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Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Developing Organization:
The Role of Employer Branding


Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Prepared for:

Professor Dr. Ataur Rahman

Chairman, Department of Management

University of Dhaka

Prepared by:

Tanjila Haque


Tourin Tabassum


Rumpa Saha


Masters in Professional Human Resource Management

University of Dhaka

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding


This is our humble attempt to present gratitude in writing this report. We have truly drawn
upon our own understanding from research. We have received help from number of persons
for preparing this report and we would like to thank them all.

At first we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Almighty who created and
provided us with the opportunity to prepare this report. We are grateful to Professor Dr. Ataur
Rahman, Chairman, Department of Management, University of Dhaka for providing us such
an opportunity to prepare this report.

We would also like to express our gratitude to Ms. Shaila Parveen, Vice President & Head of
Recruitment & MIS of The City Bank Limited for her sincere cooperation and appropriate
suggestions in making this report worthwhile.

We are also grateful to our friends who helped us while preparing the study by giving their
suggestions, assistance & supply of information, which were valuable to us. Their helping
hand supported us to complete our report successfully.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Executive Summary

Our course instructor gave us a team project to Human Resource Management. We were
assigned to make team assignment by our course instructor, so we the group members
decided to make project on Employer Branding in banks. The main motive of this project is to
give mainly an overview of City Banks employer branding and to compare it with some
other local and multinational banks are employer branding.

Human resource department in The City Bank limited always try to develop their
organization with new strategies and always exist to help people and organization reach their
goals. Along the way, they face many challenges arising from the demands of the employees,
the organization, the society. The domestic and international environments are the
particularly turbulent because of the growing challenges also result from ever changing laws,
especially laws that address the need for equal employment opportunity. City HR mainly
focuses on attracting the best talent and developing them by enhancing their knowledge and
skills to meet the current and future business need. They also try to create a better
environment with a winning culture where all the employees can boost up with their best

Employer branding has been a very new and popular concept with HR professionals,
branding consultants, and market researchers in the recent past. Now a day, this becomes an
important issue for the development of the organization.

City HR believes that the organization should good brand image in the market to create an
image of a company as a great place to work in in the eyes of current employees, potential
candidates, clients and other stakeholders and attract best talents. So they try to developing
their organization by creating an environment where the employees can explore themselves
and. Through several years City HR are trying to develop their organization by developing
employer branding strategies for attracting best employees as well as developing existing
employees and organization.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Table of Content

Chapters Title Page


Executive Summary

Table of Content

Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction

1.2 Origin of the report

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.4 Scope of the study

1.5 Methodology

1.6 Limitations

Chapter 2 2

Chapter 3 2.1 Employer Branding

2.2Employer Branding in Banking Industry

2.3 Employer Branding @ the City Bank Limited

2.3.1 Internal Branding for developing organization

2.3.2External Branding for developing organization

3 Conclusion and References

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Chapter: 1


Banking is known as the backbone of the national economy. Banks play an important role
in the business sector & promoting industrialization & economic development of the
country. Banks provide necessary funds for the executing various program underway in the
process of economic development. All sorts of economy & financial activities revolve
around the bank. As the industry produces goods & commodities, bank creates & controls
money market & promotes formation of capital. Bank is a powerful medium to bring
socio-economic changes in a developing country like Bangladesh. The three important
sectors in Bangladesh like Agriculture, Commerce & Industry provide the bulk of the
countrys wealth. So the nourishment of these sectors is only possible through
satisfactory banking facility. Development of banking system can provide the necessary
boost for the rapid economy growth of a country and this development of banking sector
mostly depends on the perfect HR practices. Enhancing organizational capability and
develop the organization is a continuous process and probably the most crucial role of
todays HR in this ever changing and challenging business environment.
This project attempts to identify and define areas related to HRM Strategies especially the
Employer Branding Strategies of the City Bank Limited and the Standard Chartered Bank ltd.
It also attempts to develop at least first approach to these areas, to think through policies,
principles, and practices to accomplish the new tasks and to satisfy the corporate needs.
Initially we only had the bookish knowledge about all Management policies, practices and
functions, but after doing research of these two organizations, we got most of the practical
knowledge. We have come to know, what actually happens in the organizations.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Though it is not possible to have the information of all the spheres in market, in such a very
short period, but we tried to get more and more about all functions and practices applied in
practical working environment.

1.2 Origin of the Report

Our purpose of doing this report is to learn about the employment branding strategy in the
banks of our country. For this purpose we have surveyed to the City Bank ltd and collected
data from some local and multinational banks to compare the employment branding strategy
of these banks.

This study has following purposes:

To gain the knowledge of the real business world by doing survey and research.

To compare the real scenario with the knowledge gained in BRAC University

To compare the Employer Branding Strategies of The City Bank Limited with other
local and multinational banks to fulfil the requirement of the HRM 502 course of
MBA Program.

This report will provide information on the Employer Branding Strategies of The City Bank
Limited and other local and multinational banks as we have surveyed of these banks
employment branding strategies.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

1.3 Objective of the Report

The objective of the report can be viewed in two forms:

General Objective
Specific Objective

General Objective:
This report is prepared primarily to complete the Masters of Business Administration
(M.B.A) degree requirement under the BRAC University.

Specific Objective:
More specifically, this study entails the following aspects:

To give an overview of The City Bank Limited

To know about the Employer Branding in brief.
To know how employer branding develop the organization
To know the employer branding strategies taken by the HR of different local and
multinational banks and their effectiveness.
To know about their Human Resource Management.
To know about new strategies about HRD.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This report has prepared to gain a clear view of the Developing Organization: The Role of
Employer Branding. In this report we tried to show how the City Bank Ltd attract the best
talent and then develop them in order to enhance the knowledge and skills of their employees
and as well as help them to meet current and future business challenges. We compare their
employer branding strategy with some other local and multinational banks ,we focus on how
they are developing their organization through the Employer Branding. We also tried to focus
on their HR practices by which their organization are developing rapidly

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

1.5 Methodology of the Study

While conducting the study various data were collected from various sources. The data
collected are divided according to their different nature and source. The study is done with
the help of the following data:

Nature of Data

In this report both Primary and Secondary sources of data is used. The project was basically
executed by gathering information through random interviews. Information was gathered by
asking the daily activities of the staffs of these banks. So we have conducted an interview
method the factors that may affect the HRM policies and practices.

Methods of Collecting Data

In order to fulfill the objectives of the study both Primary and secondary data have been

Primary source: For preparing this team assignment we arranged a meeting Ms. Anandi
kabir Associate Manager Talent Management. Ms. Kabir has sufficient working
knowledge in HR practices and he has helped us a lot to gather the information about The
City Bank Limited.

Secondary source: The secondary data sources which we used are:


Text Book [David A. DeCenzo and Stephen P. Robbins, Personnel/Human

Resource Management,Third Edition, Published by Asoke K. Ghosh)

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

1.6 Limitations

The findings of the report though reliable to an extent of higher degree but they
cannot be fully accurate due to the following reasons:

1. This study, which is conducted in a short course of time, is not free of barriers.
Actually this study does not show the existing all but a portion of the factor affects
The City Bank Limited and The Standard Chartered Bank
2. It was difficult to get an appointment for interview in these banks.
3. The data required for sufficient analysis for report writing could not be collected
due to time limitations.
4. As they are developing their strategies regarding Employer Branding so they are
keeping confidentiality this concept more
5. The study was not done very successfully due to inexperience.
Supply of more practical and contemporary data is another shortcoming

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Chapter: 2

Company Profile
City Bank is one of the oldest private Commercial Banks operating in Bangladesh. It is a top bank
among the oldest five Commercial Banks in the country which started their operations in 1983. The
Bank started its journey on 27th March 1983 through opening its first branch at B. B. Avenue Branch in
the capital, Dhaka city. It was the visionary entrepreneurship of around 13 local businessmen who
braved the immense uncertainties and risks with courage and zeal that made the establishment &
forward march of the bank possible. Those sponsor directors commenced the journey with only Taka
3.4 crore worth of Capital, which now is a respectable Taka 2311.78 crore as capital & reserve.

City Bank is among the very few local banks which do not follow the traditional, decentralized,
geographically managed, branch based business or profit model. Instead the bank manages its
business and operation vertically from the head office through 5 distinct Units namely

I. Business Unit
II. Branch Banking
III. Risk Unit
IV. Operations Unit
V. Support

Under a real-time online banking platform, these 5 distinct Units are supported at the back by a robust
service delivery or operations setup and also a smart IT Backbone. Such centralized business segment
based business & operating model ensure specialized treatment and services to the bank's different
customer segments.

The bank currently has total 120 branches which includes 99 online branches, 1 full-fledged Islamic
Banking branch, 1 SME service center and 11 SME/Agri branches spread across the length & breadth
of the country. Besides these traditional delivery points, the bank is also very active in the alternative
delivery area. It currently has 279 ATMs of its own; and ATM sharing arrangement with partner banks
that has more than 1150 ATMs in place; SMS Banking; Internet Banking and so on. It already started
its Customer Call Center operation.

City Bank is the first bank in Bangladesh to have issued Dual Currency Credit Card. The bank is a
principal member of VISA international and it issues both Local Currency (Taka) & Foreign Currency
(US Dollar) card limits in a single plastic. VISA Debit Card is another popular product which the bank is
pushing hard in order to ease out the queues at the branch created by its astounding base of some
400,000 retail customers. The launch of VISA Prepaid Card for the travel sector is currently underway.

City Bank has launched American Express Credit Card and American Express Gold Credit card in
November 2009. City Bank is the local caretaker of the brand and is responsible for all operations
supporting the issuing of the new credit cards, including billing and accounting, customer service, credit
management and charge authorizations, as well as marketing the cards in Bangladesh. Both cards are
international cards and accepted by the millions of merchants operating on the American Express
global merchant network in over 200 countries and territories including Bangladesh. City Bank also
introduced exclusive privileges for the card members under the American Express Selects program in
Bangladesh. This will entitled any American Express card members to enjoy fantastic savings on retail
and dining at some of the finest establishment in Bangladesh. It also provides incredible privileges all
over the globe with more than 13,000 offers at over 10,000 merchants in 75 countries.

City Bank prides itself in offering a very personalized and friendly customer service. It has in place a
customized service excellence model called CRP that focuses on ensuring happy customers through
setting benchmarks for the bank's employees' attitude, behavior, readiness level, accuracy and
timelines of service quality.

City Bank is one of the largest corporate banks in the country with a current business model that

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

heavily encourages and supports the growth of the bank in Retail and SME Banking. The bank is very
much on its way to opening many independent SME centers across the country within a short time. The
bank is also very active in the workers' foreign remittance business. It has strong tie-ups with major
exchange companies in the Middle East, Europe, Far East & USA, from where thousands of individual
remittances come to the country every month for disbursements through the bank's large network of 99
online branches and SME service centers.

The current senior management leaders of the bank consist of mostly people form the multinational
banks with superior management skills and knowledge in their respective "specialized" areas. The
newly launched logo and the pay-off line of the bank are just one initial step towards reaching that

The Financial Supermarket with a Winning Culture Offering Enjoyable Experiences

Offer wide array of products and services that differentiate and excite all customer segments
Be the Employer of choice by offering an environment where people excel and leaders are created
Continuously challenge processes and platforms to enhance effectiveness and efficiency
Promote innovation and automation with a view to guaranteeing and enhancing excellence in service
Ensure respect for community, good governance and compliance in everything we do

Result Driven
Accountable & Transparent
Courageous & Respectful
Engaged & Inspired
Focused on Customer Delight

Board of Directors

Mr. Rubel Aziz Mr. Aziz Al Kaiser Mr. Deen Mohammad

Chairman Director Director

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Mr. Mohammad Shoeb Mr. Hossain Mehmood Mr. Hossain Khaled

Director Director Director

Mr. Rajibul Huq Chowdhury Mrs. Tabassum Kaiser Mr. Rafiqul Islam Khan
Director Director Director

Mrs. Syeda Shaireen Aziz Barrister Tanjib-ul Alam Sohail R. K. Hussain

Director Independent Director Managing Director & CEO

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Management Committee

Sohail R. K. Hussain
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

Mashrur Arefin
Faruq Moinuddin
Additional Managing Director,
Additional Managing Director &
Chief Operations Officer &
Chief Risk Officer
Chief Communications Officer

Sheikh Mohammad Maroof Md. Abdul Wadud

Deputy Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director &
Head of Wholesale Banking Head of Credit Risk Management

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Kazi Azizur Rahman Md. Mahbubur Rahman Mahia Juned

Chief Information Officer Chief Financial Officer Head of Operations

Md. Nazmul Arif Khan

Md Monzur Mofiz Md. Kafi Khan
Head of Internal Control &
Head of Commercial Banking Company Secretary

Anti Money Laundering

City Bank constitutes an Anti-Money Laundering Division at its Head Office under the
guidance of Additional Managing Director and Chief Risk Officer, who also acts as the Chief
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer (CAMLCO) of the bank.

AMLD implements and enforces corporate-wide Anti-Money Laundering, Know Your

Customer, and Anti-Terrorist Financing policies, procedures and measures to the bank.

City Bank, through its AMLD, is fully compliant with the governments AML and ATF
legislations, central banks prudential guidelines and also international directives, e.g., FATF
Recommendations, USA Patriot Act etc.

People Philosophy
Being one of the oldest private Commercial Banks operating in Bangladesh since 1983, The City Bank Limited (CBL)
has come a long way; both in terms its business process and people philosophy. What started as the visionary
entrepreneurship of around 13 local businessmen is now one of the leading banks of our country with 2700+
permanent employees.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

This triumphant journey has been possible only because at CBL we believe in a culture that is rewarding. In line with
our Vision, CBL encourages each individual to achieve their true potential. Being a part of CBL, one has the
opportunity to work in his/her area of expertise or one that he/she is interested in. We are a fast growing and superior
bank, not only in terms of our products and services but also in terms of our people philosophy. Whichever function
one might choose, be it Core banking, Finance, Brand, HR or any other functions, we at CBL foster a Winning Culture
for both our internal and external stakeholders and ensure our talents can grow and excel in both functional and
leadership front.

Why people choose City Bank?

Recognized Brand
People Management Philosophy
Robust and Transparent Process
Dynamic & Growing Organization
Winning Culture
Socially Responsible Organization

Career Prospect at CBL

CBL is among the very few local banks which do not follow the traditional,
decentralized, geographically managed, branch based business or profit model.
Instead the bank manages its business and operation vertically from the head
office mainly through 5 segments:


Branch Banking





Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Selection Process
The selection process of The City Bank Limited is designed to identify the right fit for a position.

At City Bank, the following selection process is pursued:


For Students - Internship

At CBL we believe in acting as a development partner of the universities and young talents
of the country, and internship is one of the ways of addressing this. We will provide
internship to students from well reputed, UGC approved universities, in three cycles in a
year. We will take maximum 25 interns per cycle. To be able to qualify for the internship
selection process the student must have a minimum CGPA of 3 on a scale of 4 from a
reputed university.

For Fresh Graduates -Management Trainee Program/Officers

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

The Management Trainee program plays a crucial role in the development and
strengthening of CBLs talent pipeline. The MT Program is a one year program where the
MT spends 2 days in Orientation, 1 month in Foundation Program and 11 months in cross
functional rotations (business awareness & functional development) supported by
structured coaching & mentoring sessions and formal leadership training programs.

Experienced Hires
Working at CBL is a great career move. Whether you are our business or corporate
executives, branch manager, a customer service representative, or even one of our tellers
you'll be part of a great group of professionals who are Engaged & Inspired. So, interested
candidate can apply in any of the functions depending upon job opening.

Temporary Employment
Temporary Employment is for a short period of time for a specific job assignment in any
particular field of the bank business.

How to Apply

You can register yourself anytime at our system by filling our Online Application Form. For future
reference, use your E-mail address as your user ID. We discourage hardcopy of resume and promote
online application system. One of the highlights of our online application system is that you can track
the status of your resume in our selection process.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Chapter 3
3.1 Employer Branding

Employer branding has been a very new and popular concept with HR professionals,
branding consultants, and market researchers in the recent past. Now a day, this becomes an
important issue for the development of the organization. Actually, attracting the right talent
and retaining them becomes a critical aspect for business success and research has shown that
right brand for an employer can really help in this regard.

Employer branding refers to the image of a company as a great place to work in in the
eyes of current employees, potential candidates, clients and other stakeholders. It is very
significant in todays workplace as employer branding involves employee attraction,
employee engagement and employee retention. In this way, talented human resource is
acquired and made available which in turn enhances the companys overall image and name.

Employer Branding was first used in the early 1990s and has gained importance since then.
The company should deliver what it promises and only this way brand building happens.
Employer branding cannot happen overnight and so continuous efforts must be directed
towards achieving this differentiating factor. In fact, it has become a part of business strategy
itself for some companies. For example, Google, across many countries, still ranks first in the
employer branding category since 2009 as it is unanimously agreed to be the best place to
work in and they are developing their organization in a remarkable way. A companys
employer brand is made up of numerous components. Corporate Eye blog breaks these
components down quite well. Whats important to realize is that the employer brand is really
based on human relationship and human emotions vs. anything else. Its those companies that
think of HR as Human Relationships vs. Human Resources that are on their way to
building and promoting a successful employment brand as well as developing the
organization and these are:- Internal communication, Reward and recognition, Learning &
development, Measurement systems, Recruitment and on-boarding, Working environment,
External marketing, Values, Senior leadership, Measurement systems, Performance appraisal,
Team management etc which should be practiced in any organizational development.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Here, two of the biggest elements of employment branding are communication and culture by
which one can make their organization well known to all external people. Actually, people
always want to feel like they fit in and they always want to be communicated to in an open and
authentic manner. This holds true whether youre thinking about internal employees or external
job seekers and candidates.

First of all, A strong employer brand can help your organization stand out. With the shift to
fragmented workforces of small and mid-sized businesses, it can be challenging to recruit and
retain employees, if you dont have a consistent employer brand.

Then, positioning your employer brand helps you attract and retain people who fit. With four
generations in the workplace and a wide variance in employee motivations, a compelling
employer brand can help you identify, attract and retain the right people.

After that, a great employer brand can help you stand out, even when you dont have the
resources to offer traditional benefits or salaries. Many people prefer to work for employers
aligned with their values. A great employer brand can help you become an employer of choice.
Also, a distinct employer brand can streamline recruitment. By being clear about your
organizations values, goals and culture, you can avoid interviewing people who are out of sync
with your organization. And you can increase applications from people who fit.

Great people seek out great brands. The best potential employees may not be the ones applying
to random job postings. Great people seek out great employers who represent opportunities to
fulfill their goals, achieve their dreams and live their values. By building a great employer brand,
you can compel great hires to seek you out rather than waiting for a job opening to come up.
Employer branding has external and internal aspects. The internal factors are the culture, HR
practices, and the overall employment experience that a current employee has. The external
factors are what a prospective employee feels about the organization.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Accordingly to Richard Mosley, who is an employer branding guru, the critical aspect is to have
consistency between your internal employer brand and external employer brand.
If what the organization promises to the external world is inconsistent with what is happening in
the organization, it can create conflict with the new joiners who expects what was promised
through branding. While the current employees on the other hand might feel cheated by the
practices followed. Instead of supporting the organization in retaining and attracting talent, it will
leave both the current and future employees unhappy.

In developing and managing an employer brand for the organizational development, the critical
aspect would be the development of Employer Value Proposition. Employer Value Proposition
speaks about the direct and indirect benefits of working with the brand. It also speaks about the
core aspects of the association. For example in an interview process it is expected that candidate
is treated fairly and with respect. Similarly, in a performance management process, the key is to
show employees their potential and provide them with more avenues to showcase their potential
which reflects the proposition of empowering performance. These propositions need to be
reflected at all levels in the organization. For example, Nikes EVP emphasizes a culture that
pushes boundaries and encourages innovation: Nike does more than outfit the worlds best
athletes. They are a place to explore potential, obliterate boundaries, and push out the edges of
what they can be. Theyre looking for people who can grow, think, dream and create. They thrive
in a culture that embraces diversity and rewards imagination. They seek achievers, leaders and
visionaries. At Nike, its about bringing what you have to a challenging and constantly evolving
Managers should embody these values in the way they treat their employees. Employer branding
is a holistic process once the core value propositions are clear. Myriad of possibilities exist for
spreading the employer brand. Current employees are clearly the first brand ambassadors. Your
website and the career section should convey the brand. Advertisements related to jobs or careers
should reflect the brand. Web 2.0 media including social networking tools like Facebook or
LinkedIn are an important face of employer branding.

Again, The physical infrastructure should also reflect the employer brand. Imagine an
organization which talks about treating people equally and about its free communication culture,

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

having their executives sitting in closed cabins. The first step to creating a positive difference in
the employer brand is leadership mindset change. For example if an organization is planning to
project a youthful outlook to its employer brand, the very first step might be leaders accepting
that young people are required for progress and their inputs are valued. The second step would
be tweaking processes to have more young people and creating a work environment for them.
For example instead of age as a factor for hiring for senior management positions, competency
should be given precedence.

The average age of people working might have to be reduced and also instead of years of
experience based promotions, performance based promotions can take over. Any change like this
would be constant process and required focused long term efforts and hence strategic in nature.
The benefits of having a right employer brand and conveying them effectively are many folds.
First we will get the right talent to join the organization and the right talent to stay.
The clear measure of a better employer brand would be the ratio of number of offers given to
people to the number of people who finally joined. The recruitment costs and time will come
down as the organization becomes more lucrative to join and lesser effort is needed to recruit
people. In the long term the right brand will definitely help people stay and the reasons will be
more than monetary considerations.

The employee engagement measures will also have higher scores as the organization itself
embodies the image they want to convey resulting in a better psychological contact with the
employer. The other outcome could even be that your organization is featured as one of the best
places to work!

The key aspect of employer branding is to understand that it is not just about advertisements or
communication collaterals it is the reflection of what is the reality present or future that
the employees experience in the organization.
Now a days the organization are focusing more on their internal marketing or internal branding
process through which they can increase employee retain and gain satisfaction over the
employees to develop their organization. Also they have external branding process through
which they can attract the best talent from the market.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

According to Donna White, As the world changes and the millennial generations take over ,
more emphasis will be placed on relational elements- social media will continue to play a huge
role in this, as will brand and we will probably have to let go of our rigid definitions as well.

Building a strong employer brand is not the sole responsibility of Human Resources. It is a team
approach that starts from the leadership and includes Human Resources, Marketing and Finance.
In fact, everyone in the organization is an Ambassador of the Brand. Employer branding involves
several cross-functional areas of expertise. In most organizations, the HR function is responsible
for employer branding.

Employment Branding a very new concept is generating more and more interest among today's
aggressive employers. However, it is fairly common to see employers and other professionals get
Employment Branding mixed up with the Employee Value Proposition. The brand is the
personality of the company. Those companies that have done the best job of branding are able to
concentrate on the EVP in their advertising to potential candidates. In others words, the company
can invest most of their advertising dollars into more of the persuading factors that give them a
competitive edge. And let's face it, your ad is unquestionably a sale of your company to potential

But employer branding is not the same as advertising. Employment branding is a long-term
recruiting strategy. It has a myriad of critical elements, only one of which deals with marketing
through award programs, editorial content in target publications and presentations at conferences
and viral programs. Employment branding isnt just about getting more people to apply for your
job vacancy it is about attracting those who are aligned with your organization and believe in it
its vision, values, commitment to employees and clients as well as to ensure employees are a
good fit with your organization who can develop the organization.2

A companys employment brand strategy is a long term effort that permeates every aspect of the
employee lifecycle, including recruitment, on boarding, retention and engagement. The most
important guiding principle is that companies must deliver what they promise. Consistency
between words and actions goes a long way toward building a positive perception among both
job-seekers and employees.3

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

According to Jo Pieters, Philips, Each and every employee should act as an ambassador of your
brand and that requires a strong recognized internal and external employee value proposition.
Recently, Employees are increasingly behaving like consumers when choosing to join or stay
with an employer. A positive employer brand can be a way of differentiating one organization
from another and a way of creating a strong, distinctive and attractive identity with which current
or potential employees can identify. Todays leading employers recognize that it is essential to
develop good people policies and to communicate these externally as well as internally to attract
the best and brightest talent and these best talent are going to develop the organization most.
A study of Yum, the parent company of Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, A&W and Long John
Silvers, found that significant investments in strengthening the companys employment brand,
including hiring an employment marketing manager, improving employee communications and
instituting recognition programs, resulted in improved retention.

According to Genevive Fortier, Need to differentiate our company from our competitors, and
our employer branding was a starting point to address this challenge If what the organisation
promises to the external world is inconsistent with what is happening in the organisation, it can
create conflict with the new joiners who expects what was promised through branding. While the
current employees on the other hand might feel cheated by the practices followed. Instead of
supporting the organization in retaining and attracting talent, it will leave both the current and
future employees unhappy.

Thus, employer branding is a long-term, but dynamic process that requires cross-functional
collaboration across different departments, a multiplicity of skill-sets and knowledge, dedication
to a set of shared organizational goals and values, continuous execution and improvement, and a
willingness to change and adapt to different market dynamics, especially amid challenging

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

2.2 Employer Branding in Banking Industry

Employer branding helps companies attract and retain high performing employees. If your
company wants to succeed in an increasingly competitive marketplace, leveraging employer
branding may help. Employer branding sells your workplace culture, values and goals to
potential and existing employees. By attracting and retaining people with the right fit, you can
create a more productive workforce and position your organization for long term success. As
strong employer brand can help your organization stand out, many banks in our country applies
this strategies for developing their organization.

Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered Bank emphasizes on employee branding is the most with a high priority. And
they try to follow it in every action which is related with the employees. Here are some polices
of SCB which clearly state that SCB always want the highest satisfaction among their employee
so that they can reach a goal collectively. For finding highest quality employee Standard
Chartered search by different sources such as Job sites, Job fair even from their intern they do
recruitment which creates a great image in the mind of potential candidates. Standard Chartered
Bank recruits the most talented individuals from the external market to supplement our internal
pipeline of talent. Their Human Resources department provides guidance on the use of
psychometric test sand has robust recruitment criteria to ensure that all candidates are treated
fairly, equally and with respect. It has a global Graduate Recruitment Program; where in the
region of 150 graduates are recruited each year on a management trainee program across all
businesses, functions and countries. Standard Chartered provides a framework within which the
employee can identify the training and development needs. Such training provides a consistent
standard of management learning throughout Standard Chartered. It also enables the employees
to take all of the programs or study for individual modules according to their particular
development needs. Development Programs are carried out in the first two years of joining,
applicable to all management trainees, across the Bank. Each business and function would decide
the appropriate development needs for each individual, within this overall framework. Standard
Chartered Bank believes that the health and well-being of their employees and their families is

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

important. They are concerned not only about the physical health of their employees, but also
their mental and emotional well- being. Standard Chartered Bank aims to reward the talented and
high performing Employees competitively. They regularly conduct salary surveys to ensure that
the reward package remains competitive in the market place. In addition to this, the bank
provides various incentives in the form of bonuses to encourage the employees and motivate
them to continue with their high performance. These include, Spot Award, Surprise Award, Best
Performer Award and Service Quality Award

HSBC has the most valuable banking brand in the world, which plays a lot of emphasis on its
People Strategy. They have a number of world class HR practices like diversity and inclusion,
employee engagement, global talent mobility, flexible working, and robust learning and
development. They pay maximum attention to their employees' career development and more
importantly their welfare. In addition, one of the major pillars in our Corporate Sustainability
strategy is to nurture the potential of Bangladeshs talented youth. Most of the potential
candidates have the highest priority for doing job in HSBC as they have the best reward policy
and work place. For doing this they got Best Employer Award from for attracting the
best talents from the market.

Eastern Bank Limited & United Commercial Bank

Now a days local banks like Eastern Bank Limited and United Commercial Bank etc are trying
to establish employer branding at their organization. They are now focusing on employee
retention, creating work life balance, strong learning and development, participating job fair with
the wide array offer of different jobs etc by which they are making their organization to choose
first by the potential candidates.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

2.3 Employer Branding @ the City Bank Limited

The Human Resource Department of the City Bank Limited plays a crucial role to enhance their
organizational capabilities, efficiency and overall development in this ever changing and
challenging business environment. City Bank HR is always aware about their organizational
development and committed to provide the required support to achieve business objectives.
Basically as a local bank City HR tries to make their organization just like as other multinational
banks of Bangladesh. City HR mainly focuses on attracting the best talent and developing them
by enhancing their knowledge and skills to meet the current and future business need. They also
try to create a better environment with a winning culture where all the employees can boost up
their effectiveness and efficiency. City HR develop new strategies and policies for make this
organization to be the Employer of Choice by offering a great environment where the
employees can excel their all activities. Recently City HR focuses more on developing Employer
Branding strategies to make their organization best workplace with a great culture as well as
attracting the employer first choice of employment.
As this is a market oriented era, without a good brand value in market no one cannot get good
response to convince people. From an HR point of view branding is very important. If any
organization has a good brand image in the market, it will help you in getting right workforce at
right time and at the same time you will have a control over the employee cost. An organization
with no brand name has to shell out lots of money to attract and retain the right candidate.
City HR believes in creating an image of a company as a great place to work in in the eyes of
current employees, potential candidates, clients and other stakeholders. Also they try to create an
environment where the employees can explore themselves. Through several years City HR are
developing their employer branding strategies for attracting best employees as well as
developing existing employees and organization.

Actually, the term Employer Branding is all about marketing and this marketing can be external
branding and internal branding. To develop their organization through Employer Branding
Strategies City HR has taken some strategic actions for both potential and existing employment.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

2.3.1 Internal Branding for developing


Launching new vision, mission and values

Past few years City HR have undergone various changes in oraganizations processes and
business strategies. They established new stratigies and practises to develop their organization in
this competative market. They introduced new vision, Mission and values and followed various
activities to make these things as a part for all City Bank employers. As they introduced a
stretching and far fetched Vision, The Financial Supermarket with a Winning Culture Offering
Enjoyable Experiences by which they desired of a future where they want to see their selves in a
great workplace. To achieve this vision they develop their mission and these are:
Offer wide array of products and services that differentiate and excite all customer
Be the Employer of choice by offering an environment where people excel and leaders
are created
Continuously challenge processes and platforms to enhance effectiveness and efficiency
Promote innovation and automation with a view to guaranteeing and enhancing
excellence in service
Ensure respect for community, good governance and compliance in everything we do

They also believe the vision and Mission cannot be achieved unless they define the expected
behavior of their employees so they come up with values and there are:

Result Driven
Accountable & Transparent
Courageous & Respectful
Engaged & Inspired
Focused on Customer Delight

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

As vision, mission and values are important for any organization to know how the management
wants its employees to perform and behave. Actually, City HR introduced these new vision,
mission and values to engage their all employees that demonstrate them the pathway to reach the
desired strategic direction. Also, these specific vision, mission and values are designed to engage
all the employees in their series of activities and create a great place to work as well as increase
their satisfaction.

Attracting Existing Talent

The City Bank Limited also encourages people to grow from within and therefore will give equal
opportunity to recruit suitable candidates internally against any vacancies. Internal candidates
can only apply for a specific job opening after taking approval from line manager and divisional
head is the provided form. Actually these internal job vacancies are creating opportunities to
demonstrate the employees involvement in various department of the organization. This can
increase satisfaction of the employees and retain them. Also, an internal candidate need to have
spent at six months in his current role to be able to apply for lateral internal move, and at least
one year in his current role to be able to apply for a opening in a higher position.

Developing Existing Talent

City HR is focusing on developing and building their organization as learning organization
where all can demonstrate their skills and knowledge. This purpose is one of the strategic pillars
for City HR of developing their organization and established the organization as the platform of
learning. Also, this step makes an employee to feel that they are acquiring something from their
organization and increase satisfaction. As most of the employees cannot get the opportunities to
learn more after their work activities, so this strategy can increase satisfaction throughout the
organization. To establish the organizations a learning organization, they launched a formal
training calendar to facilitate smooth implementation of training and to enhance the learning
opportunities for their employees. They mainly focused on formal orientation, induction and
foundation programs which helped support the learning culture the envisioned. Besides City HR

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

plays a vital role in terms of designing and developing Management Trainee program to groom
the future leaders of the bank.

Work Environment
As the first impression is last impression, so City HR focuses more on their work environment as
their employer branding tool. The HR Service team always focuses on the neatness of every
department and the excellence in service delivery. They monitor every activity to ensure the
excellent work environment of every department. Also, City Bank Limited makes their front
office more neat and clean with a pleasant receptionist who always maintains freshness and
welcomes the guests with courtesy. Also the interior decorations of all branches are very
excellent which attracts the customers, other stakeholders of the organization as well as the
employees to serve in the best work place.

HR Automation and Green Banking

HRMIS of the City HR introduced a HRMIS system named EXPLORE which the first online
database system of all the employees within the local organization. This database store all the
information like personal information, performance management, training needs and records,
leave and attendance record. As they have the vision to create a real time information based, self-
service and interactive work environment, they implement explore by which they are re
arranging their work processes, saving time and money and create a competitive advantage for
the organization. As Explore are providing an end to end solution to all the employees, will
immensely facilitate the bank as well as its employees. Now it`s become easy and fast for the
Employees to know performance management, their training needs and records, taking leave
easily from anywhere from Bangladesh which all indicates the increasing satisfaction of the
employees within the organization and this satisfaction is very important for any organization to
grow. City HR believes a satisfied employee is a productive employee, if the employees are
satisfied, then will create a good and positive rapport for their organization in the market and
developed as well. Also, this HRMS system minimizing the usage of papers and promote Green
Banking in their organization.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Performance Management
City HR always tries to promoting their culture people throughout the organization. Promoting
this high performance culture and to simplify the previous evaluation process they modified their
Performance appraisal process with the purpose of establishing the process and to educate CBL
employees on how to measure and evaluate their yearly Performance through robust awareness

Reward and Reorganization

City Bank feels that the individual and team effort and performance should be regularly
appreciated and recognized so as to keep our employees motivated to give in their best efforts.
And more importantly by recognizing these performances, we reinforce, with our chosen means
of recognition, the actions and behaviors we want CBL employees to repeat most. The Board has
approved the new Reward and Recognition policy which recognizes and rewards people for their
contribution towards the success of City Bank.

Celebrating as One Family

Employee engagement is about creating opportunities for employees to connect with their
colleagues managers and wider organization. It is also about creation and environment where
employees are motivated to want to connect with their work and really care about doing a good
job. City Bank HR team has played a key role in implementing engagement events and activities
within CBL. The objective of such events is to ensure that CBL employees across the
organization can get an opportunity to enjoy with their family members at occasions outside the
busy work life. The major events organized in 2014 are International Womens Day Celebration,
Bengali New Year Celebration, and Movie show in Star Cineplex for the family members of
CBL employees.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

2.3.2 External Branding for developing


Attracting the Best Talents

The main spirit of a successful business is its people and the City Bank HR team is proud to have
contributed in this field immensely. They always try to attract the best talent from the best
universities. The highlight of attracting best talent was the MT post of City Bank. For attracting
applications for the MT post they have used Press advertisement as a means of communication
and their success was spelt through the application of more than 6700 applications from
universities like IBA, NSU, and BRAC etc. The applicants had to go through a written test and
only 103 candidates were called for the assessment center developed in house by our City Bank
HR team. 76 candidates were finally selected through Assessment Center for final interview. Out
of these 76 candidates were selected as the MTs of CBL.

Job fair
City HR participate various job fairs especially in universities to attract the best talents for their
bank and to support their employer Brand image in entry level. In 2012 and 2013 City HR
participated in the career fairs respectively at United International University and North South
University to attract the best talents who can develop their organization.

Campus Awareness & Road Shows

Recently City HR is trying to support their employer brand values by campus awareness
campaign. They try to arrange different seminars and awareness campaign at different
universities to create a brand value of them among the students. To fulfill this goal they arrange a
road show named, Dream! Dare!! Do!!! which is actually a career counseling workshop for the
students of top universities. By doing this CBL HR tries to develop the talents as well as
acquiring qualified talents for developing their organization. Now they are arranging another

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

workshop name Challenge Yourself, Be the Change for the students of the universities to
demonstrate their talents and develop them by giving counseling about their career. They are
going to take a class as a guest lecturer on well reputed universities on different HR also support
their employer branding strategies. They are also trying to arrange different road shows on
different topics to establish their brand image on peoples mind. Also, they participated and
sponsored the club Fair 2014 in BRAC University to create their brand image among the
students. By doing this CBL HR tries to create image in the mind of every students as well as
hunt the best talents for their organization.

Internship program
City HR started the Internship program at City Bank from 2011 to support their employer Brand
image and to also have a pool of entry level officers ready at all time. They believe in acting as a
development partner of the universities and young talents of the country can increase their brand
image in entry level and internship is one of the ways of addressing this.

Use of Job Sites

As HR the first thing which comes to the mind is recruitment, so job sites also offer good
branding opportunities through different means. City HR focuses on designing a resourceful
website by which any candidates can apply easily when jobs are posted. Also, the candidates can
upload their CV only and apply later when their required jobs are posted. Besides this any job
seekers and stakeholders can get any information easily from this websites.

Public Events
Public events are one of the major ways of creating a brand image. An organization can
participate in any of the public event and assuring that it does not get disappeared in the crowd of
many brands or big names. City HR also encourages the whole organization for arranging and
sponsoring different public events to establish their employer brand images. Last year, City Bank
American Express sponsored Mega Musical Concert with Shreya Ghoshal at the Gulshan Club

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

on 28 May, 2010. Also, the City Bank sponsored a mixed music album Joyodhoni inspiring
the team and the fans which are dedicated to the Bangladesh National Cricket Team.Besides this,
City Bank is a proud partner in the success of the first Cricket World Cup in Bangladesh. Then,
City Brokerage again organized the 2nd Share Bazar Mela in a grand fashion in Dhaka
Sheraton Hotel.

Therefore, The City bank Limited is enthusiastic for the development of their organization as
well as the people through employer branding, they mainly focus on developing their strategies
by which they can achieve the international standard. They mainly try to create an image of a
company as a great place to work in in the eyes of current employees, potential candidates,
clients and other stakeholders. Already City HR have developing Employer Branding strategies
to make their organization best workplace with a great culture as well as attracting the employer
first choice of employment and building their organization as a different one from other local
banks of Bangladesh.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding

Chapter: 3


Human resource department in The City Bank limited always try to develop their organization
with new strategies and always exist to help people and organization reach their goals. Along the
way, they face many challenges arising from the demands of the employees, the organization, the
society. Employer branding has been a very new and popular concept with HR professionals,
branding consultants, and market researchers in the recent past. Now a day, this becomes an
important issue for the development of the organization. Employer branding leads to improve
profitability and more positive attitudes towards developing the whole organization. As, City HR
tries to create a better environment with a winning culture where all the employees can boost up
with their best abilities so, this employer branding strategies helps in increasing the productivity
of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal. Also they try
to attract the potential candidates and make them to choose this bank as their first choice in
banking industry in the long run.

Developing Organization: The Role of Employer Branding











11. (City Bank Website)


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