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CS (PR) 2014 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO T.B.C. : B-FVS-N-OCUB ‘Test Booklet Series - TEST BOOKLET GENERAL STUDIES PAPER - II ‘Time Allowed: TwoHours SSS Mast Marke 200 - INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED,OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, BTC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything elae on the Test Booklet. 4. This Test Bodklet contains 80 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and English, except for Questions relating to English Language Comprehension which are in English only. Bach item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case, you feel that there is more than one correet, response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. 5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided, See directions in the Answer Sheet, 6. Allitems carry equal marks. 7.” Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, ‘you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Kamission Certificate. 8 After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10, Penalty for wrong answers : ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY THE CANDIDATE. There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question which has a penalty for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question vill be deducted as penalty. Gi) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it wll be treated as a wrong answer oven if one ofthe given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question, if it has a penalty, Ci Ife'question eft Mank, m0 anewer given by ie candidate there wil be mo penalty or thet question DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO ware S gaa sr feat Sara ge Geran & Aaa Fs ToT e | B-FVS-N-OCUB (A) Directions for the following 5 (five) items : Read the following two passages and answer the items that follow each passage. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage - 1 In recent times, India has grown fast not only compared to its own past but als¢ in comparison with other fiations. But there cannot be any room for complacency because it is possible for the Indian economy to develop even faster and also to spread the benefits of this growth more widely than has been done thus far. Before going into details of the kinds of micro-structural changes that we need to conceptualize and then proceed to implement, it is worthwhile elaborating on the idea of inclusive growth that constitutes the defining concept behind this Government's various economic policies and decisions. A nation interested in inclusive growth views the same growth differently depending on whether the gains of the growth are heaped primarily on a small segment or shared widely by the population. The latter is cause for celebration but not the former. In other words, growth must not be treated as an end in itself but as an instrument, for spreading prosperity to all. India’s own past experience and the experience of other nations suggests that growth is necessary for eradicating poverty but it is not a sufficient condition. In other words, policies for promoting growth. need to be B-FVS-N-OCUB (2+A) complemented with policies to ensure that more and more people join in the growth process and, further, that there are mechanisms in place to redistribute some of the gains to those who are unable to partake in the market process and, hence, get left behind, A simple way of giving this idea of inclusive growth a sharper form is to measure a nation’s progress in terms of the progress.of its poorest segment, for instance the bottom 20 per cent of the population. One could measure the per capita income of, the bottom quintile of the population and also caleulate the growth rate of income; and evaluate our economic success in terms of these measures that pertain to the poorest segment. This approach is attractive because it does not ignore growth like some of the older heterodox criteria did. It simply looks at the growth of income of the poorest sections of the population. It also ensures that those who are outside of the bottom quintile do not get ignored. If that were done, then those people would in all likelihood drop down into the bottom quintile and so would automatically become a direct target of our policies. Hence the criterion being suggested here is a statistical summing up of the idea of inclusive growth, which, “in turn, leads to ‘two, corollaries : to wish that India must strive to achieve high growth and that we must work to ensure that the weakest segments benefit from the growth. Rreafertisa 5 (ate) serie & fore fea: Rreafeiteaa a ited a ogy otk rte wide + oh art aed wenietl % see stare | 4 wear ores et 3a WReBa we eh smart ae aTee 1 vufteda - 1 oe & aH, men a ae ae oe ont A gen 4, af ora 2s A gee AH, ot 2 fawfia gor 8 | fea Fe Pet onic A siren ai @ aa, Fai weed sreoqaeT 3 fem yea fh afte ta fer wor ok we gf & evil st, ae aw fen fra wer 8 sad wei ofies care ea a, aftanfies ctit we agar era 8 | sa Genie chat & vant & ahi joo a wed, fet af Warm eO ot fie =8 anifar ac Wea %, amet agg & fran at fem a tan aris an, at sa ween A fafa satis afet sik Pekt & do ue Recs sapere Fiftia wean 8 | arash wale F af wat aren Te eh ighy wt ew fia we # tara at wu omar 8 fe am age & ar a orator & wm de fees oe A van a feat Tren 8 a eae eh ait At cares wT S aa 21 om dale & anit 8 ange er a aad B a ag ah A an 2, om aay S oH fe HG Hs g, Te | GR veel, a @ att ond ww oer A ae ad Gar FET arity, af Fa wi ae don wget ara & Be A tan ara alee | a Fea adie & aga aan wt og & agra oh, ae gard & fe agi eet & sap & fey sara * B-FVS-N-OCUB Wa weg ve GH wala wed ea GR eel a, gf a age Hat wae the aia @ wmafta fai arr arazae @ th ae giieaa wt fe onftrenfins cit date ft afer H after et, ait ae +f fis taf fieafafteat sare at ea Fe am Be chit Fo gfata fee ot ot aoresizat F unfier #3 A cer & stk ge arm Hd a aa H art gt & ye fee wt Ue artim were 37S} a UH are ater ae 2 fH Pet Uy A saft # aa wad The RA, score, WreeA & wae Prae 20%, A salt % sree AT ore | Seen & ga wae Pract vlad fee A oe cate ara St aT oo TaeT Bose eT” A gee Hwa WA we Baik wad ida feed @ waft gage sree Te Ea Saifthes TAT a SHEA Fra aT AAT B | AE ge orate 8, wits we daly A ge ae ster él arth Sel Re gw aS | CTE ATE HA ond fh i ae ae seen & wat Tea aH aa A gH A tah 2 1 we A afte wich & fh Ra cit Ay sft stan a a st wa faa ctad feet 3 are #1 ome ten a, yl werent 8 fH 3 cin of we fled visa feed # on ont sit wa san atom & end A Hite ar chen ces aa one | Fa WHR Tet TATE TR ares aa agia % fran ar wifeThT earner & A chore: at safigiat M sk A wa @ 3g For Fen A anaes os a oa rf ig ww wa woe sto gitar we & fe ard at fh Ugh Swed ida feed arena a . (3-A) 1 ‘The author's central focus is on (a) applauding India’s economic growth not only against its own past performance, but against other nations. {b) emphasizing the need for economic growth which is the sole determinant of ‘a country’s prosperity. (©) emphasizing inclusive growth where gains of growth are shared widely by the population. (@) emphasizing high growth. 2, The author supports policies which will help (a) develop economic growth. (&) better distribution of incomes irrespective of rate of growth. (© develop economic growth and redistribute economic gains to those getting left behind. 1 @)_ . emphasis on the development of the poorest segments of society. B-FVS-N-OCUB (4-A) Consider the following statements : According to the author, India’s economy has ‘grown but there is no room for complacency as 1. growth eradicates poverty. 2, growth has resulted in prosperity for all Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (@) Ionly (b) 2only (© Both 1and2 (@ Neither 1 nor 2 Passage -2 It is easy for the government to control State-owned companies through nods and winks. So what really needs to be done as a first step is to put petrol pricing on a transparent formula — if the price of crude is x and the exchange rate y, then every fortnight, the government announces 2 maximum price of petrol, which anybody can work out from the x and the y. The rule has to be worked out to make oil-marketing companies can, in general, cover their month or sure that the costs, This will mean that if one company can innovate and cut costs, it will make greater profits. Hence, firms will be more prone to innovate and be efficient B-FVS-N-OCUB . Ft Bae 6 ew eg G@) wa A, 1 tat ws Re a Perea A gem 4 afes ay ust At gan 4 of, one age AY oie wor! ©) siftis dale A sree TK aa tH, a aa Ft ama A Gana Frais BI © 38 sae age Ko aa tr, fal creer came wT 8 dale & anit # weft ah 8 1 @ sa age Raa aT we ohtede 8, cam aa aiftat or ads eo aa Co) safle agi Bt age A eres Bh ) are % Ae Rao TF wees ehh, wy qe rye TS | (@ sift wafe ser ste anf srefeeat @ al piffata ae a cee ahh, at WERE @) Fare % wed aha feat & frre we wet A aera eh | Prefered seri 1 fire Fife : das & agen, wna At srloraeen fates 2 fey et srrericir & fore wf Gare ae @, rife 1. Bgfe 3 ude amt Saye Bhat BI 2, agg wh A aera F otra 8 | aes wei 8 wha wel Be? @) Fatt ) Far 2 @ 13h 2dr @ aA1ahe2 ufteda-2 wer % fa me & eae act safe sore: aenfs otk orate & ffir amor srt & | gafery wee sew & ee H areas ag ae A seer Bf Ade & horafater ww weal gem mite fear oe — af wa de Ht fine x 3k Af ay A, TE néa sear wears 1, aan Age A after Ha A hoor at, a gd aE oA ahs x afte y % aren & ofealet a wa 2 | ze BRT 30 tg fan sare ort arity PS Je a wr ee at eufai ware eq a, art amit we at wh | yaar aed ae @ fs ale ate wert raed a act am area, A (5-A) under this system. Once the rule is announced, there should be no interference by the government. If this is done for a while, private companies will re-enter this market. And once a sufficient number of them are in the fray, we can remove the rule-based pricing and leave it truly to the market (subject to, of course, the usual regulations of anti-trust and other competition laws). Consider the following statements According to the passage, an oil company can make greater profits, if a transparent formula for petrol pricing is announced every fortnight or month, by 1. promoting its sales. 2. undertaking innovation. 3. cutting costs. 4, selling its equity shares at higher Prices. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (a) 1only (b) 2and3. (© Sand4 @ 1,2and4 B-FVS-N-OCUB . 5. 6. 1 (6-A) Consider the following statements : According to the passage, private oil ‘companies re-enter the oil producing market if 1. a transparent rule-based petrol pricing exists, 2, there is no government interference in the oil producing market. 8, subsidies are giveti by the government. regulations of anti-trust are removed. Which of the statements given above are correct ? (a) land? ) 2ands © 3and4 @ 2and4 Five persons fire bullets at a target at an interval of 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 seconds respectively. The number of times they would fire the bullets together at the target in an hour is @ 6 ) 7 @ 8 @ 9 A group of 630 children is seated in rows for a group photo session. Each row contains three less children than the row in front of it. Which ‘one of the following number of rows is not possible ? fa) 3 & 4 © 5 @ 6 B-FVS-N-OCUB ag it fre ora me Shh | wa FoR, Fe wore % site carers wits varadat ait saftes age sft cat dt oma | ee an Rat A thom & am, at awe A aso RR ae eae Fai Be aay | ake Go Ue > fae Ver wax feat sme, a sige wena ge ata WH win shh 1. ott oe we a at wale den wa A at om, a em Parsee fafuien at eet aad & ait a aras wT Haan wig oT ane 2 (After wT a amr tz (erefateh) fatait a a sfterel wrgit & site wa ER) | ‘frafatte art x fear Fife; aide & agen, tf aa sent oft sifirs ant aa Bard @, af Agha & Frra-Fraheet Bg we weet ae UR wears an we elke Pr a, 1. 3am faa a agra | 2. Fava & grr 1 3 ard Tash ae | 4. 38% Had dad A Sel Atel Tae wi safer wart #8 ata’ we BA? () aa 1 ) 2aits @ sats @ 1234 (7-A) Preaferfisd peril ve fran afi: vieae & agen, we da antl to eT & ATA F yA: waar we 3, AE 1. Wei Amonta aa a Srafratn aferca Fat | 2 ta wae % a A wen wT FH waa a 3. WER aT suena Re Ta et 4 Wage (rath) & heat a er fea sae wart 8a ated ad E 7 @ 13te2 ) 23h 3 © aaa @ 234 via caf Um ae T mM: 6, 7, 8, 9 sit 19 Baws % sare we aera aT TH a 32 cea eK ue area Pee ane aera A > @ 6 7 © 8 @ 9 60 wat Fw aR Same Ba BS fore sftrat 4 faorn war 1 weer ite Ht see amt ft fs A gern 4 dia wea a 2 1 fret A Prafefen dems Fa staat ws, Sra wea @ 3 ) 4 © 6 @ 6 8 10. B-FVS-N-OCUB There are seven persons up on a ladder, A, B, ©, D, E, F and G (not in that order), A is further up than E but is lower than C. B is in the middle. G is between A and B. E is between B and F. IfF is between E and D, the person on the bottom step of the ladder will be @ B ) F @ D @ EF Consider thet : 1. Ais taller than B. 2. Cistaller than A. 3. Dis teller than C. 4, Bis the tallest of all. Af they are made to sit in the above order of their height, who will occupy the mid position ? @ A ® B @ ¢ @ D Consider the following statements : ‘There are six villages A, B,C, D, E and F. Fis 1 km to the west of D. Bis 1 km to the east of E. Ais 2 km to the north of E. Cis 1 km to the east of A. Dis 1 km to tho south of A. Which three villages are in a line ? @ ACB >) ADE © GBF @ £,B,D (8-A) 11. 12. Four children are sitting in a row. A is occupying the seat next to B but not next to C. IFC is not sitting next to D, who is/are occupying seat/seats adjacent to D? @ B ) A (@ Banda (@) Impossible to tell Assume that 1. the hour and minute hands of a clock move without jerking. 2. the clock shows a time between 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock. 8, the two hands of the clock are one above the other. After how many minutes (nearest integer) will the two hands be again lying one above the other? @) 60 tb) 62 © 65 @ 67 8 Um vig waa oat A,B, C,D,E, Fan G| 11. (wT aM) ELA BA SHR aR CA wae BrAte! GastB stay 21 EBs rd de A2 | a res DS ae 43, a dd & a free son & ahaa cafe eo 2 @ B ®) F © D @ B 9. fran fire fe: LaBare 2 CAaaaTal 3 DCH dares 4) Ewa eat 21 2 wa af sé oede cag & saen we feerT me, at ata ft are wa BST? @ A © B © ¢ @ oD 10, Praferfar seri a fran Afar : A,B,C, D, EG Foe tia f 1 Fafa pata & 1 fai. of 781 Bota pata % 1 Peat. PARI Aria enia & 2frt. oF 21 Corte arta & 1a. WHR D vita anita & 1 fh. afer FB wa de ata ws tat (amet) FE? @) ACB ©) ADE © CBF @ BBD B-FVS-N-OCUB (9-A) an a8 om tf #33 € 1 A BA are aft whe 1 421 8 Aa CH ama H ae 1 aR C, Da are 4 a7 421%, AD sra-ana F dieattal wat A 2 @ B oA @ Bata: @ aan wea R aeon Airy fe 1 WR Ug Ae a fine A geet fier ach ae aor BY 2 whew soko s da a we feardt 8 1 3. aA at geal eaggt or E 1 frat fre (Perea yore) are at usaf fee GH aR GHGS ae Shh? @ ) © 65 @ 67 Directions for the following 6 (six) items : Read the following two passages and answer the items. that follow each passage. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage -1 Climate change poses_ potentially devastating effects on India’s agriculture. While the overall parameters of climate change are increasingly accepted — a 1°C average temperature increase over the next 30 years, sea level rise of less than in the same period, and regional monsoon variations and corresponding droughts — the impacts in India are likely to be quite site and crop specific. Some erops may respond favourably to the changing conditions, others may not, This emphasizes the need to promote agricultiral resesirch and create maximum flexibility in the system to permit adaptations. The key ingredient for “drought proofing” is the managed recharge of aquifers, To ensure continued yields of important staple erops (e.g. wheat), it may also be necessary to shift the locations where these crops ate grown, in response to temperature changes as well’ as to water availability. The latter will be a key factor in making long term investment decisions. For example, Himalayas is predicted to increase over the next 30 years as glaciers melt, but then decliné substantially thereafter. It will be critical to ‘provide incéntives to plan for these large-scale shifts in agro-ecological conditions. water .runoff ‘from. the B-FVS-N-OCUB India needs to make long term investment in research and development ih agriéultute. India is likely to experience changed weather patterns in future. : 18, Consider the following statements : Climate change may force the shifting of locations of the existing crops due to 1. melting of glaciers. 2 water availability and temperature suitability at other locations. 3. poor productivity of crops. 4, _ wider adaptability of crop plants. ‘Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1,2and3 (>) 2and3only (©) Land 4only , @ 1,2,9and4 14. According to the passage, why is it important to promote agricultural research in India ? (a) To predict variations . in monsoon patterns and to manage water resources (b) To make long term investment decisions for economic growth (©) . To facilitate wider adaptability of crops (To predict drought conditions and to recharge aquifers (10=A) Prerferfira 6 (og) weaiait & Pere Peder: Rresterfira at witoaat a vee sik web aftede 3] mh and ant wear & sae fre 1 xa weaiat 3 HTH TH FF MCB He GF srTETRG Be ATE 1 wfedz -1 ' oeay vied, a At pw canted ea a » freien waa vam @ | aah, weary oRada amg sre anna: ediga & — ome 30 at H 1c A ahaa amy a, vA aa 7 10 oma en A MB wa fg, att Qa arg freer car daa orTafe | — ae Fora ar era wd peer faire oF wrfia 81 ge wat oats esi | wh segge wate S wach &, get vei oe eat & ee BR ogden st shame Bo ote wet saa @ wh ya %e, after ao wa FF SHRTRA AA IEAT BH “srargh@ daa? wr yea Hues siacTEN yatta Gaver 2 | cereal arent saci (88, Fé) Or cama ser BRT HE & Fe, are ads aa Fe arene St tat RT wee A ont we wart at acer vt arava et aaa 8 1 detafty Rae & fea ea F ve see WH eT eRe em sree % fee, aera 90 ae. AAA foe fact wa @, fener aa 8 ae % aera & aed am, ote pine sree wet on a yetgeTE Rr 1 ar 8 1 apa eat a eA oe oT aT 1 acer 35 fone dtr aa Rae wer AT ‘frorfaes er | : B-FVS-N-OCUB at sana & fore pfs ager itt fernra 4 dtataher fran wen onan 2 1 ae enfta 8 fe Ra aT afer 3 ee act ge tee aftee BaP SCT em 13. Prafaftra wert a fran afi : wea viet adam wail & cart a aqere ah 3 Are sore a A EA? 1, feeagt an freer oer «wa mew oh a eT watt ft da seagaat We Tet A Menge OTH SE RETT 2. 3. 4 sage wart $a ata wet E27 @) 1,29%3 &) Baa 2a 3 © Raa ratte @) 12,394 . FH ofa & agar, wee Tp agen at ‘agrar Sar Hecagel eH 8 2 ame ofredt # fret ar yaigae ser sit oa dare 1 wees BT onfs gly & fee dla fae % ‘fl act @) Fae Ht ones siygen a Gat AT srrgf® amet ar yg ar otk fare ger eT =a) Passage -2 Tt is essential that we mitigate the emissions of greenhouse gases and thus avoid some of the worst impacts of climate change that would take place in coming years and decades. Mitigation would require a major shift in the way we produce and consume energy. A shift avay from overwhelming dependence on fossil fuels is now long overdue, but unfortunately, technological development has been slow and inadequate largely because government policies have not promoted investments in research and development, myopically as a result of relatively low prices of oil, It is now, therefore, imperative for a country like India treating the opportunity of harnessing renewable energy on a large scale as a national imperative. This country is extremely well endowed with solar, wind and biomass sources of energy. Where we have lagged, unfortunately, is in our ability to develop and to ereate technological solutions for harnessing these resources. One particular trajectory for carrying out, stringent mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions assessed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly shows the need for ensuring that global emissions of greenhouse gases peak no later than 2015 and reduce rapidly thereafter. The B-FVS-N-OCUB cost associated with such a trajectory is truly modest and would amount, in the estimation of IPCC, to not more than 8 percent of the global GDP in 2030. In other words, the level of prosperity that the world would have reached without mitigation would at worst be postponed by a few months or a year at the mos Mhis is clearly not @-very high price to pay for protecting hundreds of millions of people from the worst risks associated with climate change. Any such effort, however, would require lifestyles to change appropriately also. Mitigation of greenhouse gas omissions is not a mere technological fix, and clearly requires changes in lifestyles and transformation of a country’s economic structure, whereby effective reduction in emissions is brought about, such es through the consumption of much lower quantities of animal protein. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has determined that the emissions from the livestock sector amount to 18 percent of the total. The reduction of emissions from’ this source is entirely in the hands of human beings, who have never questioned the impacts that their dietary habits of consuming more and more animal protein are bringing about. Mitigation overall has huge co-benefits, such as lower air pollution and health benefits, higher energy security and greater employment. (12-A) wfeda -2 ae cera @ fe ea sirese tal ar rads werd fk aa we sir set ak ast FR ae aay shade & go seats waa Od | eek an oe & fo oot & eT ait saitt & eat what Fo uw agi eed afr dom | Sares deat a sreaftres Pofcar arm afta 2%, fg gle a, retires fea etm aft arate cat 2, we ao gafera, £5 dat H ortega Pra Aa & vat seein & se wend Atal aggius afte Remre H Alet aA sikearea ae Shak 2 1 gate oe ona aftarin & er gee tart a acteolia Gat at ae a aR aT aM sort MT FA BUH fey sera 81 me 2a oral & ath, ag sik Samm dat @ area wore Rt gute a, oe ws f, 2 a at A oe a mS fee Srafiréa aren faafia sit afta ae Ft earth ere | very tad siamo fe pce) gra Puffta 0 # shee fal at wet a en oO fore om fafie woes oe wT Se gfe wa A sara a Rear ze fe drerse fet & spiscte sank a ac fig 2015 oe 7 st aft gee ont Aa a B-FVS-N-OCUB eet oat | ta wdeve % arr dag a ae: waft @ oft ge ay, icc & career 1, 2030 % faza GDP % 3 sferra & after a@t ahi 1 ag wed A, wera Bre eae mt fa fr seeds Hi ant ore aa wT, maaan mt F Fs TH A oftra.d.sifis we ad aa cet sre | Bea: ag, were atta 8 Ys aqatts waait 8 wee ‘att & art & faq gard or are aig aga, ad Sina al 2 | anh, BS fare sere & fare shea te a ot sag Fae agen ee | ieee fel sce Fash ora fab oH teicher sara ae wel @, othe wae fq eI: sie tftat # aera sik ea A onftis der sain aif 2, fee am, sen Ft ‘yer wy 2 apr fear ong, 32 FR site sta werft oH aps F anim % wre a1 GTI wa Bi ines (FAO) 4 ae Frutita frat 2 fe wee am a8 sn ga a aT 1g sftea gar 2 | wa ata 8 Ae see AT aah om yet me was & we #2, Brat art sft aatie via stas & anit A reared 3% SRT ET ATA THA KH eg wer Tél ort | aga: seta F aah % faerat wegen %, 38 ohenga aA ay sagem ott cen dat ery, Tat sat ghee am afte afte ate | (13-A) 15. According to the passage, which of the following would help in the mitigation of greenhouse gases? 1. Reducing the consumption of meat 2. Rapid economic liberalization 3, Reducing the consumerism 4, Modern © management livestock practices of Select the correct answer using the code given, below : @ 1,2and3 ) 2,8and4 (© 1and 3 only @ and 4only 16. Why do we continue to depend on the fossil fuels heavily ? 1. Inadequate technological development 2 Inadequate funds for research and development 3. Inadequate availability of alternative sourees of energy Select the correct answer using the code given below : (@) Lonly @) Zand 3 only © YandSonly (@ °1,2ana3 BFVS.N-OCUB 17. 19. (14-A) According to the passage, how does the mitigation of greenhouse gases help us ? 1. Rediices expenditure on public health 2, Reduces dependence on livestock 3, Reduces energy réquirements 4, Reduces rate of global climatie change Select the correct answer using the code given below : @ 1,2and3 (b) 1,3and4 © 23and4 (@ “and 4 oaly What is the. essential message of the passage ? (a) We continue to depend on fossil fuels heovily (b) Mitigation of the greenhouse gases is imperative (© We ‘must invest in research and development (@) People must change their lifestyle ‘There are 50 students admitted to a nursery class, Some students, can speak only English ‘and some can speak only Hindi. 10 students can speak both English and Hindi. If the number of students who can speak English 21, then how many students ean speak Hindi, how many can spéak only, Hindi and how ‘many can speak only English ? (@) 21, 11 and 29 respectively ~ (b) 28, 18 and 22 réspectively (© 97,27 and 13 respectively @ 39, 29and 11 respectively 15, whee % agen, Pefefe Fa aha irae fd sens al aa ee A wars ‘az 1 ala & sas # at art 2. te antes satan 3. Satta yah ar 4. TyEr A ony sana wear AR fee Te ae wr vei at TA ge BARK : @ 1233 _ &) 2,334 B-FVS-N-OCUB Raa sits @ Fra 2st a ataren tel oe arate Pk a a ie orate sheila Peart 2 agar att fra a fare srvata faftat 3. gat 3 aa al A ornate. , SaReraT AR Ruy ee ar wT a Ba Te GAC: eae 1 aa 2k 3 ae 13! 3 1233 (15-A) 17. uiede & oer, five tah A ae en wait fore fsa wee HerTs 8? 1. We cites eae TO eT a 2. pat oa a Pc Seat” 3, waa aot orcas wate 4, wae ects aera oftada At a Bed Aa Re ne ge wr wi ae ae oe GA f@ L233 (b) 133t4 233m 4 aaa 1a ro) @ ge cede ar areye at ETB? (a) Ba sharer deri ot arcaftrs Pak aA ge E (aes tet ae cre sree & © @ agtem ot fare 4 fas ac a safe @) ahi a att staratel acer G ante, was ree ser 50 renfat wt weer fear eT 1 ye fio daa sikt ata wat € atk go ‘aa fest set wet @ | 10 fren sot otk fra ahi de wat 8.1 a a fenfiat Gen, Fi ash ate aed % 218, a fat ‘fare Rat ater wee &, feat Hac feet att ‘aaed & ait Rea Bact sii ster wat B 2 fa) AA: 21, 11 FR 29 (6) AA: 28, 18 SE 22 (© we: 97,27 3K 13, @ HART: 39, 29 3 11

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