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Fish and Chips rith lvlushy Peas

Recipe couriesy Young Sun Huh for Gooking Ghannel

Total Time: 1 hr
Prep: 20 min I Inactive Prep: - | Gook: 40 min
Level: Intermediate

Yeld: 4 servings

One O-ounce'box frozen green peas 1 teaspoon baking soda '

2 tablespoons cold unsalted butter 3/4 lager-style beer

Zest of 1 lemon 34 cup seler or sparkling water

Vegetable , for frying teaspoon lemon juice

2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/3-inchthick One /2-d fillet hake, cut into 1l2-inch pieces (about 2
batons 12 to 3 ounces each)

2 cups all-purpose flour Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

2 rice flour Malt negar, for serving

Bring 6 cups of generously salted vater to boil medium saucepan, Add the frozen peas and for 4 minutes, Reserve 3
tablespoons of the hot cooking pater, and then drain the peas and return them to the . lmmediately add the butter, lemon zest and
cooking ,vater and season pith salt and pepper. Roughly mash the peas with potato masher or food processor, and then cover
and set aside.

Heat 2 inches of to 300 degrees F Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed vride pot. Meanphile, rinse the potatoes ryith cold water to
remove some of the surface starch and then dry lvell, Blanch the potatoes, 2 to 3 batches to avoid overcrovding the pot, until just
cooked through but still blond, about 2 minutes. Transfer to paper-towe|-Iined baking sheet.

Raise the temperature of the to 345 degrees F. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees F, Whisk together 1 12 cups of the all-purpose
flour, the rice flour, baking soda and 1 teaspoon salt. Pour the beer, sparkling vater and lemon juice and mix just until combined (do
not over-mix). Keep the batter refrigerated until ready to use.

When the is ready, fry the potatoes 2 to 3 batches until they are crisp and golden bro,vn, about 3 minutes. Drain paper
tolvel-|ined baking sheet and sprinkle pith salt, and then transfer to the oven to keep lvarm,

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FiSh and chips h t\Iushy Peas ()

DREcoNS (.)

iro the batter to completely

Sprinke he fish fe h and pepper. C h fish the remaining all-purpose flour and then dip
h for Seconds before completely releasing. once the coating Star to set the
. carefuy swish he fish fe/

fiet into the . Fry unti the fish is puffed, goden broVn and cooked throh, 5 minutes for
first fiIet, can add another battered
and ransfer to paper toVe|-|ined plate. Cook the remaining fiI|ets and Sprinkle th salt.
h fieS or 7 me for h fe, h

yvith the chips, mushy peas ard malt negar the side.
sere, rehea he mushy peas if necessary. Serve the fish

Reoipe courbsy Young Sun Huh for cooking Channel

ed 26, 216 from http:/.VVVv.oookngchannelfucorry'recipeifislFand-chips-vith-mushy-peas,prinihtnl

2 2 2610/206 L|:2
Pork Pies
Recipe courtesy of Young Sun for Cooking Channel

t! Time: 2 hr 15 min
Prep: 35 min I lnactive Prep: 45 min I Cook: 55 min

Level: Easy

Yield; 6 pork pies

FILLlNG: 2 teaspoons fresh sage, finely chopped

tablespoon unsa|ted butter /2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 teaspoons kosher salt teaspoon ground mace

2 fresh sprigs thyme 1/4 teaspoon grated nutm

1 small , t into 1/4-inch dice (about cup) 1/4 taspoon ground vhite pepper

1/2 green apple, peeled and cut into 4-h dice (about 1/2
)2 cloves garlic, minced

1 pound boneless pork butt, cut into /4-h dice

4 ounces thick-cut bacon (about 6 slices), finely chopped

Hot English mustard, for serng
4 cups all-purpose flour
Special equipment: Six 6-ounce ramekins
6 tablespoons unsalted butter

6 tablespoons lard

1 /2 teaspoons kosher salt

egg , beaten \vith teaspoon vater

For the filling: Heat the butter medium skil|et over medium heat. Add 1/2 teaspoon of the salt, the thyme, onions and apples and
until the apples and onions soften, about 5 minutes. Stir the garlic and continue cooking for 2 more minutes. Remove from the
heat, discard the thyme, and let the mixture completely,

Toss together the cooled apple-onion mixture, pork butt, bacon, sage, black pepper, mace, nutmeg, white pepper and remaining 1 1/2

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? Pork PieS () Page 2 of 2

DREcoNS (.)
teaspoons salt large bowl. Transfer half the mixture to food processor and pulse until it starts to forms paste, about ,l0 times,
and then retum to the b ard mix lvell vith the chunkier pieces. Refrigerate \/h make the doh.

For the dough: Place the flour large bovvl. Heat the butter, lard and salt \vith 2/3 vvater small saucepan until the butter and
Iard melt, and then add into the flour. until smooth dough forms. While the dough is still vyarm, create th pie shells by pressing
1/4 c of the dough into each ramekin so that it co\Ers the bottoms and sides and spreads the past the top, Make sure
there are rD holes and the doh is the same thickness throlghout, b /8-inch thick. Divide the remainir dough into 6 equal pieces
and roll out to form circles larger than the ramekin vidth (b 4 inches diameter) to co\Er the pies. Cut out small vent ho|e the
middle of each,

Place baking sheet the bottom rack of the oven. Preheat the oven to 425 drees F.

Fill each ramekin;vith about 1/2 cup of the meat filling. Brush the beaten g the top of the doh oerhang the edges of the

ramekin, being careful not to get egg \,ash the ramekin. Brush egg vash the edges of the dough circles, and then cover the
ramekins with the lids g-vvash-side dovn. Trim off excess dough ith kitchen shears and press d the edges vith the tines of
fork. Brush the tops with more egg vash.

Place the ramekins the hot baking sheet the oven. Bake the bottom rack 20 minutes, and then turn dovvn the heat to 375
degrees F and continue bakir until golden bro/vn and slightly puffed, 25 to 30 mines longer.

Let the pies cool completely before carefully popping them out of the ramekins. Serve at room temperature vith mustard the side.

Recipe coursy of Young Sun for Cooking channl

Printed ocbber 26, 2016 from ht://aiV.cookingchannltvcoy'recipevpork-pies.prinihfnl

22 26/10/201611:29
Straurberries Filled with "Clotted" Cream
Recipe courtesy of Bobby Flay

Total Time: '0 min

Prep: 10 min I Inactive Prep: - | Cook: -
LeveI: Easy


1 mascarpone cheese 1/4 teaspoon pure extract

/2 cup heay cream, very cold 1 bean, seeds scraped

3 tablespoons confectioners' sugar 6 large fresh straberries

Special uipment: pastry bag fitted with star tip

Combine the mascarpone, heavy cream, s extract and seeds the boivl of stand mixer and ivhip until soft peaks
form. Using rubber spatula, scrape the mixture into pastry bag fitted vvith star tip.

Stand the stravberries upright platter. lf the bottoms are too ivobbly to stand, slice off the green stems. With small sharp knife,
cut '" each straberry cutting almost to the bottom. (The cut should be such that the straberry open but not fall apart.)
With your fingertips, gently spread each straivberry apart to make "petals".

With spoon, carefully fill each stravberry vith dollop of cream. Serve immediately.

Recipe courtesy of Bobby Flay

Printed octcber 26, 2016 from http:/ivrl^.cookingchanneltucoVrecipes/bobby-flay/Strali\,berries-fil|ed-Vlith-clotted-cream.print.htnl

Bread and Butter Pudding
typical British specialty.

Total Time: 3 hr
Prep:2hr I lnactivePrep:- | Cook:lhr
Level: Easy
Yeld: 8 servings

bter 2 cups raisins
8 tablespoons
2 ounces candied peel
2 tablespoons granulated sugar for dusting, plus 1/4 sifted
Freshly grated nutm
2 slices vhite bread, halved
6 eggs
2 slices broivn bread, halved
2 tablespoons dry sherry
5 cups milk
1/2 hg cream
1 pod

Lemon zest, 3 pieces

F, BIter
1 tablespoon granulated sugar. Preheat oven to 325 degrees
Rub 2 abespoons of be around casseroe and ds h
milk , add the pod and the lemon zest, Stir
/4 c
he bread wh he remaining 6 abespoons of b. Scald
then remove from the heat. Arrange some of the cut bread
granuaed sugar. ncrease he he and dissove h sugar and
alternating the
he base of he casseroe. Sprinke h some of h raisins
and candied peel. Place another laYer of bread toP -

the remainder of raisins top and grate the nutm over them,
brovn and vghite sices. Cover with the remaining bread. Sprinke
h scalded milk (hang removed the lemon zest and pod), Pour this
Break he gs boVI and whisk. sirring
lvith the dry sherry, to stand 1 hour, Before Placing it the
mixure over he bread, D h ab|espoon sugar and sprinkle
the preheated 325 degree oven the middle shelf for 55
oven, pour he 1/2 of whipping cream over h pudding, Cook

British Specialty,
Printed october 26, 20, 6 from httpJ/V/VvVV,,cookingchanneV,corry'recipes/bread-and-butter-pudding,print.htrn


Welsh Rarebit
Recipe courtesy ofAfton Brovvn, 2003

Total Time: 25 min

Prep: 15 min I Inactive Prep: - | Cook: 0 min
Level: Easy
YieId: 4 servings as side dish

2 tablespoons unsalted butter /2 cup porter beer

2 tablespoons alI-purpose flour 3/4 heavy cream

teaspoon D mustard 6 ounces (approximately /2 cups) shredded Cheddar

teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 drops hot sauce

/2 teaspoon kosher salt 4 slices toasted rye bread

/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

medium Saucepan over heat, melt the butter and rhisk the flour. C, whisking for
2 3 me, being carefu
not to broVn the flour. Whisk mustard, Vorcestershire sauce, salt, ard pepper unti smooh, Add beer ard hisk combine.
cream and lvhisk until aell combined and smooth. Gradually add cheese, stirring constantly, cheese me;s and sauce is mh;
this take 4 to 5 minutes. Add hot sauce. Pour over toast and serve immediately.

@ Recipe courtesy of Alton Broun, 2003

Printed octcber 26, 2016 from http:/iv\iv.cookngchanneitvcorry'recipes/aon-bro\,Vn/vresh-rarebiiprinihfn

11 26|O206l:32

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