Articles With Count and Uncount Nouns

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Countable Nouns: general (singular following the)

Remember, when used to refer to the general concept, the countable noun comes in singular
form after the.

Otherwise it is used with the other well known rules.

_____ mobile phone is an invention that changed the way people communicate and even do business.

Dad, the girl said. I need ___ new mobile phone. Ive broken ____ old one. Sorry!

___ human being is an incredible and very complex creature.

I was lying in bed when I saw a huge shadow sweep across my wall. I sat up, started. Was it the shadow
of ___ human being, or ____ animal?

___ tarantula is one of the scariest looking spiders, which just happens to be harmless.
My brothers crazy, said the girl. Now he wants ____ tarantula as a pet!

There were several cats in the pet shop. I would like to have a ___ cat, said the little girl as she passed
by the shops window. Really, asked her father. Which cat would you like? The girl paused. ___ big
orange cat over there!

Uncountable Nouns
Remember when used to refer to a general concept, the uncountable noun does not come
with an article.

When used for a specific case, the uncountable noun comes after the.

____ love can be blind.

____ love a mother feels for her child is one of the strongest forms of life in existence.

There is ______ elegance in ______ simplicity.

The selflessness of the Prophet's was visible in _____ simplicity of his lifestyle and his home.
_____ elegance with which he addressed his people was unparalleled.

_____ honesty leads to trust.

_____ honesty with which he completed this week's sale was inspiring. He did not lie about the
products, nor did he discourage the customers from buying. He simply showed ____ sincerity towards
his customers and his boss.
____ tolerance creates respect and harmony.
_____ tolerance of the Prophet SAW was unparalleled. He smiled at those who cornered him and
snatched his collar; he prayed for those who hurt his family and tried to kill him. But this most tolerant
man in the world taught us that _____ tolerance does not entail copying the lifestyles of other nations,
or promoting their ideas. That is not _____ tolerance at all, that is ______ imitation.

____ childhood is magical. ____ childhood that people in the past experienced was more playful and
innocent that the one experienced today. But the perceived length of _____ childhood has also
changed. ____ childhood of today extends to the twenties, whereas young teenagers in the past were
considered marriageable adults. They lived together with their elders though, so young marriages were
not the result of foolish life decisions, nor did they lead to foolish lifestyles. However, in today's world,
young couples live on their own, often deprived of ___ guidance and wisdom of elders.

____ addiction is dangerous. There are many kinds of ____ addiction. One type of addiction, for which
there are professional therapists now available, is ____ addiction to Facebook.

God does not approve of _____. ____ temporary grief caused by tragedies or biological changes is
natural, but a prolonged phase of depression implies a lack of ____ faith in Gods mercy.

Mixed Exercise

____ cheetah is the fastest mammal on four legs.

____ fear can be destructive, but it is healthy to have some fear.

____ children of this neighborhood love to play Cops and Robbers every weekend.

____ ignorance is bliss. But willful ignorance is blameworthy.

Can I try out ____ new recipe you came up with last week?

Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed ____ Peoples Republic of China in 1949, just two
years after ____ creation of ___ Pakistan.

My friend has been to ___ Netherlands. He said its very cold over there. ____ temperature barely ever
rises to the kind of temperatures were used to.

We need to hire ____ good chef for the wedding, if were not having it at a hotel.

____ main complaint of the passengers was the lack of ___ food or drink on ____ plane.

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