A Study On Employee Attrition Questionaire

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1. Name:

2. Age :

a) Below 25

b) 25-35

c) 35-45

d) Above 45

3. Gender:

a) Male

b) Female

4. Marital status:

a) Married

b) Unmarried

5. Designations:

a) Manager

b) Supervisor

c) Accountant

d) Others

6. Educational:
a) HSC

b) Degree

c) ITI

d) Diploma


f) PG

7. Experience in the field:

a) Less than 5 years

b) 5-10 years

c) 10-15 years

d) Above 16 years

8. Type of Employment.

a) Permanent

b) Probationary

c) Temporary

d) Contract

e) Others

9. Monthly income:

a) Less Than 5000

b) 5000-10000

c) 10000-15000

d) 15000- 20000

e) Above 20000

10. Training period:

a) One day

b) 1-3 Days

c) 1 Week

d) 1 Month

11. The EA system helps in fast and better decision making.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree
12. EA helps in enhanced productivity or service quality.
a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

13. Implementing Results in sharing best practices.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

14. EA makes it easy to EA different market types.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

15. EA helps in increased innovation by the employees.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

16. Application of EA system results in increased market share.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

17. EA increases the learning/adaptation capability of employees.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

18. EA helps in better staff attraction.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

19. EA results in enhanced collaboration within the organization.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

20. EA helps to address the communication gap in the organization.

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

21. EA helps in constant and continuous transformation of individual learning

to organizational

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

22. EA results in increased delegation of authority and accountability to


a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree
23. EA helps to achieve better standards.
a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neither nor
d) Strongly agree
e) Agree

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