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The Winged Ox

The Winged Ox is the Ancient Symbol of

St. Luke, the Beloved Physician
A Newsletter for the People of The Memorial
Church of St. Luke, the Beloved Physician September 2010, Issue 119

The Memorial Church

of St. Luke, Father Tim’s Rector’s Message will return next
the Beloved Physician month. For now, we will take a look at a past rector
1946 Welsh Road of St. Luke’s, The Rev. Samuel Fitch Hotchkin
Philadelphia, PA 19115
215.969.3645 (office) The Rev. Samuel Fitch Hotchkin, was Rector of St.
Luke's from 1877-1909.

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Samuel was the Author of
with music many volumes of books on
Followed immediately by religious matters and local
refreshments and fellowship in
the parish hall.
history during his years in
Philadelphia. A book
Wednesdays: reviewer of his York Road,
7:30 p.m. Healing Eucharist
says, "Now and then an
ACTIVITIES earnest indefatigable man
Contemplative Prayer appears who gathers up all
Wednesdays – 6:45 p.m. the facts, tradition and
in the church office romance of a neighborhood and sends it down the
ringing grooves of time." He was educated at the
New Jersey Academy, Mt. Holly; and studied at
Inside this issue: Middlebury College, VT; but most of his college life
Birthdays............................... 4
was spent at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut.
Calendar................................9 A sketch of his life appears in the back of his book,
GFS News.............................5 The Bristol Pike. He graduated from the Episcopal
Game On!..............................8 Theological Seminary in New York City and was
Photo Gallery.........................5 ordained at Trinity Church, New York. For 30 years
Prayer Requests......................4 he was Rector of St. Luke's and is buried in the
Rector’s Message................1,2 graveyard next to his wives (he married twice). He
Those Who Serve..................3 was "Registrar of the Diocese of Pennsylvania."
Welcome Visitors.................. 2
Why Go To Church?..............6
He wrote of St. Luke’s in 1892 in his book, noting
Word Puzzle..........................8 the consecration of the church on August 20, 1861.
“The church was so filled that many couldn’t enter.”
The church’s foundress, Pauline Henry, was present
as were many of her friends and family. She was still
active in the neighborhood in the late 19th century.
His book also reveals that St. Luke’s was also affiliated with a nearby school. Called St.
Luke’s School, it was a boarding school for boys that was located around Newtown Rd
from the late1800's until at least the early 1900's. The boys from the school would come
to sing at services at St. Luke’s , and participate in Morning and Evening Prayer in the
“chapel schoolroom”(now the Church Office). The school’s goal was to give young
boys a moral, Christian education in a healthy environment. It prided itself in having a
gymnasium for athletics, as well as being in the fields with ample grounds that were
healthy and “malaria-free”. Rev. Hotchkin was involved with this school during his
time as Rector.
Rev. Hotchkin also wrote books about Germantown, Mt. Airy Fox Chase and rural
Pennsylvania as well as books called “The Unseen Christ” and “The Living Savior”.
He died in 1912 in Bustleton at 80 years old. A window (Gospel side , “The Good
Shepherd”) in St. Luke’s was dedicated in his memory in 1921, the 60th anniversary of
the church.

-Submitted by Stacey Carmody


you a new reader? Come visit us! We’re so glad that
you picked up this publication; we hope you will find
it interesting and worth your time and we hope you
will take the next step and worship with us sometime.
If you are worshiping with us, we welcome you!
Whatever your religious background, and however
you have come to be here, we welcome you to St.
Luke’s. Please let us know who you are by signing
our guest book (by the door) or filling out a card
found in the pews. You can hand your card to an
usher, or put it in the collection plate when it comes

EWS Those Who Serve
Church School / Nursery
Sunday, September 5
Church School and Nursery Chalice Bearer: S Carmody
will kick off the fall season Readers: M Geiger, J Oxenford
with chalk art, stories, and Ushers: K Gibson, J Litzke
music on Sun.,Sept. 5 at Altar Guild: K Kenny, S. Nesbitt
Coffee Hour: See Schedule
10:20 a.m. in the hall. Class
Counters: See Schedule
will also meet on Sun.,

Church School will be held The deadline for Sunday, September 12

every first and third Sunday the October Chalice Bearer: L Carter
Readers: C Martino, J Brambilla
of each month. Children 3
years and older are
WI'GED OX Ushers: J Oxenford, J Shahene
Altar Guild: J Oxenford
welcome. Nursery is will be Coffee Hour: See Schedule
available for babies 6 Counters: See Schedule
months and older. September 25th
Food Bank Sunday, September 19
The Somerton Food Bank Chalice Bearer: J Gardner
is always in need of our Readers: B Kaufold, S Carmody
Ushers: T Truesdale, K Gibson
support. There are presently Altar Guild: S & C Carmody
750 recipients being served Coffee Hour: See Schedule
and about 50 applicants Counters: See Schedule
each month. St. Luke's has
pledged $100/ month and
depends on your support to Sunday, September 26
meet that goal. This money Chalice Bearer: J Glenn
helps to meet managing Readers: C Rodriguez, S Carmody
costs, such as utilities and Ushers: J Litzke, L Carter
Altar Guild: B & G Hair
extermination as well as Coffee Hour: See Schedule
help towards food Counters: See Schedule
purchases from
Philabundance. As always,
your donations of non
perishable foods and cereal
are greatly appreciated.
Monetary donations can be
left in a basket provided at
the church entrance and
food items can be left in the
hall's kitchen.

EWS (continued)

Members: Joyce, Dorothy,
As you may know, Elaine, Ruth B., Nancy H.,
Edna, Alan, Mabel, Joshua,
Michael Jones has been
Ruth L., Louise, William,
our webmaster for Frank, Cheri, Betty K., Ruth
several years. He F., Jennifer F., Bruce S.
graciously offered to
continue St. Luke's Friends and Family: Marcie,
website, which he Kathy, Alice, Tina, Michael,
created, even after he Robert, Ugo, Elizabeth,
and Halina moved to Va. His busy schedule has Rosemary, Geraldine, Sam,
made that commitment difficult to maintain over Teresa, Beth, Arylne, Quigg
the past couple years. Stacey Carmody has family, Connie, James,
Walter, Robert, Earl, Msgr.
generously offered to take over that enormous
McIntyre, Nancy, Martha,
responsibility. We at St. Luke's, as well as Irene, James
Michael, are grateful for Stacey volunteering to
step up and take over that task. Those Serving in the
Armed Forces: William
We express our gratitude to Michael for his B., Billy S., Chris G.,
dedication and loving service to St. Luke's over Kevin M., Alex G.,
these many years. He and Halina keep in touch Andrew R., Chris K.,
and will always feel a fond connection to St. John R., Chris R., Eric
Luke's. B., Rob D., Jerry F.,
Thomas H., Tom B.,
Casey R., Jermaine, Bradley,
150th Anniversary Michael, Matthew, Maxx,
Also: Pray for the Gulf of
Mexico oil spill victims

1-Virginia Rielli
2-Llyn Carter
9-Daniella Gardiner
16-Don Castanga
If you are interested in helping plan next year’s 22-Dorothy Galey
St.. Luke’s 150th anniversary celebration, please 24-Louise Cavaliere
see Barbara or Stacey. Mark Geiger
30-Joan Litzke

GFS NEWS Congratulations to our own Llyn Evans
Carter...from GFS Leader to President
Speech given by Laura Kriss at 2010
ational Assembly. Laura has been selected of GFS/USA!
at GFS Junior Delegate.
I affirm, when I honor my emerging
passions, I begin to blossom into who I Interview with Llyn Carter from website:
might be.What do you think of when you Q: What got you started in GFS?
hear the word passion? When I hear the A: I grew up in the Episcopal Church in Virginia and
word passion I think of caring for did not know of GFS as a youth.I first heard
someone or something in a very strong about it through a friend. We worked together to
way. I started dance when I was 2 years reactivate a chapter as St. Luke's.
old, had my first recital at 3 and can't Q: What keeps you involved?
imagine my life without it. I just finished A: I have a deep passion to support young girls to
my 16th year of dance and not come to realize their potential, so they can succeed in
realize that it is something I don't want to whatever they want to be.
stop doing.I have become aware of the Q: What are the rewards?
passion I have for dancing. A: My reward comes from watching the girls in my
I know I have the same passion for film branch and throughout the Dioceses grow and
making. I was in the 7th grade when I succeed. I attended World Council in Korea because
knew I wanted to make movies with the the Senior girls in my branch were so
rest of my life. I don't think that I could determined to go. At GFS National Council, Laura
see myself doing anything else. Kriss was selected as the GFS/USA Junior
I started GFS when I was 6 years old. I Delegate. What neater reward could I have then to
was so excited to join. My sister always serve as GFS/USA President with a Junior
told me how much fun she had. I learned a Delegate from my very own parish!
lot from GFS. When I was younger I Q: If you weren't in GFS growing up, were you
learned how to do crafts, but as I got older in Scouting?
I learned important life lessons, make life A: Not really. My interest in Scouting fizzled out after
long friends from all over the country and Brownies. My brothers stayed involved in
the world and grew spiritually. Scouting. My experience has been that GFS and Girl
I find myself constantly telling people Scouts can coexist. Several girls in my branch
about all of the different things that I have have done both successfully.
done with GFS. I know that my passion Q: What is the benefit of GFS?
for GFS has grown over the years and I A: For the Girls it is development spiritually which
want to share it with everyone. enhances their character development and
Korea opened many doors for me. Going hopefully their commitment to our Christian tradition.
to Korea really opened my eyes and For Parents it is to feel secure that their girls
changed my view of the world. My are safe with GFS leadership. For Leaders it is to
experience there had kindled my passion influence the development of girls to become
to pursue becoming the Junior Delegate. spiritual and competent young ladies, better equipped
I continue to affirm when I honor my to handle themselves in our complex, rapidly
emerging passions, I begin blossoming changing world. Finally, as a Sponsor I get to support
into who I will be. the branches and help perpetuate the GFS
tradition for generations.

Why go to church?
To borrow a slogan, "What Can Brown
Do for You?" , let's ask "What Can
Perhaps you've asked this question yourself at one Church Do For You?" Well, it can:
time. Perhaps it was asked of you.
Help you grow in faith
To be more specific, I am talking about those who do
not go to church who ask, "Why go to church?" It is Connect you with a caring community
often asked with a baffled or skeptical tone, as if to Give you a place of beauty to meditate
say, "Now why would you do that? What for?" I and take time out from your busy life
suspect the word "church" for such folks conjures up
images of a boring place they have to sit in while Give you a place where you can work for
listening to something boring when they can doing the common good
something more to their liking like sleeping late or Give a free education on scripture and
watching TV on Sunday morning. Perhaps "church" religious teachings
for them is a place that their parents dragged them to
in childhood, and all they got out of the experience Give you a new appreciation for song
was enduring some unwelcome chore. and music
Make you part of something bigger
There are those who say "Why go to church when I through worship and communion.
can pray at home?" I have heard this firsthand from a
few good people. My answer: "Well, why go see
your favorite singer in concert when you can just I am sure this does not begin to cover it,
listen to him at home?" The reply will likely be and that you could add to this list.
"Because it is a different experience." Exactly. The
same goes for praying at home versus at church. It is
Also, I know I am preaching to the choir
a different experience- it is prayer with more
(figuratively and literally- as I think the
dimensions. This is not to discount praying at home,
choir will be reading this.) You already
or praying privately. There's nothing wrong with
know what church can offer. I’ll borrow
that. However, this is only one aspect of spiritual life
another slogan (that only those over a
and quite limiting.
certain age will remember!): “I told 2
friends, and they told 2 friends, and so
I think some forget, or are just unaware of what on and so on..”
church can offer. Church, when it is marketed often Can you tell 2 friends? Hopefully,
goes to extremes from heavy-handed evangelism to they’ll tell 2 friends. And so on and so
very little promotion at all, thus leading people to be on.
misinformed or simply turned off. "Oh, church is full
of narrow minded hypocrites! or "The church just
wants your money." I can understand where they are
getting this impression. Church is publicized poorly. -submitted by Stacey Carmody
I think the last good PR person the church had was
Paul the Apostle. The Episcopal Church has made
some attempt at promotion with a full page ad in
USA Today not long ago. Though it was well done,
it is not nearly enough.

PHOTO GALLERY-Bishop Lee’s Visit June 6, 2010
In a never-ending effort to attract the
unchurched, some churches have considered
translating their unfamiliar terminology into
familiar football phrases.

BLOCKING-Talking endlessly to the priest

at the church door and keeping everyone
L L I W Y N S A else from exiting.
N I O H T H E M COMMERCIAL-Announcements.
B R F O S O V H DRAFT CHOICE-The decision to sit close
B E S E R J E U to an air conditioning vent.

R V A V I E I N DRAW PLAY-What many children (and not

a few adults) do with their bulletins during
E E I E H S L G the service.
A N D R T U E R END ZONE-The pews.
D C O M E S B Y FIRST QUARTER-What most people put
into the offering so it looks like they are
(John 6:35) Jesus said to them, "I am HAIL MARY-Desperate move made by
the bread of life. Whoever comes to me ushers in a last-ditch attempt to get people to
will never be hungry, and whoever put something in the plate.
believes in me will never be thirsty. HALFTIME-Usually during the offertory
(NRSV) when at least fourteen people decide they
need to use the restroom.

ILLEGAL CONTACT-What gets some

church leaders into trouble and out of the
Word List ministry.

INTERFERENCE-Talking during the organ

LIFE JOHN AND TO OF IN AM RED DOG-Common strategy performed
each Sunday by those who own their own
private pew.

TIMEOUT-Refreshment time in the

Fellowship Hall.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
1 6:45P- 2 3 7:00P-AA 4- 10a-Yoga
Contemplative Spirituality in Hall
Prayer in Meeting in Hall
Church Office 11:30a-Al-
7:30P -Holy Anon Mtg in
Eucharist with Hall
Healing in

5-15th Sunday 6- Labor Day 7 12pm- UAW 8 6:45P- 9 10 11

after Pentecost meeting in Hall Contemplative 7:00P-AA 10a- Yoga in
10:30a:Holy Prayer in Spirituality Hall
Eucharist 8:00P-AA Church Office Meeting in Hall 11:30a-Al-
Meeting in Hall 7:30P -Holy
11:45a: Coffee Anon Mtg in
Eucharist with
Hr. In Hal1 Healing in Hall

12-16th Sunday 13-7:00p- 14 15 6:45P- 16 17 18 10a-Yoga

after Pentecost Vestry Meeting 8:00P-AA Contemplative 7:00P-AA in Hall
10:30a:Holy in Church Meeting in Hall Prayer in Spirituality
Office Church Office Meeting in Hall
Eucharist Anon Mtg in
11:45: Coffee 7:30P -Holy
Eucharist with
Hr. In Hall
Healing in

19-17th Sunday 20 21 22 6:45P- 23 24 7:00P-AA 25 10a-Yoga

after Pentecost 8:00P-AA Contemplative Spirituality in Hall
10:30a: Holy Meeting in Hall Prayer in Meeting in Hall 11:30a-Al-
Eucharist Church Office Anon Mtg in
11:45-Coffee 7:30P -Holy
Hr in Hall Eucharist with
Healing in

26- 18th Sunday 27 28 8:00P-AA 29 6:45P- 30

after Pentecost Meeting in Hall Contemplative
10:30a: Holy Prayer in
Eucharist Church Office
11:45: Coffee 7:30P -Holy
Eucharist with
Healing in

The Memorial Church of St. Luke
1946 Welsh Road
Philadelphia, PA 19115


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