evil contributed by malefics standing in 1/2/4/7/8/12.
Mars standing in 1/2/4/7/8/12 constitutes what is called Kuja Dosha.
Thus, the table is usable for both purposes.
The values given above are for calculation of the evil from Ascendant
While calculating with reference to Moon, the above values should be reduced to
While calculating with reference to Venus, the above values should be reduced to
How to assess Dosha Saamya
From the Ascendant, find out the values for all the malefics standing in
the stated signs & total them-up A
From Moon, find out the values for all the malefics standing in
the stated signs & total them up B reduced to 50%
From Venus, find out the values for all the malefics standing in
the stated signs & total them up C reduced to 25%
Now, A+B+C = P
P divided by 128 would give the exact quantum of dosha.
Angaraka Dosha is also like-wise calculated from Moon/Venus.
How does Angaraka Dosha Operate ?
Beyond stating that the Angaraka Dosha causes death (or premature death) of
wife/husband or
alternatively estrangement or divorce, nothing is mentioned in the standard texts
as to what will
be the behaviour of a native with this evil or the manner in which the Yoga
operates and leads
him/her to premature death. To be conscious of one's own defects, which may prove
fatal in the
end, is to let one arm oneself up against it.
If there is no shanti/remedy, either clinically or through religious ceremonies,
one will at least
have the satisfaction of knowing that it was all due to one's past Karma.
From our extensive studies in this connection, we have concluded that a person with
this evil (as
a result of having Mars in 7th), would have, as life passes, a greater thirst for
sex or fond of
women, as some modern men would put it with a sense of pride.The thirst grows with
age.and the man suffering from this evil, failing to get full satisfaction, goes in
for sexual
The craze for perverted sexual acts sets in, under the guise of new methods of
approach or
innovation and because one is shy to try this nonsense at home, tries it outside.
The craze goes
on increasing quickly and a sort of degeneration sets in - mental as well as
physical. Excessive
indulgence in sex is definitely harmful. No wonder one's life gets shortened.
Natives suffering from this evil, would be well-advised to exercise control of
mind, either through
Yogic Kriyas and Asanas or through prayers.
Vidya Visharada
Jyotisha Kalaanidhi
Prof NN Krishna Rau, MAFA
How Do You Read A Horoscope ?
This note is dated October 31st, 1961*
Because many a prediction made by students of Astrology fail (the most recent and
glaring one
being that of election of President John F Kennedy for one reason or another, the
for which they are unable to detect, it is but natural they get dejected and go
about asking
professionals How do you read a Horoscope?
I shall, therefore, detail in this note, some of the apparent causes of failure of
by many, as I have been able to guess from my experience. I am also detailing the
of information, tables etc.based on which an opinion could be expressed on a
First and foremost, both the student and the professional, must have implicit faith
in God.
Maharshi Parashara says, in the first six slokas of his immortal astrological
this is NOT a science for those who
(a) learn astrology with a view to minting money with the help of planets and thus
change their present plight or
(b) want to test the correctness or
(c) desire to change the status of a horoscope by knowing its weakness and
perform shanties to overcome such weakness and thus jump over the
purpose of creation or
(d) desire to go against the Will of God.
Actually, this science is for those who implicitly believe in God and sayings like
SARENA and so on. Just as we believe that every pot of milk we buy contains ghee,
should not
doubt the Hand of God behind each horoscope. Credit goes to a Hindu Astrologer of
Bombay who
at the end of 19th Century, had the rare courage to forecast beggary in the 50th
year of a
who was only a babe in arms then, with an Estate to his share of the order rupees
The writer knew the native of that horoscope intimately.Not only did the prediction
true 100%
but the writer was able to witness how the saying BUDHI KARMAANU SARENA
worked. One has to
read a horoscope impartially, with an unbiased mind and the horoscope details
should be
in an inquiring mood with utmost respect to the planets and not as if one is going
to do a
simple arithmetic calculation.
Almost all the Maharshies of India including those who have compiled the Maha
Maha Bharatha, Ramayana, Veda, Vedanta and Gita have certified and assured us that
Astrology is the LIGHT with
which one can read the AKSHARA MALIKA (garland of letters) written by Lord
Brahma on the forehead
of everyone, said to be the gist of destiny. So, one should have firm faith in
and then only,
proceed further.
Where a horoscope does not fit in for a native or where predictions go wrong,
the matter in a
cool and dispassionate manner, locate the error and rectify the horoscope. Like the
Siamese Twins or Dionne Quintuplets, there may be a freak case, one in a thousand,
which may not come within the rules. Leave them alone, as all the secrets of God's
creation cannot be known to mankind.
Now coming to the subject proper, I am afraid the majority of horoscopes that we
called upon to read nowadays are wrong in certain respects, possibly the graha-
(planetary positions expressed in signs, degrees and minutes) given in most Indian
horoscopes do not tally with the actual positions occupied by planets on date of
when verified with the positions given in standard ephemeris (converted to
Today, there no two Panchangas (almanac or ephemeris) which tally with each other,
subject to making due allowance for the difference in Ayanamsa. The majority of the
horoscopes that we see today are those erected with reference to such unreliable
panchangs. The reasons for these discrepancies are our Panchang compilers are still
following the out-of-date siddhantas, Vakyas and what not. Almost three decades
Jyotishacharya CG Rajan of Madras openly admitted that the Vakya method of
compiling panchang cannot be relied upon. My fear that the Indian panchangs are not
accurate is so much that in the last 15 years, I have never read or given an
opinion on a
horoscope, unless I have checked and recast the horoscope with reference to
Ephemeris for the Year of Birth and using Prof. BV Raman's Ayanamsa. I think,
almost all the top-ranking astrologers use Raphael's Ephemeris, where there is no
possibility of error, for the planetary positions are periodically verified through
telescopes. While noting down graha-sputa, I also make a note if there was an
(Lunar or Solar) on the preceding and following Full Moon or New Moon days. The
grahana peeda for Rahu, Sun or Moon has to be taken into consideration. Also, if
are any strong parallel aspects between planets.
I have observed that parallel aspects many a time broadly act like a conjunction in
sign. Other phenomena to be noted are : whether any planet is in Ati Manda Gathi,
Manda Gathi or Ati Seegra Gathi
or Sthambana (stationary). These have their own effects. I once came across a case
where, during the major period of Mars, lord of 5 and 10 standing in good position,
which fooled many astrologers, as they forecast many auspicious events whilst
like that happened and the reason I found was that the Lord of major period (Mars)
stationary on the day of birth.
The Ayanamsa used by me is that followed by my Guru, Prof BV Raman, through whose
grand-father's books I first started my study of astrology. I changed over to this
Ayanamsa some 20 years ago having
read a number of articles by Prof. BV Raman wherein he was reading the horoscopes
natives of
different continents using his ayanamsa and tallying certain personal events in
their lives.
I have not, so far, found any reason to forsake this ayanamsa. The reason for
failure of a
prediction need not always be due
to the difference in ayanamsa. It may be due to wrong time of birth or not reading
horoscope with correct
graha-sputa or failure to do rectification of a horoscope where needed. Further, a
of horoscopes
we now handle are correct only upto Rasi Chakra - even there, with the
possibilities of
Mercury and Venus finding their way into different signs when checked-up.
There is almost a fancy for many to rectify a horoscope. This is called for only in
where actual readings begin to fail and not in all cases as a rule. Further, I have
a method of rectification
based on actual events in life and adjusting Garba Sista.
Having ascertained the correct graha-sputa, erect the Rasi Chakra placing (within
signs) the planets,
as they actually stand on the horizon. Where there are two or planets, place them
in the
order of their positions (ascending order by degrees), so that, from Rasi Chakra
itself, you
could make out whether a planet is in subha madhya or papa madhya (hemmed in
between benefics/malefics) and the proximity to
one another or a malefic. Subha madhyama or papa madhyama occurs rather rarely and
certainly, of more than ordinary importance. Broadly speaking, subha madhyama for a
planet enables it to confer
benefic effects more than what the present astrologers estimate.
Navamsa chakra should be drawn as the astrologer can estimate the kshetra bala of a
planet from this
and Rasi chakra. Remember the adage GRAHANAAM AMSAKAM BALAM. Navamsa is
compared to the
roots of a tree.
Bhava chakra is of pivotal importance. Whilst its importance is realised, Hindu
astrologers merely find out
the ascending degree and also the 10th bhava madhya; opposites of these being
descendant and Nadir; from these, we get the bhava arambhas. There is thus the "
house " system followed at least for
every 3 houses put together. Quite possibly, this system is good enough for
Regions and say
up to 15 on either side of the Equator. Thus, for major part of India, this system
may not
be found wanting. To ensure greater mathematical accuracy, I cast the Bhava Chakra
using Western methods and the
Table of Houses published by Raphael's , with the help of which, the individual
are obtained for each latitude. This system is known as Placidian. Having worked
this type of Bhava Chakra, it is converted into Nirayana, using the same ayanamsa
for conversion of graha-sputa of the horoscope.
In other words, the methods of casting a horoscope and compiling graha-sputa I
follow, is
exactly Western; thereafter, the entire chart is converted into Nirayana by
deducting the
The Rasi, Navamsa, Dasamsa (profession) and any other chakra necessary in a
case are drawn in traditional style. The Bhava Chakra (Nirayana) alone is drawn by
me in
circular fashion (in Western fashion) showing the Bhava Arambha of each house (in
place of the cusp points) and planets are inserted
in the same manner as if it were a Western Horoscope, so that while giving
the astrologer sees
(a) whether a planet is in bhava sandhi or Rasi sandhi, subha/papa graha madhya
(b) proximity to malefic/benefic if any in same sign
(c) the gravity of combustion if any or planetary battle and
(d) lordship of a planet in exact proportion.
It happens, in many cases, that planets like Sun and Moon will be owning say half
of one
house and half of another, thus having two lordships, whereas the astrologer would
giving predictions based on one
lordship only following the Bhava Chakra drawn by him in Hindu fashion. Similarly,
planets like Saturn who own two signs, may in fact be having lordship over 3 or 4
The astrologer having a look at the traditional Bhava Chakra (in the absence of
arambhas) reckons lordship over 2 houses and bases
his predictions on that. I think this is one reason why, in many major periods and
events not forecast, suddenly spring up causing bewilderment both to the native
and the astrologer.
In many cases, aspects are not assessed in a realistic manner. For instance, an
between a planet
in the last navamsa of Pisces and another planet in the first navamsa of Libra is
for the latter happens to be in the 8th sign from Pisces. The 7th house aspect
between a
planet say, in the first navamsa of Pisces and another in the last navamsa of Virgo
taken as full. In other words, aspects are being considered as if there's a wall at
the end of
each sign. Aspects should be considered somewhat on the lines of the graph given
though it may not be necessary to work out the aspect strength mathematically.
All the yogas operating on a horoscope, auspicious as well as inauspicious, should
noted along with their effects and whenever a planet is considered, the yoga
should also be considered at all stages. It should be remembered that an
yoga is like a drop of poison in a pot of milk. Whilst there are actually lakhs of
consideration of the 120 yogas given in Hora Ratna Maala - Appendix E, is the
requirement. What is the use of Kesari Yoga between Jupiter as Lord of 8th and Moon
Lord of 12th, assuming both are weak also ? Such insignificant Yogas should be
discounted. The same Kesari
Yoga between Jupiter as Lord of 9th and Moon as Lord of Asdt and if both are
strong, is
sure to take the native higher up. Not taking note of all yogas in a horoscope, is
also a
reason for failure of predictions.
Yogas applying to the 12 houses in a horoscope are given bhava-wise in
I would draw the attention of readers to the set of CHAMARAADI YOGAS in Appndix
B of HORA RATNA MALA. One, two or three yogas are likely to be found in a number
of horoscopes, but no notice is taken of them. In brief, if the lord of a house is
placed and the house itself is either conjunct or aspected by
a benefic, one of the Chamaraadi Yogas arises concerning that house.Opposite
bring in one of the Ava Yogas indicating malefic results.
Dasa Varga Tabulation
Ascertain from the Dasa Varga table, the strength of planets on the lines of
enunciated by Maharshi Parashara in his BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA, so that the
strength of a planet
can be assessed and used for determining the quantum of auspicious/inauspicious
Sayanadi Avasthas
Sayana Avasthas of the 9 planets and their effects (vide BRIAHT PARASHARA HORA)
have to be found
out and used in giving predictions concerning Major periods/Sub-periods. For
Avastha is said to cause Oedema. When it does occur in some one's Surya Dasa, the
native gets
bewildered, for the astrologer has not worked out these avasthas and hence, not
Seldom do we see horoscopes giving details of this type.
Shad bala
Do not condemn a planet the moment you see it in debilitation or debilitated
but consider
whether it has any of the shad-bala (six kinds of strength). Assess even roughly
how it
stands with
regard to each one of the six kinds of strength. In the Example Horoscope, Mercury
is in
but he is on his own star and in Ascendant, contributing to positional strength.
Nakshatra Chakra
Almost the whole of Nadi Jyotisha is based on the constellation on which the
planets are
standing. Find
out the constellation on which the 9 planets are standing and note down their
These effects are
given in Nadi Jyotisha published by Meena or in the Novermber 1954 issue of
Astrological Magazine,
page 780. Even though Mercury is debilitated, there is a difference when such
Mercury is
standing on
REVATI, his own star. A planet standing in its own house is said to be Swakshetra,
whilst a planet on
its own star is said to be in Sookshma Swakshetra.
Ashtaka Varga
The method of ascertaining longevity by the Ashtaka Varga has been stated by
Maharshies to be the
best among all the known methods ASHTAKA VARGA DASA MAARGAM
Another sloka by Maharshies say that it is only through the Ashtaka Varga that the
impact of a malefic
yoga on a horoscope or the goodness of an auspicious yoga could be be assessed or
Again, Ashtaka Varga is the method by which the day to day transit effects could be
deduced. What
is the use of Jupiter transiting your second house from Moon Sign if there are no
in that sign in Jupiter's Bhinna Ashta Varga ? There is a belief among learned
that future indicated by the Ashtaka Varga methodology never fail. Further, the
same Ashtaka Varga tables could be used for assessing the transit effects
throughout the
course of life of a native. Even the dates of important events
like death of father/mother, marriage, birth, sex, number of children can all be
from the same set
of charts.
We have thus far found out the various yogas in a horoscope, call this (1) Yoga
Note these on a separate sheet of paper. Similarly, make a note of the
constellations on
which the 9 planets stand at birth, with individual effects. Call this (2)
Nakshatra chakra.
While so doing, make a note of the planets, if any, standing on their own star or
auspicious stars. Planets standing on stars owned by lords of 1,5,9,10 acquire a
power to confer good effects. (3) Sayanadi Avasthas of planets and their effects
(4) Ashta Varga tables for all the 9 planets, the Asdt, Samudaya Ashta Varga and
(5) Note the graha-sputa (position of the planets in sings, degrees,minutes) of the
planets, Asdt and Gulika -- on a separate sheet of paper, and in remarks column,
down important points (such as Yoga associated with, standing in own house/enemy
house etc., standing on special star, number of bindus in Ashta Varga, combustion
All these inputs help an astrologer form his opinion. The sum of the status
of all the 9 planets, Ascendant and Gulika, indicates the summit (or height) which
native will ultimately reach/attain.
Gulika is accepted as a sub-planet only in Kerala and parts of South India. Others
it. Whenever
a doubt arises regarding the correctness of Ascendant in a horoscope, Kerala
treat the Asdt
as correct if Gulika is in Asdt or in trines. The sub-planet is looked at so
reverently. The
position occupied
by Gulika is as much a virtual point as Rahu/Ketu. I am convinced that omission of
Gulika altogether does
contribute to a partial failure of predictions, both in bhava phala and in major
Rasmi Chintha
There is no doubt that this methodology provides us with an easy yard-stick to
in a few minutes,
how good a horosocope is and to what heights the native would go on the material
Major Period/sub-period effects (Vimshottari)
Maharshi Parashara, who wrote the first great book on Astrology, says that
Dasa System
is the best; and only where it fails, should Kala Chakra Dasa be relied upon. Other
System cannot stand in comparison with Vimshottari in many respects.
Only a few Maharshies have written about effects of Maha Dasa, Chidra, Sookshma and
Prana Dasas. These can be made use of in cases where rectification of birth time is
required. If one knows the date and time of any important event in one's life, such
as an
accident, narrow escapes, academic achievement etc.,
rectification could be made if events do not tally with the ongoing Sookshma/Prana
The English translation MAHA DASA PHALA & BUKTI PHALA is unique in one
respect, namely, it gives
the special effects for different conjunctions/aspects on the lord of the sub-
period. It also
includes Dasa
Phala under Dravida Shastra which gives the particular months and stars when some
notable events are likely. Make full use of these.
Whilst giving predictions concerning effects of any future sub-period in any major
period, do consider the
transits that are going to occur then, and whether they are favourable or
Whichever Major
Period may be running, the actual givers of any benefic/malefic effects to a native
Sun, Moon and Jupiter, they are the executive officers. It is only through these
benefic/malefic effects are presented to a native. In general, when favourable
transits take
place, auspicious effects arise and when transits are not fabourable, inauspicious
come to the fore.
Garba Shishta (balance of Major Period at birth) may be arrived at using the chart
the same given in
Brihat Parashara Hora, based the degree occupied by Moon at birth rather than based
on tithi/lunar day.
Whilst we hear about the wonders played by shanties, I am personally of the opinion
there is a limit
to depending on these. Miracles may have occurred in individual cases to the extent
justified by a native's
horoscope, however, a shanty cannot produce effects beyond what is indicated in a
horoscope. For instance, a man destined to suffer poverty cannot be turned into a
man by any amount of shanty nor can one destined to suffer diseases be totally
of the same by chanting AROGYA SOOKTA.
Morals from other texts
A careful perusal of Sukra Kerala Rahasya (Secrets of Kerala Astrology) reveals
opinion on a
house has to be pronounced with reference to :-
a. the bhava rasi
b. lord of the bhava
c. planets standing therein
d. planets aspecting that house.
If any two are GOOD and the rest poor, mediocre or average, bhava phala will be
average. Here is a yard-stick to measure bhava phala. A similar moral from
Chintamani (English Translation by
Prof. Suryanarayana Rao is a must-read ... publisher) is when considering a planet,
also to its navamsa and the lord of such navamsa. If all these are strong, the
planet under
consideration is taken to
be strong.
Having translated so many works on Astrology, I am convinced that the greater the
attention paid to a
horoscope, the greater is the accuracy of prediction and that, the following data,
is a
a. Correct graha-sputa
b. Rasi, Navamsa, Bhava and Dasamsa Chakras
c. Sayanadi Avasthas and effects
d. Nakshatra chakra with phala
e. Ashta Varga Phala for all the planets and Asdt
f. reading Maha Dasa and Bukti Phala with reference to transits that take place
when the bukti runs.
sd/- N N Krishna Rau
October 31, 1961
[This is an edited version of the article written on 31st October, 1961. Times have
Computerised Horoscopes are the in thing today. However, the Ayanamsa used still
Under these conditions, get a FREE Computerised Horoscope and apply corrections
reference to Raphael's Ephemeris OR Chaithra Paksha Panchang
---- publisher]
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