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Automatic Route Selection

(ARS) 19
When you finish this module, you will:

Program numbers for external local calls.

Use ARS to route a call.
Understand how the system uses various CO dial tones.
Learn how to use the ARS planners.
Use maintenance commands and SMDR to trace calls that use ARS.
Program emergency call routes using ARS.
Assign and program calling privileges and restrictions using ARS.
Comprehend the steps required to prevent toll fraud.
Examine samples of Automatic Route Selection programming and predict
what will happen when a caller dials particular number sequences.
MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

19-2 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

External Calling Permissions

Dialing plans or numbering plans within the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) vary
from country to country and can be specific within a given area of a country.

There are some common considerations regardless of the location. For example, a plan must
be considered for local calls, long distance calls, international calls and emergency and special
service numbers.

On a 3300 ICP, all external numbers must be planned for and programmed into the database
using ARS.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Local Calls

3300 ICP phone users make calls into the PSTN in much the same way that we do from home.
But the 3300 ICP phone user may prefix the external directory number with a single digit, such
as 9 from a business phone or 8 from a phone in a hotel. This indicates to the 3300 ICP that it is
an external call. From home, we dial 592-2122, but from a 3300 ICP phone, we dial 9-592-2122.
See the figure below.

Another difference between 3300 ICP users and home users is that some 3300 ICP users may
be restricted from making external calls or from making certain types of external calls, such as
long distance calls.

Also, when making a call from the 3300 ICP, the 3300 ICP has the additional tasks of choosing
which outgoing trunk to send the call out on and then deleting the 9.

The ARS programming forms are used to instruct the 3300 ICP regarding which trunk to choose
and which digits to delete. A sample ARS program and some blank ARS planning sheets are
provided with your course materials.

Making a PSTN Call

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Automatic Route Selection

ARS in the 3300 ICP does these four basic things:

It recognizes digits, such as a leading 9, as an indication that the call is to be an external


It restricts unauthorized phones from making external calls.

It selects a trunk from within a group of trunks to send the call out on.

It modifies the dialed digits, such as dropping the 9, to convert the digits into what the
external network expects.
ARS digits can be specified with leading digits as well as dialed digits. These digits can be listed
explicitly, or wildcards can be used to specify predefined variables for a given ARS digit:

N or n specifies a digit between 2 and 9 inclusive

X or x specifies a digit between 0 and 9 inclusive

Y or y specifies a digit between 0 and 9, * and #

Programming the Digits for External Local Calls

The digits dialed in the following example are 9-592-2122. But callers will dial many different
numbers. Theres no need to program all external directory numbers in ARS. Simply program
the numbers as 95 + any six digits to address all external local directory numbers starting with

You may wish to call external numbers that start with 2, 3, 4, etc. In this case, we program ARS
with 9NXXXXXX+ 0 additional digits.
Making an External Call

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

This is an ARS data collection table, giving a quick way to compile the information needed to
program external directory numbers. See if you can associate the values in this table with those
programmed in the forms that follow.

Type of Digit String Trunk Digit Modification Stations to Block Route

Call Group Number

Digit Qty of Digits COR COR

Mod Digits to to Group Number
Number Absorb Insert
Local 9NXXXXXX + 0 1 1 1 1
Operator 90 + 0 1 1 1 1
91XXXXXXXXXX + 0 1 1 1 2 1 2

This is 9
plus the
digit 0 that
the caller The Xs
dials after signify any
the 9. other digit.

The N is a
wildcard that
specifies a
between 2
and 9

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

The ARS Leading Digits form is automatically populated every time an entry is made to the ARS
Digits Dialed form. The ARS Leading Digits form is used to turn on second dial tone.

This is the 9 that callers dial whenever This instructs the system to return dial tone to
they call external numbers. the user after the digit 9 has been received.

Establishing an ARS Route

A route is a set of call handling characteristics that controls the call. The route restricts
unauthorized callers, selects a trunk group, and modifies the digits before dialing into the
network. For external calls, the digits a caller dials must be programmed in the ARS Digits
Dialed form.

If the digits are not in the ARS Digits Dialed form, the system returns reorder tone to the caller. If
the digits are in the ARS Digits Dialed form, ARS software assigns the call a route. Use the
following programming forms when programming a route.

To make programming easier, keep the COR Group Number the same as the
Route Number. For example, Route 1 with COR Group 1.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Programming a Route

Digit Mod 2 tells the system

to absorb the first dialed
digit, so the system deletes
the 9 and outpulses the
The system outpulses the
remaining digits on a trunk
digits after the 9 on one of
in Trunk Group 1.
these available CO trunks.

COR Group 1 contains no

COR numbers. Any
device is allowed to use
this route, regardless of This absorbs the
what COR number it has. leading digit 9.
Because Route 10 uses
this COR group, no
devices will be restricted
from using this route. To
restrict route 10, include
the devices COR number
in COR Group 1.
In the Station Attributes
form, different restrictions
can be assigned to Day,
Night1 and Night2 modes.

The ARS Routes form

associates Route 10 with:
-Trunk Group 1, which
shows which trunks to
-COR Group 1, which
shows who to restrict from
making the call.
-Digit Mod 2, which shows
how to modify the

Use the Routing Medium

to choose TDM, IP or SIP

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Dial Tone From the CO

If the system sends digits to the CO before the CO supplies dial tone, the digits are lost and the
call fails. This situation may occur with analog LS trunks, but not digital trunks.

To avoid this problem, we can make the system wait for dial tone before sending the digits. To
do this, add a Tone Marker to the Routes ARS Digit Modification Plans form. If this is not done,
the system sends the dialed digits the instant that it seizes the trunk.
Programming a Tone Marker

This Tone Plan marker, T2, references

Tone Plan Number 2 in the ARS Call
Progress Tone Detection form.

The system waits up

to 5 seconds for dial
tone from the CO. If
the dial tone is not
received in this time,
the call is released
and the caller gets a
This is the tone the system listens for. If the system detects the tone, it reorder tone.
The tones the system can detect are outpulses the digits in the signaling
listed in Detectable Tones on the next format that the trunks circuit descriptor
page. Usually, only those systems that specifies, either Loop or DTMF. The
must detect specific tones, or must insert possible actions are:
wait cycles to receive a tone before -Blank
outpulsing, will need an ARS Call -Outpulse default
Progress Tone Detection plan -Outpulse DTMF
-Busy tone and release
-Reorder tone and release
-Give answer

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Detectable Tones
Blank Speech
NA dial tone mod 120 UK 50 Hz dial tone
NA specialized carrier dial tone NA dial tone mod 133
NA priority ringback NA reorder tone
UK congestion tone UL dial tone
NZ number unobtainable UK NU tone
NA precise audible ringback NZ dial tone NA precise dial tone
UK precise audible ringback UK precise dial tone
NA busy tone NA audible ringback tone
UK busy tone UK audible ringback tone
NZ busy tone NZ audible ringback tone
IT dial tone MA dial tone
GE dial tone

If you apply Wait for Dial Tone on a trunk, make sure that the trunk is a type that returns
dial tone. Most digital E&M trunks and MSDN/DPNSS trunks connecting PBXs in North
America do not send a dial tone (Dial Tone on Incoming Seize). If you apply tone
detection to these trunks, the Maximum Wait for Tone timer expires and the system
takes the programmed Action on Timeout.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Planning and Programming ARS

Programming ARS requires careful planning. Use the following diagram and planning sheets to
plan your ARS programming. The pyramid diagram represents the programming sequence.
Start programming at the bottom and move towards the top. Plan and troubleshoot problems
from the top down.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Plan and Troubleshoot

Program Forms

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

; Lab 1 Local Calls Using ARS

In this lab, you will be using the following forms, in this order:

Users and Devices > Advanced Configuration > Station Attributes form.

Trunks > Analog > Trunk Groups form.

Call Routing > Automatic Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Digit Modification Plans form.

System Properties > System Feature Settings > Class of Restriction Groups form.

Call Routing > Automatic Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Routes form.

Call Routing > Automatic Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Digits Dialed form.

Call Routing > Automatic Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Leading Digits form.

Check with the instructor for details on how the CO is being simulated.

Help > Contents > System Programming > Initial Configuration > Program
Automatic Route Selection

Use the supplied planning forms to plan your programming.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Step Task Expected Result 9

1 Navigate to the Users and Devices > The Station Attributes form is displayed.
Advanced Configuration > Station
Attributes form.
2 Select one of your IP sets and select The set is selected and the Station
change. Attributes change window opens.
3 In the Station Attributes change The CORs are entered, saved, and
window, enter a desired COR displayed in the Station Attributes form.
number for day service and another
number for night 1 and night 2
service. Select Save.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Step Task Expected Result 9

4 Navigate to the Trunks > Analog > Trunk The Trunk Groups form is
Groups form. displayed.
5 In the Trunk Groups form, select Add. The Trunk Groups add window
6 In the Trunk Groups add window: The data is entered.
Enter a Trunk Group Number.
Select the Terminal radio button for the
Hunt Mode.
Leave the remaining fields at default.
7 Select Save. The data is saved and displayed in
the Trunk Groups form.

Step Task Expected Result 9

8 In the Trunk Groups form, select the new trunk The Trunk Groups add
group and then select Add Member. member window opens.
9 Using range programming, and in reverse order, The analog trunks are added
add the analog trunks created in an earlier module. to the new trunk group.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Step Task Expected Result 9

10 Navigate to the Call Routing > Automatic The ARS Digit Modification Plans
Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Digit form is displayed.
Modification Plans form.
11 In the ARS Digit Modification Plans form, The Digit Modification number is
select a desired Digit Modification number selected and the Digit Modification
and then select Change. change window opens.
12 In the Digit Modification change window,
enter a one in the Number of Digits to
Absorb field. Leave the remaining fields at
13 Select Save. The data is saved and displayed in
the ARS Digit Modification Plans

Step Task Expected Result 9

14 Navigate to the System Properties > The Class of Restriction Groups
System Feature Settings > Class of form is displayed.
Restriction Groups form.
15 In the Class of Restriction Groups form, The Class of Restriction Group
select a desired Class of Restriction Group number is selected and the Class of
number and then select Change. Restriction Group change window
16 In the Class of Restriction Group change The day service COR number is
window, enter the sets COR number for entered, the data is saved and
day service. Then select Save. displayed in the Class of Restriction
Groups form.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Step Task Expected Result 9

17 Navigate to the Call Routing > Automatic The ARS Routes form is displayed.
Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Routes
18 In the ARS Routes form, select a desired The Route number is selected and
Route number and then select Change. It is the Route change window opens.
recommended to use the same number as
the COR Group number that will be used.
19 In the Route change window: The data is entered, saved, and
displayed in the ARS Routes form.
Select TDM Trunk Group from the
Routing Medium drop-down menu.
Enter the Trunk Group Number
previously programmed.
Enter the COR Group Number
previously programmed.
Enter the Digit Modification Number
previously programmed.
Leave the Digits Before Outpulsing filed
Select PSTN Access Via DPNSS from
the Route Type drop-down menu.
Select Save.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Step Task Expected Result 9

20 Navigate to the Call Routing > Automatic The ARS Digits Dialed form is
Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Digits displayed.
Dialed form.
21 Select Add. The ARS Digits Dialed add window
22 In the ARS Digits Dialed add window: The data is entered, saved, and
displayed in the ARS Digits Dialed
In the Digits Dialed field, enter the digits
to dial to access the routing information.
Select the number of digits needed to
complete the number in the Number of
Digits to Follow drop-down menu.
Select Route from the Termination Type
drop-down menu.
Enter the Route number previously
Select Save. Program additional Digits
Dialed as needed.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Step Task Expected Result 9

23 Navigate to the Call Routing > Automatic The ARS Leading Digits form is
Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Leading displayed.
Digits form.
24 Select the Leading Digit 9 entry and then The Leading Digit 9 entry is
select Change. selected and the ARS Leading Digit
change window opens.
25 In the ARS Leading Digit change window: The data is entered, saved, and
displayed in the ARS Leading Digits
Select Yes from the Second Dial Tone
drop-down menu,
Enter the COR Group Number
previously programmed.
Select Save.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Step Task Expected Result 9

26 Test the programming by dialing the digits A CO trunk can be accessed.
that were programmed.
27 Type DGT TRACE <digit string dialed> in The ARS digits and the route are
the command window. displayed in the Response window.

Step Task Expected Result 9

28 Use SMDR to verify your programming, The telnet window displays the
what trunk is used, and what is outpulsed to information.
the CO.

The call must be completed to see the SMDR records.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

; Lab 2 Emergency Calls Using ARS

In this lab, you will be using the following forms, in this order:

Call Routing > Automatic Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Routes form.

Call Routing > Automatic Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Digits Dialed form.

Call Routing > Automatic Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Digit Modification Plans form.

System Properties > System Feature Settings > Class of Restriction Groups form.

Always allow all desktop devices to dial emergency numbers. The COR Group
number used for the emergency routes must not contain any COR numbers.

Check with the instructor for details on how the CO is being simulated.

Help > Contents > System Programming > Initial Configuration >
Programming Automatic Route Selection

Use the supplied planning forms to plan your programming.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Step Task Expected Result 9

1 Navigate to the Call Routing > The ARS Routes form is displayed.
Automatic Route Selection (ARS) >
ARS Routes form.
2 In the ARS Routes form, select an The Route number is selected and the
available Route number and then Route change window opens.
select Change. It is recommended to
use the same number as the COR
Group number that will be used, and
that COR Group number must not
contain any CORs.
3 In the Route change window: The data is entered, saved, and displayed
in the ARS Routes form.
Select TDM Trunk Group from
the Routing Medium drop-down
Enter the Trunk Group Number
previously programmed.
Enter the COR Group Number
that contains no COR numbers.
Enter a Digit Modification
Number that absorbs no digits.
Leave the Digits Before
Outpulsing filed blank.
Select Emergency from the
Route Type drop-down menu.
Select Save.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Step Task Expected Result 9

4 Select another available Route The Route number is selected and the
number and then select Change. It is Route change window opens.
recommended to use the same
number as the COR Group number
that will be used, and that COR
Group number must not contain any
5 In the Route change window: The data is entered, saved, and displayed
in the ARS Routes form.
Select TDM Trunk Group from
the Routing Medium drop-down
Enter the Trunk Group Number
previously programmed.
Enter the COR Group Number
that contains no COR numbers.
Enter the previously programmed
Digit Modification Number that
absorbs one digit.
Leave the Digits Before
Outpulsing filed blank.
Select Emergency from the
Route Type drop-down menu.
Select Save.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Step Task Expected Result 9

6 Navigate to the Call Routing > The ARS Digits Dialed form is displayed.
Automatic Route Selection (ARS) >
ARS Digits Dialed form.
7 Add the following: 911 and 9911 digit strings are added.
9911 is added just in case an emergency
911, absorbing no digits.
caller tries to dial a 9 to access a CO
9-911, absorbing one digit. trunk.
Digits to Follow must be zero.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Step Task Expected Result 9

8 Test the programming by dialing 911 A CO trunk can be accessed. The

and 9911 on your sets. Attendant Console should ring.
9 Type DGT TRACE <digit string The ARS digits and the route are
dialed> in the command window. displayed in the Response window.

Step Task Expected Result 9

10 Use SMDR to verify your The telnet window displays the
programming, what trunk is used, information.
and what is outpulsed to the CO.

The call must be completed to see the SMDR records.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Calling Privileges

There are usually different levels of calling privileges within an organization, from the executive
level who may call almost anywhere, to sales who may be permitted to call anywhere on the
continent, and so on, down to those phones restricted to make no external calls.

In the system, every device within the database that can dial requires a COR number, which is

To a device in the Station Attributes form.

To trunks in the Trunk Attributes form.

To restrict a device from making an external call, the devices COR number is assigned to the
COR Group associated with the restricted route.

The following figure represents a general hierarchy of restrictions, with the center being the
least restrictive and the outer circles the most restrictive.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

For example, if it is necessary to restrict directory number 1005 from calling a long distance
number, perform the following steps:
1. In the ARS Digits Dialed form, determine which route is used in order to call long distance
within North America. The figure shows Route 2.

2. In the ARS Routes form, verify which Class of Restriction Group is used by Route 2. The
figure shows COR group 2.

3. In the Station Attributes form, determine the COR number for extension 1005. The figure
shows COR number 7.

4. In the COR Groups form, program COR number 7 into the COR group 2. This will restrict
extension 1005 from making the long distance call.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Routes, COR Groups, and COR Numbers

The diagram shows the relationship between routes, COR Groups, and COR numbers.

Route 1 restricts calls from users with COR number 1, which is the only member in COR Group

Route 2 allows all calls because there are no COR numbers in the COR Group associated with
Route 2. An example of this is emergency numbers.

Route 7 restricts calls from all users with COR number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, which are all members
in COR Group 7.

We use this in our example ARS program to block calls to 1-900 numbers.

Route 1 uses COR Group 1 COR Group 1

Phones with any COR Number other than COR COR Group 1 contains
1 may use Route 1. 1 COR number 1.

COR Group 2
Route 2 uses COR Group 2
Phones with any COR Number may use COR Group 2 contains no
Route2. COR numbers.

COR Group 7
Route 7 uses COR Group 7
COR Group 7 restricts all users from using this 1, 2, 3, COR Group 7 contains
route. 4, & 5 COR numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

COR Planner
The COR planning table lists:

Call types that are created in the ARS Planner Example sheet, listed down the left column

Various types of users and assigned COR numbers, listed in the center column

COR numbers placed into COR Groups, listed in the right column
To use the planner, follow each call type across the table and restrict the COR numbers that do
not have calling privileges for that call type. Notice that you can observe the restrictions
imposed on any COR number by the entries in its column.

No Lobby Junior Senior Executive/ COR Groups

User Call Type Required
Access Phones Staff Staff Attendant
(COR Groups
(ARS Digits Dialed
form) COR # (Station Attributes form) Grp: Members

9+Local R 1: 1
9+11 2:
9+911 3:
9+611 R R R R 4: 1-4
9+411 R R R 5: 1-3
9+0 (Telco) R R R R 6: 1-4
9+1-900 R R R R R 7: 1-5
9+1+Long Distance R R R 8: 1-3
9+011 R R R R 9: 1-4
9+1+212, 904, 907 R R 10: 1,2
9+1-900-592-2122 R R 11: 1,2
(Tech support)
9+839-1412 R R R R 12: 1-4
(Radio contest line)
9+1-800 R R R R 13: 1-4

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

COR Group Planner

To assign these privileges to specific phones, use the Station Attributes form, User and Device
Configuration form, or User and Device Attributes form.

The system operates in one of three modes, Day, Night1, or Night2. The attendant puts the
system in day mode during normal business hours, night1 mode after normal business hours,
and perhaps night2 during the late night hours.

A phone can be assigned different external calling privileges in each of these modes. The
Station Attributes form is shown below.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Preventing Toll Fraud

This section provides some examples of how to minimize toll fraud by internal users and
external callers. They highlight areas, which, if not programmed correctly, can allow
unauthorized toll access.

More information can be found in the Technical Knowledge Base on the MOL
web site.

Mitel disclaims any express or implied warranty that its equipment is

technically immune from or prevents fraudulent intrusion into, or unauthorized
use of, its telecommunications system, including its interconnection to the long
distance network.

Mitel strongly recommends that PBX owners and/or the service personnel,
program an appropriate COR to all system ports to control external dialing
capabilities through Station Ports, Voice Mail Ports, DISA Trunks and all Dial-
In-Trunks. This approach has proven effective in implementing a system that
minimizes the occurrence of toll fraud.

The 3300 ICP ESM forms are designed to offer a very flexible and highly
customized programming structure and must be carefully programmed to
prevent users from defeating your toll restriction plan.

Types of Telephone Fraud

External fraud is possible on systems using any combination of Direct Inward System Access
(DISA) and/or Dial-in Trunks integrated with Auto Attendant or peripheral interfaced Auto
Attendant/Voicemail and RAD groups.

Internal fraud is possible if employees are using External Call Forward, Trunk-to-Trunk
Connection Without Third Party, and 1-800 and 1-900 numbers.

ARS programming using COR group assignments is the only proper way to minimize toll fraud.

It is very important that only employees who require toll access be given telephone privileges.
For example, a lobby telephone would be denied toll access unless it is authorized through

COS options should be controlled with:

Individual Trunk Access, which will bypass all ARS and COR restrictions

Public Network to Public Network Connection Allowed, to allow trunks to be connected

together without a third party

Call Forwarding (External Destination), to allow extension users to forward their telephone to
external trunks.
19-32 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc
Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

800-numbers are traditionally free calls, but some COS can allow the reversal of 800-charges.
So it may be necessary that programmers designate 800-calls as toll calls for the company.

900-numbers and any information service calls should be COR-restricted from all users except
those who require access for their job function.

SMDR can be used to track internal users and control their calls, which is a deterrent for toll
abuse by internal callers.

It is important to note that System Speed Calls be subject to toll control. Access to system
speed calls should be controlled through the System Speed Calls form, where toll control can be
enabled. It is also important to note that Speed Call via the keys located on a set will be subject
to toll control only if the set is COR restricted.

Speed Calls are discussed in a later module.

In most applications, users are allowed to access 911 without restriction. The DISA-trunk
automated attendant, which allows the transfer to an external call, should be considered to be
COR-restricted from dialing 911 to avoid any possibility of abuse from this source.

ARS Digit String

ARS digit-string entries are the heart of every toll-control plan and should be analyzed very
closely. It is extremely important that the programmer clearly understands which digit-string
entries the system will find to be the closest match to the digit string dialed. What ARS finds to
be the closest match will not always be the same digit-string entry that the programmer intended
the dialed digits to match.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Example #1
A programmer expects that users dialing 901 would access route 2 only and that those
dialling 90 would access route 1.

ARS Leading Digits Form ARS Digits Dialed Form

Digits Number Termination Termination
Leading Second COR Group
Dialed of Digits Type Number
Digit Dial Tone Number
to Follow
9 Yes 90 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 901 Unknown Route 2

Generally, the programming works, but there is a chance that users may be able to beat
the system by making a 901 call via route 1, with no SMDR record. Users dial 90, wait
for the inter-digit timer to expire, and then dial 1. After the inter-digit time-out, the closest
match to the digit string dialed is 90. The system then dials 0 via route 1 and connects
the station directly to the CO trunk with no further toll control. Digits dialed after the inter-
digit time-out will not be captured in the SMDR.

To prevent the system from accessing the undesired route, the Digits Dialled should be
programmed to avoid non-unique match or ambiguous entries, as shown below. 9-0
calls, with no further digits dialed, will be blocked because there is no match in the Digits
Dialed field after the inter-digit time-out.

ARS Leading Digits Form ARS Digits Dialed Form

Digits Number Termination Termination

Leading Second COR Group
Dialed of Digits Type Number
Digit Dial Tone Number
to Follow
9 Yes 901 Unknown Route 2
9 Yes 902 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 903 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 904 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 905 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 906 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 907 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 908 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 909 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 900 Unknown Route 1

The selection of Alternate second dial tone is not designed for N.A. operation.

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Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

COR Groups
The COR Groups form is used to gather COR numbers into groups to enforce toll restriction. A
COR group number, not a COR number, is assigned to the ARS Routes form in ARS

The following examples show how to restrict internal, local, and long distance calls, using COR.

These examples do not imply that ARS should be programmed this way.

Example #2 - No Restriction from the Leading Digit 9

Not all stations are COR-restricted from the leading digit 9. The entry 0-9 is intended to
pick up all local and long-distance calls, leaving the customer open to all long-distance
calls and potentially to a very high telephone bill. The following should not be a typical
ARS program because it does not provide any toll-control protection.

ARS Leading Digits Form ARS Digits Dialed Form

Digits Number Termination Termination

Leading Second COR Group
Dialed of Digits Type Number
Digit Dial Tone Number
to Follow
9 Yes 90 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 91 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 92 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 93 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 94 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 95 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 96 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 97 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 98 Unknown Route 1
9 Yes 99 Unknown Route 1

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Example #3 - Internal Restriction

All stations and trunks with COR defined in COR group 2 will be restricted from the
leading digit 9. Certain stations and trunks are restricted from accessing the local and
long-distance network. A typical application for this ARS program is on a lobby phone
that has numerous users.

In the Station Attributes form:

COS COR Default

Directory Intercept
Number Number Day Night1 Night2 Day Night1 Night2 Code
1000 1 1 1 1 3 3 3
1001 1 1 1 1 3 3 3
1002 1 1 1 1 5 5 5
1003 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

In the COR Groups form:

COR Group Number COR for Group

2 3, 4, and 5
4 6 through 64

ARS Leading Digits Form ARS Digits Dialed Form

Digits Number Termination Termination
Leading Second COR Group
Dialed of Digits Type Number
Digit Dial Tone Number
to Follow
9 No 2 90 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 91 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 92 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 93 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 94 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 95 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 96 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 97 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 98 Unknown Route 1
9 No 2 99 Unknown Route 1

19-36 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Example #3 - Long-Distance Call Restriction

All stations with COR numbers 3, 4 or 5 in COR group 2 will be restricted from long-
distance 0 and 1 calls. In this set-up, all extensions have access to the local network, but
only selective extensions will have access to the toll network.

In the Station Attributes form, DNs 1000, 1001, and 1002 have been COR restricted in
day and night service:

COS COR Default

Directory Intercept
Number Number Day Night1 Night2 Day Night1 Night2 Code
1000 1 1 1 1 3 3 3
1001 1 1 1 1 3 3 3
1002 1 1 1 1 5 5 5
1003 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1004 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

In the COR Groups form:

COR Group Number COR for Group

2 3, 4, and 5
4 6 through 64

In the ARS Routes form, the route number that is to be COR-restricted should be
assigned a COR Group Number that contains the COR Number.

Trunk COR Digit Digits XNET Trunk Route Compression

Group Group Modification Before Group Type
Number Number Number Outpulsing Number
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 1

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

In the ARS Leading Digits form, the system is programmed so that leading digits 0 and 1
take route 2, restricting any member in COR group 2 from accessing route 2.

ARS Leading Digits Form ARS Digits Dialed Form

Digits Number Termination Termination

Leading Second COR Group
Dialed of Digits Type Number
Digit Dial Tone Number
to Follow
9 No 4 90 Unknown Route 2
9 No 4 91 Unknown Route 2
9 No 4 92 Unknown Route 1
9 No 4 93 Unknown Route 1
9 No 4 94 Unknown Route 1
9 No 4 95 and Unknown Route 1

Example #4 Maximum Digits

To further secure the restriction level shown in Example 3, limit the maximum digits able
to be dialed on a trunk by a station. These limits are defined below. All stations with
COR numbers 3, 4, and 5 cannot dial more than 10 digits against the COR, including
leading digit 9.

With this level of security, whether stations with a COR of 2 and 3 are COR-restricted
from accessing route 2 or not, they will be prevented from making long-distance calls
because they cannot dial more than 10 digits.

This example does not apply to areas where users must dial an area code to
make a local call.

In the ARS Maximum Dialed Digits form:

COR Number of Digits Allowed

1 Unlimited
2 10
3 10
4 Unlimited

19-38 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

Trunk CORs
All dial-in-trunks including DISA, TIE, DID and ISDN should be considered for COR restriction.
If these dial-in-trunks are accessible by external users, then these trunks should be treated like
an extension and should only be allowed certain privileges. If we follow this rule then the trunk
attributes would have the following set up.

Based on the above ARS programming, once COR restriction is applied to trunk service number
1 and 2, any trunk assigned to either service number will be restricted from placing long-
distance calls beginning with 0 or 1. If possible, the programmer should also limit the maximum
number of digits to be dialed on another trunk.

Example #1 DISA Trunk Attributes Form

Trunk service number: 1
Release Link trunk:
Class of Service: 1
Class of Restriction: 3
Baud Rate:
Intercept Number: 1
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Day: 300
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Night1: 300
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Night2: 300
Dial Trunks Incoming Digit Modification: Absorb
Dial Trunks Incoming Digit Modification: Insert
Trunk Label: DISA

Example #2 TIE/ISDN Trunk Attributes Form

Trunk service number: 2
Release Link trunk:
Class of Service: 1
Class of Restriction: 3
Baud Rate:
Intercept Number: 1
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Day:
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Night1:
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Night2:
Dial Trunks Incoming Digit Modification: Absorb 0
Dial Trunks Incoming Digit Modification: Insert
Trunk Label: TIE/ISDN

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Example #3 DID Trunk Attributes Form

Trunk service number: 3
Release Link trunk:
Class of Service: 1
Class of Restriction: 1
Baud Rate:
Intercept Number: 1
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Day:
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Night1:
Non-Dial-in Trunk Answer Point: Night2:
Dial Trunks Incoming Digit Modification: Absorb 0
Dial Trunks Incoming Digit Modification: Insert
Trunk Label: DID

DISA and Dial-In Trunks

DISA presents the greatest potential for abuse by external callers. Two levels of security
can be provided by restricting the COR and COS of the DISA trunk from making external
calls unless a Verified Account Code is dialed after the DISA access code. The Verified
Account Code changes the COR and COS of the normally-restricted DISA trunk,
allowing external access for legitimate users. The use of 12-digit account codes results
in the greatest number of possible account-code combinations and presents the greatest
deterrent for system abuse.

All dial-in trunks must be COR restricted from directly placing external calls. In most
applications, only a limited number of digit strings will ever be dialed inward on E&M or
DID trunks, but it is important to be aware that these trunks can directly access ARS.

It is very important to note that if the system is programmed to allow users to call into the
switch and then call back out, no matter how complex the dialing process is, maximum
protection from fraudulent calls cannot be achieved without the implementation of COR,
COS, and Independent Account Codes against the incoming trunk, with the provision
that there can be no guarantees when dealing with fraudulent behavior.

If DISA is only used to call internal extensions, then Interconnect Restrict the DISA trunk
from all outgoing trunks. When enabling COS options, caution should be given to
Individual Trunk Access and Independent Account Codes. COR assignments must be
enabled for dial-in trunks. Forced Account codes must be used wherever possible and
the maximum account code digit string length should be used. The maximum number of
digits dialed, which is defined by COR, should also be considered.

Trunk protocol errors can be encountered during the release state initiated by the PBX,
resulting in toll fraud. These errors occur when the internal PBX port hangs up, but the
external party stays off-hook longer than the Release Acknowledge Timer, as
programmed in the trunks Circuit Descriptor on the PBX, and shorter than the release
timer of the CO equipment. The PBX treats this as a new call, opening the door for

19-40 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

The appropriate COR and COS must be programmed against the incoming
trunks as described here to minimize toll fraud. In addition, the trunk circuit
descriptor can be adjusted for proper trunk protocol handling with the Telco by
increasing the Release Acknowledge Timer to a value that exceeds that of the
release timer of the CO equipment.

System Access Points Form

The DISA directory number is programmed in the System Access Points form. The two
types of DISA assignments are:

DISA without account codes.

DISA with forced account codes.

DISA Directory Number

If the installer programs the section DISA Directory Number, then anybody dialing this
number will receive DISA dial tone and can access any ARS without dialing an account
code. This is dangerous if this is the trunk answer point and the trunk is not COR

Lets assume that the DISA trunk is COR-restricted and cannot access any toll trunks,
and the DISA trunk is not forced to dial account codes. If legitimate users access the
DISA trunk, they would dial the feature access code for the account code, which can be
up to four digits in length and can include * and #, and then the independent account
code, which can be up to 12 digits in length. When the proper account code is entered, it
changes the COR and allows a toll call. So an authorized caller is required to dial up to
16 digits, including a feature access code, before making a toll call. This does not
prevent hackers from breaking in, but it makes it more difficult.

The DISA trunk will only allow three attempts at the correct password. After
that, the user will be restricted from dialing any more digits until the next time
the trunk is accessed.

DISA Forced Account Code

If the installer programs the section DISA Forced Account Code - Directory Number, the
system will force an account code, but the feature access code for the account code is
not required. This account code would be programmed in the Independent Account
Codes form. The longer the account code is, the more difficult it is to break in. In this
form, the system can also control the COS and COR of the DISA trunk. The COS of both
the DISA trunk and the Independent Account Codes should have limited options. For
example, it should not have the option of Individual Trunk Access. If this option is
enabled, the DISA trunk will be able to access trunks and override all toll restrictions. It is
very important that caution be exercised when assigning a COS to a DISA trunk and to
an Independent Account Code.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

If a customer wishes to make it more difficult for the DISA trunk to access the ARS
network, then the COS for that account code could force a user to enter yet another
account code, thus adding more digits for the user to dial.

For example, a user accesses the DISA and receives dial tone. The system is set up for
a 12-digit account code. The user dials 057912543349 and receives a second dial tone.
The COS in the Independent Account Code form forces the user to enter a second
account code, so the user must now dial the same 12-digit account code or a different
code. This creates a total of 24 digits that the DISA user must dial to access the toll

19-42 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

; Lab 3 Restricting Numbers Using ARS

In this lab, you will be using the following forms:

Users and Devices > Advanced Configuration > Station Attributes form.

System Properties > System Feature Settings > Class of Restriction Groups form.

Call Routing > Automatic Route Selection (ARS) > ARS Digits Dialed form.

Check with the instructor for details on how the CO is being simulated.

Help > Contents > System Programming > Initial Configuration >
Programming Automatic Route Selection

Use the supplied planning forms to plan your programming. An example of this lab is shown.

Step Task Expected Result 9

1 Plan the data that you need to make the following calls The planning sheet is
work with no restrictions. completed.
Service Calls 611 in NA
Directory Information 411 in NA
Telco Operator
900/090 Pay Premium
Long Distance 1 - any ten digits in NA
In-area long distance 1- your local area code in NA
International calls 011 in NA
Mitel overseas 011 44 1291430000 in NA
Specific Area Codes 212, 904, 907 in NA
Mitel Technical Support Calls 1-900-592-2122 in NA
Radio Station Contest Line 839-1412 in NA
Toll free calls 1-800 (or 888) + 7 digits in NA
2 Use the DGT TRACE <digit string dialed> command to The dialed digits and
verify that the correct digits are passed to the CO and the route are displayed
the correct route is being used. in the response field.
3 Complete your ARS programming and verify that: Calls can be made or
calls are denied.
Using sets with permission, calls reach the CO trunk.
Using sets with restrictions, calls denied.

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

Call Type Attendant Managers Customer Worker Lobby COR Groups in

and 1002 Service Bees 1005 COR Groups
Executive 1003 1004 form

ARS Digits Dialed form COR1 COR2 COR 3 COR 4 COR 5

COR # in Station Attributes form Grp: Members

911 1
9+911 1
9+611 R R R R 2 2-5
9+411 R R R 3 3-5
9+0 R R R R 2 2-5
9+1+900+7 digits R R R R R 4 1-5
9+1+10 digits R 5 5
9+1+480+7 digits R 5 5
9+011+ Any # of digits R R R R 2 2-5
9+011441291430000 R 5 5
9+1+212+7 digits 1
9+1+904+7 digits 1
9+1+907+7 digits 1
9+1+9005922122 R 5 5
9+8391412 R R R R 2 2-5
9+1+800+7 digits 1
9+1+888+7 digits 1

19-44 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course


For these questions, please refer to the table in the COR Planner section above.

1. Who can call 9-839-1412?



2. Which users are in COR Group 3?



3. Why are there no users in COR Group 2, used for 911 and 9911 ?



4. Which COR Groups has all users restricted?



5. Which area codes can a worker bee employee call?



6. The Tech support line 1-900-592-2122 has changed its number to 1-900-592-2123.
What is the next matched route for this new number? Who can reach them now? Which
extension(s) are never permitted to make long distance calls?




19-46 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

In the following five scenarios, an extension user dials an external directory number. Predict
what the system will do with the call based on the ARS Planner sheet.

7. Extension 1400 dials 9-4 7 7-1 9 2 8. Use the completed programming forms in the ARS
Planner sheet and the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION listed below to answer the next


Operational Mode: DAY mode

Busy Trunks: 4,5,7-9

What is outpulsed in this scenario?

a. Nothing, no trunks available for this call

b. Nothing, call is blocked by system

c. 477

d. 14771928

e. 914771928

f. 94771928

g. 4771928

h. 4095249118

Which trunk will be used for the call made in this scenario?

a. No trunk used; no trunks available for this call

b. No trunk used; call is blocked by system

c. Trunk 5

d. Trunk 6

e. Trunk 7

f. Trunk 10

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

8. Extension 1000 dials 9 1800 361 7185. Use the completed programming forms in the
ARS Planner sheet and the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION listed below to answer the
next questions.


Operational Mode: Day Mode

Busy Trunks: 10 12

What is outpulsed in this scenario?

a. Nothing, no trunks available for this call

b. Nothing, call is blocked by system

c. 18003617185

d. 918003617185

e. 15249118

f. 4095249118

g. 14095249118

h. 91409524911

Which trunk will be used for the call made in this scenario?

a. No trunk used; no trunks available for this call

b. No trunk used; call is blocked by system

c. Trunk 7

d. Trunk 8

e. Trunk 9

f. Trunk 10

g. Trunk 11

h. Trunk 12

19-48 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

9. Extension 1800 dials 9 1405 661 7138. Use the completed programming forms in the
ARS Planner sheet and the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION listed below to answer the
next questions.


Operational Mode: Day Mode

Busy Trunks: 4 7 and 10 12

What is outpulsed in this scenario?

a. Nothing, no trunks available for this call

b. Nothing, call is blocked by system

c. 914056617138

d. 14056617138

e. 94095249118

f. 5249118

g. 17055249118

h. 03011

Which trunk will be used for the call made in this scenario?

a. No trunk used; no trunks available for this call

b. No trunk used; call is blocked by system

c. Trunk 4

d. Trunk 7

e. Trunk 9

f. Trunk 10

g. Trunk 11

h. Trunk 12

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

10. Extension 1900 dials 9 1 776 3865. Use the completed programming forms in the ARS
Planner sheet and the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION listed below to answer the next


Operational Mode: Night Mode 1

Busy Trunks: 4 8

What is outpulsed in this scenario?

a. Nothing, no trunks available for this call

b. Nothing, call is blocked by system

c. 17763865

d. 7763865

e. 917763865

f. 3011

g. 5249118

h. 9140

Which trunk will be used for the call made in this scenario?

a. No trunk used; no trunks available for this call

b. No trunk used; call is blocked by system

c. Trunk 4

d. Trunk 5

e. Trunk 9

f. Trunk 10

g. Trunk 11

h. Trunk 12

19-50 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

Automatic Route Selection (ARS)

11. Extension 1700 dials 916184471234. Use the completed programming forms in the ARS
Planner sheet and the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION listed below to answer the next


Operational Mode: Night Mode 2

Busy Trunks: 4 8

What is outpulsed in this scenario?

a. Nothing, no trunks available for this call

b. Nothing, call is blocked by system

c. 96184471234

d. 16184471234

e. 6184471234

f. 4471234

g. 3011

h. 84471234

Which trunk will be used for the call made in this scenarion

a. No trunk used; no trunks available for this call

b. No trunk used; call is blocked by system

c. Trunk 7

d. Trunk 8

e. Trunk 9

f. Trunk 10

g. Trunk 11

h. Trunk 12

MCD for 3300 ICP Basic Installation and Maintenance Course

19-52 Automatic Route Selection_rev6.doc

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