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Planet Travel Brochure

Teacher Name: Ms. Olsen

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 10 9 to 7 6 to 4 3 to 0
Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well with the text Graphics go well with the text, Graphics go well with the Graphics do not go with the
and there is a good mix of text but there are so many that they text, but there are too few accompanying text or appear to
and graphics. distract from the text. and the brochure seems be randomly chosen.

Attractiveness & The brochure has exceptionally The brochure has attractive The brochure has well- The brochure's formatting and
Organization attractive formatting and well- formatting and well-organized organized information. organization of material are
organized information. information. confusing to the reader.

Content - All facts in the brochure are 99-90% of the facts in the 89-80% of the facts in the Fewer than 80% of the facts in
Accuracy accurate. brochure are accurate. brochure are accurate. the brochure are accurate.

Creativity The activities are original and The activities are somewhat The activities are somewhat The activities are not original,
well suited to the features of suited to the planet and suited to the planet, but do suited to the planet and do not
the planet, demonstrating demonstrate understanding of not demonstrate demonstrate understanding of
understanding of the planet's the planet's features, but are understanding of the the planet's features.
features. not original creations. planet's features.

Knowledge Brochure demonstrates student Brochure demonstrates student Brochure only demonstrates Brochure does not demonstrate
Gained understanding of the planet's understanding of the planet's understanding of one or understanding of the planet's
features in comparison to Earth's atmosphere and surface some of the features, and features in comparison to Earth.
features, including the features, but not in comparison may not be in comparison to
atmosphere and surface to Earth's features. Earth.
Writing - There are no grammatical There are 1-2 grammatical There are 3-4 grammatical There are 5+ grammatical
Grammar mistakes in the brochure. mistakes in the brochure. mistakes in the brochure. mistakes in the brochure.

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