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Kyokushin Kai Justu Karate

10th Kyu Red Belt

Stances: Fudo Dachi Informal stance

Yoi Dachi Ready stance
Sanchin Dachi Basic stance for Kihon
Zenkutsu Dachi Forward leaning stance

Strikes: Chudan Tsuki Middle thrust punch

Blocks: Jodan Uke Upper block

Kicks: Hiza Geri Knee kick

9th Kyu Red Belt Blue Stripe

Stances: Shiko Dachi Sumo stance

Strikes: Jodan Tsuki Upper thrust punch

Gedan Tsuki Lower thrust punch

Blocks: Mae Gedan Barai Lower block

Kicks: Kin Geri Groin kick

Mae Geri Chusoku Front snap kick with ball of foot

8th Kyu Blue Belt

Strikes: Gyaku Tsuki Reverse thrust punch

Ago Uchi Snap punch to jaw

Blocks: Seiken Uchi Uke Inside block

Seiken Morote Uke Double arm inside block

Kicks: Yoko Geri Side Kick

7th Kyu Blue Belt Yellow Stripe

Strikes: Morote Tsuki Double thrust punch

Tate Tsuki Upright fist thrust punch
Uraken Uchi Back fist strike (head)

Blocks: Seiken Soto Uke Outside circular block

Kicks: Ushiro Geri Back kick (to be performed in

a stationary position)

6th Kyu Yellow Belt

Stances: Kokutsu Dachi Backward leaning stance

Strikes: Jun Tsuki Side thrust punch

Shita Tsuki Inverted fist thrust punch

Blocks: Yoko Shuto Mawashi Uke Circular block to side

Kicks: Mae Kakato Geri Heel kick

Mawashi Geri Roundhouse kick

Kata: Taikyoku Sono Ichi

5th Kyu Yellow Belt Green Stripe

Stances: Neko Ashi Dachi Cat Stance

Strikes: Tettsui Komi Kame Uchi Hammerfist strike to temple

Tettsui Hizo Uchi Hammerfist strike to spleen
Tettsui Oroshi Uchi Descending hammerfist strike
Me Tsuki (Nukite) Eye thrust

Blocks: Mae Shuto Mawashi Uke Circular block to the front

Kicks: Mae Keage Swinging front high kick

Yoko Keage Swinging side high kick

Kata: Sanchin No Kata (Ibuki not required)

4th Kyu Green Belt

Show the ability to move in all basic stances.

Stances: Kumite Dachi Fighting stance

Strikes: Uraken Oroshi Uchi Descending back knuckle strike

Shuto Kubi Uchi Knife hand strike to neck
Shuto Uchi Komi Knife hand strike to chest bone

Blocks: Mawashi Gedan Barai Circular lower block

Shotei Uke Palm of hand block (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
Osae Uke Dropping palm block

Kicks: Oroshi Kakato Geri (Uchi/Soto) Inner & outer descending heel kick

Kata: Sanchin No Kata With Ibuki breathing

Kumite: Grading fights

All students attempting this grade must have up to date tournament experience in either Clicker or

3rd Kyu Green Belt Brown Stripe

Strikes: Shotei Uchi Strikes with palm heel (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan)
Yama Tsuki Double thrust punch

Blocks: Juji Uke Cross block (Jodan, Gedan)

(Seiken & Shuto)
Shuto Uchi Uke Outer knife hand block

Kicks: Ushiro Geri Back kick to be performed with movement

Kansetsu Geri Joint kick
Uchi Heisoku Geri High instep kick
Kake Geri Hook kick

Kata: Gekisai Dai

Kumite: Grading Fights

All students attempting this grade must have up to date tournament experience in either Clicker or
2nd Kyu Brown Belt

Strikes: Shuto Yoko Ganmen Uchi Knife hand strike to side of head
Shuto Sakotsu Uchi Knife hand strike to collar bone
Shuto Hizo Uchi Knife hand strike to spleen
Mawashi Uchi Roundhouse strike
(Seiken & Uraken) (Fist & back fist to head)

All previous strikes to be performed as snapping techniques. Give explanations.

Blocks: Uchi Uke / Gedan Barai Combination of middle & lower blocks

All basic blocks to be shown as open hand techniques. Give explanations.

Kicks: Ushiro Mawashi Geri Spinning back roundhouse kick

Ushiro Keage Swinging back high kick

Kata: Tensho

Kumite: Grading Fights

All students attempting this grade must have up to date tournament experience in Knockdown

1st Kyu Brown Belt Black Stripe

Strikes: Jodan Hiji Ate Upper elbow strike

Chudan Hiji Ate Middle elbow strike
Ushiro Hiji Ate Backward elbow strike
Oroshi Hiji Ate Descending elbow strike
Ushiro Mawashi Hiji Ate Spinning backwards elbow strike

All above to be shown as self defence and basic techniques.

Blocks: Kake Uke Hooking block

Haito Uchi Uke Ridge hand inside block
Nihon Kake Uke Two handed hooking block

Kicks: Tobi Mae Geri Jumping front kick 3 applications

Tobi Hiza Geri Jumping knee kick (front & back leg)

Kata: Yantsu
Tsuki No Kata

Kumite: Grading Fights

All students attempting this grade must have up to date tournament experience in Knockdown
1st Dan Black Belt

Stance: Kake Dachi Hook leg stance

Strikes: Hiraken Tsuki Flat fist strike

Kicks: Tobi Ushiro Geri Jumping back kick

Tobi Ushiro Mawashi Geri Jumping roundhouse back kick

Kata: Gekisai Sho

Tameshiwari: 1 Board Shuto or Seiken Juniors

2 Boards Shuto or Seiken Seniors

Kumite: Grading Fights

All students attempting this grade must have up to date tournament experience in Knockdown

On the day of the grading, you are required to attend a short interview

2nd Dan Black Belt

Show the ability to move in Ura from all basic stances.

Strikes: Haito Uchi Ridge hand strike (Jodan,Chudan,Gedan)

Haishu Uchi Back hand strike (Jodan, Chudan)

Students must fully understand the use of these strikes.

Kata: Saifa

Tameshiwari: 2 Boards Hiji Ate Juniors

3 Boards applicants own choice Seniors

Kumite: Grading Fights

All students attempting this grade must have up to date tournament experience in Knockdown

On the day of the grading, you are required to attend a short interview
3rd Dan Black Belt

A full working knowledge of all aspects of the grading syllabus

A working knowledge of take downs, throwing and locking techniques.

Strikes: Toho Uchi Sword peak hand strike

Kata: Sushiho

All students attempting this grade will be expected to choreograph a 5 minute demonstration (with a
partner) showing avoidance, blocking, striking and kicking skills. Also various combinations,
counter attacks, take downs and self defence techniques.

Tameshiwari: 4 Boards applicants own choice

Kumite: Grading Fights

All students attempting this grade must have up to date tournament experience in Knockdown

On the day of the grading, you are required to attend a short interview

Grading fitness for all grades

Run Push Ups FULL Squats FULL Sit Ups FULL

Grade Sen Jun Sen Jun Sen Jun Sen Jun
10th Kyu 20 10 50 30 20 10
9th Kyu 20 10 50 30 20 10
8th Kyu 25 15 80 40 35 20
7th Kyu 25 15 90 40 40 20
6th Kyu 30 20 100 50 45 25
5th Kyu 30 20 120 50 50 25
4th Kyu 50 25 150 80 60 30
3rd Kyu 50 25 170 80 80 40
2nd Kyu 1.5 mile 0.5 mile 70 30 180 100 90 45
1st Kyu 3 mile 1.5 mile 70 30 200 120 120 50
1st Dan 5 mile 2.5 mile 80 40 250 150 150 80
2nd Dan 8 mile 4 mile 90 50 300 200 200 150
3rd Dan 8 mile 100+ 300+ 300+

Females must complete at least half the required number of full push ups before being allowed to
continue on their knees.

These requirements are a hard rule with no compromise except in the case of permanent disability. If
someone is injured and cannot perform these exercises at the time of the grading they should not be
permitted to attempt the grading until completely fit to do so.

It is expected that students should constantly improve their level of fitness and flexibility whether or
not they are preparing for grading.

A full understanding of Ashi Sabaki exercises. All combinations are to be performed from Kumite
dachi. They can also be performed with or without a partner. All students attempting these grades
must have experience in different blocking techniques.

6th KYU
1. Slide forward Jodan Uraken Uchi. Chudan Gyaku Tsuki.
2. Back leg Mae Geri, same side Jodan Uraken Uchi, Chudan Gyaku Tsuki. Also use
Mawashi Geri.

5th KYU
3. Slide back Gedan Barai to Mae Geri, Jodan Uraken Uchi, Chudan Gyaku Tsuki
4. Skip forward (moving rear leg first) attacking opponents front leg (inside or outside) with
Ashi Barai followed Jodan Uraken Uchi with leading hand. Also use Tettsui Oroshi

4th KYU
5. Leading hand Jodan Uraken Uchi followed by Chudan Gyaku Tsuki. Back leg Mawashi
Geri, Chudan Gyaku Tsuki.
6. Faint Ashi Barai to opponents front leg then change to Jodan Mawashi Geri (front and
back leg attacks) followed by Chudan Gyaku Tsuki.

3rd KYU
7. Front leg Mae Geri (skipping forward) Jodan Mawashi Geri. Chudan Gyaku Tsuki. Also
use Jodan Kake geri on the second kick.
8. Rear hand Shotei Uke, front hand Shotei Uke to Chudan Oi Tsuki, Chudan Gyaku
Tsuki. Once blocked kick Jodan Mawashi Geri (back leg touch down) Jodan Mawashi

2nd KYU
9. Oi Tsuki (push) Gedan Mawashi Geri (inside thigh)
10. Gyaku Tsuki, Shita Tsuki, Gedan Mawashi Geri (inside thigh)
11. Front leg Gedan Mawashi Geri Oi Tsuki, Gyaku Tsuki, rear leg Gedan Mawashi Geri.
12. Gyaku Tsuki, Mawashi Geri (front leg) Oi Tsuki, Mawashi Geri (rear leg)

1st KYU
13. Double open hand Switch/Slide block to Mawashi Geri (back/front leg attack), sweeping
across the body followed by Gedan Mawashi Geri.
14. Switch Stance Gyaku Tsuki, Mae Geri (back leg), Gyaku Tsuki, Shita Tsuki, Jodan
Mawashi Geri (back leg).
15. Oi Tsuki, Gyaku Tsuki, switch Uchi Oroshi Kakato Geri, same leg Gedan Mawashi Geri,
Gyaku Tsuki, Shita Tsuki, Jodan Mawashi Geri (back leg)

1st DAN
16. Mae Geri (front leg), Jodan Mawashi Geri, Ushiro Geri, Gyaku Tsuki.
17. Slide forward Oi Tsuki, Ushiro Geri, Gyaku Tsuki, Ushiro Geri, Gyaku Tsuki.
18. Ura, Gyaku Tsuki, Mae Geri, Gedan Mawashi Geri, Jodan Mawashi Geri, Gyaku Tsuki.
19. Back leg Mawashi Geri, Ushiro Mawashi Geri, Jodan Mae Geri, Mawashi Geri, Ushiro
Mawashi Geri.
20. Gedan Mawashi Geri, Tobi Ushiro Mawashi Geri, spring into Jodan Mawashi Geri. (Use
same leg for last two kicks).

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