Lesson Plan Reading

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Lesson Plan

Class Year 3
Enrolment 25
Date 25 June 2013
Time 60 minutes
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic What Makes a Birthday Cake?
Language Focus Noun
Main skill Reading
Integrated skill(s) Writing, Speaking
Content standard 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and
non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using
a range of strategies to construct meaning.

2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will

be able to read independently for information and enjoyment.
Learning standard 2.2.1 Able to apply word attack skills by:
(a) grouping words according to word categories.
(b) identifying words similar in meaning
(c) identifying words opposite in meaning

2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance:

(a) fiction
(b) non- fiction
Objectives By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
1. Know what makes a birthday cake.
2. Enjoy themselves while doing reading activities.
3. Learn to apply the new knowledge into their daily life.
Previous Students are very familiar with birthday celebration.
Teaching aids PowerPoint slides, manila cards, coloured pencils/pens.
Moral Values Cooperation, appreciation.
Educational 1. Creativity and Innovation
emphasis 2. Entrepreneurship
3. Learning How to Learn Skills
4. Contextual Learning
5. Constructivism
Stage/ time Teaching/Learning Activities Rationale Notes
Set Induction 1. The teacher shows the pictures of To activate the students prior The teacher shows
birthday parties. knowledge some pictures of
2. The teacher asks the students what To raise the students interest birthday celebration
comes to their mind when they look at and attention. using PowerPoint
the pictures. To enhance the students slides.
3. The students response to the teacher. speaking skills by responding
to the questions asked
Pre-reading 1. The students get into groups. To encourage the students to The teacher divides
2. Each group receive a simple article have a healthy cooperation the students into
about What Makes a Birthday Cake?. and teamwork. groups of five.
3. Before the students read the text, the To encourage active thinking The teacher selects
teacher asks the students wh- and keep students interested, any random student
questions. whether or not the predictions to answer the
4. E.g. are correct. questions.
Anyone bakes cakes at your home? To generate the students
What do you know about birthday thinking skills.
cakes? To activate the students prior
Do you like birthday cake? knowledge.
What flavour do you like for your
birthday cake?
While-reading 1. In group, the students read aloud the To improve the students The teacher provides
simple article. reading skills. the manila cards to
2. The students find all the ingredients To encourage active learning each group.
used in baking the birthday cake. and keep students interested
The students list all the ingredients when the reading activity is
down. done in group.
E.g. Eggs, flour, butter, etc. To let the students to apply
3. Using all the ingredients found, each the word-attack strategies in
group create a chart by drawing all the helping them to decode,
ingredients on a piece of manila card. pronounce, and understand
4. The students label all the ingredients unfamiliar words in the article.
that they have drawn. To let the students express
5. The teacher hangs every chart from their creativity through
each group to be seen by everyone. drawing.
Post-reading 1. Each group does an oral presentation To lengthen the attention During gallery walk,
about their chart. span of the students. the students walk in
2. The students do the gallery walk. To allow the students to group from chart to
explain their opinions about chart.
the task that they have done.
To develop the students
teamwork by working
together till the end of the
To maintain the interest of
the students towards the
activity prepared by the
Closure The teacher asks the students what they To let the students to reflect The teacher sings the
have learnt during the lesson. on activities that they have Happy Birthday song
E.g. done. together with the
Are you enjoying the activity that we have To maintain the engagement students.
done today? of the students with the
Who wants to bake their own birthday lesson although the activities
cake after this? have finished.
Do you find the birthday cake baking To let the students to enjoy
easy? themselves by singing their
The students sing Happy Birthday song. favourite song.

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