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Journal Entry

Placement: Stuart High School (Whyalla)

Week: 2

Open Night
In my first week of placement I was asked by the science depart at Stuart to help
them during their schools open night. The objective of this open night was for
leadership to unveil the new school uniform and to give prospective
parents/carers and students a tour around the school. The science department
had asked if I would spend the open night in one of the science classrooms with
my mentor and lead some activities for parents/carers and students to engage
in. At the end of the school day my mentor and I set up the following stations:
Knocking down cups with an air bazooka
Oobleck (to teach about solids and liquids)
Human skeleton
Bug diagrams
After leadership finished their introduction of the new uniform students and
parents began to move around the school with the assistance of teachers. When
parents/carers and students entered the classroom I would engage them in
conversation about the stations, discuss what I had been teaching in class, what
students could expect to learn in a science class here, how classes ran and what
the school atmosphere was like at Stuart.
This was a very fun and engaging opportunity to interact with parents and
community members in Whyalla. It allowed me the opportunity to talk to
parents/carers and community members informally but also provided me the
opportunity to discuss the merits of the school and the science department while
building my communication skills with parents/carers in a professional manner.

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