Explain The Program Fire Fighting

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Explain the program.

Elite for Firefighting Calculation

After installing the software on the device make sure move crack files inside the program
must ensure that the software works on 1000 barrel.
I will explain the program to an existing example in Adventureland and is a residential
tower2B+G+22 FLOOR
The accounts are divided into 4 files and are as follows
1- Accounts in the first cellar either guns or fire hydrants accounts
2- Accounts in the latter role, whether for residential sprinklers or fire hydrants

Open the program and work New Project.

You will see a screen as shown in the previous picture

1- In block 1 Project Data.

Fill in the project name project title

Almsammm name designed By
Reference of design and calculations NFPA-13
Who will oversee the project to give approval Civil Defense
The notes will be added Comments Here the accounts on ordinary hazard for
1st basement car parking area
2. Go to Client Data .
Enter data as the picture customer name address the city the client's phone
number your fax number
3. Skip to Company Data

Enter your company name-title-sponsor-city-tel-fax

4. Go to Building Data

And as a former spelling of required data

When you complete this step, all of the General requirements and the next step be started on
the actual process of data entry project

5- Go to System Data
Do bmlaa cells required in the program

In rack sprinkler allow : Wetted the gpm for the sprinkler In rack required by
theNFPA and not found in most projects and always zero
In hose stream allow : The force of fire inside the building and cabins either in
formation by 50 or 100 gpm gpm for cabins 1-inch diameter fire hose reel , or 250
gpm faucet if you connect the 2.5 inch pump and above commentary before the fire to
work session of him not topical familiar found a forum of Arab engineers.
Out side hose stream allow : The force required fire cabins outside the building and
are not implemented in buildings and take Trice
Default pipe material : Fire tubes are often black Estelle table 4 and there are other
tubes like anwaa upvc and copper, but black iron is mostly in use
Default k-factor : Is special with a machine gun in the design phase take it b 5.65 for
not knowing the type of gun used in a few cases were used as warehouses K-
factorequal to 11.2 , but it was a special case.
Sprinkler Model : Leave empty to not knowing the type of gun used
Sprinkler made : Manufacturer and I prefer to use a company like viking and there
are many companies
Temperature rating : Is the heat running sprinkler
Sprinkler size : Most debit cards you'll find that sprinkler used 1/2 " and there are all
kinds of 3/4"
Primary type of discharge : By clicking on the arrow you'll find either hose or
sprinkler depending on the type of accounts are for sprinklers or fire faucet in this
stage we'll work on the sprinklers
Hazard description : And severity selected from her next arrow by project type and
region you for accounts in residential roles will be light hazard in the garage in the
same project would be ordinary hazard
Minimum desired density: Is the minimum gpm/ft2 is required according to severity
by clicking on the arrow and choose the maps also in nfpa-13 section 2.21
Sprinkler system type : Wet or dry and all the projects will be wet either dry ice are
often tstkhdh in countries where pipes filled the air and the water kept in the tank to
prevent frozen water pipes and her own determination method and shkhan for water
source drag alhidr
Maximum area per sprinkler: And are the maximum space possible covered by the
spray and change depending on the type and severity 130 ft 2 in normal gravity and
high-and in the case of light gravity 225
Area of sprinkler operating: Is the actual area covered by the spray and come from
drawing and distribution project in your sprinkler
He recalled being finished the first stage in the project phase and will enter into the pipes and
sprinklers network program so tripped through the taskbar Enter / Edited pipe Data I skip
them from the list of project program

6. Go to Enter / Edited pipe

Of the previous image, we find a new page containing a new bar for tasks as in the figure
below and Above for all tasks used in the program: -

Pipe Data: Is on this tape, after the completion of the drawing of the project data is inserted
Other titles are distribution and never used by the best completion of the project and the
worksizing for pipes of pipe schedule of NFPA or presented in thematic session after that
country may be changed by program pipes
It is most important to me and the principal focus of work and explain it as shown and then
split into several boxes as follows

Add pipe: If you want to add a pipe with the same data and if you leave the barrel did
not enter
Delete pipe: If you want to clear the barrel
Sort pipe: To arrange the pipes in the project
Clear pipe: If you want to erase the old data for the project and all data is erased
Mark inflow node: And through which determines the point that marks the beginning
of the pipes and be on the pump.
Unmark inflow node: If you want to change the point represents pump project
CPLD: Possible through definition of any type of valves pressure reducing station or
alarm check valve and so on for any type of fitting is not defined in the program
Subtitle: -

Beg /end: Represents any pipe colon is the starting point and the end may be the
beginning of the barrel machine gun you must write them the value k-factor and
the beg are placed in the box at the top and end in the box below
Mat. / loss psi : In the first box enter the black iron pipes pipes type sch40 defined
number 4 is possible by clicking on the box akhelri types of pipes and newborn if
there is alarm check valve Figure 4 place icon is entered in the first column as the
example project described, either psi loss of possible They could write any value for
loss of pressure at a certain point, for example in the case of Tower Annex increase
pressure 175 PSI and must work pressure reducing station for pressure reducing and
pressure loss value is entered if pressure 250 PSI and pressure to be when the link at
raiser125 PSI , are lost in the reduction of station 125PSI
K-Factor : And being written at each point represents a submachine gun for example
point 1, 3 and 4 represent guns and point 2. represents the barrel is writing to points 1,
3 and 4 the value k-factor = 5.65 and must be ascertained until the program leaves no
gun and don't take it into account and will be ignored on the basis that the barrel
SPR ELEV FT : Type the vertical space between the point and the line
PRESS. EST. PSI : leave this box blank and the program doing the calculations at
this point but we only enter theRESIDUAL PRESS. When the last gun on the network
and by theNFPA is 7.5 PSI
SPR AREA : Leave it empty, defined by the SYSTEM DATA AREA OF
AREA GROUP : Leave empty
NSPR FLOW : And where the amount of water is added in need of any other
machine guns it had FHR at some point and not 18, he writes at point 18 alflo value
needs theFHR 50 or 100 GPM or GPM 250 perLANDING VALVE if connected to
the pump.
STD FIT / NSTD FIT : And are writing any FITTING located between ELBOW-
EQ LENGTH / P TYPE : It is automatically calculates the equivalent value for the
length of any kind from the FITTING on the line, either P TYPE , leave it empty.
STATUS : Are always ACTIVE

After you is full of all the figures and illustrate the point in flow node Be almost done
entering all the data for the project and may start doing the calculations
The following images are from the program todag pipes , fitting , pressure loss , and all above
7- Go to the Enter/Edite Node Data
We turn now to the Enter / edit Node Data From the task bar or from the list of Project
And you'll see all the information you have already entered tubes, sprays and any pipe joints
and lower load losses as in the picture

8. Go to Calculation: -
Divided into two
1- The first case Demand mode
2- The second case Supply mode.

First the Demand Mode:

And to obtain the required pump and will here enter:

minimum residual pressure According to the nfpa to less llrshalsh pressure 7 psi take 7.5 psias
a picture

Minimum desired denesty : By alhazerd you ever explain and be here in ordinary hazard
=0.15 as shown in the picture.

II the Supply Mode :-

Used in case of pump and pump pressure entry is here and we'll get them on flow Required of
us and maybe work a check on diagonals pipes again as the project is located in

And you will enter a value maximum nodel pressure B 0.1 to speed up calculation

And enter the damping factor As the picture 5 as in the picture

9. Go to Pipe sizing / constraints: -

Enter here in pipe sizing / constraints

Maximum allowed water velocity: Do not increase speed in pipes at 23 ft / sec.

Maximum allowable frictional loss per 100" of pipe: Promotes PSI 20

10- Go to Solution: -
Once you click on the word Calculation.
The program will stop for a few seconds to a minute and give you outputs as
in the previous picture
We will find a number of pipes used in the accounts 23 barrel
The number of sprinklers is 10 submachine gun
Akthi speed in pipes is 20.396 If the speed in the pipes when we increase 23
Qatar during pipe section of pipe in front of speed
And he'll give you also hiagat water for sprinklers 304.371gpm
And he will give you the amount of water in need other lahiagat you add 750
gpm them 500 gpm to fire military and 250 gpm fire faucet with Qatar 2.5
inches (landing valve)
And also will give you the greatest need to spray water and pressure and is
number 5
And he will give you 11.915 = residual pressure
And the real alalflo when the machine gun = 20.704
And most of them get hantin pressure and force required for machine guns

The same calculations are made of soft FHR But will the definition:-

1- Of the system data the primary type of discharge is hose

2- In k-factor if the fhr tensile diameter 1 inch diameter b 6.25 and theresidual
pressure = 67PSI
3- Or if the landing valve or pipe 2.5 inch take K-factor with 25 ,and theResidual
pressure = 100 PSI
4- Some States may allow use decompress the landing valve equals 67 PSI in this case
is the k-factor = 31.6

Figures for landing valve & Fire Hose Reel from the following equation.
In the case of the fire hose reel We need to 50 gpm and pressure at the
exit62.5 psi so you get k-factor equals 6.25 .
And in the case of landing valve We need a 250 gpm and pressure at the
exit 100 psi , we get that k-factor equals 25
And in the case of landing valve We need a 250 gpm and pressure at the
exit 62.5 psi , get to the k-factor worth 31.6

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