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The multi pump test rig is the manually operated valves and pipe work is arranged
for rapid and safe selection of any one test pump. All necessary instrumentation for
measurement of flow, pump head, speed and power are include in the two type of pump that
was namely a Horizontal Single Stage Centrifugal Pump and Positive Displacement Plunger
Pump. Horizontal single stage centrifugal pump (MS/ MSS) is pump standard material with
all the parts contact with liquid made of 304 stainless steel. Carbon / silicon carbide
mechanical seal standard. The application of this pump is cooling water, domestic water
supply, sprinkler system, agriculture, boosting and circulation systems water treatment. The
performance range for this pump is capacity q up to 27m3/h. The motor speed of pump is
n2900 rpm. There are two objectives that we refer to which is to study the operating
characteristic of different pumps in a contained unit and to analyse the type of pumps in
principle and design, and the selection of the appropriate pump for a particular application
for optimal operation. From the result that being tabulated in table, at 2800rpm of speed, Q
recorded is 4.91 m/hr (refer to Appendix 1, Table 1) and when the speed is being decreased
to 2600 rpm, the Q recorded is also on decreasing of discharged amount with 4.56 m/hr
(refer to Appendix 1, Table 1)

Experiment 1: Rotational Speed (N) versus Volumetric Flow rate (Q) for a Horizontal
Single Stage Centrifugal Pump

Based on the graph plotted (refer to Figure 1), it can be seen that as the rotational
speed (RPM) increases, the volumetric flow rate, Q (m/hr) of water is also on an increasing
trend. This increasing trend indirectly showed that as rotational speed (RPM) of the
centrifugal pump is being increased from time to time depending on the needed requirements
of experiment being done, the discharged amount of water, Q (m/hr) will also be on an
increasing trend and vice versa.

From the results being tabulated in Table 1 (refer to Appendix 1), at 2800 rpm of
speed, Q recorded is 4.91 m/hr (refer to Appendix 1, Table 1) and when the speed is being
decreased to 2600 rpm, the Q recorded is also on decreasing of discharged amount with 4.56
m/hr (refer to Appendix 1, Table 1). This decreasing trend of discharged amount of water
continued whenever the speed (RPM) of centrifugal pump is being decreased. On the other
hand, when the speed (RPM) of the centrifugal pump is being increased, so is the volumetric
flow rate of water that had been discharged. This increasing trend can be seen clearly like at
600 rpm, the recorded Q is 0.78 m/hr (refer to Appendix 1, Table 1) and when the speed is
increased to 800 rpm, the Q is recorded to be at 1.12 m/hr (refer to Appendix 1, Table 1) and
goes on until adjusted maximum speed of 2800 rpm.

Here, centrifugal pump is a rotodynamic machine that increases a liquid of its

pressure energy with the help of centrifugal action where the liquid is imparted in a whirling
motion due to rotation of the impeller that creates the centrifugal head or dynamic pressure
which enables lifting of liquid from a lower level to an even higher level (R.K. Rajput, 2008).
Since this involving centrifugal pump, the results obtained showed that as rotational speed
(RPM) of the impeller increases, the higher is the liquid of its pressure energy that is water
being produced and as such explained the reason behind the increasing trend of rotational
speed (RPM) versus volumetric flow rate, Q (m/hr).
The higher the rotational speed RPM), the higher will be the discharged amount of
water in term of volumetric flow rate, Q (m/hr). Another event that can be noticed is that the
discharging amount of water in term of volumetric flow rate varies with the changing
pressure. In short, it can be seen that the level of performance of centrifugal pump is
dependent on the pressure energy being produced by the liquid that is water which is
influenced by rotational speed (RPM) provided of which created the pressure energy in the
water through the whirling movement of impeller of the centrifugal pump in discharging the
water, Q (m/hr). It is noted that R value is also at 0.9825 (refer to Figure 1), nearing to 1.0
in term of 100% efficiency.

y = 0.0017x
R = 0.9825
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr) Linear (Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr))

Figure 1: Rotational Speed (RPM) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

Experiment 2: Other Performance Curve for a Horizontal Single Stage Centrifugal

2.1 Pump Total Head, H (m) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

From the graph (refer to Figure 2.1), it is shown that pump total head, H (m) is on a
decreasing trend but producing a higher volumetric flow rate of fluid (water), Q (m/hr) as the
trend goes down from 70% of flow rate until 10% of flow rate. At 70% of flow rate, the
recorded Q is at 4.77 m/hr (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2) and its H is calculated to be at
30.0074 m (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2). Meanwhile, at 60% of flow rate, recorded Q is at
4.09 m/hr (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2). Its H is calculated to be at 33.3450 m (refer to
Appendix 2, Table 2) and it shows a slight decrease in recorded Q as H increases in total
when being compared to at 60% of flow rate. This suggested that as H increases, Q will not
increase but decreases in the process.

In theory, pump total head is influenced by impeller speed and diameter. Since,
centrifugal pump uses impeller that creates whirling movement to create pressure energy
from water used as fluid in the pump as well as speed of the impeller is affected by the
rotational speed provided (R.K. Rajput, 2008). Hence, from the results also, it is found out
that as rotational speed (RPM) increases, the pump total head (m) is on an increasing trend in
term of total head calculated values. In addition, the increasing trend of differential pressure
too seems giving a hand in influencing the increasing the value of calculated pump total head
(m). However, despite of all the influences encountered, the amount of Q discharged as H
increases is still on a decreasing trend.

Thus, supported that the amount of Q being discharged is under the influence of the
centrifugal pump from its impeller speed and diameter. This explained why as H increases
but Q does not in term of volumetric flow rate (m/hr). Moreover, this relationship is vital in
knowing the parameters that might influenced the performance of the centrifugal pump to be
able to function at its maximum capability according to our needs. In addition, R value is
calculated to be at -25.61 (refer to Figure 2.1) in term of 100% efficiency. This helped to
point out that at low H, Q will not increase but in term of flow rate (%), it will.
y = 10.304x
50 R = -25.61





0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Pump Total Head, H (m) Linear (Pump Total Head, H (m))

Figure 2.1: Pump Total Head (m) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

2.2 Pump Power Output, Po (W) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

In the graph plotted (refer to Figure 2.2), the trend of pump power output, Po (W)
versus volumetric flow rate, Q (m/hr) is increasing whenever the recorded value of Q
increases. Early statement can be made that rate of Po may have an influence over the rate of
Q being discharged. The same increasing trend of Po is also clearly seen whenever the flow
rate (%) is being increased too.

From the results (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2), when the flow rate (%) is adjusted to
10%, Q value recorded is at 0.68 m/hr (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2) and Po value is
76.8163 W (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2). Meanwhile, at 20% of flow rate adjustment, Q
value recorded shows a little increase with new value of 1.36 m/hr (refer to Appendix 2,
Table 2) compared to the Q value recorded at 10% of flow rate. The same goes to Po with
recorded new value at 150.8583 W (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2). Hence this proved that
there is a positive relationship between Po values and Q values as well as the flow rate (%)
In theory, centrifugal pumps are fluid kinetic machines designed for power increase
within the rotating impeller and this principle shows that fluid movement is accelerated
through the impeller. Its purpose is to convert energy of a prime mover (a electric motor or
turbine) first into velocity or kinetic energy and then into pressure energy of a fluid that is
being pumped (Mukesh Sahdev). The energy changes occur by virtue of two main parts of
the pump, the impeller and the volute or diffuser (Mukesh Sahdev). The impeller is the
rotating part that converts driver energy into the kinetic energy (Mukesh Sahdev). The volute
or diffuser is the stationary part that converts the kinetic energy into pressure energy (Mukesh
Therefore, the results obtained clearly show that Po values are being influenced by Q
values either on a rising trend or on a falling trend. Even though Po supplied the needed
output power to the pump in order to change the kinetic energy into the pressure energy, this
does not change the fact that the speed (RPM) of the pump continued to decrease slowly from
lower to higher flow rate (%) of water being provided. In term of 100% efficiency, the R
value obtained is at 0.9305 (refer to Figure 2.2).

y = 92.221x
R = 0.9305
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Pump Power Output, P (W) Linear (Pump Power Output, P (W))

Figure 2.2: Pump Power Output, Po (W) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)
2.3 Pump Power Input, Pi (W) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

For Pi, it can be clearly seen (refer to Figure 2.3) that trend is on an increase where
the higher of Q values being recorded, the higher will be of the Pi values too. From the
results, when Q value is 0.68 m/hr (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2), the recorded Pi value is
420 W (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2) and when next Q value increases to became 1.36 m/hr
(refer to Appendix 2, Table 2), so is the Pi value being recorded with an increase of 40 W as
compared to the value of earlier Q with 460 W (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2). Due to that, it
can be said the there is an existence of relationship between Pi and Q. Whenever the values of
Pi increases, so is the values of Q being recorded.
Since a centrifugal pump is a device whose purpose is to produce pressure by
accelerating fluid particles to a high velocity providing them with velocity energy (Jacques
Chaurette, 2005). Therefore, fluid particles that move at high speed have velocity energy
(Jacques Chaurette, 2005). In relation of Pi and Q, both of them involve in conversion of
energy as well as fluid movement. As Pi increases, so is Q too. Hence, the rate of fluid flow
will also vary according to changing pressure. The R value obtained is at -16.93 (refer to
Figure 2.3) in term of 100% efficiency.

y = 152.46x
700 R = -16.93






0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Pump Power Input, Pi (W) Linear (Pump Power Input, Pi (W))

Figure 2.3: Pump Power Input, Pi (W) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)
2.4 Pump Efficiency, ETA (%) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

Based on the graph (refer to Figure 2.4), the ETA values are showing an increasing
trend as Q values increases. This shows that Q values are influencing the ETA values as a
whole. From the results (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2), ETA values increases as Q values
increases. When Q value is at 0.68 m/hr (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2), the recorded ETA
value is 18.29 % and when Q value is at 1.36 m/hr (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2), its ETA
value is stated to be at 32.80 %. Another influence that can be seen is that whenever Q and
ETA value increase, so is the flow rate (%). Since ETAs equation is made up from Po/Pi x
100%, it is relevant that as ETA values on a rise, so is the Q values due to the relationship of
Po and Pi in ETAs equation. Another possible reason is that since this involved centrifugal
pump, the discharge pressure will be vary according to the flow rate (%) through the pump
(Jacques Chaurette, 2005) where as the flow rate (%) increases, so is ETA values as being
influenced by Q values. The R value obtained is at 0.8074 (refer to Figure 2.4), almost near
to 1 which indicated 100% efficiency. The ETA values are also found to be in the range of 18
% to 71 %.

90 y = 17.496x
80 R = 0.8074
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Pump Efficiency, ETA (%) Linear (Pump Efficiency, ETA (%))

Figure 2.4: Pump Efficiency, ETA (%) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)
2.5 Overall Efficiency, ETAgr (%) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

In term of overall efficiency (ETAgr), the trend of the values is on the rise according
to all Q values too. Hence, it can be said that ETAgr values are being influenced by Q values
and likewise. From the results obtained, when Q is 0.68 m/hr (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2),
the ETAgr value is 15.68 % (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2) and when Q is 1.36 m/hr (refer to
Appendix 2, Table 2), the ETAgr value increases to be at 28.46 % (refer to Appendix 2,
Table 2). The link of ETAgr and Q proved that there is a relationship between both in
affecting the overall efficiency of the pump as a whole. The ETAgr range of values is found
to be between 15 % and 63 % (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2) and thus the maximum overall
efficiency of the pump that can be achieved is at 63 % (refer to Appendix 2, Table 2) based
on the ETAgr values being obtained although there are other factors that may also affect the
ETAgr values indirectly apart from the Q values.

One factor that can influence ETAgr is friction rate (Jacques Chaurette, 2005).
Friction rate depended on the length and size of the pipes used for flow rate movement
(Jacques Chaurette, 2005). Another is elevation difference that depended on the building and
location of pump being installed. These factors can heavily influenced the ETAgr values by
affecting the movement of the flow rate of fluid used in term of discharge pressure and
discharge rate (Jacques Chaurette, 2005).

90 y = 15.441x
80 R = 0.8293
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Overall Efficiency, ETAgr (%) Linear (Overall Efficiency, ETAgr (%))

Figure 2.5: Overall Efficiency, ETAgr (%) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)
Experiment 3: Rotational Speed (N) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr) for a
Positive Displacement Plunger Pump

Based on the graph (refer to Figure 3), it can be seen that as rotational speed
increases, so is the volumetric flow rate, Q (m/hr). From the results (refer to Appendix 3,
Table 3), when speed (RPM) is adjusted to 550 rpm (refer to Appendix 3, Table 3), its Q
value is 0.68 m/hr (refer to Appendix 3, Table 3) and the flow rate is at 10 % (refer to
Appendix 3, Table 3). Meanwhile, when the speed is increased to 600 rpm (refer to Appendix
3, Table 3), its Q value is also increasing with 0.74 m/hr (refer to Appendix 3, Table 3). The
flow rate value recorded to be 10.90 % (refer to Appendix 3, Table 3). Hence, it is supported
that speed (RPM) influences the rate of Q values as well as the rate of flow rate being
discharged by the positive displacement plunger pump.

y = 0.0012x
1.2 R = 0.9991





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr) Linear (Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr))

Figure 3: Rotational Speed (N) versus Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

Experiment 4: Other Performance Curve for a Positive Displacement Plunger Pump

4.1 Motor Input Power (Pmi) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

Based on the graph (refer to Figure 4.1), it can be seen that the general trend is an
increasing trend where when the output pressure (Pr) value increases, so is the motor input
power (Pmi) value. From the results data, when Pr value is 10 % (refer to Appendix 4, Table
4) the Pmi value is recorded to be at 550 W (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4). Meanwhile, when
Pr value is increased by another 10 % and becoming 20 % (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4), the
Pmi value is also found to be increasing by 40 W which means the new Pmi value is at 590
W (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4). Hence, this proved that Pmi value is influenced by Pr and
likewise. The highest value of Pmi is obtained when Pr value reached the 90 % with 660 W
(refer to Appendix 4, Table 4) and this can be considered as the maximum input power that
can be produced by the plunger pump. Its R value is found to be at -39.26 (refer to Figure

560 y = 9.8737x
520 R = -39.26
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Motor Input Power, Pmi (W) Linear (Motor Input Power, Pmi (W))

Figure 4.1: Motor Input Power (Pmi) versus Output Pressure (Pr)
4.2 Volume Flow (Q) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

The graph plotted shows an increasing trend of Q value as Pr value increases (refer
to Figure 4.2). From the table containing results data (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4), this
increasing value in term of relationship between Q and Pr can be seen when analyzing the
data. When Pr value is at 20 %, the Q value is at 1.36 m/hr (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4)
and when Pr value is increased to 40 %, its Pr value rose up to 2.73 m/hr (refer to Appendix
4, Table 4). Thus, confirmed at Q values is vary according to Pr value supplied when this
type of pump is used and proved that there is possibility that for this pump, its Q is dependent
to the Pr value being provided that is the output pressure. At 90 % of Pr, Q value able to be
produced by this pump is at 6.13 m/hr (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4). The R value obtained
is stated to be at 0.7994 (refer to Figure 4.2).

y = 0.0954x
R = 0.7994

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr)

Linear (Volumetric Flow rate, Q (m/hr))

Figure 4.2: Volume Flow (Q) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

4.3 Pump Power Output (Po) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

From figure below, it is seen that Po values are influenced by Pr values (refer to
Figure 4.3). From the results, the range of Po produced is between 45W and 824 W (refer to
Appendix 4, Table 4). This signifies the maximum power output that can be produced by this
plunger pump as well as estimated the needed Pr value to produce the required Po since both
are influenced by one and another at the same time. For example, at 30 % of Pr, the Po value
is at 169.9320 W (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4) and at 40 % of Pr, its Po value is increasing
to become at 250.6142 W (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4). Its R value is stated to be at 0.9454
in term of 100 % efficiency (refer to Figure 4.3).

y = 8.0532x
800 R = 0.9454







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Pump Power Output, P (W) Linear (Pump Power Output, P (W))

Figure 4.3: Pump Power Output (Po) versus Output Pressure (Pr)
4.4 Pump Power Input (Pi) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

In the graph below (refer to Figure 4.4), the general trend that can be seen is a
constantly increasing trend between Pr values and Pi values although the difference in each
increasing value is in small margin. The range of maximum value of Pi produced is at 90 %
of Pr with 600 W (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4). From the results table, when Pr value is at
50 %, its Pi value 530 W (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4) and when Pr value is increased to 60
%, the Pi value rose up to become 580 W (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4) and this increasing
trend in Pi as well as Pr continued until Pr value is at maximum of 90 % in term of value.
Meanwhile, its R value is at -30.79 (refer to Figure 4.4).

y = 8.9263x
800 R = -30.79







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Pump Power Input, Pi (W) Linear (Pump Power Input, Pi (W))

Figure 4.4: Pump Power Input (Pi) versus Output Pressure (Pr)
4.5 Pump Efficiency (ETA) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

For ETA versus Pr, the graph plotted (refer to Figure 4.5) showed that the main trend
detected is an increasing trend where as ETA values increasing, so is the Pr values and the
trend appeared to be a constant trend until maximum Pr value is achieved at 90 % (refer to
Appendix 4, Table 4). From the results table, at 20 % of Pr, its ETA value is 19.19 % (refer to
Appendix 4, Table 4) and when Pr value is increased to 30 %, ETA value obtained is at 33.99
% (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4). This supported that ETA values are influenced directly by
Pr values and vice versa. The R value recorded is stated to be at 0.9706 (refer to Figure 4.5).

y = 1.3913x
R = 0.9706






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Pump Efficiency, ETA (%) Linear (Pump Efficiency, ETA (%))

Figure 4.5: Pump Efficiency (ETA) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

4.6 Overall Efficiency (ETAgr) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

From the graph (refer to Figure 4.6), the trend detected is a constantly increasing
trend where as ETAgr values are in increased state, so is the Pr values. From the results table,
maximum ETAgr is achieved at 90 % of Pr with value of 124.74 % (refer to Appendix 4,
Table 4) while minimum ETAgr is achieved at 10 % of Pr value with 8.20 % (refer to
Appendix 4, Table 4). This proved that ETAgr range able to be produced is between 8 % to
125 % when this pump is used. The R value obtained is at 0.9684 in term of 100% efficiency
(refer to Figure 4.6).

y = 1.2604x
R = 0.9684






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Overall Efficiency, ETAgr (%) Linear (Overall Efficiency, ETAgr (%))

Figure 4.6: Overall Efficiency (ETAgr) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

4.7 Volumetric Efficiency (ETAv) versus Output Pressure (Pr)

The graph plotted showed that the main trend detected is a constantly increasing
trend between ETAv values and Pr values (refer to Figure 4.7). The higher the Pr values, the
higher the ETAv values obtained (refer to Figure 4.7). This increasing trend can seen clearly
in the table containing results data recorded where for instance, at 30 % of Pr, ETAv value
obtained is at 169.99 % (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4) and as Pr value is increased to 40 %,
its ETAv value rose up to 227.72 % (refer to Appendix 4, Table 4). Hence, this proved that
the relationship between ETAv values and Pr values obtained is genuine in term of the
influence between both of them in affecting the results data values. The R value obtained is
stated at 1.00 in term of 100 % of efficiency (refer to Figure 4.7).

y = 5.7025x
500 R = 1





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Volumetric Efficiency, ETAv (%)

Linear (Volumetric Efficiency, ETAv (%))
Comparison between Single Horizontal Centrifugal Pump and Positive Displacement
Plunger Pump

From all the results of all the experiments that have been done, both pumps have
their very own advantages and disadvantages prior to the needed usage. When to choose to
use either one of them depended on the agreed requirements of any experiment that we
wanted to be done and for that reason, it is important to know and understand that these two
types of pumps behave differently from one and another. In experiments done involving flow
rate versus pressure, it can be seen clearly that centrifugal pump has a variety of flow
depending on the total head (H) or pressure (refer to Experiment 2.1).

Meanwhile, for Plunger Pump, it has more or less constant flow regardless of the
pressure being supplied. Hence, the performance of both can be affected either directly or
indirectly depending on the characteristics found in each of the pump. In term of efficiency
versus pressure, it can be said that each pump behaved differently due to each mechanical
efficiency as well. In plunger pump, changes in pressure have less effect toward it but in
centrifugal pump, it has a major influence like the higher the pressure, the higher the
discharge of flow rate of fluid (refer to Experiment 2 and 4).

For a centrifugal pump, it can be seen that when operating at different speed, the flow
rate that flows through the pump is dependent to the differential pressure or the head
produced by the pump. The lower the pump head, the higher the flow rate produced (refer to
Experiment 2). For example, when being compared in term of Total Head (H) produced by
both pumps, it is found that centrifugal pump produced less H than plunger pump (refer to
Appendix 3, Table 3 and 4, Table 4) and hence supported that centrifugal pump can produce
higher flow rate of fluid flowing through the pump compared to plunger pump.
However, this might be due to difference in principle of operating by both pumps. In
positive displacement pump, there is definite volume of liquid being delivered for each cycle
of pump operation and this volume is constant regardless of the resistance to flow offered by
the system the pump is in, provided the capacity of the power unit driving the pump or pump
component strength limits are not exceeded. The positive displacement pump delivers liquid
in separate volumes with no delivery in between, although a pump having several chambers
may have an overlapping delivery among individual chambers, which minimizes this effect.
The positive displacement pump differs from centrifugal pumps, which deliver a
continuous flow for any given pump speed and discharge resistance. In term of speed (RPM),
it is seen that both pumps operation rate is influenced by the speed (RPM) being provided.
For example, for centrifugal pump, as speed (RPM) increases, so is the flow rate recorded
(refer to Appendix 1, Table 1). The same trend goes to positive displacement pump too (refer
to Appendix 3, Table 3).

R.K. Rajput (2008). Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines. A Textbook of Fluid
Mechanics. (52). Published by S. Chand % Company Ltd.

Mukesh Sahdev. Working Mechanism of a Centrifugal Pump. Centrifugal Pumps: Basic

Concepts of Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Part 1. [Online]. [Accessed
21/2/2014]. Available from World Wide Web:

Jacques Chaurette (2005). Tutorials. Centrifugal Pump Systems. (30). [Online]. [Accessed
21/2/2014]. Available from World Wide Web:

White, F.M. Fluid Mechanics 4th Edition. Published by McGraw Hill.

McCabe, et al. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering 5th Edition. Published by McGraw

Anthony Esposito. Fluid Mechanics with Applications. Published by Prentice Hall

International Inc.

Debler, W. R. Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals. Published by Prentice Hall International Inc.

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