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Get talking! EX talk about the pictures with a partner. What can you see? EZ ts your hometown big or small? Do you prefer small towns or big cities? Conversation ER £2 £)\2s Listen and read. Linda: So, Amy, do you like it here? Amy: | think it's great! | really like it, How about you? Linda: Well, | don't know. It's a beautiful city, but there are a lot of people and cars, and there's alot of noise. Amy: — That's why | like it Linda: Hmm. | think | prefer my hometown. It's small, and the people are friendly. Amy: — Small towns are boring, There aren't any good stores, and there's nothing to do in the evening, | mean, is there a really great department store like this in your hometown? No, there isnt! There's a department store near my home, butts really small Linda: See? It’s so exciting here. There are a lot of things you can do, Yeah, | guess .. Hey, wait a minute. Who's that guy? ‘Who? The one over there? Wow. He's cute. Hmm... Maybe this place isn't so bad after all EZ Practice the conversation with a partner, ae KEERRE A tr stor a conveant WEES nein, commen atts There's 2 small department store ‘There isn't a big department sto There are a jot of cars. There aren't any good stores. Is there a department store? Yes, there is, ‘Are there any good stores? No, there aren't, You ean do a lot of things. Vocabulary Ey Match each description with a place in the pictures. 1H apark 2 a movie theater 3 __ ahotel 4 a bank 5 __ ashopping mall 6 __ acoffee shop 7 __ atrain station 8 __ arestaurant 9 __ afitness center 10 ___ a supermarket 11 ___ apost office 12 __ alibrary BJ Aska partner what you can do in these places. |: What can you do in a cof B: Ina coffee shop y something to eat. Real lif An ti ED 2) 1)» tisten and compiete the conversation. Then practice with a partner. A: Do you like your hometown? B: Yes, Ido. its very ?__ ‘A Oh, OK. What can you do there? Is there a?__ 8 A 8 Yes, there is. t's fairly big And are there anygood?___? Yes, there are, But theyre 4 ae Ba] Use these words to make more conversations. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 1 interesting 1 small 1 big 2 movie theater 2 park 2 shopping mall CS 3 hotels 3 coffee shops 3 department stores 4 not very cheap Avery noisy 4really busy Listening ED £) 2 Listen to Brian, from Didsbury in Manchester, U.K., talk about where he lives. Does he like living in Didsbury? EZ £} 2 Listen to the next part of the conversation and write T (true) or F (false) for each statement. —— There are a lot of things to do in Didsbury. —— There's a good library. —— Brian teaches at City College. —— There isnt a park. There aren't any good restaurants. — Brian doesn't like Italian food. —— He eats at Pizza Palace because it's cheap. Nounwne Speaking El] complete the questionnaire. then interview a partner. Ca Isthere... rod ects You a big park? gio o at el | eI | friendly coffee shops? | a post office? tsa tee II Ibrary? co | oO | department stores? | a small library? abusortrain station?] 1 | O1 | convenience stores? | ood supermarket? | O | O ae : good, cheap hotels? | O abusyshoppingmall?} O | a movie theater? GC | © | expensive stores? o | Your | partner ao Oo | Where can you... go out with your friends? get a good pizza? use the internet? eget pay are eee go shopping? BZ Make a list of three things you like and three things you don't like about your neighborhood. Then tell your partner. Things | like about my neighborhood Things | dontt like about my neighborhood (sar Identify the imp eg. names of plat oortant words and phrases, 1005, days, ete Listening skill: Listening for key words ber Ed 02.2: Uisten to this radio ad and eas i, the places in the order you hear them __ City Park ____ Mario's Restaurant ___ The Grand Hotel ___ Barney's Department Store ___ Cineworld Movie Theater each statement. ___ You can go to Barney's Department Store on Sundays. ____ Mario's Restaurant closes on Mondays. — You can see a different movie every day at Cineworld Movie Theater. ____ You cant play sports in City Park. EL O51 tisten again and write T (true), F (false) oF N (not in text) for 1 2 3 4 5 ___ The Grand Hotel is the only hotel in Vinewood. [Eq] Before you watch, discuss with a partner the things that are important to you when you choose a place to live. cost shopping location (e.g. close to where you work / study) transport facilities (e.g: a park, movie theater ...) things to do Watch the video. Check (/) the things from exercise 1 that Luke mentions. Watch again. Circle the correct answers. Astoria is a big / good neighborhood in Queens. 7 2. There's a park where you can play basketball / baseball 3 Astoria is cheaper / more expensive than Manhattan. 4 5 Its not/very convenient to get into the city from Astoria, Luke lives about five / fifteen minutes from Manhattan, convenient (adj.) easy to. do Picnic (v,) to eat outside subway (n.) an underground trai? twice (adv) two times (the amour" Think about your neighborhood, Isit i Are you happy there? Why/Why not? Talos not? Tell your partner, Reading Skill: Understanding descriptions Harlington Harlington has everything Shopping Do you like to go shopping? You can find everything you want in Harlington. There are a lot of local stores, a huge department store, and two busy shopping malls. There are also three supermarkets and six convenience stores. You can go shopping every day! Food & drink There are a lot of restaurants here. You can eat food from all over the Link the adjectives with the subjects they refer to, e.g you read The hotel is very popular...popular refers to hotel. Places to stay Do you want to come for the weekend? You can ask Tourist Information for help. There are four hotels in Harlington. They're great! Fun for all the family! World! There are also friendly coffee shops. Transportation There's a train to the city every hour. Free time There's a movie theater in Harlington. it's in the center of the town. Tickets are cheap. Do you like sports? There's a good golf course, and you can play tennis and soccer in the park. Other facilities There's a small post office and there are five banks. There's also a big library. LED ©) 2 Read the tourist information leaflet. What do these adjectives describe? w small _ great 4 Complete these statements. There are two There are three _ 1 2| a 1 2 Writing A friend wants to visit your neighborhood. Write a short guide explaining what your friend can do 7 good ___ 8 huge 5 friendly 6 cheap _ z e 5 Therearesix Study Ee EK le for your neighborhood Writing a g 1 Note the facilites in your neighborhood. a post office / two department stores there. Look at the Study guide to help you. 2 Add some adjectives, My neighborhood hotels - good / shopping mall - big Shopping 3 Look at your notes and decide when There's a big shopping mall. There are also two Food and drink There are a lot of coffee shops. Free time There's a big park. You can Other facilities There's o small post office and a bank. There's also a library. to use these phrases, There is.../ There are..../ You can 4 Write at least two sentences for each topic, Fl 5A shopping ches Proce How much is theng, ee much ort EERE eve tems Get talking! ED taik about the pictures with a partner. What can you see? Where are these people? EZ do you like to go shopping? Dyes, tloveit. Cis OK. C1 No,thate it Conversation ED © 4) «0 Listen and read. Keisha: Excuse me. How much is that bag? Its very good, Here ... take a look, Yes, like i, but... i's expensive. OK. Well, how about this bag? It's very popular. 1: How much is it? Man: It's $20, Do you want to buy it? Keisha: No, thanks, | dont like the color, ‘Oh, how much are tho: Man: Theyre from ttaly. Theyre $40, Keisha: $40? No, thanks, Man: Well, what about these shoes? Theyre $30, but you can have — (Lan them for $25. Keisha: Hmm. | like them, but | can only Man: &r, well se shoes? Theyre great! How much is that bag? Pay $20. Is that OK? Its all | have, How much are those shoes? All right, then. I guess you can have them for $20, 2 this pen / that bag Keisha: Thanks. Oh, do you have change for $50? these books / those shoes EZ Practice the conversation with a partner, FY L Vocabulary Ey match each item with a picture, 1 _H_ an MP3 player 9 ___ sunglasses 2 __ aradio 10 ___ ajacket 3 __ earrings 11 __ acell phone 4 __ awatch 12 __ ashirt 5 __ aDVD recorder 13 ___ anecklace 6 __ abackpack 14 ___ jeans 7 __aring 15 __ acamera | 8 __ anumbrella B Where do you like to do your: ‘shopping? Check (v) your answers, then tell a partner, O atsmall local ‘stores O at big shopping malls O onthe internet O at markets Hike to shop on the internet. t's D atdiscount stores C1 from a catalog O atdesigner stores C1 at department stores cheop and convenient! Real life ex ED 22} 22 usten and compicie tne con ersation, Then practice with a partner A: Excuse me. How much are those 2 B: Theyre? Theyre from 3__ A: Oh, really? And what about that 4 How much is that? | BitsS_____ tts very good. Here, take a look. A: Great. Thanks, EZ Use these words to make more conversations, Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 1 shoes 1 sunglasses 1 small bags 265 2849.95 2819.50 3italy 3 the US. 3.China 4 red shirt 4 radio 4-cell phone 5 $27.99 5 $20 5 $89 Cee 6 See (iss Pronunciation »nize > ma Listening BD {)} 4+ tisten to an interview with John about markets in Hong Kong. How many markets are mentioned? BA 6) «+ tisten again ana complete the information, Markets in Hong Kong Stanley Market A great place to buy Good time to visit: around —_ Ladies’ Market You can buy jeans, ____ bags Good time to visit: between ond in the evening Temple Street Market You con buy clothes, watches, Good time to visit abter am. designer aaa Speaking EE] complete the questionnaire, Then interview a partner. pedal | Shopping survey! How do you spend your money? What do you like to spend your money on? CDs 0 books O vos 0 clothes O jewelry 1 computer games other: ae, Do you prefer to go shopping... with friends? O] with family? O alone? 0 —— Yes Sometimes No Do you like to spend a lot of money? oO oO o Do you think shopping is exciting? o a 5 Do you buy expensive designer clothes? d oO g Do you ask the sales clerk for help in a store? a ral a Do you like to buy gifts for friends and family? o g es Do you like to visit bookstores? g a ai What's a good place to go shopping in your hometown? What's your favorite store? __ Why do you like it?__ When do you go there? __ What do you buy? words with their context, £9. you hear g a te et lenses, the location isan opticians Listening Skill: Listening for locations ED £1.45 Listen to three conversations. Match each conversation with a store (A-C). Conversation 1__ Conversation 2 __ Conversation 3__ BH Item Price © as Listen again and complete the chart. [EE Before you watch, number (1-3) the ways you like to shop. __ online fromacatalog _ atastore EE) watch the video. Answer the questions about Valerie’s shopping fi 1 Where does Valerie like to shop? a online b fromacatalog ¢ ata store 2. What does she like to do when she goes shopping? a touch the things b check the prices € buya lot of things 3 Where does she usually shop? a in NewYork b outside ofthe city ¢ she doesnt go shopping f 4 What does she like to buy? ‘a books b electronics € shoes 5. How does she usually pay for things? a bycash b bycredit card she doesn't, her mom pays. Watch again. Write T (true), F (false), or N (not in text) for each statement, Valerie likes to buy expensive clothes. She goes shopping most weekends, She is happy about the price of her shoes. ‘She goes shopping with her sister. She doesn't buy things she cant afford at the time. afford (v) to have enough money to buy something aus catalog (1) a book with products for sale aie closet (n) a place for keeping clothes Credit card (n) a card to buy things now and pay late deal (7) something: Jow/cheap price Tell a partner. Este Menace Are your shopping habits similar to Valerie's? Fy ose nmr = Reading skill: Scanning Read quickly to find key information Your bes John Barlow - Box Set t price Readers of all ages lave detective writer John Barlows wonderful stories, Here you have all five books memory, AGB of Jeans Everything you want to know about the Kool Water Band is here. Five great Kool Water Band CDs, plus ‘three-hour DVD with original interviews ve recor, apt Blue or black ED. © os Read the online ads How much is the computer? What can be blue or black? What is ‘easy to use’? How much are the books? Do you buy a lot of things online? Tell a partner. Writing Write a short ad for an item you want to sell. Look at the Study guide to help you. FOR SALE Digital camera. It's three years old. It's good condition. Only $45. silver and in very Great jeans, available in al sizes. Watson DVD recorder i's very easy to use and has 2 great picture. i's also mult-region, so it can play DVDs from all over the world Black orsiver. Vocabulary [Il complete each phrase with be or have. 1 —have_ straight black hair 7 —__talland thin 2 ——— short brown hair 8 —__long blond hair 3 ——__ middle-aged ~ fairly short 4 abeard — curly red hair 5 medium height 1 —__baig 6 a mustache elderly Use some of the words and the people in the pictures. Zak hos a beard. | think he’s tall and thin, By wri Phrases in exercise 1 to talk about generous hard-working kind lazy outgoing polite serious shy | think my father is serious and hard-working Real life exch EL 25.2} ss Listen and complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner. A: What's your! B He's? and very ike hima a lot A; Really? What does he look ike? B: Well, he's 4 and eee A Ishes Bee 8: Yes, he is. Why are you asking all these questions? ‘A: Because | think that's him over there. He's waving at you! EZ Use these words to make more conversations. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 1 brother 1 best friend 1 boyfriend 2 friendly 2shy 2polite Biinteresting 3 kind 3 hard-working 4 medium height 4 fairly short tall Samustache 5 curly brown hair 5 short black hair 6 middle-aged 6 thin 6 good-looking { Yse Pronunciation »pi23 of these character adjectives describe people you know? Tell partner. Cae ae) Se Or J iL Listening §} 60 Listen to Ruth, from the u. Which picture shows Ruth » describe her family. 'S parents? Ruth has two sisters. 5 Her mother is not very outgoing. Her father is hay ng. 6 Her mother is kind, He has a dif He isnt very Ruth talks to her mother about her problems, s 8 Ruth thinks she looks like her mother. Speakin: El] think of a famous person (e.g. a singer / an actor / a politician). You can choose someone from your country, or perhaps from another country. Make notes, Notes Z Appearance Age Height Hair Eyes Character Describe the person toa partner. Can your partner guess who it is? a be the partner guess who i Listening Skill: Listening to descriptions Teast Identify diferent people by listening to adjectives that descr! © a1 Listen to the conversation and identify the people in the picture. 1 2 tisa 4 —— Kate 2 —— Ratana 5 —— Sandra 3 —— Robert 6 — Ken Oe Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Robert is fairly —_____ but very 2 Kenis Lisa's 3 Kenis _— but very —___—. ibe their appearance. Before you watch, look at the picture of Kristen and the Interviewer. Describe their appearance. Kristen and her mother look alike /oifferent. Her sister and her mother have different / the same color hair EX watch the video. circle the correct answers. 1 a 3 Kristen says people think her mother / sister is good looking. red blonde blue blue brown brown | curly kind outgoing reserved hard-working L_<——~—~Cmmngeng_ reserved _hard-workin; kristen Her mother Her sister Hair Eyes Personality [EJ Find photos of your friends and Describe their appearance and family on your cell phone, character to your partner. [5] watch again. complete the chart with the words in the box. alike (adj) similar S00d looking (ad) physically attractive Feserved (adj) shy, not outgoing sibling) a brother/sister Reading Identify the main points in an email, €49., who is writing, why, etc. skill; Understanding the main ideas o a ae GI Ee Dear Juliana, tm writing 0 tell you a tle about myself. m 19 years old, and fm a student at City College in Wellington, New Zealand. Do you know Wellington? it's the capital, and a great place! Anyway, tm fairly short and thin, and | have short dark hair. | cart send a picture now because tm writing this in class! | think tm friendly and outgoing, but my friends say fm lazy! What about you? Please write and tell me about yourself Best wishes, Clare ED 2} ez Read Clare's e-mail to her new friend and answer the questions. 1 Whois Clare writing to? 3. Where is she writing the e-mail? 2. Whyis she writing? 4 What does she want Juliana to do? BA write T (true), F (false) oF N (not in text) for each statement. 1 — Clare and Juliana are best friends. — Clare has short dark hair. 5 Clare says she's lazy, 6 — Clare thinks she's friendly. Writing an e-mail about yourself a 1 Write the topic in the subject ine. Writing About mel 2. Begin your e-mail Write to a new e-pal and give a short description of yourself. ear + nome Look at the Study guide to help you. Fay pele teyeenarna| tm Wie Write about ... 3 Describe what you look like. “your age and where you study 1m fairly tall... Ihave short dark hair : ae you pe 4. Describe what you are lke : il Dear Mark, 5 Finish your e-mall for now.... Please reply soon! Im 21 and tm a student at . That’ all for ply L a===eEoaA Get talking! EB taik about the pictures with a partner. What can you see? Where are the people? What are they doing? What do you like to do on Friday nights? Tell your partner. O go out with friends and have fun C1 stay home, relax and have a quiet night in Conversation ED © (6s tisten and read. Amy: Hi, Ricardo. How's it going? You're looking well. Ricardo: — Hi, Amy. Thanks. Yeah, things are pretty good. Haw about you? Amy: Oh, \'m really busy right now. It's my birthday on Saturday. Ricardo: Great! Do you have any plans to celebrate? Amy: You bet | do! I'm meeting friends at Chico's in town on Friday, and then we're having a barbecue Do you want to come? my pla Ricardo: {0 love to, but | can't. 'm playing basketball on Friday There's a big game and | can't miss tt Amy: Too bad Ricardo: How about Saturday? What are you doing for your birthday? Amy: —_Im seeing my parents in the evening, We're going to an Italian restaurant for dinner Ricardo: Are you doing anything in the afternoon? Amy: Yes, 'm going out with Sally and Jil Ricardo: Well, would you like to meet up earlier? m not doing anything in the morning Amy: Actually, that's a good idea, Why don't you come over around lunchtime? You can help me tidy up after the party! Ricardo: Oh, right. That's not exactly what | Amy: Be there around twelve, and don't forget to bring me a present! EZ Practice the conversation with a partner. — ERIS S00 arrange, LSEIGIIEIRCU present contig ‘Are you doing anything on Friday? 'm meeting friends in the afternoon RISEUNIETI veetime acy making imma, We're having a barbecue in the evening Do you want to come to the barbecue? Would you like to go to a restaurant? {Glove to, but | can't. 'm playing basket! Sorry, but Im studying tonight Cire Cc LD vocabulary BB) match each activity with a picture, 1 FE. gotoamovie theater 2 __ gotoa ball game 3 __ go out for dinner 4 __ gotoanightclub 5 __ gotoaconcert 6 __ have a picnic 7 __ havea party Check (V) the things that you like to do on weekends. Tell a partner. Real life exchange Then practice with a partner. mt next Oh, I'm sorry, but I can't. m2 Oh, no. That's too bad. Well, are you doin; ing3 ? "m4 OK. Do you want sure, [d love to. Th A: B A B A B: A Conversation 1 1 having a barbecue great. aie more conversations. Use these words to Conversation 2 1 having a picnic 2 visiting my parents 2 playing basketball 3 next Saturday 3 on Sunday 4 studying 4 playing golf 5 go swimming 5 go out for dinner G 3 Ge Pronunciation »p123 | : £5) 1} ss Listen and complete the conversation. iday. Would you like to come? ‘on Friday, ning, but 'm free in the afternoon. Pe Conversation 3 1 going to a concert 2 going to a ball garne 3 tomorrow 4 doing the housework 5 goto the movies 1 ui Cte J Cami anced Listening Q) o7 Listen to ayden, astud Talk about his plans for lent at Bilker the week. Answe 1. Why are the students in Ayden's class havin 2. What sport does he love to play? 3 What music does he hate? int University, Turkey, the questions, 182 Party on Friday night? o 67 Listen again and complete Ayden’s appointment bo kK. o Mon si tudying FRI Party at pm = arrive at noon ee SAT (unch) pm - Amy Final _! am. tice — _ practice WED pm - go cutto SUN pm concert + Amy with Erdal (ot Concert Hall) THU Speaking [Dy what plans do you have for the near future? Make notes. Include three things that are not true. 2 What a busy life After this class: Tomorrow: Next Tuesday: Next weekend oe TO Next F On: _ re not doing? ivities you a! Ed Tela partner your plans. Can he or she guess which activites ¥ ‘A; After this class I'm playing baseball with Simon. a B. Thats not true! You're not playing baseball with SI ; ‘A: Yes, |am! Then tonight (m going out for dinner with .. Listening skill: Listening to P hone messages ges. messa} ree telephone Be nem (1-3) LD £) oe Listen to th Number the messages in the order you pn Mana me ne a e From: David Ea From: Bok ee t message: He's having has two Message: She's having Message: He has tickets For @_—__—— a_______ this afternoon Be there geme next _ as rune! —_____ Do you want 40.0? o'clock, dg | o ©’ 6s Listen again and complete each message. EZ eefore you watch, make a list of fun things you like to do together with your parents. go shopping [El watch the video. what is Linda hoping to do with her parents when she visits them? Watch again. Complete the statements about Linda. 1 Linda is off from school a today b allweek ¢ forthe summer 2. She is visiting her parents a tomorrow b next week ¢ this weekend 3. To get there, she plans to a take thetrain b travel bybus c drive 4. She would like to go to the movies a with her friends b on Saturday ¢ after lunch 5 On Sunday she is hoping to... ‘a goto her favorite restaurant bb cookitalian food € go out for a meal ; be off from (v,) not at workisct [E]_ work with a partner. How often do you see your parents? fancy (adj) expensive When are you seeing them next? What do you plan to do? plan on doing (ph v) intend to do vi pcabulary expan Find words that r ek ©, you read golf ste eo ‘Dear Helen, Would you Ike to go toa concert on Saturday? Ihave two tickets for Las Ramblas - theyre a great Spanish rock group. Theyre playing at the Union Hall downtown, Please reply as.a,p, simon Hello Pat, How are you? Are you studying hard? !m having a party on Sunday night. I's my birthday! Would you like to come? Please say yes! See you then! Lenny 9OIf, soc to the same to, pic, ‘er, temnis; the topic is sports, & at Marting: 2 EIr Ne 7] Hi Martin, a The new James Bond movie is showing next Week. Do you want to go? think! can get free tickets because my friend works at the ‘Movie theater. How about next weekend? Nobu ler e Hi Lisa, James wants to go to a ball game on Friday night, but | hate baseball so fm not going! Do you want to go out for dinner? Maybe we can goto the new ftalian restaurant on Park Avenue? ED ©) 6 Read the e-maits (8 Sunday at 8:00 p.m. Write T (true), F (faise} or Wy (not i _. The tickets for Las Rambias are expensive ___ It's Lennys birthday on Sunday. ___ Helen is working on Saturday. __ Pat is studying hard these days. ___ Nobu's friend is an actor. Mandy is watching baseball on Friday. Writing Write an invitation to a friend. Look at the Study guide to help you. Hi Sumi, Would you like to... 3 How about pizza? Mandy wid match each one with a subject. 4 Free movie tickets! text) for each statement. —_§_ oy Writing an invitation to a friend 1 Greetings Dear... , Hi. 2 Make the invitation. Would you like to ..., Do you want to go toa movie / have dinner / come to my party? 3 Add some details (eg, the place, time) cat my house, on Saturday night 4 Finish your e-mail Best wishes... , See you then! GRETNA spies P TEMES tte events Get talking! EB] taik about the pictures with a partner. What can you see? Who are the people? B71 think about where you lived when you were a child. What was it like? dit! CO ttwas great. | really liked it. 1 Itwas OK, | guess. CO) Itwas terrible. {hated it! Conversation Eo) £5 1) » Listen and read. Todd: Hey, that jewelry is really interesting. Where did you get it? Megan: Yes, i's beautiful, isnt it? It's Mayan. You know, from Mexico, Todd: Oh, right. Did you go there on vacation? Megan: No, actually | lived there with my family for five years, Todd: — Really? You lived in Mexico? You didn't tell me that. When did you move there? Megan: When | was around nine, | guess. My father got a job there, so... Todd: — Tell me about Mexico. Did you like it? Megan: Yeah, it was great. We stayed in Yucatén, in the south, The people are really friendly, and the food was amazing! Todd: When did you move back to the States? | Megan: We came to San Francisco when I was, er ... 14, f Todd: — So, which do you prefer, there or here? —1 Language EE iy i Megan: | think | prefer it here, Where did you live? dd: Ih really? Why's that? i 7 Did you like 1? EZ Practice the conversation with a partner. g | i SSS vocabulary eee [I] match each life event with a pice re, 1 _L be born 2 retire H — fallin love 3 __ growup Gn Sraduate from college 4 __ getajob mL a high school 5 __ getadivorce " ee 6 __ have children Hol ee — get married Close your book. How man y life event: remember? Write each one in order. cnn be born, grow up Real life exchange oo {Ye Listen and complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner. Where was 1 born? ae He was born in 2 in3_ Why did he become Because he 4__ Did he get married: Yes. He got married = andhad® ‘A: When did he die? B: It says here he died in 7___— Pee By Use these words to make more conversations. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 1 Mozart 1 Steve Jobs 4 Akira Kurosawa 2 Austria 2 San Francisco 2 Japan 31756 31955 31910 4.wrote great music ‘was head of Appleinc. 4 recs great movies 5 in 1782 5 once 5 in 1945 6 six 6 four ae 71791 72011 ua € Yar Fomndatin =) | Listening 1 } 2 3 Listen to Steve tall a te Rea ‘alk about life in Canada after moving from Taiwan. Answer the questions. Did Steve want to move to Canada with his parents? which college did he go to? Why did Vancouver seem similar to Taiwan? Bo os Listen again and circle the correct answers. 1 When was Steve born? a 1978 b 1988 ¢ 1998 2. How old was he when his family moved to Canada? ai9 b20 ¢18 3. Why did his parents want to move there? a tostartanewlife b to begin a new business ¢ toretire 4. What did he do after he graduated from college? a hereturned to Taiwan b he went on vacation ¢ he got married 5 Where did he get a job? a atacollege b ata Chinese radio station ¢ ata computer 6 What happened two months ago? ahegotanewjob b liehadason ¢ hegotadivorce mpany Speakin Complete the questicrnaire. Then interview a partner. Happy Days You Your partner When were you born? iaannn - — Where were you born? EEE EE eee Where did you grow up? ee What high school did you go to? asses Did you have a favorite teacher? oe What was your favorite subject? eee Who was your best friend at school? aeEEEe What sports did you play? BJ Make a group. Exchange information about your partner with your classmates. What similarities can you find? ‘® My partner, Amy, was born in 1999. 8: Oh, yes? Where was she born? E Listening cisten eave Skill: Listening for specific information IL sid fully for important facts, €.0 dates, pag, Hepburn, ctress, Audrey EE] © e+ Listen and complete the fact file about the famous a AUDREY HEPBURN - movie star 29 bornin 1954 got married 19: orn in __— her parents got a divorce = had a son, named Ses, began to study dance 1961 made Breakfast at Tif roa Fl got a divorce 1945 moved to_____— en 1969 —____ again 1951 became famous in the play Gigi 1970 had a son, named Lug ——— wonan Oscar for the 1982 gota divorce movie Roman Holiday 1993 diedin___— [7] Before you watch, check (v) your predictions about Maya. New York Mumbai 1. Maya was born in 2. She grew up in 3 She went to school in 4 She studied for her master's in 5. She now lives in Watch the video. Were your predictions correct? Watch again. Write T (true), F (false), or N (not in text) for each statement. 1 Maya lived in Mumbai until she was 21 2. She didn't like biology when she was at school & 3 She thinks microbiology isa difficult subject. biol — logy (n,) the study of i ving things 4 She moved to New York for her job. = Master's (n,) Scie recars 5 She is very happy with her life in New York, Work out (phrv,) to be a [2] work with a partner. Why do you think some peo, i = People decide to mo like to live in a different coun ‘ve to another country? Would F Reading 0 | sxil: Intensive reading Jaruary9, 1982, in England, Her fathr, Mich worked for an aitine and her mother, Cerac” was a fight altendant. In 1984, she moved eng her family to Amman in Jordan because father got a job there, Catherine, or "Kater everyone called her, went toa school there fr the age of three In September 1986, the Middletons retuned to their home in the village of Bucklebury, England. This is where Kate grew up. In 1987, her mother started a mail-order company selling parly items. The company became very successful and the family became mult millionaires. Kate studied hard at school and played a lot of sports. She especially enjoyed hockey and tennis. She left school in July 2000, and took "Spending time in italy and Kate went fo the Universi of ‘olland, to study Hi Ar twas here that she frst met Prince Watery Thoy became fiends and soon felin love. She {Graduated in 2005 and worked forher parents" Company, Party Pieces. She also had a part- {ime job in London ata clothing company, Kate ‘and Wiliam got engaged in October 2010, while they were on vacation in Kenya, and on April 29, 2011, they were married at Westminster Abbey in London, Over two billion people around the world watched the wedding. Her oficial tte became the Duchess of Cambridge, but everyone sill calls her Kate, Kate and Wiliam have two children; George was born on July 22, 2013 and Charlotte on May 2, 2016. her as | Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was bom on om [D(X 6s Read the biography of Kate Middleton's early life and complete the timeline, ———— + t > 1982 1984 2000 = 2000-01 Sa 2005 2010 — =S born moved to left traveledto —wentto graduated got got. SoM daughter x st & Universityof witha married (Charlotte) St. Andrews degree in Answer the question 1 Why did Kate's family move to jordan? Ys jorts at school? = 2 What were Kate's favorite sp: Study EE 3 Where did she meet Prince William? 4 How old was Kate when she got married? Writing an autobiography 5 How many people watched the wedding? 1 Say where and when you were born. Iwas born in Brasilia in 1992. 2 Say where you grew Up. 1 grew up in a neighborhood called a g 3 Saywhen and where you started school oe | started school. [went fo 4. Add some more important events Draw a timeline of your life. Add th i events. Then write a short autoblogreP y. fea Look at the Study guide to help you. MI | | graduated from high school n 997 a ie oe moved {got ajob in brother eo ed school to Rio in Brasilia was born

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