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For Mentors, Coordinators or University Liaisons
Name of Pre-Service Teacher Name of Reviewer
Mr Henry James Mrs Jess Curtis

Leaming Area Year level

Unit Title: Lesson Focus:
Creative Writing Object based creative writing
PfgparaliOn: (Lesson outine provided to reviewer, resources, organisation, leaming out@mes were visible to
students, suitable adjustments provided for varied leaming abilities, use of tehnology, had a plan b ff necessary etc. )
Well planned out lesson plan and all resources prepared.
Differentiation well set out in plan for each year level however, differentiation for those students
who need support or extension need to be added.

Presentation: (Appropriate tone for the lesson and audience, well sequenced, scaffolding, effedive use of
questioning, gave clear explanations, resources amessible for all learners, etc.)
Good presentation of expectations throughout the lesson and especially when moving from one
task to another. Built on previous knowledge and work done in class in prior lessons. Allowed for
feedback and sharing.
When moving from one task to another stated expectations clearly. Time management of moving
from one task to another could have been better as lost some students along the way.
Ran out of time to ask conclusion questions as outlined in your plan.

Gontent Knowledge:
Good knowledge of literacy achievement standards and lesson followed on well from previous
work done. Lesson allowed for students to achieve standard if they completed the work.

Managing student learning: (addressed prior knowledge, assssed for misconceptions, provided consrudive,
timely feedback, used suitable teaching strategies and methods, set leaming to appropriate level of challenge, offered
timely support, reinforced growth mindset etc.)
Explained the task well however some students asked a lot of questions once back at their
desks, this could have been addressed at the mat, get the students to repeat back what they
needed to do. Perhaps explaining the tasks separately to the different groups before lefting them
go to their desks. Great to see learning goals on the board but they were not explained to the
students. Good praise given to students and walked around desks giving feedback. Liked the
way you kept referring to previous work done. Good explanations given when moving from one
task to another. Good use of timer but you put it on before all students were ready and some
were still making noise. Expectations of students were clear and well delivered.

Manaqing student wellbeinO and behaviour (demonshated fairand consistent practices, applied @mmon
sense, used prompt conective feedback, noticd appropriate/inapprcpriate behaviours, rernained calm, provided dear
behavioural expectations, showed empathy etc.)
Good general behaviour management observed. Some children on the mat were disengaged
when instructions were given. Kept noise level down and got students to refocus and stay on
task. Allowed one particular student to wander the room too much, didn't get her back to her seat
or re-engaged in the task.
Remained calm throughoutlhe lesson and gave instructions in a calm and clear voice. Able to
ask students to keep on task and reminded them of their task.

General Comments and focus for next leson:

Overall a well-planned out lesson that had all groups engaged. Activities were fun and interesting
whilst stillworking towards the achievement standards.
Feedback given by: Date:
Louise Swinney-Snowball 27 June2017

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