High Rise Mixed Use Building

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Mixed-use development is a type of urban development that blends residential, commercial,

cultural, institutional, or industrial uses, where those functions are physically and functionally
integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections.[1][2] Mixed-use development can take the
form of a single building, a city block, or entire neighbourhoods. The term may also be used
more specifically to refer to a mixed-use real estate development projecta building, complex of
buildings, or district of a town or city that is developed for mixed-use by a private developer,
(quasi-) governmental agency, or a combination thereof.

Traditionally, human settlements have developed in mixed-use patterns. However, with

industrialisation as well as the invention of the skyscraper, governmental zoning regulations
were introduced to separate different functions, such as manufacturing, from residential areas. In
the United States, the heyday of separate-use zoning was after World War II, but since the 1990s,
mixed-use zoning has once again become desirable as the benefits are recognized. These benefits

greater housing variety and density

reduced distances between housing, workplaces, retail businesses, and other destinations
more compact development
stronger neighborhood character
pedestrian and bicycle-friendly environments


Benefits of mixed-use development include:[3][4]

greater housing variety and density, more affordable housing (smaller units), life-cycle
housing (starter homes to larger homes to senior housing)
reduced distances between housing, workplaces, retail businesses, and other amenities
and destinations
better access to fresh, healthy foods (as food retail and farmers markets can be accessed
on foot/bike or by transit)
more compact development, land-use synergy (e.g. residents provide customers for retail
which provide amenities for residents)
stronger neighborhood character, sense of place
walkable, bike-able neighborhoods, increased accessibility via transit, both resulting in
reduced transportation costs

Types of contemporary mixed-use zoning

Some of the more frequent mixed-use scenarios in the United States are:[2]

Neighborhood commercial zoning convenience goods and services, such as

convenience stores, permitted in otherwise strictly residential areas
Main Street residential/commercial two to three-story buildings with residential units
above and commercial units on the ground floor facing the street
Urban residential/commercial multi-story residential buildings with commercial and
civic uses on ground floor
Office convenience office buildings with small retail and service uses oriented to the
office workers
Office/residential multi-family residential units within office building(s)
Shopping mall conversion residential and/or office units added (adjacent) to an
existing standalone shopping mall
Retail district retrofit retrofitting of a suburban retail area to a more village-like
appearance and mix of uses
Live/work residents can operate small businesses on the ground floor of the building
where they live
Studio/light industrial residents may operate studios or small workshops in the
building where they live
Hotel/residence mix hotel space and high-end multi-family residential
Parking structure with ground-floor retail
Single-family detached home district with standalone shopping center


Basic planning considerations for high rise building design include the following parameters:

Planning module
Ceiling height
Floor-to-floor height
Depth of structural floor system
Elevator system
Core planning

Parking Planning module, namely the space one needs for living, changes according to the culture and
the economic class.

Span, described as the distance from a fixed interior element such as building core to exterior window
wall, is another important criterion for good interior planning. These depths change depending on the
function of the space, and acceptable span is determined by office layouts, hotel room standards, and
residential code requirements for outside light and air. Usually, the depth of the span should be
between 12 and 18 m for office functions, except where very large single tenant groups are to be
accommodated. Lease span for hotels and residential units range from 9 to 12 m.
Ceiling height (Fig: 2.1) is also an important factor in building planning. Commercial functions require a
variety of ceiling heights ranging between 2.7 and 3.7 m. While office functions necessitate ceiling
heights of approximately 2.5 to 3.0 m, residential and hotel functions require ceiling heights of 2.5 to 3.0

Floor-to-floor height (Fig: 2.1), which is a function of the necessary ceiling height, the depth of the
structural floor system, and the depth of the space required for mechanical distribution, determines the
overall height of the building, and affects the overall cost. A small increase or decrease in floor-to-floor
height, when multiplied by the number of floors and the area of the perimeter enclosure by the
building, can have a great effect on many systems such as the exterior, structural, mechanical system,
and the overall cost.

Depth of structural floor system plays an important role for planning considerations in high rise
buildings, and varies broadly depending on the floor load requirements, size of the structural bay, and
type of floor framing system.

Elevator system is another major component for good interior planning. In the design of an elevator
system, waiting interval, elevator size and speed interpretation of program criteria, areas to be served,
the population density of the building, and the handling capacity of the system at peak periods, must be
considered. This becomes even more complicated for mixed-use projects.

For preliminary planning, one elevator per 1000 m2 of gross area is a rule of thumb for estimating the
number of elevators needed. Besides this, the net usable area varies from one elevator zone to another
and from floor to floor, and should average from 80 to 85% over the entire building. The sky-lobby
concept is an important and innovative approach in elevator system design. This concept uses high-
speed express shuttle cars to transport passengers from the ground level to a lobby higher up in the
building for transfer to local elevator zones so that the area used for elevator shafts and lobbies on the
lower floors of the building is reduced.

Core planning is another significant issue for planning considerations. A typical floor in a high rise
building contains a perimeter zone, an interior zone, and a core zone. While perimeter zone is described
as an approximately 4.5 m or 5 m deep area from the window wall with access through the interior
zone, interior zone is defined as the area between the perimeter and the public corridor. On the other
hand, core zone consists of those areas between elevator banks which become rentable on floors at
which elevators do not stop. Central core, which is generally used in the buildings with a rectangular
plan, and split core, which is generally used in the building with a relatively square plan, is the most
typical core arrangements. Cores accommodate elevator shafts, mechanical shafts, stairs, and elevator
lobbies. Core elements that pass through or serve every floor should be located, so that they can rise
continuously, and thus avoid expensive and space-consuming transfers.

Parking is another planning requirement, which varies according to different functions such as business,
residential, and like. When parking facility provided within the footprint of the building, it has a great
impact on the plan and the structure. If it is inevitable, the structural bay should be well arranged to
obtain efficient space use for parking and functional areas, and the core elements should be effectively
located to minimize interference with car parking and circulation. Mechanical ventilation is one other
important concern for the user of parking facility, and pedestrians.


The basic design considerations for a high rise building include the following parameters:
the cultural, political, and social aspects of the city where the building will be located
a strong relationship with the city
the master plan and an appropriate site selection
safety and security issues
learning about the possibilities and limitations of technology When a high rise building is designed, the
design team should also be aware of the codes, regulations, zoning requirements, and life safety issues.

The master plan is one of the significant design considerations for high rise buildings, in which well-
performed site analysis include, automobile, traffic and pedestrian impact, accessibility, minimal
blockage of view, and minimizing the building shadows to neighboring buildings. Besides this, an
appropriate site selection also includes the consideration of reuse or rehabilitation of existing buildings,
and physical security. The location of high rise buildings within an urban area affects the amount of day
lighting, and may even create wind tunnels.

Sustainability is also a key element in high rise building design. This concept is based on the following
objectives: optimization of site potential, minimization of energy consumption, protection and
conservation of water, use of environmental- friendly products, enhancement of indoor environmental
quality, and optimization of operational and maintenance practices. Day lighting, natural shading,
energy efficient and photovoltaic facades, wind power systems, and the sky garden concept are also the
main parameters for a more sustainable high rise building design.

Designing a safe and secure high rise building has always been a primary goal for owners, architects,
engineers, and project managers. There is an increased concern on these issues for high rise building
design especially after the disastrous 9/11 incident. Natural disasters, acts of terrorism, indoor air
quality, hazardous materials, and fire are very significant and immediate safety issues to be considered
in the design.


Symmetric layouts, rigidity and mass distribution lead to a considerably better seismic response than
asymmetric layouts, rigidity and mass distribution. This is because asymmetric buildings are subjected to
stronger torsion (twisting) around the vertical axis by horizontal seismic loads.


When parts of different height are permanently connected to one another as, for example, is often
found in high-rise buildings with atriums, then the various structures in the building can be subjected to
considerable torsional stresses by the seismic loads. Buildings of different heights can also be subjected
to a whole series of effects in an earthquake, higher buildings were literally jammed in between lower
buildings, thus extensively damaging the floors at the clamping point. In some cases, the buildings
simply buckled over at the edge of the lower adjacent buildings. Resonance effects can also cause
buildings to oscillate so strongly that they hammer against one another. Another effect observed in
high-rise buildings is the soft-storey effect: due to lobbies, atriums or glazed shopping passages, some
floors usually near the ground floor are distinctly softer than those above them. These soft floors
then collapse in an earthquake.

The architects incorporated islamic traditional patterns and modern sophistication to design a structure
that will stand the test of time. Organic and desert Influence: The hymenocallis desert flower was the
main source of inspiration for the architects. The design not only reduces wind forces on the building,
but also allows each tenant to have an incredible view of the surrounds From the top of the structure
the islamic design influences can clearly been seen, Including the use of arches and other architectural

1. The architecture features a triple-lobed footprint, an abstraction of the hymenocallis flower.

2. The tower composed of three elements around central core.
3. The modular, Y-shaped structure, with setbacks along each of its three wings provides an
inherently stable configuration for the structure and provides good floor plates for residential

High rise buildings are exposed to the full impact of external temperatures and radiant heat. The
longest elevation should therefore face the direction of least solar irradiation. This will reduce the air
conditioning load.

Window openings should also be on the elevations with least solar radiation. Solar shading is required
on the elevation receiving most solar. (In temperate zones balconies or recesses on the elevations
receiving the least solar can act as 'sun spaces' and collect solar heat. )

Deep recesses can provide shading to sides of the building receiving the most heat. Altematively if the
window is recessed skycourts or balconies can be formed to provide a flexible space.

BUILDING PLAN The building plan should incorporate both the culture and work style of the place. It
should allow air movement through the building and allow sunlight in to the building. In the tropics the
ground floor should be naturally ventilated and make a connection to the street by being open to the


Yeang states that plants should be used because of their ability to cool the environment and not just
because of their aesthetic or 'ecological' qualities. Planting as vertical landscaping will provide benefit to
the surroundings by absorbing carbon dioxide and generating oxygen.
Solar shading is essential for all glazing facing the sun. In the tropics this is essential all year round and in
the temperate regions it is essential in the summer months.

Good air circulation is essential for maintaining comfort in a building. Cross ventilation allows fresh air in
and exhaust air out. Air and wind flow in to the internal spaces are encouraged by wind scoops, side
vents, Skycourts, atriums and transitional spaces.


Incorporating Green plants into the skyscrapers has some design possibilities. There are two options for
building to make it green. Plants can be integrate at outside and at inside. For outside, it can be done on
roofs, outer vertical walls and for inside, it can be a living wall or biofilter, or potted plants placed in
atriums, indoor rooms to act as a pocket of green patch into these vertical cities. An aerial view of most
urban areas shows swathes of asphalt, black tar and gravel- ballasted rooftops. Heat radiates off of the
dark roofs, and water rushes over the hard, impermeable surfaces. Studies shows that most traditional
dark colored roof surface absorb 70% or more the solar energy striking them, resulting in peak roof
temperature of 65-88 degree Centigrade. These heat absorption and monotony of these common roofs
can be break though green roof tops.

Green rooftops have begun to appeal to homeowners, businesses and even cities as an attractive way to
promote environmentalism while solving the problems of conventional roofs. Green roofs supplement
traditional vegetation without disrupting urban infrastructure to take a neglected space and make it
useful. The term "green roof" is generally used to represent an innovative yet established approach to
urban design that uses living materials to make the urban environment more livable, efficient, and
sustainable. Other common terms used to describe this approach are eco roofs, and vegetated roofs.
Green Roof Technology (GRT) is the system that is used to implement green roofs on a building. Green
roofs replace the vegetated footprint that was destroyed when the building was constructed. The
concept of rooftop gardens is introduced with the aim of reducing heat gain into a building and
modifying the ambient conditions through photosynthesis and evapotranspiration of plants. Results
from several studies suggest that rooftop gardens can effectively cool down the immediate ambient
environment by 1.5 [degrees] C. Generally, the surface temperature readings collected from the rooftop
garden were found to be lower than that recorded on a barren concrete rooftop. This shows that the
thermal insulation of a building is improved in the presence of plants. High relative humidity (RH) at the
rooftop garden was also observed due to the presence of plants. To prevent discomfort due to high
humidity, adequate natural ventilation should be ensured.


The green faade is the outer wall which can be free-standing or part of a building, partially or
completely covered with vegetation and in some cases, soil or an inorganic growing medium. They are
also referred to as living walls, biowalls, or vertical gardens. The vegetation for a green faade is always
attached on outside walls, but some cases it can also be used in interiors. Cities are cooler and quieter
through shading, evaporative transpiration, and the absorption of sound by green walls.
There are two main categories of green walls: green faades and living walls. Green faades are made up
of climbing plants either growing directly on a wall or in specially designed supporting structures. The
plant shoot system grows up the side of the building while being rooted to the ground. On the other
hand, in a living wall the modular panels are often comprised of polypropylene plastic containers,
geotextiles, irrigation systems, a growing medium and vegetation.


Patrick Blanc, a French botanist, invented a vertical garden that relies on an innovative way to grow the
plant walls without soil. The garden walls are not heavy and can be installed outdoors or indoors and in
any climatic environment. For indoors some type of artificial lighting is required, while the watering and
fertilization is automated. The walls act as a phonic and thermal isolation system, as well as an air
purification device. About 150 plant species are growing at Quai Branly, where the wall is composed of a
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet on a metal frame. The sheet serves as a waterproof layer, provides
rigidity, and prevents roots from penetrating the drywall-and-stud assembly beyond, says Jean-Luc
Gouallec, a botanist and consultant for the walls designer, of Patrick Blanc. The plants grow in a layer of
acrylic felt stapled to the PVC. An automated drip irrigation system supplies water and periodic
fertilization. Maintenance, primarily trimming of overgrown plants, is conducted about three times a
year, says Gouallec. However, the Aquaquest project uses rainwater collected from the roof and stored
in an underground cistern to irrigate the living wall, as well as to flush toilets and refill freshwater fish


There is another type of green wall, known as 'Active living walls' or Biofilter, which is used in indoors
incorporating with buildings HVAC system based upon the sciences of bio filtration and
phytoremediation. These biofilters replace high-tech, energy consumptive air filtration systems with
living walls that harness the natural phytoremediation capabilities by drawing air through the root
system of the wall of tropical houseplants to effectively remove common airborne pollutants. Beneficial
microbes actively degrade the pollutants in the air before returning the new, fresh air back to the
buildings interior. In the breathing wall filtration takes place right in the active Living Wall. Basically,
dirty air, drawn in from indoor space, makes close contact with the constantly- flowing water within the
wall, pollutants are moved from air to water. Water flows over a lava rock wall covered by moss and
other plants, then into a small pond. Contaminants in the air are absorbed by the vegetation and
consumed by micro-organisms in the soil, improving air quality. Once dissolved into the water,
pollutants are attacked by biological components on the wall itself, and are metabolized into a harmless


Interior landscaping has become increasingly popular during the last 30 years. Most architects now
include plants in their design specification for new shopping centres, office complexes and other public
areas, and people expect to see when they walk through the door. Thus plants became such important
building accessory. The main reason is, indoor plants look attractive people get charmed by the
graceful arch of palm leaves or the exotic beauty of orchids. However, recent research has shown that
the value of plants goes far beyond the purely aesthetic. Plants are actually good for the building and its
occupants in a number of subtle ways and are an important element in providing a pleasant, tranquil
environment where people can work or relax. Plants can be used to decrease noise levels in an office.
According to Green Plants for Green Buildings, if plants are placed strategically, they can help to quite
down the office. A small indoor hedge placed around a workspace will reduce noise by 5 decibels. The
presence of plants in the office not only aesthetically pleasing but also helps increase workers
productivity, reduce stress and improve air quality. Plants can also improve the indoor environmental
quality. The plants clean the office air by absorbing pollutants into their leaves and transmitting the
toxin to their roots, where they are turned into food for the plant.


Minimum Road width for building above 60m is 30.5m
Maximum F.S.I. 2.50
Premium F.S.I. 40% of normally allowable FSI
OSR OPEN SPACE RESERVATION 10% of the plot extent
Maximum plot coverage = 30%
Maximum Height above ground leve is 60m
Further every increase in height of 6m, minimum extent of setback left additionally shall be
Spacing between blocks will be 7m.
Vehicular access within the site 7.2m Height of basement floor 1.2m

Parking: 1 car space for every 50 sq.m. for shopping / 100 sq.m. for office / 75 sq.m. for flats / 50 sq.m.
for hotels.
1 Two wheeler parking for every 50 sq.m. of shopping/ for every 25 sq.m. of office space / for every 75
sq.m. of flats / for every 50 sq.m. of hotels
Car stall size ; 2.5 x 5.0m / two wheeler 1.0m x 1.8m
Drive way 3.0m for one way / 7.0 m for two way
Width of entry exit gates - 3m wide
Ramp: ramp gradients 1 in 8 / turning radius 4.0m
Units located in office, commercial or mixed-use condominium buildings/ structures
regardless of number of storeys:

Unit with a gross floor area of from 41. 00 to 70. 00 sq. meters provide one (1)
parking slot* for each unit; and
Unit with a gross floor area of more than 70.00 sq. meters provide one (1)
parking slot* for every 70.00 sq. meters and for a fraction thereof;

Application of Development Controls (DC)

(To Determine the Maximum Development Potential of a Lot)
1. Sizing the Building/Structure. To determine the allowed/appropriate building bulk
(volume), the
following series of steps using the DC under this Guideline and other Rules in the Code
be followed:
a. Refer to Rule VIII for prescribed setbacks, yards, courts (at grade level), etc.
applicable to
the lot/project site; determine the extent of firewall construction if required and/or if
permitted; refer to Rule VIII for the Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO); compute for
Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) under this Rule by using the formula:
Allowable Maximum
Footprint or AMBF
(in sq. meters)
Land area
required for
yards/ courts
under Rule
Additional buildable
lot area due to
Firewall construction
(if permitted
under this Rule)
Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial, Institutional and Recreational Buildings

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