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Name: Karen Colon

For Which Badge: Facebook

Social Media Marketing Audit

(aka Case Study)

Name of Company: Westpac Title of Campaign: Westpac Chopper Appeal

Description of Products/Services: Rescue service through video and social media content

Briefly explain the marketing challenges or objectives that this company faced before implementing
their social media strategy.

The marketing chalenges that this company faced was convincing viewers/Clients that it was a
good thing to support.

Who was/are the target market(s) of this campaign?

The target market fot this Campaign is ina way everyone, although they did specify New Zealanders.

What was the key message the campaign was designed to communicate?

The key message was that every second counts in critical emergencie situations and things need to
be easily excessable in these situations in order to save lives.

Describe the campaign or social media marketing strategy the company executed.

The companie used a series of short films to show its audience how their service works and how
effective it could be in order to save lives/

What went well? What did they do right?

The company has been able to become really successful in many parts and is growing. The thing
they did right was showcase their service in a way that was relatable and understandable.

What went wrong? What could they have done better?

One thing they could have done better was show how to use the service, because we can all see it
works but we dont know how.

What were the results or outcome of the campaign? If it was an unsuccessful campaign, what
takeaways were gained from this experience (for you and/or the company)?

It was for the most part succeful and they are currently trying to grasp the attention of New
Additional thoughts or comments: (Attach links to resources, campaign sites, videos, etc.
Supporting documents can be submitted as attachments in the Audit Dropbox along with this file.)

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