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Activity No.

1. Public image of crime is the perception of crime and the threat of crime
generally held by members of community. Public image of crime may be manipulated
by authorities and the media to focus on some types of crime and criminal behavior and
divert attention to extent of creating chaos, fear and threat to the society. This fear is
heightened by the way in which crime is seen to be random in nature, with anyone and
everyone a possible target for victimization. Images of crimes depends on how the
public perceive it. On the other hand, public can only perceive what is being given to
them through media intervention.

2. The public`s concern and fear of crime is influenced by many different sources. It
is interesting that most of the public does not have direct contact with serious crime.
Instead, the public is expose to crime and criminal justice processes from vicarious
sources of information, such as the news media. Newspapers, television station, and
radios are among the most influential sources used by the public to develop opinions
about crime in entertainment sources increase the importance of understanding the
media images presented to the public. Although the images of crime and criminal justice
are important, our understanding of the media as the social control institution is limited.
The media had significant influence n general portrayal of crime in society. The images
that permeate popular consciousness of crime are mainly generated by, and reflected in,
the electronic and print media. In this way the media have a tremendous impact in terms
of how crime is generally defined in the society. The media shape our perception of
crime, and in the process they define crime in particular ways. Crimes are being
sensationalized. Simply pretty crimes are given much attention rather that crimes and
offenses made by high ranking officials. Street crimes are given much priorities, creating
chaos and fear on the part of the public. This are characterized as crime waves. With
regard to crime control, the usual implication is that, once a crime has been brought to
the attention of the authorities, investigation will generally lead to detection and capture
offender. This is far different from the reality of much police work, and in specific cases
of serious street crime a significant proportion of cases do not get to the prosecution

3. Media usually sensationalized and featured street crimes such as human rights
violations, assault, rape, drug, homicide, and abuse. It is vital to separate the images
and realities crime in the society. The media shape our perception of crime, in the
process they define crime in particular ways. One aspect of this process is that the
media often portray crime in terms of distinct crime waves. This refers to the way in
which increased reporting of particular types of crime increases the public awareness of
this crime. Significantly, there need not have been an actual increase in the crime for a
crime wave to occur. The increase exist only in public perceptio
Activity No. 2

Relationship with same sex

Wearing the opposite sex`s clothes
Body piercing
Engaging in Pre-marital sex
Kissing, Petting and necking in public

Relationship with same sex

Different opinions were raised on this particular behavior, even on the past years.
As years go by, the accepted standards and norms are now being questioned by other sectors
of the society. The impact is manifested in the existence of LGBT community. Criminal Justice
students have different opinions on the issue considering primarily their gender. The number of
the members of LGBT community is quiet overwhelming, especially on crime justice programs.
It is true that is not against the law, having same sex relationship, but still as of present days, it
is not accepted by the majority and the religious sectors. Opinion vary, depending mainly their
on gender.

Wearing the opposite sex`s clothes

Opinions about cross dressing clearly varies especially when the gender of the
subject is concerned. The result are proportional to the opinions given on same sex relationship.
Opinions vary especially on the prime reasons why would someone resort to wearing the
opposite sex`s apparel. Male criminal justice students think that men used to wear women`s
clothes are gay and vice-versa. Other subject`s response manifested opposing opinion on the
latter. They tend to put case to case scenario. If a male used to wear the opposite sex`s under
garment, they think that the particular male is a pervert, classified as a sexual disorder,

Body piercing
Millennials and generation X, are fond of piercing their own body for the sake of
fashion. They do think that it was cool, and a misconception of having strong manhood.
Some subjects say that it is a product of rebellion. Those who used to do body piercing
has something he or she wants to hide. Subjects says they just want to prove something
and some other say they just want to be different. Considering criminal justice students
think that, this is not cool, under assumption that putting piercing on their body will be a
problem come their application for the force. Factors contributing different responses are
their gender, age and exposure to different people and culture.
Engaging in Pre-marital sex

Sex`s sanctity has been question for the long years. For the Baby boomers sex is
sacred and must be reserved until after marriage. This leads to the sanctity of the human
body. Virginity for instance, nowadays, for some, is not already a big deal. For instance,
Gen X and millennials, for them, sex is just a way of expressing their love and affection
to their partner. Criminal justice student`s response vary. Male subjects tend to see
nothing wrong with pre-marital sex. Quite the opposite is the dissenting response of
female subjects, arguing that they will not give their virginity to someone who is not
worthy. These contradicting responses is possibly true with their point of view and belief
differences. The way theyve been exposed such an issue and or, the way they`ve been
raised by their parents and even their childhood acquaintances might contribute their
responses. Exposures also to sex and or, improper sex education might also a factor.
The rampant and widespread production of pornographic materials also a big factor.

Kissing, Necking and petting in public

The emerging sexuality that accompanies adolescence poses fundamental

challenges for young people. These include adjusting to the altered appearance and
functioning of a sexually maturing body, learning to deal with sexual desires, confronting
sexual attitudes and values, experimenting sexual behaviors, and integrating these
feelings, attitudes and experiences into a developing sense of self. One of the
manifestation of these is the public display of affection. Technically, there is nothing
wrong in the eyes of the law about persons showing love and affection to each other
even on public places, but these malicious acts are quite offensive and contradicting to
the accepted norms and conduct of the society. Criminal justice students responses are
quite different. A number of subjects responded that PDA is just a normal expression of
feelings to each other, most especially between partners. In contradiction to the
responses of other group of students saying that I is immoral and unacceptable. Family
culture and beliefs are some of the contributory factors of these dissenting responses.
External factors like environment, media exposures and acquaintances can also
Activity No. 3

Research Proposal

Title : Aprilville Neighborhood Watch Program: A proposed Crime Prevention Strategy

This research intends to present the need for the implementation of a crime prevention
program and examine how the public response on the proposed program with the end in view
minimizing the crime rate in the locality. The aim of the project is to design a systematic
neighborhood watch program. There are two (2) main task, to prevent and lessen the violators,
crimes against person and crime against property. Specially, the study seeks to answers the
following question:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of;
A. Police officer
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Status
1.4 Monthly family income
1.5 Educational attainment
B. Residents
2.1 Age
2.2 Gender
2.3 Status
2.4 Monthly family income
2.5 Educational attainment

2. What is the perception of the two (2) groups of respondent on the implementation of
the Neighborhood Watch Program as a Crime prevention strategy with respect to:
2.1 Traffic violation
2.2 Crimes against property
2.3 Crimes against person

3. Is there significant relationship between the profile of the two groups of respondent
and their perception on the implementation of neighborhood watch program as a
crime prevention strategy in terms of:
3.1 Traffic Violation
3.2 Crimes against property
3.3 Crimes against persons
4. Is there a significant relationship between the response of the two groups of
respondent and their perception on the implementation of the neighborhood watch
program as a crime prevention strategy in terms of:
4.1 Traffic Violation
4.2 Crimes against property
4.3 Crimes against persons
Research Design

The main objective of the project ie to design a systematic neighborhood watch

program for Aprilville. There are two (2) main tasks, to prevent and lessen the violators in terms
of traffic violations, crimes against person and crimes against property. The descriptive research
is defined as a purposive, process of gathering, analyzing, Classifying and tabulating data about
the prevailing condition, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and relationship followed by
making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or without the help of
statistical method.

Data Gathering Strategy

The researcher will use a self-constructed questionnaire in data gathering.

Secondary data will be collated for purposes of examining the responses of the respondent
against the secondary data presented. The questionnaire will be based on the objective of the
study. Although prepared by the researcher, the guide questions will still be based and framed
on similar studies as may be available.
It is presumed by the researcher in the end of the view getting the best possible
response of the respondent, a self-constructed questionnaire will be appropriate method to be
used and also, considering will be used, this method is more likely empirical.

There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and there
perception on the implementation of the neighborhood watch program as crime prevention
strategy with respect to traffic violation, crimes against persons and crimes against property.
The profile variables of the respondents will be correlated to their perception on the
usefulness of the neighborhood watch program as a crime prevention strategy come its
implementation. It is presumed that there will be no relationship as to their variables the way
they perceived the usefulness of the latter.
There is no significant difference between the response of the two (2) groups of
respondent as to their perceived on the usefulness of the neighborhood watch program as a
crime prevention strategy come its implementation in the term of traffic violation, crimes against
person and crimes against property.
It is Presumed that the response of the two (2) group of respondents, the correlation will
not have any difference as to the usefulness of the neighborhood watch program as a crime
prevention strategy come its implementation.
Activity No. 4
Finance Department:

Westmead I.S Finance department is located at the left lower wing of the college
building, Campus 2, Golden Country Homes Subdivision, Alangilan, Batangas City. Considering
its operations, which is primarily everything that has something to do with finances, (e.g
payments, budget release, reimbursement, financial records etc.), needs a much thorough
security and requires crime prevention machinery. The deployment of 2 guards, strategically
place on various points, were generally to secure the area and for the safety of the clientele as
well. A more systematic service is implemented to serve the clients much better. Closed circuit
televisions are installed on various and vital installations not only limited to the area but on the
whole building perimeters as well to monitor suspicious actions and possible felons. Doors were
always locked and the windows are highly protected by glass windows and metal grills. UV light
tester are issued on duty guards. Finance staffs and disbursement officer are inspected when
going in and out of the area. Specimen signatures of the institution officials and point persons
for the clearance signing are submitted to the cashier and accounting as well as to the security
These precautionary and crime prevention strategies and techniques are employed to
prevent the commission of such unlawful acts and lawless violence as the case may be.
Possible robbery and even qualifies-d theft on the part of the staffs are even prevented, likewise,
deceit attempts in the form of fake banknotes. In addition, forms of deceit such as tampering
school documents and faking signatures for clearance signing are also being prevented.
Installation of additional CCTV cameras and close monitoring are proposed and
suggested as well as setting limitations as the number of clients be served at the same time.
Making arrangements with banks for other means of payments are highly recommended to
lessen the risk of possible crime occurrence. Likewise, close coordination with subdivision
security is also to be considered.

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