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: , , ,
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: . ,
, -
- ,
, , , , ,
, - .1
(1207-1215) , -
. , , , , -
- , ,
, .
. , .
, -
- .2 (. 15)
, . (. 8-10) -
, (. 1, 2)

, -

, -


. , , ,
, .
. (. 11-15)

, , .3
. -
, , .
- .4
. -
1990, 15.
Ibid., 17.
, 3
- , -
- , , , , , ,
UNESCO Private and public , , , .
games from prehistory to early medieval period Burkert 1987; - 1999; Nikoloska
Histria Antiqua : Medieval Theatre in 2012, 299-311; Petruevska 2012, 313-324 etc.
Macedonia - Some examples of theatre on public squares. 4

. 1- : ) , )
) . -
Fig. 1a-c Archaeological items from public theatrical entertainments: a) a mime artist; b) a capitol decorated with an
illustration of a venator; c) a capitol decorated with a tragic mask. From the ancient city of Stoby.

Stobi, Lychidos, Heraclea Lynkestis , -

Skupi , - . -
- -
, 5 . , ,
. (. 1-3) ,
, () .8 ,
6 (. 1) - ,
, - , -
, .9 (. 3)
. - -
, intra muros ( extra muros)
.7 .
, - . ,
- , -
. ; .
, ,
; , , -
, ,

, , -
, -

I . . .. I . .., -
- 8
Gebhard 2012, figs. 1, 2, 6; 1987, .
, , . 3-7, 3.
Petruevska 2012, 313-324. 9
1987, 68-80, . 67-83, 7.
I . .. (Gebhard 2012, 335- 10
: . -
346) II . . . -
, , , -
, .,
Heraclea Lynkestis Skupi. 1998.
Mikuli 2003, 73. . 1990, 14-16; ekalova,
1987, 32, 33, . 21, 22. Poljakovska 2003, 63.

. 2
Fig. 2 A marble slab depicting the Muses, from the Antique Theatre in Lychnidos (Ohrid)

.11 . - .14 (. 5, 8, 11)

- 1204
. ,
, , .12 .
- , -
, -
. - -
, . 1204 .
940 VII - , XII XIII
- -
- , ,
. .16
, (. 4) -
, -
. (1196-1202)17,
(), (. 7) - ,
, - -
( (1207-1215),
), - -
.13 (. 5, 6) .18
. ,
, .

. -
(1185-1204) 14
Brehier 1950, 68.
. II - 15

, , - Atmegdan - . Can 1953, 47; -
1990, 14; 2000, 94, n. 24.
Pseudo-Kodinos 1976, 189-247. 16
IV 1971, 167-169; 1978, 267-287; -
Guillou 1974, 228-229; 2002, CD Rom; 1989, 65-87; 2000, 17-25.
ekalova, Poljakovska 2003, 135-144, 195-200. 17
1913, 7-8; 1939/40, 120-
Constantin VII Porphirogente 1939; ekalova, 121, 130-131; 1986, 154-283 etc.
Poljakovska 2003, 145-150. 18
Cf. n. 17; 1909, n. 2, 3; 1974, 68 etc.

. 3 ,
Fig. 3 Archaeological remains of a Roman theatre, later replaced by secular buildings in the Early Byzantine period. Heraclea Lyncestis / Bitola

, , - -
. , : ... () , -
(...) ,
- .
, , 200 -
, ( ) .
. , , theatron
, . - ,
, , -
, -
. , .

. , -
. ,
, -

...19 (. 4)
, -

, -
.20 , , , ,
, , , ,
, ,
, 21
, , -

. - 21

. -
2002, CD Rom; , -
1924, 163-168.
, ,
Dujev Theatron, 80; 1990, 15; - : Grabar 1960, No 59; 1987,
2000, 87-95. 692-763 etc.

. 4
Fig. 4 The Demir Kapija Canyon on the River Vardar
. , -
, ,
, , -
, .
, -
. . 5 ,
. Fig. 5 Scomrahi and acrobats, with lutists and flautists, depicted
. (. 8) in 12th century miniatures Byzantine manuscripts. Oxford.


, -
, -
XIV . (. 9)

XIV . : ,
.23 (. 10)

. - . 6
1318-1320 - . XIII
. Fig. 6 Musicians depicted on a mid-13th century miniature
, 1985, 50-54. in the Synopsis of Histories by John Skylitzes. Madrid.

. 8 .
Fig. 8 The Mocking of Christ on the Road to Golgotha.
Fresco in Staro Nagoriane, 1318-1320
. 7 149 - ,
, .
Fig. 7 A mid-14th century illustration of Psalm 149, Prais .26
God with dancing. From a fresco in Lesnovo.
comedia delarte.
, -
via doloresa -
, - . -
. , (), -
. , .
, - , , , -
, , . -
- ,
, .24 (. 8, 9, 10) , , -
(XV-XVIII )25 .27
, -
, -
. -
- .
- , .28 (. 13)
, , . , -

() , . 25
, , , 26
1990, 21.
. 27
Ibid., 21-23.
- 28
, -.
: -
2002, CD Rom, . 1973/2, 215-241.

. 11 .
( . )
Fig. 11 Court jesters. Graffiti in the Church of St. Sophia
in Ohrid (according to N. Ovarov)

. 12 . .
Fig. 12 Graffiti depicting a tightrope-walker. The church of Ss.
Peter and Paul, Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria, 16th-17th century.

. 9 . . XVII . ,
, , XIV -
Fig. 9 The Mocking of Christ on the Road to Golgotha. , . (-
Fresco in Polo Monastery, From a mid-14th century.
... (...)
100.000 (...)
(...). ...
(...) -
, ... -
, , ,
.... ,
, , , , -

, -
.30 (. 11-15)
, -
. 10 , -
, , XIV .
Fig. 10 Scene from the 'Coronation' of Christ, with jesters.
Karlia 2011, 14-20.
From a mid-14th century fresco in Ivanovo, Bulgaria. 30
1991, 462-465.

. 13 ,
Fig. 13 Characters from Karagoz shadow-theatre of the Ottoman period.

. , ,
- 1999
. -, -
Burkert 1987
W. Burkert, Ancient Mystery Cults, London
Can 1993
. 14 , Turhan Can, Istanbul, Potte de lOrient, Istanbul
XIV Constantin VIIe Porphirognete 1939
Fig. 14 A bear-trainer depicted on an early 14th century Constantin VIIe Porphirognete, Le livre de crmonies
miniature from France, now in the Britsh Museum. (Texte etablic et traduit par A. Vogt), T. II, Paris
ekalova, Poljakovska 2003
A. A. ekalova, M. A. Poljakovska, ivot i obiaji u
, , - vizantijskom drutvu, Beograd
- DAmico 1972
. . S. DAmico, Povjest dramskog teatra, Zagreb
- 1975
, . . , ,
- 1988
, , , . . , , -
535 .. - IX-XVI .,
.31 Dubech 1931-1934
, - L. Dubech, Histoire generale illustre du Theatre, (vol. 5)
, - Paris
, Elijade 1985
M. Elijade, amanizam i arhajske tehnike ekstaze, Beograd
- 2004
, . , , -
. Gebhard 2012
, , Elizabeth R. Gebhard, Discovery of the First Theater at
. Stobi, Folia Archaeologica Balkanica II, Skopje, 325-346.
Grabar 1960
. Grabar, Une pixide divoire Dumbarton Orks. DOP
2000, 163. No 14, Washington

. 15 , .
Fig. Entertainments by bear-trainers. Central Vardar region, Macedonia, 20th century.

Guillou 1974 -, 2004

. Guillou, La civilization Byzantine, Paris . -, . , -
. , , Mikuli 2003
, I. Mikuli, Stobi an ancient City, Skopje
1987 1989
. , , Heraclea Lynkestis, . 2, . , -
, , , 65-87
. , - Nikolovska 2012
, A. Nikolovska, Dionysus and the Bacchus in Stobi, Folia
Archaeologica Balkanica II, Skopje, 295-311
Karlia 2011
B. Karlia, An Ottoman Fraveller, Bir Osmanli Seyyahi , 1985
Evliya elebi, Istanbul . , . ,
(XVI-XVII .), , . 4,
. , , Petruevska 2012
V. Petruevska, Theatrical and Grotesque Figurines
amongst the Terracottas from Stobi, Folia Archaeologica
Balkanica II, Skopje, 313-324
. , : , -
, , , 163-170 Pseudo-Kodinos 1976
Pseudo-Kodinos, Trait des offices (Traduit par J.
Verpeaux), Paris
. , , -
, , CD Rom 1987
1972 . . , ,
, 1990
( ), . , . , ,

2000 . ,
. , - , ,
, , (30) , 267-287
. 11, , 87-95
IV 1971
2000/1 ,
. , , , IV,


Medieval Theatre in Macedonia Some examples of

theatre on public squares


By applying an interdisciplinary approach that In his Seyahtnme, or Book of Travels, the Ot-
makes, greater use of written, pictographic and eth- toman Turkish writer and traveller Evliya lebi,
nographic sources than archaeological evidence, it is describes his journey through Macedonia in the sev-
possible to posit certain plausible hypothesis about enth decade of seventeenth century, and provides a
the existence of certain kinds of theatrical activities clear description of the gathering of a big crowd,
on public squares in various periods in Macedonia at the Dolyan Fair. (This fair was probably located
during the Middle Ages. by the thermal springs in Bansko, near Strumica).
The biographer of Saint Sava, the monk Teodosie lebi states that here every year at this fair... during
the Hilandrian relates that Srez (fl. 1207-1215), the the season of cherries... 100.000 people gather from
independent ruler of Prosek, had a theatre construct- the mainland and from the coast from all seven cli-
ed near his court. The theatre was made of planks and mates... Besides trade ...on the squares and under
situated on the rocks of the Canyon of Demir Ka- the tents... all kinds of entertainers came, ...musi-
pija - the lron Gateabove the River Vardar. nd, cians, singers, comedians, reciters of lyrical and epic
Teodisije tells us, his entertainment was the spec- poems... The fair was also attended by magicians,
tacle of human death... and he commanded (the con- jugglers, puppeteers, dwarfs, pantomime actors, ath-
vict - authors note) to jump off those high rocks from letes... (Matkovski 1919, 462-465). Anything that
the stage... (Bai 1924, 163). ln this text, the old suited the tastes of the people in those days could
Slavonic word - from , mean- be seen performed on public squares, and theatrical-
ing to watch - is used in the sense of . games were part of this repertoire.
This term also denotes theatron. However, there is Neither the absence of appropriate theatrical
no doubt that performances and entertainment spec- buildings, nor religious prohibitions and anathemas
tacles were acted out in a publicsquare. imposed during the Middle Ages could thwart the
Medieval fresco paintings provide further evi- primeval, archetypal passion for games performed on
dence of the continued influence of the bloodthirsty public squares. These games had always been part of
public games so popular in culture. human culture, whether we search for their origins in
prehistoric ritual games, or in antique cult activities
ln the church of St. George in the village of Staro
dedicated to certain deities, or whether we believe
Nagoridane, near Kumanovo, Christ is depicted on
that the first, legendary, European, theatre perform-
the road to Golgotha in the midst of a mob surround-
ance was that by Thespis in 535 BC on the square in
ed by jesters, musicians and actors in theatrical outfits
Athens (Luina 2000, 163).
recognizable by their elongated sleeves. This scene
illustrates a kind of street theatre in which mocking
is accompanied by programme of street entertain-
ment (Maneva 2000, 94).


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