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Rapha S.

Racho BSARCH 3
Economics | M-F 1-3PM
Midterm Project

What is the Relevance of this study (Economics) in my chosen course?

Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing
buildings and other physical structures. Economics is the social science that describes the factors
that determine the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Architecture
is everywhere, as well as economics. Theyve been part of our lives ever since. These two
studies are relevant in some ways.
Look around. Buildings and infrastructures are popping everywhere. Mostly, those were
the products of the architects imagination considering his/her clients needs. Likewise, those
buildings would not be erected without the crave of someone---businessmen, politicians,
corporations, etc.-- to build his/her build out of his/her needs, may it be for his/her business,
platforms or programs for the residents/citizens, and the like. Apparently, these people desire to
have progress or development in their businesses. And in order to meet these, architects would
be of great help to build those goals, and this is where architecture and economics team up.
In our chosen course, it requires well and proper planning and designing of spaces and
buildings. But in order to have a well-planned and successful design, we also consider the
clients needs and have them well-synchronize with the design. For instance, in order to design a
shopping center, one should consider not only the aesthetics, but also the functionality and
stability of the building. The spaces should be well-planned in order to produce, distribute, and
consumed the goods and services of the shopping center. The shopping center would have great
income and expenditure. Same goes with the other structures in the city. This would greatly help
in revitalizing the economy. Businesses are developed and jobs are created for great employment
rate. All these implies for a better economy and better future.

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