Bcrenegamers 10132017 Minutes

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BC Renegamers (a Campus Gamers club)

1801 Panorama Drive, INDT 7A
Bakersfield, California 93305
Friday, October 13, 2017 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Bakersfield College INDT 7A

Listen to a recording of this meeting

I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 1:15 PM on Friday, October 13, 2017.
A motion to recess until 1:25 to establish quorum was moved by Robert Montero-Blanks and seconded.
The motion carried without objection.
Enough active members arrived to establish quorum and the meeting was called back to order at 1:20 PM
II. ROLL CALL Active members Alex Apatiga, Robert Montero-Blanks, Brandon Esparza, and Chad
Hidalgo were present. With 4 out of 6 active members present, quorum is established and a bona fide
meeting can be held.
III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA The agenda was adopted without objection.
IV. ADOPTION OF MINUTES The minutes from 9/22/2017 were adopted without objection
A. Chair, President, Chad Hidalgo
RowdyCon was last weekend, vendor expo will be set up for ExtraLife at BC
Due to time constraints and quorum requirements, a motion to suspend the rules of the day,
moving items 8F and 8G was made by Alex Apatiga and seconded. The motion carried
without objection
B. ICC Representative, Alexandra Apatiga
Lanyard sale is approved, Halloween Ball suggested work in shifts,
C. Treasurer, Lawrence Salcido
D. Advisor, Thomas Rush and/or Manuel Fernandez
E. Community Advisor, Edward Webb
A. Discussion of Fundraising for BC Renegamers Game Tournament
We are going to plan for a Smash Bros. tournament for February 2018
VIII. NEW BUSINESS please listen to recording for information
A. Kerbal Space Program discussion
B. CSUB Maker Space Discussion
C. Geodesic Game Dome Discussion
D. Co-Club Storage Space rental Discussion
E. Extra Life April 21, 2018 Vendor Expo
F. ACTION ITEM: move to spend an amount not to exceed $25 for candy and disinfectant wipes
It was moved by Robert Montero-Blanks and seconded to spend an amount not to exceed $25
for candy and disinfectant wipes. The motion passed without objection and seeing no
discussion, roll call vote was conducted. Robert Montero-Blanks voted aye. Alex Apatiga
voted aye. Brandon Esparza voted aye. With unanimous consent of the active members
present, the motion passes.
G. ACTION ITEM: move to spend an amount not to exceed $25 for Evo VR Starter Kit.
It was moved by Alex Apatiga and seconded to spend an amount not to exceed $25 for Evo
VR Starter Kit. The motion passed without objection. Upon closing discussion, roll call vote
was conducted. Robert Montero-Blanks voted aye. Alex Apatiga voted aye. Brandon Esparza
voted aye. With unanimous consent of the active members present, the motion passes.
H. Elections We will have elections during the first November meeting (November 10), if you
want to be nominated and placed on the ballot, you must be at the next meeting (10/27) when
we will have Professor Rush open the nomination process according to the Constitution. Do
we need a review of the bylaws?
X. ADJOURNMENT and Next Meeting Reminder
A. Regular meeting October 27, 2017; 1:00 PM INDT 7A

Minutes Submitted by:

Lawrence Salcido

Approved by:
Chad Hidalgo

Confirmed By:
Thomas Rush

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