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LESSON FEEDBACK SHEET from: Jennie Teasdale (University Liaison)

Date: 16/6/17

Pre-service Teacher: Henry James Year level: Middle Primary

Lesson: Art/Sculpture

Preparation: Henry you were very well prepared for this creative art lesson.
Teaching /Learning materials were ready and the class was attentive. Lesson notes
were comprehensive and showed a clear understanding of the objectives of the
lesson and the methodologies you planned to implement to achieve them.

Presentation: From the very start of this lesson every child was engaged and
totally absorbed in your demonstration, asking you great questions and wanting to
get started. You answered their questions clearly. As a result each child understood
the task in hand. Well done! I was particularly impressed by the creativity you
demonstrated in this lesson.

Henry, now the lesson is over, please reflect carefully on it; make sure you celebrate
what worked well, then think about what might have been done differently and
better. Imagine that you are in your own classroom with your own class doing this
lesson without observers. Would your lesson be different?

Managing student learning and behaviour: Henry you have developed an

excellent rapport with the students and as a consequence they listened and followed
your instructions. You are relaxed and approachable; this is a sound platform for
building up a positive learning environment. Every student was attentive and
interested in this lesson and keen to be involved, even Rose a child with deep
seated emotional challenges.* (It was special that another student called out, Have
a go Rosey!) Most importantly every student enjoyed the sculptural tasks of this
lesson and applauded the work of each other.

* Rose is a complex child. Learn from your Mentor Teacher, Jess, how to best
manage her without taking too much time from others in the class.
As the term has unfolded Henry you have really improved in managing student
learning and behavior and you now look like a full-time teacher.

Curriculum content knowledge and teaching approaches: it was

obvious that you were conversant with the content of this lesson, providing
interesting contexts that resonated with the students. I particularly noted your
lesson conclusion Henry. You finished with a bang not a whimper Terrific. The class
question and comment session demonstrated how actively every class member was
involved in the lesson.

General Comments and suggestions:

Where to now?

1 The end of term is rapidly approaching. In the time left think about the goals you
want to work toward and to achieve.

2 Youve really built an excellent foundation for full time teaching. Im excited that
Jess, your Mentor Teacher, sees and affirms the progress you have made.

3 Have a think about how you might manage a larger class in a more demanding
socio-economic context.

4 Reflect on KICE as a remote rural school. What are its challenges?

5 Can we fit in a day to visit Parndana Campus?

LESSON FEEDBACK SHEET from: Jennie Teasdale (University Liaison)
Date: 30/5/17

Pre-service Teacher: Henry James Year level: Middle Primary

Lesson: Reconciliation

Preparation: Henry, this abstract topic of Reconciliation is not an easy one to

teach to young primary school children. You showed that you had given it a lot of
thought and that you had prepared carefully, pitching the content of your lesson
appropriately. Your lesson plan was comprehensive and demonstrated good
planning and preparation.

Presentation: You have a relaxed and functional relationship with this class. The
class responded well because you explained reconciliation in an engaging and
interesting manner that they all understood. You had some positive group activities
that students were very happy to undertake, resulting in some meaningful findings.
Students had a significantly better understanding of reconciliation at the conclusion
of your lesson. Well done!

Managing student learning and behaviour: You are developing skills in

managing several small class groups all at once. Talk to your Mentor Teacher, Jess,
about it and observe how she manages this situation. It is always a challenge, but it
gets better with experience. You are doing well at this early stage. You are certainly
affirming students in a way that inspires them to do better.

Curriculum content knowledge and teaching approaches: As

mentioned earlier, this was a challenging topic to teach meaningfully and in a way
that allowed children to discover its deeper meanings for themselves. I believe that
you did this and that you also made good progress with them in showing that for real
reconciliation it is not just about talk alone. Positive personal action is important for
every Australian; your young class began to realize that this was important for them.
General Comments and suggestions:
Henry, do make the most of this small class situation. It is a great opportunity to get
close to students and staff in a rural school setting. I know you will find the staff very
supportive. It is an ideal context for you to really evaluate your teaching and so make
significant progress toward becoming a fully-fledged beginning teacher.


1 Think about managing children who seem to be struggling with an activity. Ask
yourself: How can they best be supported? The challenge is to nurture them by
giving them time without disadvantaging the rest of the class.

2 You are managing this small class positively and well. Build on your Mentor
Teachers successful strategies. At the same time reflect on what you might do if the
class was yours.

3 As you know, getting every childs attention when you are teaching is vital. Perhaps
limit the use of Shh and think of some creative alternatives.

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