04 Chemical Arithemetic SET E

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34 Chemical Arithmetic

1. A m ixture of sand and iodine can be separated by 8. Crystals of which pair are isom orphous [MP PMT 1985]
[Kerala CEE 2002] (a) ZnSO 4 , SnSO 4 (b) MgSO4 , CaSO 4
(a) Cry stallisation (b) Sublim ation (c) ZnSO 4 , MgSO4 (d) PbSO4 , NiSO4
(c) Distillation (d) Fractional distillation
9. M is the m olecular weight of KMnO4 . The equiv alent
2. The elem ent sim ilar to carbon is
weight of KMnO 4 when it is conv erted into K 2 MnO4 is
(a) Mg (b) Mn
(a) M (b) M / 3
(c) Sn (d) Po
(c) M / 5 (d) M / 7
2. The law of m ultiple proportions was proposed by
10. An aqueous solution of 6.3 g of oxalic acid dihy drate is
[IIT 1992]
m ade up of to 2 50 ml. The v olum e of 0.1
(a) Lav oisier (b) Dalton
N NaOH required to com pletely neutralise 1 0 ml of this
(c) Proust (d) Gay -Lussac solution is [IIT 2001]
4. 1 L of N 2 com bines with 3 L of H 2 to form 2 L of (a) 4 0 ml (b) 2 0 ml
NH 3 under the sam e conditions. This illustrates the (c) 1 0 ml (d) 4 ml
(a) Law of constant composition 11. The normality of orthophosphoric acid hav ing purity of
70% by weight and specific gravity 1.54 would be[CPMT 1992]
(b) Law of m ultiple proportions
(a) 1 1 N (b) 2 2 N
(c) Law of reciprocal proportions
(c) 3 3 N (d) 4 4 N
(d) Gay -Lussacs law of gaseous v olum es
12. The equivalent weight of phosphoric acid (H 3 PO4 ) in the
5. One sam ple of atmospheric air is found to hav e 0.03 % of
carbon dioxide and another sam ple 0.04 %. This is reaction, NaOH H 3 PO4 NaH 2 PO4 H 2O is
ev idence that [A IIMS 1999; BHU 2005]
(a) The law of constant com position is not alway s true (a) 2 5 (b) 49
(b) The law of m ultiple proportions is true (c) 59 (d) 9 8
(c) Air is a com pound
13. Volume of 0.6 M NaOH required to neutralize 30 cm 3 of
(d) Air is a m ixture
0.4 M HCl is [KCET 1995]
6. One part of an elem ent A com bines with two parts of 3 3
(a) 30 cm (b) 20 cm
another B. Six parts of the element C com bine with four
parts of the element B. if A and C com bine together the
(c) 50 cm 3 (d) 45 cm 3
ratio of their weights will be governed by [A MU 1984]
(a) Law of definite proportion 14. One m ole of potassium dichrom ate com pletely oxidises
the following num ber of m oles of ferrous sulphate in
(b) Law of m ultiple proportion
acidic m edium [MP PET 1998]
(c) Law of reciprocal proportion (a) 1 (b) 3
(d) Law of conserv ation of m ass (c) 5 (d) 6
7. The m aximum amount of BaSO 4 precipitated on m ixing 15. The number of equivalents of Na 2 S 2O3 required for the
equal v olum es of BaCl2 (0.5 M) with H 2 SO 4 (1 M) will
volumetric estimation of one equivalent of Cu 2 is
correspond to [A IIMS 1997] [Kerala MEE 2000]
(a) 0.5 M (b) 1 .0 M (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 1 .5 M (d) 2 .0 M (c) 3 /2 (d) 3

(SET -1)
Chemical Arithmetic 35

1. (b) Iodine shows sublimation and hence v olatalizes on 10. (a) Oxalic acid NaOH
heating, the vapour condenses on cooling to give pure
N 1 V1 N 2 V2
2. (c) Carbon and tin both are same group elements so have W 1000
sim ilarities in properties. E V V1 N 2 V2

3. (b) Law of m ultiple proportions was proposed by Dalton 6.3 1000
and v erified by Berzelius. 10 0 .1 V V= 4 0ml.
63 250
4. (d) Gay - Lussac's law : The volumes of the reacting gases
and those of the gaseous products bear the sim ple 11. (a) 7 0% by weight 70 gm H 3 PO4 100 gm
ratio (also called the law of gaseous v olum es). solution/sam ple
5. (d) W 100 70 1000
V N 11 N .
6. (c) The weights of two elements combining with a fixed d 1 .54 98 100 / 1.54
am ount of the third elem ent will bear the sam e
ratio(or sim ple m ultiple of it) in which they 12. (d) NaOH H 3 PO4 NaH 2 PO4
(PO43 ) ( NaPO42 )
them selv es react.
7. (a) BaCl2 H 2 SO 4 BaSO4 2 HCl EW

no. of ionisableH 1
One m ole of BaCl2 reacts with one m ole of H 2 SO 4 .
13. (b) NaOH HCl
Hence 0.5 mole will react with 0.5 mole of H 2 SO 4
N1 V1 N 2 V2 ; 0.6 V1 0.4 30 ; V1 20ml .
i.e. BaCl2 is the limiting reagent.

8. (c) Isom orphous substance m olecules contain the sam e 14. (d) Cr2 O7 Cr 3 ; Fe Fe
n 1
num ber of atom s bonded in sim ilar fashion. n6
7 6 eq. of K2Cr2O7 = eq. of FeSO 4
9. (a) KMnO4 K 2 MnO4
1 6 x 1
Change in 0.5 per atom 7 6 1
15. (b) Cu 2 2 I CuI 2 2CuI 2 Cu 2 I2 I2
Equivalent weight of KMnO4
Molecular weight of KMnO4 M I2 2 Na 2S 2 O3 2 NaI Na 2 S 4 O6
Change of 0.5 per atom 1
Cu 2 2 Na 2 S 2O3


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