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Instructions v0 and Final Grading Checklist

Points Deducted Possible
Writing Mechanics: Spelling,
grammar, formatting (including
N/A line spacing)
Good, but double-check after you complete your revisions. 32
Except for the directions section, your headings and Title, numbered section &
subheading should be left-aligned without a first line indent. subsection headings
Your headings and subheadings should be numbered using
the decimal numbering system. 32
Introduction: purpose, audience,
See in-text comments 32 scope, definitions & acronyms
List of materials
See in-text comments 16
Your steps need to be written with just one action per step, Directions:
decimal numbered, verb first, and explanatory information chronological order, numbered
before the step in a note. steps, imperative mood, state
Make sure you identify for your user where they could run results, notes,
into problems and what would happen if they do encounter error prevention / error recovery /
the problem.
alerts / alternatives
Remember, you are not teaching or recommending anything.
You are giving them the actual steps to accomplish a task. 96
Your figures need a label and a caption that names the figure Graphics: one per person,
and describes the important features. The callout for your meaningful / add value, reference
figures need to identify the specific figure by label. Dont just
say below, which is to generic (not specific enough). 32 in text, identifier, title, source

Write this section as actionable steps too. Include a cross Troubleshooting

reference both in the directions section and the
troubleshooting section.
Identify more areas in the procedure where the user might
run into trouble. Think like your user. 16
Total: 218 / 256
Commented [RD1]: Underline is a holdover from
Installing the Eclipse IDE on Windows 7 64 bit typewriter days, and we dont use it if we can help it in
professional documents. It obscures text. Bold and
italic are typically sufficient.
1. Introduction:
Commented [RD2]: Dont use a colon at the end of a
1.1 Purpose: heading. It is considered overkill.
The following directions will serve as a guide for users to follow during their installation
Also, your headings are supposed to be numbered
of the Eclipse IDE on their home computers. Although this guide only covers an using the decimal numbering system.
installation for a computer running a 64[hyphen] bit version of Windows 7[comma] this Commented [RD3]: Headings in professional
guide may also be useful during different installations as the process is very similar. documents should be left aligned for maximum
readability and accessibility.
[Why would someone want to install this program?]

Audience: This guide is intended for home users wanting to install the Eclipse Commented [RD4]: What is the technical skill of these
IDE for Java Development[semicolon], however[comma] it can be used in a professional
setting if deemed valuable.

Scope: This guide will include the installation directions for installing the Eclipse
IDE on a Windows 7 64 bit machine, it is directed towards at home users. [What is not

Definitions: Commented [RD5]: Format this section so it is easy to

scan the list for the words defined (hanging indent
Eclipse IDE - Eclipse is an integrated development environment. It was instead of first line).
primarily written in Java for writing Java applications. It includes a base
Commented [RD6]: Format the first mention of these
workspace as well as an extensible plugin system for customizing your own terms in some way that alerts us that this word is listed
environment. in the definitions section.
Commented [RD7]: If your user doesnt know what
Eclipse is, will they know what Java is?
Commented [RD8]: Format this section so it is easy to
IDE - Integrated Development Environment - a programming see which abbreviations are listed.
environment that has been packaged as an application program, typically consisting of
For the abbreviation list, you just need to say what they
a code editor, a compiler, a debugger, and a graphical user interface (GUI) builder. stand for. If you need to explain what they are, put
JRE - Java Runtime Environment - an acronym for Java Runtime them in the definitions list as well.
Environment Commented [RD9]: Hyphens connect two words;
dashes are used to join phrases. Both hyphens and
JDK - Java Development Kit - an acronym for the Java Development Kit dashes should be used without spaces.
Commented [RD10]: Good job! Do this in-text
List of Materials: definition for each abbreviation AND add to the list.
Windows 7 64 bit Commented [RD11]: Put in definitions section.
Java version 1.4.0 or greater (5.0+ recommended) Commented [RD12]: Bullets would be helpful to see
Google Chrome (recommended - other web browsers will work, these instructions will each individual item.

use chrome)
Internet Connection
Commented [RD13]: Keep this information all on the
same page. You can use the Paragraph, Line and
Table 1. Your PC will need to that meets the following minimum requirements. below: Page Break tab to keep with next to automatically
keep this section together.
Requirement Minimum Recommended Commented [RD14]: Make your headings standout
from the text info.
Memory 512 MB 1 GB or more

Free disk space 300 MB 1GB or more

Processor speed 800 Mhz 1.5 Ghz or faster

3. Directions: Commented [RD15]: Using decimal numbering for

your steps will ensure that each step has a unique step
NOTE: A guide for finding the version of Java installed on your machine can be number.
found on the Java website
3.1 Before you begin the installation of Eclipse please vVerify that you have the
most recent version of Java installed. A guide for finding the version of Java
installed on your machine can be found on Javas website,
3.1.1 fFollow the link below for instructions on locating your Java installation,
3.1.2 IFif a Java installation is not found
THEN please referGO TO to the troubleshooting section. Commented [RD16]: Your steps should be written with
one action per step, verb first, and any explanatory information in a note before the step.
[Add space between your steps to make it easier to see the individual steps.]
Commented [RD17]: Give them the specific step to go
1. To begin the installation of Eclipse you must first obtain a copy of the installer. to. Then, when the problem is fixed, given them a step
This can be found on Eclipses website at to tell them where to go to get back into the main
2. Navigate to, this will bring you to the main
Commented [RD18]: Write your steps as commands.
downloads section. We are only interested in the 64 bit Windows installer. The Start with the verb.
link to download it will be inside a large purple box entitled Eclipse Mars.1 (see
figure 3.0) Commented [RD19]: Put explanatory information into
a note.
[Add space around your figures to make it easy to read.]

(fFigure 1 3.0) Title of figure. Description of what we are seeing and the important features.
Commented [RD20]: What happens if they download
4. Click the 64 bit located under Windows (see figure 3.0). and install the incorrect version? What do they do to fix
it if they do?
5. You will be redirected to the mirror page, this will list various repositories that
the installer can be downloaded from. Although you can download the installer
from any of these repositories the easiest option will be to click the
DOWNLOAD button in the div location on the left hand side of your screen.

(see the image below). Commented [RD21]: Avoid the term below. Like
what happened here, the figure isnt really below the

It is better to name the figure with a label and refer to

that label.

6. If you are using Google Chrome your download will begin and a status box will Commented [RD22]: What if they arent using Google
Chrome? If they need to use Google Chrome, you
appear in the lower left hand corner of your browser (see image below). Once the need to include this information in both the scope and
download has finished right click on this status box and select Open (see image materials sections.
7. A pop-up window will appear asking Do you want to run this file?

Click the Run button to begin the installation process.

8. At this point in time if Java is not installed the Eclipse installer will pause and
you will be prompted to install Java, see troubleshooting section for details.

9. If Java is installed a unique installer will now appear as shown below. There
are multiple development associated with Eclipse, these will be listed on this
screen. Because this installation is geared towards Java developers choose the
Java environment by clicking Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

10. It is recommended that you choose the default settings during the installation, Commented [RD23]: First, write this part as an action
however you can do as you wish. Second, you are not recommending anything in this
procedure. You are telling them what to do. If they have
to make a choice, you need to tell them what each
11. Select a destination folder for your installation, and then click the Install choice will mean for them.
button. Commented [RD24]: Does it matter where they
12. Once you have clicked the Install button a dialogue box will appear with the
installation agreement. In order to proceed with your installation you must accept

the installation agreement by clicking the Accept Now button:

After clicking this button your install will begin. The installation took about five
minutes to install for our team.

13. Once Eclipse has finished installed a Launch button will appear. Click this

Launch button to start the application

14. The first time you launch Eclipse it will prompt you for a save directory for
your projects. Select a location by entering the file path or using the browse
button to search for an appropriate location.
Click the ok button to continue.

15. A welcome screen will be generated and display the following options:
Overview, Tutorials, Samples, and Whats new.

16. By clicking the Tutorials link, a Tutorials page will pop up, at this point in
time it would be most useful to select the Create a Hello World application. This Commented [RD25]: Dont recommend. Tell them
what to do.
will generate a Hello World program which will be useful in getting a feel for
Eclipses interface.

17. After clicking the link Create a Hello World application the following page
will be generated.
Commented [RD26]: The text on this figure is not
readable. Either make the figure bigger, or edit it to
enhance the text. I

4. Troubleshooting: Commented [RD27]: Write this section as action steps

Also provide cross reference steps both in the main
directions section to this section and in this section
back to the main procedure.
Installing the Java Runtime Environment:
1. After downloading Eclipse and attempting to run it, the installer may throw an error
notifying you that you are missing the Java Runtime Environment. It will then open the
following webpage that displays the following information:

Eclipse typically gives you a list of four options (in this example there is an option for
versions 1.8.0 and 1.7.0 of both the Java JRE and JDK). JDK is an acronym for the
Java Development Kit, and JRE is an acronym for Java Runtime Environment.

Clicking the JDK options will open a page with an extensive list of different options for
download. We want to choose the download for Windows x64 so Click the jdk-7u79-
windows-x64.exe link adjacent to Windows x64 (shown below).
Right click the download that again appears at the bottom left, and click open.
A pop-up warning shall appear.
Click Run button

Click Next to navigate through the installer.

Click Close when finished.

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