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3. Complete the captions with the adjectives

below. There are more words than you need.
gorgeous unattractive helpful
straight shoulder-length open-minded
calm petite nosy wavy

VOCABULARY and wavy /
shoulder-length /
I want my hair to be wavy
like hers.

1. Choose the sentence that best follows the 2

1. Lisa is an old acquaintance of mine.
a. Weve been best friends for ten years.
b. We grew up in the same street.
2. Kellys boyfriend is very muscular.
a. He exercises in the gym every day.
b. He knows a lot of people.
3. Many designers make suits for women. Before you say anything, try and
a. They are very popular with businesswomen. beopen-mindedabout my new look.
b. Female tennis players often wear
them in matches.
4. In this detective novel, there are many clues
to the killers identity.
a. The killers identity is known from
the beginning.
b. Its easy to guess who the killer is.
5. My younger brother is chubby.
a. He wants to lose weight.
b. He makes friends easily. I have the feeling that our new
neighbour is very nosy .
2. Choose the correct answer.
1. The footballer was in pain from the injury / 4
disorder to his knee.
2. The reporter recorded every blind / single word
the politician said during the interview.
3. Dont look away / run off with when Im
talking to you!
4. Hugh is generous / impulsive. He never thinks
before he does anything.
Why am I sounattractive ?
5. Why is Jane on a diet? Shes already very
I want to be gorgeous !
plain / slim.

Unit 1

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form 6. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence.
of the words and phrases below. Correct the false sentences.
look up reply cope with realise T 1. Selfish people only think about themselves.
share remind pretend
1. I e-mailed John yesterday, and I hope he F 2. Short-tempered people become angry slowly.
replies soon. Short-tempered people become angry quickly.
2. I need to look up some information F 3. Its easy to convince stubborn people to do
for my report. something they dont want to do.
3. David and Gill shared a flat last year. Its hard to convince stubborn people
to do something they dont want to do.
4. How do people cope with exam stress F 4. Talkative people dont speak a lot.
these days? Talkative people speak a lot.
5. I didnt realise (not) it was so late. T 5. Confident people believe that they can
6. I received an SMS from Sally. She succeed.
reminded me about the meeting.
7. Sue and Kate often pretend theyre T 6. Bossy people always tell other people what
sisters because they look alike. to do.

5. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of F 7. When people look through someone, they
the words and phrases below. pay a lot of attention to him or her.
run into curly gorgeous dark When people look through someone, they
dont pay a lot of attention to him or her.
run after good-looking kind-hearted F 8. People look forward to something
all in all romantic in the past.
People look forward to something in
the future.
Susan: Hi, Kristy.
7. Complete the sentences. Make them
Kristy: Susan! I hardly recognised you. I see you cut
true for you.
your hair and coloured it black. When your hair was
1. I dont feel very confident when I
long, it was so straight. Its so short and Accept all logical and grammatically .
1. curly / dark now. And its so correct answers.
2. Recently, I looked up
2. dark / curly . I really like it!
Susan: Thanks. But I dont think it suits me.
3. I think its romantic when
Kristy: I disagree. I think you look .
3. gorgeous . Listen, I want to talk 4. My parents are usually open-minded about
to you about something. .
Susan: What is it? 5. My friends and I sometimes share
Kristy: I 4. ran into Mark Thomas the .
other day. And I know hes a friend of your brothers ...
Susan: Yes, theyre good friends. Mark is a really
nice, 5. kind-hearted person. Hes really
fun to be with, and hes handsome too.
Kristy: Yes hes really 6. good-looking .
Susan: I agree. 7. All in all ,
hes a wonderful guy. Hes also so
8. romantic ! He gives his
girlfriend flowers once a week.
Kristy: Has he got a girlfriend?
Susan: Yes, he has. So dont 9. run after him!

GRAMMAR 3. Write the words in the correct order to form
sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present
1. at nine / open / the / office / every morning
1. Match I and II to form sentences. The office opens at nine every morning. /
Every morning, the office opens at nine.
I 2. the / east / sun / rise / always / the / in
1. Does Bob sometimes The sun always rises in the east.
2. Is Cheryl 3. think / she / about / next year / travelling abroad
She is thinking about travelling abroad
3. She always next year.
4. a / lot / both / teams / tonight / score / of / points
4. Today, were
Both teams are scoring a lot of points
5. Everyone is tonight.
5. usually / I / have / at / home / breakfast / not
6. They all I dont usually have breakfast at home. /
Usually, I dont have breakfast at home.
II 6. she / 2012 Olympics / in / the / want / to /
3 a. worries about how she looks. compete
She wants to compete in the 2012
6 b. attend the same school. Olympics.
2 c. going to university next year?
4. Rewrite the sentences using the expressions
5 d. meeting at Joes Caf tomorrow night. in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
4 e. not working at the office. Continuous. Make any necessary changes.

1 f. study in the library? 1. Are you listening to music now? (every day)
Do you listen to music every day?
2. Complete the sentences with the correct 2. Jeff seldom reads the newspaper. (at the
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present moment)
Simple or Present Continuous. Jeff isnt reading the newspaper at the
1. Why are they smiling (smile) moment.
3. Im doing my maths homework right now.
at us? Do we know them?
(once a week)
2. I am enjoying (enjoy) this holiday! I dont I do my maths homework once a week.
want it to end.
4. Does your band practise frequently? (later today)
3. Debbie doesnt know (not know) where Is your band practising later today?
the new cinema is.
5. Sam isnt talking to me. (never)
4. On annual White Nights, many museums and Sam never talks to me.
shops stay (stay) open all night.
5. My parents are letting (let) me use the 5. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form
car tomorrow. of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
does weigh Simple or Present Continuous. Do not change
6. How much your dog
the original meaning of the sentences.
1. In my opinion, hes not very considerate.
(not think)
I dont think hes very considerate .
2. John is on the phone. (talk)
Right now, John is talking on the phone .
3. What is the price of this ring? (cost)
How much does this ring cost ?
4. The suitcase is on the scales. (weigh)
Cathy is weighing the suitcase .
5. Is this your jacket? (belong)
Does this jacket belong to you ?

Unit 1

6. Complete the e-mail with the correct form of 8. Correct the errors.
the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple
1. He isnt appearing calm at the moment.
or Present Continuous.
He doesnt appear calm at the moment.
2. Lets go swimming. It doesnt rain today.
Lets go swimming. It isnt raining today.
3. Are you recognising him?
Do you recognise him?
Dear Rob,
4. I dont never go to parties by myself.
I 1. am writing (write) to let you know I dont go to parties by myself. / I never
about the amazing documentary film I go to parties by myself.
2. am watching (watch) now on Channel Four. 5. How often Jeff calls you?
Dont worry I 3. am not missing How often does Jeff call you?
(not miss) anything at the moment because the
adverts are on. 9. Translate the sentences.
The films about some interesting experiments that 1. I dont usually share my clothes with friends.
scientists 4. are doing (do) on animals No suelo compartir mi ropa con mis
these days. Studies 5. show (show) 2. I am seeing an old acquaintance tonight.
that some animals 6. recognise (recognise) Voy a ver a un antiguo conocido esta
themselves in mirrors. Apes, gorillas and chimpanzees
3. I realise that he is not coping with the situation.
7. demonstrate (demonstrate) self-recognition Me doy cuenta de que no est haciendo
by examining their faces and bodies in mirrors. Its frente a la situacin.
4. I always run into someone I know when I go to
amazing to watch!
the shopping centre.
My mum 8. thinks (think) that Siempre me encuentro con alguien que
Channel Four 9. is broadcasting
(broadcast) the conozco cuando voy al centro comercial.
5. How often does he wear a suit for work?
programme again tomorrow night, so try to watch it Con qu frecuencia lleva traje para
then. trabajar?
The adverts 10. are ending (end) now, and I
11. want (want) to watch the rest of the Grammar Review
10. Complete the sentences with the correct
I 12. hope (hope) you form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
13. are making (make) new friends Simple or Present Continuous.
in Leeds these days but dont forget all your 1. a. Does this DVD belong (belong)
friends here in London! to Jack?
Love, b. No, I think (think) it
Becky belongs (belong) to Debbie.
2. a. Bill usually enjoys (enjoy) his
7. Answer the questions in complete sentences. work.
Make them true for you. Use the Present
b. Yes, but he isnt enjoying (not enjoy) it
Simple or Present Continuous.
now because hes got too much to do.
1. What type of films does your friend like?
3. a. Why are you tasting (taste)
Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers. the milk?
2. What are your plans for the weekend? smells
b. Because it (smell)
strange. Do you want
3. What clothes are you wearing today? (want) to taste it?
4. a. Susan is talking (talk) to her
4. How do you usually get to school? boyfriend on the phone at the moment.
b. I can tell. She looks (look) very

Your Ringtone?
1. Look at the picture and the title, and read the
rst paragraph of the text. What do you think Before leaving your home, you
the text is about?
probably look in the mirror to make
a. the history of ringtones
sure youre satisfied with how you
b. ringtones as a reflection of our personalities
look. If youre like many of your
c. how to choose a ringtone
friends, you also want your mobile
ringtone to convey a particular image
2. Now read the rest of the text and check your
answer. of yourself.
Speciality ringtones originated in Finland in 2001
3. Choose the correct answer. and quickly became a global phenomenon. It is
1. Speciality ringtones estimated that in 2007, between 50 and 60 million
a. arent yet popular. people downloaded at least one ringtone and spent
b. cost US customers $5 billion in 2007. about $5 billion doing so. The reason for this huge
c. are being used as a fashion accessory. success is that ringtones, like mobile phones, have
d. were downloaded by more than 60 million become a fashion accessory that people use to
people in 2007.
make a statement about their personality.
2. The survey
a. asked participants to describe themselves. So just as when choosing other accessories, people
b. was conducted in Finland. need time to make the right choice. According to a
c. questioned eighteen 34-year-olds. recent survey of 18- to 34-year-old mobile phone
d. found that 10 per cent of mobile users users in Britain, it takes the average user about half
change their ringtones every week. an hour to choose a new ringtone. In addition, 10
per cent replace their ringtones weekly, and many
4. Complete the sentences according to the text. others change ringtones three to four times a year.
1. The average mobile user spends about 30 minutes The survey also found that nearly everyone makes
choosing a new ringtone .
some sort of judgement about people based on
2. Ninety per cent of the survey respondents their ringtones. Apparently, we dont cover up
were criticised because of their ringtones.
those opinions: only 10 per cent of the survey
3. Survey participants felt that a mobiles original respondents were not criticised because of their
ringtone was matched with not trying to. ringtones.
impress has better things to do.
5. Find words or expressions in the text that mean: Survey participants were also asked to match
ringtones with descriptions of personalities.
1. communicate
convey One common response was the match between
(paragraph 1)
a ringtone of a current popular song and the
2. say something
description moves with the times but tries too
(paragraph 2)make a statement
hard to be cool. Another common match was a
3. typical
sport-related ringtone, such as a team song, with
(paragraph 3) average
the description armchair sportsperson that is,
4. hide
someone who enjoys watching sport.
(paragraph 4) cover up
5. frequent or usual But ringtone providers may find it surprising that a
(paragraph 5) common mobiles original ringtone was commonly matched
6. of the present time with not trying to impress has better things
(paragraph 5) current to do.
So whats your ringtone?
Unit 1


Write a description of a friend: Use 100-150

1. Add the missing punctuation marks to the sentences. WRITING YOUR DESCRIPTION
There may be more than one possible answer.
1. Brainstorm your description.
1. Are you worried about Emilys school marks?
Think of people you know. Who would be
2. That film was so frightening !/. easy or interesting to describe?
ask David to phone you when hes finished eating .
3. Ill Think of words and expressions to
or ( describe the persons:
4. We waited in the queue for a long time almost
or ) - physical appearance
three hours but it was worth it because we got
- personality
good tickets .
5. Marthas got dark,shoulder-length hair, but her sisters hair - activities and interests
is short and curly. 2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in
or ( or )
6. His parents I think youve met them are nice people . Exercise 3 and the plan below to help you.

- Decide which ideas to keep and which to
2. Each sentence contains one error in punctuation. Find leave out.
and correct it.
- Decide how to order your ideas.
1. This restaurant has got great food, the pasta is amazing.
This restaurant has got great food the pasta is amazing.
2. Do you think shes gorgeous. PLAN
Do you think shes gorgeous? Opening: Opening remarks, introduce the
3. I cant see the screen, the man in front of me is very tall.
I cant see the screen the man in front of me is very tall. person
4. We need to buy milk cheese and some bread.
We need to buy milk, cheese and some bread. Body: Describe the persons appearance,
5. Come quickly. We must leave now. interests and personality.
Come quickly! We must leave now. Closing: Closing remarks
3. Read the description below. Add the missing
punctuation marks to the second and third paragraphs. 3. Write a rst draft.
- Write quickly. Dont worry about spelling
My Favourite TV Show or punctuation as youll have time to check
them later.
My favourite television comedy is "Friends", and
my favourite character on the programme is 4. Use the checklist to check your work.
Monica Geller. Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
Monica is slim and petite and has got dark and grammatically correct answers.
hairsometimes its straight and sometimes CHECKLIST
its wavy . Her eyes are brown and shes got a I followed the plan for a description of a
beautiful smile. person.
Monicas very talkative, has got I used different adjectives and compound
strong opinions and isnt shy about adjectives to describe the person.
telling everyone what she thinks.
I checked grammar, spelling and
Shes usually kind-hearted and punctuation.
sensitive , but she can also be
stubborn and bossy, especially when
shes nervous or worried about
something. She is also extremely
tidy and wont , for example , go to
sleep before she does the washing-up.
And lastly, she works hard to succeed
in her job as a restaurant chef.
All in all, I admire Monica and
think shes a good role model for
young women.

See Writing Guide, Students Book page 151 9

Progress Check Unit 1
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Choose the correct answer. 4. Complete the sentences with the correct
1. My neighbours dog spends hours form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
running after / running into my cat. Simple or Present Continuous.

2. Ethan said he would reply / share his cake with 1. How much do those sandals
his friends, but in the end he ate it all himself.
cost (cost)?

3. Jane managed to stay generous / calm when 2. Tessadoesnt think(not think) its a good idea.
she saw the snake on her bed. 3. Susan is studying (study) Russian this year.
4. She is so skinny / chubby. She needs to 4. Sorry, I always forget (forget) your name.
eat more. 5. Why are you crying (cry)?
5. When I got off the train, I realised / reminded 6. Why do you look (look) so
I was at the wrong station. sad today?
6. She is a very kind-hearted / short-tempered
girl who loves to help people. 5. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
Continuous. Make any necessary changes.
2. Complete the sentences with the
words below. 1. I have got a meeting with Janine at 6 oclock.
injury generous clue open-minded (am)
acquaintance impulsive I am meeting (with) Janine at 6 oclock.
1. Connie is so impulsive . She acts first and 2. Do you see each other often? (tonight)
thinks later. Are you seeing each other tonight?
2. Is there a clue to help us solve this 3. Our dog never barks at strangers.
puzzle? (at the moment)
3. Terry is an oldacquaintancefrom my school Our dog isnt barking at strangers at the
moment. / At the moment, our dog isnt
days. I havent seen him for years. barking at strangers.
4. Are you watching that reality show again?
4.Open-mindedpeople are ready to listen to (regularly)
different opinions.
Do you watch that reality show regularly? /
5. It was very generous of you to give me so Do you regularly watch that reality show?
5. The baby is crying again. (often)
much money.
The baby often cries.
6. Tom survived the accident without an
injury .
3. Match the words in I with their
meanings in II. 6. Add the missing punctuation marks.
I II 1. Is the new film showing at the cinema this week?
1. run off with 4 a. not straight ask my cousin to lend you the book when hes
2. Ill
2. disorder 1 b. steal finished reading it .
3. suit 5 c. very small and thin 3. Dont touch that !
4. wavy 6 d. deal with successfully 4. My younger sister is bossy, short-tempered and

5. petite 3 e. a formal set of clothes stubborn but I love her.
. or
6. cope 2 f. an illness or abnormal 5. I really enjoyed meeting him I hope he feels the

condition same way about me.

Unit 1

Progress Check Unit 1

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Choose the correct answer. 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple
1. Hes very broad-shouldered / short-tempered
or Present Continuous. Do not change the
so he needs a larger sweater. original meaning of the sentence.
2. Where did you get that gorgeous / impulsive 1. In my opinion, her idea is not very practical.
coat? Id love to buy one just like it. (not think)
3. He left his lunch at home, so his mother I dont think her idea is very practical .
looked up / ran after him with the sandwiches.
2. Sandy is in the kitchen with the dishes. (wash)
4. I enjoy swimming when the sea is calm / plain.
Right now, Sandy is washing the dishes .
5. I dont have a clue / disorder what to buy my (in the kitchen)
3. What is the weight of a sack of dog food? (weigh)
sister for her birthday.
How much does a sack of dog food weigh ?
6. She has got such beautiful, slim / fair hair.
4. Whose bike is this? (belong)
7. We ordered a big pizza and shared / pretended
it among the six of us. Who does this bike belong to ?

2. Complete the sentences with the words and 5. Complete the passage with the verbs in
phrases below. There are more words than you brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
need. Continuous.

big-headed reply share stubborn Faye has got an unusual job she 1. works
shoulder-length acquaintances remind (work) as a face painter. She 2. belongs (belong)
pretend muscular plain wavy to the UK Face Painting Association, and this month she
1. Ill send you an invitation tonight, but please 3. is giving (give) a course on basic face painting.
reply as soon as you can.
Its amazing the number of fantastic ways you can be
2. Remind me to buy milk when I go shopping. creative, and you 4. dont need (not need) to
3. She goes to the gym every day. Thats why shes paint the whole face. A butterfly on one eye and cheek
so muscular . is enough. What Faye 5. loves (love) about
4. They dont allow boys to have hair her job is the travelling. She 6. gets (get) to
in our school. Youll have to get it cut. meet so many interesting people, who 7. invite
5. My sister and I share a room. (invite) her into their homes.
6. He has got very few real friends but many
Today, she 8. is travelling (travel) north to Leeds,
where they 9. are having (have) a face painting
7. I dont like big-headed people who think they festival. She is very excited because she
know everything. 10. knows (know) there will be lots of happy
faces to paint.
3. Match the adjectives in I to their
opposites in II.
I II Writing
1. good-looking 4 a. stubborn
1 6. Each sentence contains one error in punctuation.
2. fair b. unattractive
Find and correct it.
3. skinny 5 c. selfish ?
1. Does he remember meeting you.
4. open-minded 2 d. dark !
2. I cant believe you said that to me?
5. considerate 3 e. chubby
3. Her favourite colours are red , purple and green.

2. Choose the logical continuation for each
sentence. Pay attention to the underlined
1. This mans just stopped breathing. Help! /
Hes feeling better now!
2. I made sure that I had the correct exam date.
I checked with someone. /
I assumed it was correct.

Danger! 3. Ellen spent all day pointing her camera at

tourists in the market. She finally sold it. /
She took over 200 photographs.
4. It was a thrill to see Arcade Fire in concert.
Im glad I went. / It was a waste of time.

VOCABULARY 5. It was a relief when the rain stopped.

Everyone was tired of the rain. /
More rain was needed.
6. Johns living on the edge. His friends
1. Complete the puzzle using the clues below.
are worried about him. / His friends
love his new house at the top of the hill.
1. tremble
7. visitor 3. Complete the passage with the words and
8. pause briefly phrases below.
hesitate seriously injured brave deliver
middle-aged lucky to be alive courage
survived risked their lives cheer them up
2. organise
3. substance that can harm or kill
Volunteers Needed!
4. bring something to a specific location
5. a feeling of being scared Recently, I began to do voluntary work at The Royal
6. inform someone about a potential danger London Hospital. I play games with some of the ill
children and tell them jokes to 1. cheer them up .
1 2
h a k e s Im always amazed at how 2. brave the
r children are, even before an operation. Some days,
I 3. deliver flowers and magazines to
patients rooms.
3 4
p n d Occasionally, I also spend time with patients who
f o
g u e s t were 4. seriously injured in accidents. Despite their
l pain, they are happy they 5. survived and
h e s i t a t e
6. lucky to be alive
they feel . Recently, I visited
a s r i
two men who were badly hurt when they
r o n v 7.risked their lives to save an elderly woman from
n e a fire. These men, and others I have met at the hospital,
r have got an incredible amount of 8. courage !

Have you got time to volunteer one day a week?

Maybe the hospital needs you whether youre
9. middle-aged or a teenager so dont
10. hesitate . Contact the hospitals
volunteer office today!

Unit 2

4. Complete the sentences by adding -al, -ous, -ic, -ive, -able, -less or -ful to the words below to form
adjectives. Make any necessary changes.
tradition fury origin tragedy admire harm use protect
1. Sandras boyfriend was furious when someone hit his car.
2. This bands music is a mix of old, traditional Chinese music and contemporary rock.
3. I think its admirable when people volunteer to help others in need.
4. Our dog is very protective of her puppies. She doesnt let anyone go near them.
5. Our original plan was to go on holiday in May, but we had to wait until July.
6. Did you hear about the tragic accident on the motorway today? Six people were killed.
7. Smoking is harmful to your health.
8. This machine is useless . Its broken.

5. Complete the passage by adding -ous, -ful, -less, -ed, -able, -ive or -ing to the words
in brackets to form adjectives. Make any necessary changes.

Tips for Dog Owners

Its 1. exciting (excite) to get a new puppy. But dont be
disappointed(disappoint) if your new puppy doesnt seem to feel

3. excited (excite) as well. Remember it can be 4. frightening

(frighten) for puppies when they are brought to a new home. Among
the most 5. effective (effect) ways to make the situation less
6. threatening (threaten) for the puppy are to speak softly to it and give
it a lot of attention. Owners should also protect their puppy and keep it
out of 7. dangerous (danger) situations. In addition, its important to
teach a puppy proper behaviour. This requires the use of rewards, such as
dog treats, and 8. harmless (harm) punishments, such as a
gentle tap on the nose. Vets often recommend dog-training classes.
These are particularly 9. valuable (value) for new dog
owners, and can help them learn 10. useful (use)
techniques that really do work.

6. Complete the sentences. Make them true for you.

1. When I come home, I usually switch on
Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. .
2. I screamed at my friend because
3. When Im middle-aged, Ill probably
4. When Im sad, it cheers me up when
5. I think its very personal to ask people
6. I think its shocking when

GRAMMAR 3. Choose the sentence that is close in meaning
to the original.
1. By the time I woke up, Jim had left.
a. I woke up before Jim left.
1. Complete the sentences with the correct b. Jim left before I woke up.
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
2. When Linda had written her second novel, she
Simple or Past Continuous.
went on a long holiday.
1. Linda broke (break) her leg while a. After finishing her second novel, Linda went
she was skiing (ski) in Italy. on a long holiday.
2. Dan was dating (date) Emily when b. Linda was on a long holiday when she wrote
I first met (meet) him. her second novel.
3. Did it start (start) to rain 3. Hugh and Cindy didnt speak to each other
during the match, or was it already in class today because they had argued.
raining (rain) when you arrived at the a. Hugh and Cindy argued before class.
stadium? b. Hugh and Cindy argued in class.
4. It was terrible! The fire was burning 4. We had already bought a new car when we sold
(burn) out of control and people our old one.
were jumping (jump) out of the windows! a. We sold our old car and then bought a
5. As Julia was researching (research) her new one.
towns history, she discovered b. We bought a new car before we sold our
(discover) some shocking information. old one.

2. Write sentences with the words below, 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form
including the words in brackets. Use the of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple
Past Simple or Past Continuous. or Past Perfect Simple.
1. Gina / move / to a new flat / and / start / a new 1. Mitchell was (be) angry with me
job (last week) all day because I had broken (break) his
Last week, Gina moved to a new flat and camera.
started a new job. / Gina moved to a new Had read
flat and started a new job last week. 2. you (read) the book
2. David / injure / his hand / he / repair / my bike before you lent (lend) it to
(while) Darcy?
David injured his hand while he was 3. Wehad already driven(already / drive) halfway
repairing my bike. home when we ran out of (run out of)
3. Lily / find / a puppy / she / walk / to school (as) petrol.
Lily found a puppy as she was walking 4. Kelly didnt buy (not buy) anything at
to school. the shop because she hadnt brought
4. The police / arrest / the young man / take away / (not bring) her purse.
his licence (and) 5. By the time I got (get) home,
The police arrested the young man and took the dogs were very thirsty because I
away his licence. had forgotten (forget) to fill their
5. I / do / my homework / Tom / knock / on the water bowl.
door (when)
I was doing my homework when Tom
knocked on the door.
6. I / not listen / to the teacher / she / explain the
homework (while)
I wasnt listening to the teacher while she
was explaining the homework.

Unit 2

5. Complete the passage with the correct form 6. Correct the errors.
of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple,
1. He didnt said anything because he was too
Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.
He didnt say anything because he was
too frightened.
2. By the time I received the invitation, the
wedding took place.
Harrison Ford By the time I received the invitation, the
on a rescue wedding had taken place.
mission to save 3. When you noticed the money was missing?
a 13-year-old When did you notice the money was
boy missing?
4. We went out for a coffee after we saw a film.
We went out for a coffee after we had
seen a film.
5. I was listening carefully while she told me about
her life.
I listened carefully while she told me
about her life. / I was listening carefully
More Than a Film Hero while she was telling me about her life.
7. Translate the sentences.
1. He felt better after we had cheered him up.
Harrison Ford is famous for his portrayal of heroic
Se sinti mejor despus de que le
characters in such films as Star Wars and the Indiana hubiramos animado.
2. John was delivering newspapers when he saw
Jones movies. But 1. did you know
the fire.
(know) that he is also a hero in real life?
John estaba repartiendo peridicos
cuando vio el incendio.
In 2000 and 2001, Ford, who 2. was living 3. The man hesitated before he answered the
(live) at the time in Wyoming, USA, often question.
3. volunteered (volunteer) to fly his helicopter El hombre dud antes de contestar la
to help in rescues in the mountains near his home. 4. I was pouring the wine when the table began to
In July 2000, Ford 4. rescued (rescue) Estaba sirviendo el vino cuando
a young woman who 5. was hiking (hike) la mesa empez a temblar.
5. By the time the guests arrived, we had arranged
on Table Mountain. She 6. became
the chairs in a circle.
(become) ill after reaching the top of the 3,300-metre Para cuando los invitados llegaron,
mountain, and 7. felt (feel) unable habamos colocado las sillas en crculo.
to climb down. After she and her hiking companion
8. had sent (send) a distress call to
emergency services, Ford 9. flew (fly) Grammar Review
to the rescue with paramedics aboard his helicopter.
8. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
Shortly before Ford landed at a nearby hospital,
Make them true for you.
paramedics told the woman the name of the man who
1. What were you doing at noon last Saturday?
10. was flying (fly) the helicopter. She was, Accept all logical and grammatically
needless to say, quite surprised. correct answers.
2. What did you have for lunch today?
The following year, Ford was part of an air rescue
team that 11. searched (search) a forest for 3. What do you usually do at the weekend?
a 13-year-old boy who 12. had got (get)
lost while on a hike. The team 13. didnt find 4. What are you doing on Friday night?
(not find) the boy that night, but their efforts continued.
Ford and another member of the rescue team finally 5. What had you already done by 10 oclock
14. located (locate) him the following last night?
morning and brought him back to safety.

1. Read the title and the rst two paragraphs What famous fictional spy is intelligent, well-dressed
of the text. What can you infer from the and highly attractive to women? James Bond, of course.
underlined words?
The character, now known mainly through the many
a. Many details of Reillys life are unknown. James Bond films, was created by English novelist Ian
b. Facts about Reillys life are well known.
Fleming when he began writing the Bond books in the
c. Reilly definitely lived in Brazil.
1950s. Some people say that Bond was partly based on
the real spy known as Sidney Reilly.
2. Now read the rest of the text and check
your answer. Reillys real name was Sigmund Rosenblum. It is
believed that he was born in the Ukraine in 1874 and
3. Choose the correct answer according to studied chemistry at university there. In the early 1890s,
the text.
he moved first to Paris and then to London. Depending
1. Reilly worked in a German factory on which version of Reillys life you believe, he might
a. during World War II. have briefly spent some time in Brazil as well.
b. to learn what arms the country was making.
c. so he could learn about the countrys battle What is definite is that Reilly was a British spy, who
plans. used various disguises and names. He had many love
d. before he began spying for Britain. affairs and marriages, was charming and persuasive, and
2. Reilly returned to Russia in 1925 often acted recklessly. It is also known that, following
a. to join its military intelligence service. the Communist Revolution in 1918, he spied mainly in
b. to work for the Communist regime. Russia, gathering intelligence on the new regime and
c. because he was fooled by a fake group. working to overthrow it.
d. to be arrested.
Although Reilly was given a military award for his work
in Russia, some spy historians think it was actually given
4. Answer the questions according to the text.
to secretly honour his work as a British spy in Germany
1. What is the connection between James Bond
during the First World War. Reilly claimed that, in this
and Sidney Reilly?
Some people say that James Bond was capacity, he had impersonated a German officer in
partly based on Sidney Reilly, a real spy. order to obtain battle plans. This allowed him to work
2. What is said about Reillys personality?
in a German arms factory and learn what weapons the
He was charming and persuasive, and he
often acted recklessly. country was producing.
3. What did Reilly do as a spy in Russia?
He gathered intelligence on the new Historians have not yet uncovered the full truth
regime and worked to overthrow it. about Reillys activities. But theres
4. How do some spy historians think Britain
honoured Reilly for his work during the First little dispute about his death.
World War? Some believe that the military After a brief absence, Reilly
award he was given for his work in returned to Russia in 1925
Russia was really to honour his work as a
British spy in Germany during the First to work with a new anti-
World War.
Find words in the text that mean the Communist group. In
opposite of: reality, this group was
1. true, real (paragraph 1) fictional fake and was organised
2. for a long time (paragraph 2) briefly by the Russian military
3. safely (paragraph 3) recklessly intelligence service. When he
4. give (paragraph 4) obtain entered the country, Reilly was
dispute arrested and imprisoned. He was
5. agreement (paragraph 5)
executed in November 1925.

Unit 2


Write a narrative about a funny or
embarrassing experience. Use 100-150
1. Replace the words in bold with the connectors of
as in the beginning in the end as soon as
1. Brainstorm your narrative.
1. At first, I didnt like this neighbourhood, but now I enjoy Think of something funny or embarrassing
living here. In the beginning that happened to you or to someone you
2. When John opened the door, everyone shouted, know. If you cant think of something real,
Surprise! As soon as make up a story.
Think about the following questions:
3. Sharon was reading the instructions aloud while I was
as - Who was involved in the story?
connecting wires.
- Where and when did it take place?
4. I had no idea what to buy Ellen for her birthday, but
- What happened that was funny or
finally, I thought of a perfect gift. in the end embarrassing?
- What were the characters doing?
2. Choose the correct answer. - How did the characters feel?
Poor John! His holiday last week began so badly! - Did the story end happily or not?
All of a sudden / First of all, he forgot his passport and
returned home to get it. 2. Then / By the time, of course, he 2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in
Exercise 3 and the plan below to help you.
missed his flight. 3. Next / Suddenly, he tried to book another
flight to Rome, but they were all full. 4. Finally / At first, the
airline clerk found a seat for him on a late-night flight. PLAN
As soon as / By the time he arrived in Rome, it was already Opening: Describe where and when the
story takes place and introduce the
five in the morning. John rang me and said, 6. At last /
Eventually Im in Rome, but Im too tired to do anything!
Body: Describe the events in the story
and how the characters felt.
3. Complete the narrative with the connectors of Closing: Describe how the story ended.
sequence below.
as when suddenly in the beginning
nally while rst of all by the time later 3. Write a rst draft.

4. Use the checklist to check your work.

An Embarrassing Experience Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
Last Friday night, I went to a big party at a club in and grammatically correct answers.
London. 1. In the beginning , I was sorry I had come.
2. First of all , I didnt know anyone there I followed the plan for a narrative.
because my friends hadnt arrived yet. Second, I I used connectors of sequence and time
didnt like the music the DJ was playing. expressions.
3. While everyone else was dancing, I I checked grammar, spelling and
walked around to look for my friends. 4. By the time punctuation.
the next song began, I had found them. We tried
to talk, but it was impossible to hear one another.
5. As I was shouting, I hate this
music!, the sound system 6. suddenly
broke and everyone in the place heard me. I was so
7. When the music began again, everyone
stopped paying attention to me. 8. Later ,
I ended up enjoying myself because the DJ
9. finally put on music that I liked. And,
oh yes Ive decided never to shout in a club again!

See Writing Guide, Students Book page 152 17

Progress Check Unit 2
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Choose the correct answer. 4. Choose the correct answer.
1. Johnny gets up very early every day to hesitate / 1. I didnt hear the phone because I worked /
deliver newspapers. was working / had worked in the garden.
2. I was harmless / furious when the dog broke 2. The children played / were playing /
my favourite plate. had played basketball while their parents were
3. It was startled / startling to hear such a loud talking with the new trainer.
noise in the middle of the night. 3. Chris knocked on the door and entered /
4. Mother lions are very protective / frightened was entering / had entered the office.
of their young. 4. The thief escaped / was escaping /
5. Pour / Point yourself a drink. had escaped by the time the police arrived.
6. He warned / arranged us about the dangers.
5. Complete the passage with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple,
2. Replace each word or expression in bold
Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.
with a suitable expression below. Make any
necessary changes. Nicola is a workaholic. She is obsessed with work. Last
make sure seriously injured arrange week, Nicola 1. decided (decide) to finish
risk your life live on the edge cheer up the project she 2. was working (work) on. On
1. Although he tried all night, he couldnt Monday, she 3. left (leave) the house
make his son feel happy. cheer up before she 4. had had (have) any breakfast.
2. My friends and I are going to organise the She 5. reached (reach) the office at 6.30, and
party. arrange by 6.45 Nicolawas
6. already working (already / work).
3. Check that all the windows and doors are At 3.30, Nicolas boss 7. called (call) her
locked. Make sure into the office. She was worried that Nicola
4. Only the pilot was badly hurt when the plane
8. hadnt taken (not take) a lunch break. Her
crashed. seriously injured boss 9. warned (warn) Nicola of the
5. You put yourself in danger every time you dangers of overworking. However, Nicola was
drive carelessly. risk your life determined to finish the job and 10. continued
6. Some people need to be close to danger in (continue) to work when everyone else
11. had already gone
order to feel good. live on the edge (already / go) home. Finally,
leaving the building many hours later, Nicola was
3. Complete the sentences by adding a suitable surprised to see that the sun 12. had risen
sufx to the words in brackets to form (rise). It was already morning!
adjectives. Make any necessary changes.
1. This is a very valuable (value) painting, so
take good care of it.
2. She works as a graphic (graph) designer. 6. Choose the two answers that are suitable.
3. That game is not educational (education), so 1. He lived in England during / for / while most
the teacher doesnt want us to play it. of his childhood.
4. I love to watch romantic (romance) films 2. We tried to keep it a secret, but next /
late at night. eventually / finally they found out.
5. Id like to thank you for an enjoyable (enjoy) 3. We were sitting in complete darkness for hours
experience. when suddenly / then / at last we saw a light.

Unit 2

Progress Check Units 1-2

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.
F 1. Cheering people up makes them sad.
1. The birds flew (fly) away because I
T 2. Without hesitating, he went straight to
had forgotten (forget) to close their cage.
2. The cyclists were riding (ride) along the
F 3. The guest invited everyone to come at 8.00
road when a car crashed (crash) into
in the evening.
T 4. You have to remind people so they dont
3. Jill is having (have) a bath. Why dont
you call again later?
F 5. Poison is given by doctors to cure illnesses.
4. My bus is leaving / leaves (leave) in half an
T 6. His problem is personal, so he wont tell hour, so wed better hurry.
everybody about it.
F 7. When you look away you can see things 4. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
more clearly. brackets. Do not change the original meaning
of the sentences.
2. Complete the passage with the correct form of 1. Rachel went home before Sonia arrived.
the words below. (by the time)
breathe injury risk your life Rachel had gone by the time Sonia arrived.
excited courage fear survive
2. He had a job in a restaurant when I first knew
brave personal
him. (work) He was working in a
In 2005, Frances Maud Fontenoy was the first woman restaurant when I first knew him.
to row across the Pacific Ocean alone and fortunately, 3. As Bill and Ben were on their way to school, it
to 1. survive . It took great 2. courage for her started to rain. (go)
to make the trip from Peru to Polynesia. For Maud, As Bill and Ben were going to school, it
this was also a 3. personal victory. started to rain.
4. Julie has a habit of falling asleep in lessons. (often)
After rowing her seven-metre boat for 73 days, her Julie often falls asleep in lessons.
fingers ached and her back was sore, but she had no
serious 4. injuries . Maud told a French radio
station that the end of the trip turned out to be the most Writing
difficult part, after her boat overturned. Her biggest
5. Complete the sentences with a logical ending.
5. fear was that she might drown. She had to Pay attention to the connectors in bold.
6. breathe deeply to stay calm. Maud also had to
1. The show was cancelled as soon as
watch out for sharks until she got back into the boat.
Accept all logical and grammatically .
When she arrived in Polynesia, Maud was carried
correct answers.
2. He wanted to surprise them after
ashore and decorated with flowers. Maud said that she .
was really 7. excited that she had finally made
3. In the end, my parents
the trip.
Maud Fontenoy is a very 8. brave woman who
4. The rain had stopped. All of a sudden,
9. risk her life
was prepared to to prove that a woman .
can make such a dangerous journey.
5. Goldilocks sat in the big chair. Then,

3. Complete the speech bubbles with a suitable
collocation. Use the verbs win, raise or set and
the words below.
table prize question argument date

Go for It! I am determined to win

this argument !


1. Choose two words or phrases to form

collocations with the verbs in bold.
1. take up: a meal / a sport / photography Darling, arent you happy
2. join: a club / friends for lunch / a restaurant weve finally set a
3. overcome: a problem / an illness / date for our wedding?
an argument
3 You wont win first prize
4. fail: an exam / a prize / an audition
if you behave like this!

2. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention

to the underlined words.
1. Scientists are seeking answers to many
questions. They discovered / dont know
the answers.
2. Paulas make-up really enhances her eyes.
They look terrible / beautiful!
3. That organisation is working to overturn
anti-smoking laws because they support /
oppose them.
4. Carol pointed out some mistakes in the first
draft of my essay. Im glad she corrected /
noticed them.
Does anyone want to raise a
5. Dan is struggling in maths this year. Its
question ?
an easy / a difficult subject for him.
6. If they lengthen the school day, well spend 5 Dont forget to set the
more / fewer hours in lessons. table !
7. The queue advanced very slowly, but eventually
more people arrived / it was my turn.
8. Shellys marks improved, so shes very
happy / sad.
9. I beat my friend in the card game, so I was
the winner / loser.

Unit 3

4. Complete the sentences with the words below.

award training challenge competition request endurance speed defeat
1. Jeff was sad after his defeat in the tennis match.
2. Shes receiving excellent training at her new job.
3. He was driving at a very fast speed and nearly had an accident.
4. Did you e-mail a request for a meeting with the professor?
5. It was a challenge for such a young actor to play the role of an old man.
6. We participated in an art competitionand won first prize.
7. Marathon runners have got great endurance they can run for miles without stopping.
8. My friend is going to receive an award for rescuing the child who fell into the swimming pool.

5. Complete the passage with the words below.

devastating superhuman limb throwing in the towel accomplishments
champion disability unfair willpower achieved medals

Natalie du Toit
Can you imagine the almost 1.superhumaneffort and the incredible 2. willpower it takes to
become a champion swimmer? Now, think of how much greater the effort must be for someone who
has lost a 3. limb .

Natalie du Toit doesnt have to imagine any of this, because she lives it.

Du Toit, from Cape Town, South Africa, began winning national swimming championships when
she was nine years old. At 14, she began to compete internationally, and in 2000, she nearly
4. achieved her goal of qualifying for the Olympics in Sydney, Australia.
In February 2001, shortly after her 17th birthday, du Toit was on her scooter, driving from
swimming practice to school, when a motorist hit her. The 5. devastating accident led to
the amputation of the lower part of her left leg. Instead of 6. throwing in and
the towel
saying that life was 7. unfair , du Toit returned to swimming as
soon as possible.

Despite her 8. disability , du Toit began to win 9. medals again

in events for both able-bodied and disabled athletes. And in the summer of
2008, she added to her long list of 10. by competing in both
the Olympic Games and in the Paralympics in Beijing. She was 16th in the
10-kilometre open-water race in the Olympics, and won five gold medals
in the Paralympics. Natalie du Toit is a real
11. champion both in the water and out!

6. Complete the sentences. Make them true for you.

1. I want to join Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. .
2. I usually set my alarm .
3. Its important to have strength in order to .
4. I once bought equipment for .
5. I dont like to deal with .

GRAMMAR 3. Choose the correct answer.

1. Is this the first time you snow?

a. have ever seen b. saw
1. Choose the correct answer. No, I snow in the Italian Alps last year.
1. Did you go to the cinema lately / last night / a. have seen b. saw
2. The band has been together since / for /
recently ten years.
2. Why Molly her driving test yet?
3. I havent ever / this morning / never met
a. didnt ... take b. hasnt ... taken
Michaels girlfriend.
Because she driving for over a month.
4. At the weekend, we took a city tour and then /
a. hasnt practised b. didnt practise
already / recently visited friends.
5. We have ever / just / yesterday sold the last
ticket to the school play.
6. Has Diana written to you last week / 3. Don rugby when he was at school.
a month ago / yet? a. played b. has played
7. Its been over a year since / for / already Really? I wonder why he since then.
I met Marion. a. didnt play b. hasnt played
8. Greg has yet / never / ever completed his
homework on time!

2. Write a logical response with the words in 4. Mark already the washing-up?
brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple.
a. Has ... done b. Did ... do
1. Why are you standing outside?
Yes, and he his room a few minutes ago.
(lose / my keys)
a. has tidied b. tidied
I have lost my keys.
2. Shes not very fit.
(not exercise / for a year)
Well, she hasnt exercised for a year. 4. Answer the questions by forming sentences
with the words provided and the time
3. Should I tell you how the film ends? expressions below. Use the Present Perfect
(not see / it / yet) Simple or Past Simple.
No, I havent seen it yet. never in 2004 yet since ago
4. When did you get this car? 1. Do you want some coffee?
(have / it / since June) Yes, please! / I / not have / coffee / 10 oclock
I have had it since June. Yes, please! I havent had coffee
5. You look familiar. since 10 oclock.
2. Why dont you want to taste this?
(never / see / you / before) I / like / fish
Really, I have never seen you before. I have never liked fish.
6. What time is it? 3. Have you ever attended the Olympics?
I dont know. Yes, I / go / to / Athens
(your watch / stop / ?) Yes, I went to Athens in 2004.
Has your watch stopped?
4. How long has James known Cara?
He / meet / her / three months
He met her three months ago.
5. Did you finish all your homework?
No, I / not write / my / essay
No, I havent written my essay yet.

Unit 3

5. Rewrite the sentences using the words in 7. Correct the errors.

brackets. Do not change the original meaning
1. Last week, I have taken up yoga.
of the sentences.
Last week, I took up yoga.
1. I last saw Barbara two years ago. (seen)
2. He performs all his life.
I havent seen Barbara for two years.
He has performed all his life.
2. Is this your first visit to New York? (ever)
3. They havent set a date for the wedding already.
Have you ever visited New York?
They havent set a date for the wedding yet.
3. We dont know the election results. (heard)
4. I havent never beaten my friend at chess.
We havent heard the election results (yet).
I have never beaten my friend at chess. /
4. We got our dog in April. (had) I havent ever beaten my friend at chess.
5. We have been friends since ten years ago.
Weve had our dog since April.
We have been friends for ten years.
6. Complete the passage with the correct form
8. Translate the sentences.
of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
Perfect Simple or Past Simple. 1. Have you ever overcome a fear?
Alguna vez has superado un miedo?

2. Ive just pointed out the problem to him.
S P O RT S Acabo de sealarle el problema.
Young Footballer 3. She hasnt broken a record yet.
Speaks Out Todava no ha batido un rcord.
4. I have raised the issue several times.
He planteado el problema varias veces.
Tom Logan 1. has played
5. He has struggled with a learning disability for
(play) football since he was six years old.
He 2. has been (be) captain of a youth team
Ha luchado contra su discapacidad para
for the past two years, and he 3. led el aprendizaje durante aos.
(lead) his team to victory in last years city
Grammar Review
However, Logan is unhappy over the current state
of youth football. He believes that young players are 9. Complete the sentences with the correct form
expected to devote too much time to the sport. of the verbs in brackets.

brought 1. A: Why dont you ask Donna to set the table?

Yesterday, Logan 4. (bring)
the argument to the public when he B: Because she is watching (watch) a
5. appeared (appear) on the City Youth DVD right now.
TV programme. In the past few years, the league 2. A: Did you find what you wanted at Camden
6. has scheduled (schedule) too many matches, and Jeans?
so the time demanded of young footballers B: No. By the time I got there, the shop
7. has increased (increase), Logan said. Too had closed (close).
many players 8. have failed (fail) mid-term 3. A: When did Mark go to the airport?
exams recently which Im convinced is due to not B: He left (leave) here at about
having enough study time. Most players complain about noon.
the lack of time for a social life as well. Other captains 4. A: Were you scared the first time you drove on
and I 9. have spoken (speak) numerous times with the motorway?
Youth League officials about this problem, but nothing B: Actually, I havent tried (not try) it yet.
10. has changed (change) yet. Im too nervous.
When contacted by reporters, Youth League officials 5. A: Is this your iPod?
11. promised (promise) to look into the B: No, its not mine. I think it
problem. belongs (belong) to Danny.

1. Read the rst sentence in each paragraph of


the blog. In which paragraph do you think you
will nd the following information?
1. the writers opinion on doping 1
2. possible future limitations on testing 3 During major sporting events, like the Tour de France
or the Olympics, the use of performance-enhancing
2. Now read the entire blog and check your drugs or doping is debated in the media and by
answers. fans. I used to oppose doping, but Ive changed my
mind. I now think adult athletes should be allowed to
3. Find words or expressions in the text that mean: take performance-enhancing drugs if they want.
1. important (paragraph 1) major
According to recent articles in the science magazine
2. discussed (paragraph 1) debated
called Nature and the British Medical Journal
3. not exact (paragraph 2) inaccurate (BMJ), the tests for performance-enhancing drugs
4. indicated (paragraph 3) pointed out can be inaccurate. However, this did not help Floyd
5. support (paragraph 4) back up Landis, who won the 2006 Tour de France. His test
results showed that hed taken a synthetic form of the
4. Choose the correct answer. hormone testosterone. He denied it. But still, he had
1. In the past, Bob to give up his title. How can this be fair if the tests
a. used to be an athlete. are unreliable?
b. used to take performance-enhancing drugs.
Many scientists have pointed out that new drugs are
c. was opposed to doping.
being developed faster than detection tests. And, in the
d. believed doping should be allowed.
near future, athletes could be genetically modified
2. According to two published articles,
that is, be given specific genes to improve their
a. doping tests arent always accurate.
performance. It may not even be possible to develop a
b. doping tests are fair.
c. performance-enhancing drugs are unreliable. test to detect the genes. This will increase suspicions
d. Floyd Landis tests revealed no sign of artificial that already exist about the tests reliability, according
testosterone. to Natures article.
3. According to the BMJ article, Further, according to the BMJ article, theres
a. a lot of medical evidence backs up claims little medical evidence to back up the claims that
that steroids are dangerous. performance-enhancing drugs, such as steroids,
b. theres a lack of evidence to support claims are dangerous. However, what can be dangerous,
that steroids are unsafe.
according to many experts, is the current
c. all athletes who take steroids are supervised
situation that some athletes take performance-
by their doctors.
enhancing drugs secretly and without medical
d. steroids are dangerous.
5. Complete the sentences according to the text. Today, so many people are having cosmetic surgery
1. When there are big sports events, the media and and taking medication to improve mental and physical
fans debate the use of performance- . health. Therefore, we shouldnt deny athletes the
enhancing drugs chance to enhance their performance with drugs in a
2. Compared to new drugs, detection tests
are being developed slowly . safe, medically supervised way.
3. It may be impossible to develop a test
to detect the genes . Posted by Bob Doyle at 14/12/2008 3:02 PM // Add Comment
Tags: Ball, Sports, Fans

Unit 3


Write a biography of a famous person from
your country that you admire. Use 100-150
1. Write the words in the correct order to form sentences.
There may be more than one correct answer. WRITING YOUR BIOGRAPHY
1. these / sunglasses / how much / do / cost / ?
1. Brainstorm your biography.
How much do these sunglasses cost?
Choose a famous person. Think of
2. angrily / Mark / last night / the party / left / . someone who is interesting or special in
Mark left the party angrily last night. / Last some way.
night, Mark left the party angrily.
3. am listening / to music / now / outside / I / . Use the Internet to nd information. Start
I am listening to music outside now. by using a search engine such as Google.
4. study / at school / he / does / hard / every day / ? Look at several sites and nd two or three
Does he study hard at school every day? that contain the information you want.
Make a list of the facts and information
5. mum / cake / I / baked / yesterday / for / my / a / .
you found. Decide which facts to include.
I baked a cake for my mum yesterday. /
Yesterday, I baked a cake for my mum. 2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in
2. Read the rst paragraph of the biography. Underline Exercises 2 and 3 and the plan below to
the sentence with an error in word order. Rewrite the help you.
sentence correctly.
Fernando Alonso Diaz PLAN
Opening: State who the person is / was and
In the competitive, dangerous sport of high-speed what they are famous for.
Formula One motor racing, Fernando Alonso Diaz is a
Body: Write about the persons early
star. He became the youngest driver to win in 2005 the life, career developments and
World Drivers Championship title. achievements.
He became the youngest driver to win the World Closing: Sum up the persons achievements.
Drivers Championship title in 2005. Include their future plans if you
know them.
3. Read the rest of the paragraphs in the biography.
3. Write a rst draft.
Number the paragraphs in the correct order.
4. Use the checklist to check your work.
Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
4 Since then, Fernandos career has been highly and grammatically correct answers.
successful. He also, however, experienced what every CHECKLIST
racing driver fears a high-speed crash. Luckily, he
survived. I followed the plan for a biography.
2 Fernando was born in Oviedo, Asturias, Spain, I used correct word order.
in 1981. His father was an amateur kart racer and I put the information from the Internet
encouraged his sons interest in the sport. By the into my own words.
time Fernando was 17, he had won major karting I checked grammar, spelling and
competitions. punctuation.
5 Despite all this success, he seems to know whats
really important in life. He is a Goodwill Ambassador
for UNICEF. And, when he won the World Drivers
Championship title for the first time, he dedicated it
to his family and friends.
3 From karts, he graduated to racing cars. He
competed in his first car races in 1999, setting a new
speed record. In 2000, he competed in Formula 3000.
He finished second in one race that season and won
another, allowing him to become a Formula One driver
in 2001.

See Writing Guide, Students Book page 153 25

Progress Check Unit 3
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Replace each word or expression in bold with 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form
a suitable word or expression below. Make of the verbs in brackets.
any necessary changes. havent got
1. I (not get) my driving licence
have a head start break the record yet.
take up seek win the argument unfair
2. Julia bought (buy) a new iPod last
beat an opponent achieve willpower
1. The local tennis club is trying to find a new
3. Have you ever taken part
coach for its youth team.
seeking (take part) in a reality show?
4. Why did they leave (leave) so
2. The aim of the game is to defeat the other
early last night?
beat an opponent
4. Complete the passage with the correct form
3. He succeeded in getting what he wanted. of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple
achieved or Present Perfect Simple.
4. Sheila started knitting last year.
took up Paula Radcliffe 1. has been (be) a runner
all her life, but her career 2. hasnt always gone
5. Henry didnt give up until he convinced
everyone that he was right. (not always go) well. On the one hand, in 2008, Paula
won the argument
3. became (become) the second woman to
win the New York Marathon three times. On the other
6. It takes a lot of self-discipline for a chocoholic
to give up chocolate. hand, she 4. hasnt achieved (not achieve) her
willpower ultimate goal yet. Paula 5. failed (fail) to
win in the last two Olympics. She thought she could
7. I thought the decision was not justified.
unfair win in Athens in 2004, but she 6. didnt reach
(not reach) the finish line. Then an injury
8. I began before everyone else, so I was the
7. prevented (prevent) her from preparing
first to finish the project.
had a head start properly for the Beijing Olympics, where she
8. came (come) 23rd. However, she
9. hasnt given up
2. Complete the sentences with a suitable (not give up). The Olympics is
collocation. Use the verbs set, raise or win and something that I 10. have dreamt / (dream) about
the words below.
have dreamed
since I was a little girl, she says.
the issue the salaries a date
a precedent the competition
1. Mr Jones decided to raise the salaries of all
his employees last year.
5. Correct the errors in word order.
2. Although he tried his best, he didnt
1. Does the teacher give you always homework?
win the competition.
Does the teacher always give you homework?
3. Barack Obama set a precedent when he
2. Why havent you my book given me back?
became the first African-American president.
Why havent you given me back my book?
4. We want to raise the issue of teenage
3. Sharon brought her dog yesterday to school.
drivers at the next council meeting.
Sharon brought her dog to school yesterday.
5. They set a date for the end-of-year

Unit 3

Progress Check Units 1-3

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form
Correct the false sentences. of the verbs in brackets.
F 1. An open-minded person never changes 1. Where were you sitting (sit)
his mind. when the lesson began?
An open-minded person may / 2. My brother delivers (deliver)
might change his mind.
T 2. All living creatures breathe. newspapers very early in the mornings.
3. Are you coming (come) to the
F 3. An acquaintance is someone you know festival tonight? Itll be fun.
very well. 4. Mark slept (sleep) through the
An acquaintance is someone you entire concert last night.
dont know very well.
F 4. When you hesitate, you react quickly. 5. The mechanic had repaired (repair) my
When you hesitate, you react slowly. car by the time I arrived.
T 5. Protective clothing prevents injuries. 6. Jane hasnt lost (not lose) a game of
tennis yet.
7. I dont understand(not understand) what
2. Complete the passage with the correct form youre saying to me.
of the words and expressions below.
challenge realise endurance
4. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
survive lucky to be alive brackets. Do not change the original meaning
seriously injured join single of the sentences.

Touching the Void is a book about 1. endurance and 1. How long has Paul been a lawyer? (When)
determination, as well as a great deal of luck. Written When did Paul become a lawyer?
by Joe Simpson, the book tells how he and a friend, 2. This is my first time at a hockey match. (never)
Simon Yates, climbed a 6,300-metre mountain in the Ive never been to a hockey match.
Andes, Peru. This was quite a 2. challenge , since it 3. Vera is in the middle of her homework. (now)
had never been done there before. They made it to the Vera is doing her homework now.
top in a terrible snowstorm. Coming down the
4. Harriet cleaned the house. Then the guests
mountain, they were tied together by a 3. single
arrived. (by the time)
rope. Joe slipped and broke his leg. He was Harriet had cleaned the house by the time
seriously injured
and couldnt go on. Simon the guests arrived.
5. realised he needed to help him down, so he 5. Whats your opinion about this idea? (think)
lowered Joe 90 metres at a time. Once, Simon lowered What do you think about this idea?
him too far and Joe was left hanging over the cliff,
almost pulling Simon off the mountain. It was a painful Writing
decision to make, but Simon cut the rope, sending Joe
down the mountain to his death. But Joe 5. Choose the correct answer.
6. survived . He knew he was 7.lucky to be alive . 1. There was silence when, suddenly / eventually,
In great pain, he crawled down the mountain and there was a terrible scream.
8. joined his friend four days later. Joe says that 2. We won the match after / then I scored a goal.
in Simons place, he would also have cut the rope. 3. He doesnt carefully listen / listen carefully.
4. I joined yesterday a sports club /
a sports club yesterday.

3. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence.
Correct the false sentences.
F 1. A source is the end of something.
A source is the beginning of something.
F 2. A shore is the land along the edge of a
A shore is the land along the edge
of a body of water.
T 3. A surface is the top of something.

Landmarks F 4. A ruler is a person who follows orders.

A ruler is a person who gives orders.
F 5. A skyscraper is a very low building.
A skyscraper is a very tall building.
VOCABULARY T 6. A landmark is a recognisable or important
building or structure.

1. Complete the sentences with the most F 7. An engineer is a machine that designs
suitable adjective below. things.
narrow huge spare leisure bare An engineer is a person that designs
1. The citys football stadium is T 8. A bridge connects two places or things.
huge it holds 80,000 spectators.
2. Our new house has got two spare rooms
for guests. Its nice to have the extra space. 4. Write a logical response with the words in
brackets. Use the correct form of want. Add
3. Some of the roads here are very narrow ,
any necessary words.
so look out for other cars.
1. Its Michelles birthday tomorrow.
4. I want to hang some pictures on these two (buy a present)
bare walls.
I want to buy her a present .
5. Walking my dog in the park is a leisure
2. Our neighbours television is very loud.
activity that I enjoy.
(turn it down)
We want them to turn it down .
2. Match the adjectives in I to their
meanings in II. 3. Youre making too much noise.
(be quiet)
I want you to be quiet .
1. ancient 4 a. beautiful, amazing
4. He doesnt feel like studying.
2. spacious 2 b. having plenty of room
(do homework)
3. major 1 c. very old He doesnt want to do homework now .
4. breathtaking 3 d. significant, important 5. Sam insulted me.
I want him to apologise / want Sam .
to apologise to me

Unit 4

5. Rewrite the sentences by changing the underlined words from British English to American English, or
from American English to British English. Make any necessary changes.
1. My new apartment is next to a small movie theater.
My new flat is next to a small cinema.
2. They live on the ground floor, so they never use the lift.
They live on the first floor, so they never use the elevator.
3. The clothing store were going to is downtown.
The clothing shop were going to is in the city centre.
4. My mother likes going to this mall because its got a large parking lot.
My mother likes going to this shopping centre because its got a large car park.
5. In this neighbourhood of houses with gardens, there are no pavements.
In this neighbourhood of houses with yards, there are no sidewalks.

6. Complete the passage with the words and phrases below.

storeys bridge support reach for torn down
surfaces running out luxury steel

Due to a growing concern about natural resources 1.running out , there is an increased interest in
constructing homes and buildings with recycled materials.
One example of this type of building is an earthship. First, a basic wooden frame is constructed to 2. support
the structure. Then, the outer and inner walls are built with used earth-filled tyres. Doors and windows are fitted
and, finally, the 3. surfaces of the walls are covered with cement or adobe. An earthship can be built with one
or two 4. storeys , and some large earthships even resemble expensive 5. luxury homes.
Does this all make you want to 6. reach for the nearest tyre and start building? Perhaps, instead, youd prefer
to consider a simpler home built of plastic water bottles, as a man in Serbia built. Or you may want to build a
home from an old 7. bridge thats being 8. torn down , or even a highway. Thats exactly what was done
in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. A home was built from the 9. steel and other materials that were removed
from a highway.
Creative people all over the world are coming up with new and unusual eco-friendly designs for homes and other
buildings. The only limit is human imagination.

7. Complete the sentences. Make them true for you.

1. The most spacious room in my home is Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. .
2. In my spare time, I like to .
3. At home, we sometimes run out of .
4. A major decision I recently made was to .
5. One of the landmarks in my town is .
6. My parents usually want me to .

GRAMMAR 3. Three sentences in Exercise 2 can also be
written using Present Continuous with future
meaning. Rewrite them in that form.
2. The museums contemporary art
exhibition is opening at 9.00.
1. Choose the correct answer. 4. We have to watch the news tonight.
The Prime Minister is making a
1. Careful! The coffee will spill / is going to spill. major announcement.
2. Dont worry. I am helping / will help you study
6. I hate to miss your party, but I am
visiting my friend in hospital tonight.
for the test. 4. Choose the correct answer.
3. I invited Luke to join us, but Im sure he 1. Dan on Thursday morning, so lets meet him
isnt coming / wont come. for lunch.
4. Are you going to wear / Will you wear your a. will have arrived b. will be arriving
new dress tonight? 2. By tomorrow, we our exam results.
5. On Saturday, Debra is going / will go to her a. will be receiving b. will have received
grandparents for dinner. 3. How many lessons by the time you go for
6. Lets take the dog to the park. He is enjoying / your driving test?
will enjoy playing there. a. will you have taken b. will you be taking

7. I really like these earrings! I think Ill buy / 4. My parents in New York next year.
Im going to buy them! a. will have lived b. will be living

8. Im going to take / I will take a jumper 5. By the time her new CD comes out, she her
tonight in case it gets cold. world tour.
a. will have started b. will be starting
2. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple 5. Answer the questions with the words in
or be going to. brackets. Use the Future Perfect or Future
1. Which team do you think
will win (win) the match on 1. Why are you so nervous about the drive
Saturday? tomorrow?
(drive / on / narrow mountain roads)
2. The museums contemporary art exhibition
Because I will be driving on narrow
will open (open) at 9.00.
mountain roads. .
3. Watch out! You are going to fall (fall).
2. Can you play basketball at around five today?
4. We have to watch the news tonight. The Prime
(not finish / my homework / by then)
Minister is going to make (make) a major
No, I wont have finished my
will feel homework by then. .
5. Sue (feel) more relaxed
after her exams are over. 3. Whats your sister going to do while shes in
6. I hate to miss your party, but I
am going to visit (visit) my friend in (participate / in / an archeological dig)
She will be participating in an
hospital tonight.
archeological dig. .
7. Dont worry. I will help (help) you
arrange everything. 4. Are you studying at university now?
Are (attend / next year)
8. yougoing to meet(meet) us this
Not yet, but I will be attending next year.
9. There are no clouds in the sky. It
5. Do you know why theres a party for Mr Abbott
isnt going to rain (not rain) today. this week?
(teach / here / for 25 years)
Because on Friday, he will have taught here
for 25 years. .

Unit 4

6. Complete the advert with the correct form of 8. Correct the errors.
the verbs in brackets. Use future tenses. There
1. There is no milk left. I buy some this evening.
may be more than one correct answer.
There is no milk left. I will buy some
this evening.
2. Look! The glasses will fall.
Look! The glasses are going to fall.
Architecture Association 3. By this time tomorrow, Tom will decided which
Student Competition house to buy.
Possible answers: By this time tomorrow, Tom will have
Have you got an idea for a unique house or building? decided which house to buy.
going to study 4. He moves to Liverpool next week.
1. Are you (study) architecture He is going to move / is moving to
next year? Well, maybe now is the time to put your Liverpool next week.
5. Dont phone after 10 oclock. They will are
imagination to work. sleeping.
During July and August, the Architecture Association Dont phone after 10 oclock. They will be
2. will be accepting (accept) entries for its 10th sleeping.
Student Competition. The entry forms are already 9. Translate the sentences.
available on our website. 1. Will there be some leisure time on the trip?
All the entries 3. will be (be) Habr tiempo libre en el viaje?
on display in the Associations building in 2. They will have completed the skyscraper by the
September and October, and professional architects year 2012.
are going to judge / will
4. be judging
(judge) each design. This Habrn terminado el rascacielos para el
are going to be / will be ao 2012.
years prizes 5. (be) the best 3. I wont have any spare time this weekend.
ever offered! The creators of the top three designs No tendr (nada de) tiempo libre este fin
de semana.
6. will receive (receive) 1,000 each, a 4. At this time tomorrow, we will be enjoying the
professionally built model of his or her design and breathtaking view from our hotel room.
an architect-led tour of five of Londons landmark
Maana a estas horas estaremos disfrutando de la vista
impresionante desde nuestra habitacin del hotel.
buildings. 5. The countrys ruler is going to make an
Were confident that by announcement in an hour.
El gobernante del pas va a hacer un
the competitions end, we anuncio dentro de una hora.
7. will have seen
(see) a lot of fascinating, Grammar Review
creative designs.
Be a part of it! 10. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.
1. Sally has to work late tonight. By the time the
shop closes, she will have been (be)
there for 12 hours.
2. By the time I arrived, everyone
7. Complete the sentences. Make them true for had left (leave) the party.
you. Use future tenses. 3. That pizza smells good! I think I
1. I hope that one day, I will have / (have) a piece.
Accept all logical and grammatically .
am going to have
4. I know youre not jogging today, but
correct answers.
2. Im busy at the weekend. My friends and I are you going to jog (jog) tomorrow?
. 5. I love those jeans! Where
3. Hopefully, by next year I did you buy (you / buy) them?
. 6. I was so embarrassed yesterday. John arrived
4. Its possible that in another five years, my parents while I was arguing (argue) with my
. mum.

Same Rooms,
READING Different Views
Imagine being able to rotate your house so that you can
1. Scan the text and nd the following
information: have different views whenever you want, or so that the sun
or shade can warm or cool different rooms.
1. the year Franois Massau built his first
heliotropic house 1958 In 1958, the first of three such houses built by Franois
2. the size of the Massau house in Wavre Massau in Wavre, Belgium, was completed. Massau had
130 square metres no training as a builder, architect or engineer. Nor did he
3. the name of an architect David Fisher have any money. But Massau had inspiration a sick wife
and the imagination to design a house that would provide
2. Read the text and choose the correct answer. as much sunshine and warmth for her as possible.
1. The word heliotropic His plan was a heliotropic house. Heliotropic, from Greek,
a. originated from Franois Massau. means turning to the sun, and usually refers to a plants
b. always refers to houses that rotate. characteristic of growing towards the sun. Massaus idea
c. is most commonly used in reference to
was simple. Each of his three heliotropic houses is built
how plants grow.
on a steel track on top of an immovable foundation, and
d. means from the sun in Greek.
under a stationary roof held up on columns. At the push
2. Which is NOT mentioned as a benefit of rotating
of a button, an electric motor causes the house to revolve
slowly. For the 130 square metre house in Wavre, one
a. They are quieter than standard buildings.
complete rotation takes an hour and a half. The house can
b. They conserve energy.
be stopped at any point, and the movement does not affect
c. They provide varying views.
d. They can be positioned to take advantage plumbing or electricity.
of sun and shade.

3. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. Franois Massaus sick wife was his inspiration
for building a heliotropic house .
2. Electric motors make Massaus three houses
revolve slowly .
3. Dynamic architecture is one of the other
names for heliotropic buildings .
4. In David Fishers skyscrapers, wind turbines
will provide the power for each storeys .
Today, heliotropic buildings also referred to as revolving,
4. Find words or expressions in the text that rotating, sunflower or dynamic architecture are considered
mean the opposite of: environmentally friendly. Because they can be revolved
1. healthy towards or away from the sun, they require less energy to
(paragraph 2) sick heat and cool than standard buildings.
2. remove, take away
Soon, the worlds first rotating skyscraper is going to be
(paragraph 2) provide
built in Dubai. Its architect, David Fisher, is also planning
3. moving
two more, one in Moscow and another in New York City.
(paragraph 3) stationary
In Fishers designs, each storey of the building will rotate
4. have no influence on independently of the others, powered by wind turbines.
(paragraph 3) affect
If rotating architecture becomes popular, more of us can look
5. unique
(paragraph 4) standard forward to waking up to a different view each morning.

Unit 4


Write a description of a place in your town.
Use 100-150 words.

1. Choose the adjective that does not belong. WRITING YOUR DESCRIPTION
1. breathtaking / narrow / spectacular
1. Brainstorm your description.
2. luxurious / elegant / frightening Think of places that you have visited.
3. noisy / marvellous / wonderful Decide on a place that is interesting or
4. beautiful / lovely / immense special in some way. You may want to use
the Internet to nd out facts about it.
5. ancient / huge / towering
Think about the following questions.
Choose the points that are relevant to
2. Write the adjectives in the correct order for each your essay.
sentence. - Where is the place?
1. That brick, big, old building is a school. - When was it built?
big, old, brick - What does it look like?
2. The new shopping centre is a / an huge, glass, ugly - What is special or interesting about it?
building. ugly, huge, glass - What can you do there?
3. The villages picturesque, ancient, long streets were - What is the atmosphere like?
crowded during the festival.picturesque, long, ancient - What impression does it give the visitor?
4. The restaurant has got granite, Italian, grey tables. - What is your opinion of the place?
grey, Italian, granite - Do you recommend that people visit it?

2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in

3. Complete the description with the adjectives below. Exercise 3 and the plan below to help you.
Do not use the same adjective twice.
lively Roman difcult ancient PLAN
spacious crowded unusual Opening: Give the name and location of the
place and one or two details. Say
what is special or interesting
Covent Garden Piazza about it.
crowded / lively Body: Describe the place in more detail
The Covent Garden Piazza is a 1. shopping
and give examples of the things
and entertainment area in central London. Its hard to you can see or do there.
believe that it is built on land that was once a vegetable
Closing: Write a concluding sentence
garden for a church. and give an opinion or
The piazza was built in 1630, and soon became famous recommendation.
for its open-air fruit, vegetable and flower market. The
indoor market, Covent Garden Market, was built in the 3. Write a rst draft.
piazza in 1830. This beautiful building is still there.
Its worth taking a moment to admire the exterior which 4. Use the checklist to check your work.
looks like an 2. ancient 3. Roman bathhouse. Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
and grammatically correct answers.
Today, the outdoor market has gone. Instead, CHECKLIST
there are shops, cafs and restaurants all around I followed the plan for a description of a
the 4. spacious piazza. The square is usually place.
5.lively / crowded
and theres always a festive atmosphere
because of the performers who entertain visitors. In both I used a variety of adjectives to describe
the place.
the piazza and the indoor market, shops offer everything
from 6. unusual pieces of jewellery to antique books I followed the rules for adjective order.
and maps. Theres so much to choose from its very I checked grammar, spelling and
7. difficult to make a decision! punctuation.
Be sure to put the Covent Garden Piazza on your list of
places to visit in London. Youll definitely enjoy it!

See Writing Guide, Students Book page 154 33

Progress Check Unit 4
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Write the words next to their meanings. 5. Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future
storey skyscraper shore bridge Perfect Simple or Future Continuous.
ruler resort
1. By the end of the month, we
1. a structure across a river or roadbridge will have finished (finish) our project.
2. an extremely tall building skyscraper 2. By this time next year, will
3. land at the edge of the sea or a lake Jimmy have passed (pass) his
shore driving test?
4. one floor or level of a building storey 3. We can go round there at three oclock. He
5. a person who has power over a country wont be working (not work) then.
6. a place where a lot of people go on holiday 6. Complete the passage with the correct form
resort of the verbs in brackets. Use future tenses.
There may be more than one correct answer.
Possible answers:
2. Which noun cannot be described by the When I finish school this year, I 1. am going to work
adjective in bold?
(work) in my uncles office. He is an architect and
1. huge responsibility country class mark thats what I want to be too. I 2. am going to stay
2. breathtaking smell view picture sight (stay) there for a few months until the new academic
3. ancient times custom person drawing year starts. By then, I 3. will have gained (gain)
4. spare time money tyre question some experience and 4. will be (be) ready
to start at the College of Architecture. My only real
3. Rewrite the sentences by changing the problem is that the college hasnt accepted me yet
underlined words from British English to because I havent completed my entrance project. I
American English, or from American English 5. am going to stay
(stay) at home most evenings
to British English.
until I get it done. I 6. am going to ask (ask) Ian to
1. There are at least 100 shops in the local
help me, since he was accepted last year and knows
shopping centre.
what is required. But that means Ive got very little
There are at least 100 stores in the local is going / is going (go)to go
mall. time, as he 7. abroad soon. I
hope I 8.will have managed(manage) to present my
2. The sidewalk near our local movie theater is work before he leaves. I think I can do it!
always littered with ice-cream wrappers.
The pavement near our local cinema is
always littered with ice-cream wrappers. Writing
7. Write the adjectives in the correct order for
4. Choose the correct answer.
each sentence.
1. The teacher told the student, I want
1. The Parthenon is a / an ancient, Greek, stone
you to leave / to leave the classroom now,
(stone / Greek / ancient) temple.
2. My office is in a tall, green, glass
2. Dan asked his father, I want to use /
(glass / tall / green) skyscraper.
you to use the car tonight. Is that OK?
3. Peters neighbour is a / an
unattractive, short, (middle-aged /
unattractive / short) man.

Unit 4

Progress Check Units 1-4

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Match the words in I with their meanings 4. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
in II. brackets. Do not change the original meaning
of the sentences.
1. disorder 3 a. a person invited to a place 1. How long have you been playing tennis? (start)
When did you start playing tennis?
2. thrill or event
4 b. divide something between 2. Ben bought his horse two years ago. (for)
3. guest Ben has had his horse for two years.
4. share
1 c. an illness or abnormal 3. Theyre going to rehearse the play from 6.00 to
7.00 tomorrow. (at 6.30 tomorrow)
They will be rehearsing the play at 6.30
2 d. sudden strong feeling of tomorrow.
5. Complete the passage with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.
2. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to
the underlined words. Many people believe that they 1. will be
1. The dog ran off with my shoe when I opened / (be) happier one day with more money. But
shut the door. 2. is (be) this really true? A 17-year-old
2. Jean listened / didnt listen to our conversation lottery winner 3. is facing (face) that
while she was pretending to be asleep. question today. A few weeks ago, he
3. It was such a relief to find I hadnt / had locked
4. went (go) into a shop and
the front door when we left. 5. bought (buy) a lottery ticket. At that
4. Firefighters / Architects often risk their lives. time, he 6. was working (work) in a fast-food
5. Jon took the lift to the fifth floor because he restaurant. Today, he 7. is celebrating (celebrate)
needed the exercise / was tired. his 2 million win. Unfortunately, people
8. arent (not be) always careful with
3. The following sentences dont make sense. their winnings. For example, one woman
Make them logical by replacing the words in 9. won (win) a large sum of money in a
bold with the words below. lottery last year. She 10. rushed (rush) to
furious condent skinny glass the nearest car showroom and 11. spent
suit single (spend) the money on an expensive car. Today, she has
1. Come to the interview wearing a request and got very little money because she
tie, please. suit 12. has already spent
(already / spend) it all.
2. The thief was valuable when the police found
the jewels he had stolen. furious
3. I dont understand why muscular models
are considered beautiful. Theyre far too thin.
6. Write the words in the correct order to form
skinny sentences.
4. Les has put in windows with special willpower 1. glass / unusual / I / modern / bought / table / an
that keeps out the noise. glass I bought an unusual, modern, glass table.
5. Ann is impulsive she will win. confident 2. didnt / me / tell / why / truth / the / you
6. He answered every startled question correctly. Why didnt you tell me the truth?
single 3. book / finally / the / he / me / returned / to
He finally returned the book to me.
Finally, he returned the book to me.
2. Complete the captions with the words and
phrases below.
cubs in captivity hunt conservation
breeds predators habitats cages

Speak Out!
Predators are animals that hunt other
VOCABULARY animals for food.

1. Choose the sentence that best follows the
1. Mary is longing for Dave to return from his
a. Shes very excited to see him.
b. Shes nervous about seeing him.
2. Im very short of time today.
a. Im free all day. The safari park breeds lions, but doesnt
b. Lets meet tomorrow instead. allow visitors near the cubs .
3. Hold your horses!
a. Im not ready to go yet. 3
b. We really have to hurry!
4. I felt like a fish out of water at the opera.
a. I usually go to rock concerts.
b. I felt ill, and it was difficult for me to breathe.
5. This plant will be better off in the kitchen.
a. Thats why we should move it into the
living room.
b. Theres more light there. Animals that are in captivity in zoos are often
6. Julia let the cat out of the bag. kept in cages .
a. But I wont tell anyone else.
b. She revealed nothing. 4
7. No matter what you say, Im going out with
a. Thats why Id like to know your opinion.
b. I dont care about your opinion.
8. It was a hectic day at the shop.
a. People came in all day.
b. Very few people came in.
Many animals habitats are disappearing
becauseconservationlaws arent properly

Unit 5

3. Complete the sentences by adding un-, dis-, im-, il-, in- or ir- to form the opposite meaning of the
adjectives below. Use a dictionary to help you.
responsible legal usual patient advantage relevant
1. The onlydisadvantageof this neighbourhood is that it lacks public transport.
2. His story was irrelevant to the investigation. It didnt help at all.
3. Its illegal to park your car on the pavement.
4. Dont be so impatient ! Im almost ready to go.
5. You always lose things. I think youre veryirresponsible.
6. Thats an unusual building. Ive never seen such an odd design before!

4. Complete the sentences by adding inter-, over-, re-, ex-, under- or mis- to the words in brackets.
1. I have to rewrite (write) my essay because I didnt get a good mark.
2. Our dog is overweight (weight), so the vet recommended low-calorie food.
undercharged(charged) me for this shirt. Instead of 25, I paid 15!
3. The shop
4. The actorsex-wife (wife) wrote a book about their failed marriage.
5. The intercity (city) train between Manchester and London is fast and comfortable.
6. When young children misbehave (behave), its often because theyre tired.

5. Complete the passage with the words below.

customers hectic miss no matter what fee dream come true
breed claimed owners better off lifelong ex-president

Dog Shows Or People Shows?

My dog would 1. miss the excitement if I The only people who are honest about why they attend
suddenly stopped entering him in competitions, said dog shows are those who 9. breed dogs. They
Patricia Graham, 2.ex-president of the Newbury admit that for the cost of an entry 10. fee , they
Dog Club. can display their dogs and puppies to
dream come true hundreds of potential 11. customers
For my poodle Meg, it was a 3. to win first
place at last years show, 4. claimed 70-year-old Ian in a short time. And thats very good
Witcolm, a 5. lifelong participant in dog shows. for their business.

I heard these statements at two dog shows I attended The next time you think about
no matter what 7. owners entering your dog in a show,
last month. But 6. dog
say, Im convinced that they participate in dog shows think about whether
for themselves, not for their dogs. In general, although your dog would be
a few dogs seemed to enjoy the noisy, 8. hectic 12. better off
atmosphere, most of them didnt care when they won staying at home.
although their owners were very excited.

6. Complete the sentences. Make them true for you.

1. I feel cosy when Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. .
2. I felt like a fish out of water when .
3. I would love to touch a wild .
4. If I left my hometown, I would miss .
5. I think its unfair .

1. Choose the correct relative pronoun. Underline the sentence in which you can omit the relative
August is the month 1. when / where we go on holiday. Every year, our dog, 2. that / which is a German
shepherd, comes with us. We always stay at hotels 3. that / where allow dogs. Usually there are other guests
whose / who have brought their dogs. Last year, our hotel was near a big park 5. where / which the dogs
could play. The guests, 6. whose / when dogs were playing, talked and got to know each other.

2. Add the missing commas to the sentences where necessary. Circle the sentences that contain a
non-dening clause.
1. Jan,who is an incredible dancer, is joining a dance group.
2. The tiger that the documentary was about was released into the wild.
3. Ive never seen Madonna, whose music I love, in concert.
4. I finally saw the film which everyone is talking about.
5. The Kings Head pub,where I worked for two years,closed last week.

3. Form sentences by matching I to II and adding the correct relative pronoun. There may be more than
one correct relative pronoun for some sentences.
1. Yesterday, I ran into Dan, who 7 a. I was at a friends, my dog ran away.
2. On the tour, well see the palace where 8 b. tell lies.
3. I need a bicycle that / which 6 c. it gets warmer and the snow melts.
4. I feel sorry for the families whose 4 d. homes were destroyed in the fire.
5. Many people surf in California, which 5 e. is on the Pacific coast of the USA.
6. My favourite season is spring, when 3 f. is more comfortable than this one.
7. Last Saturday, when 1 g. I hadnt seen for a long time.
8. Nobody likes people who / that 2 h. the Queen lives.

4. Combine the sentences using the relative pronoun in brackets. Make any necessary changes.
There may be more than one correct answer.
1. My brother is a vet. He fights for animal rights. (who)
My brother is a vet, who fights for animal rights. / My brother,
who fights for animal rights, is a vet.
2. I want to see the photograph. You took it for the student magazine. (which)
I want to see the photograph which you took for the student magazine.
3. Id like you to meet Sarah. Her office is next to yours. (whose)
Id like you to meet Sarah, whose office is next to yours.
4. Our DVD player broke down last week. We bought it five years ago. (which)
Our DVD player, which we bought five years ago, broke down last week.
5. Last summer, I was very happy. I was in Paris with my friends. (when)
Last summer, I was very happy when I was in Paris with my friends. /
Last summer, when I was with my friends in Paris, I was very happy.
6. This is the park. Brian found a stray puppy here. (where)
This is the park where Brian found a stray puppy.

Unit 5

5. Combine the sentences with a suitable 7. Correct the errors.

relative pronoun. Make any necessary
1. I work in an organisation that it works for the
conservation of animals.
1. Geese can be as protective as dogs. They are I work in an organisation that works for
sometimes used as guard animals. the conservation of animals.
2. Bongos, that live in the mountains of Kenya,
Geese, which can be as protective as dogs, have been endangered for years.
are sometimes used as guard animals.
2. Ive got a friend. His sister appeared on Pop Idol. Bongos, which live in the mountains of
Ive got a friend whose sister appeared Kenya, have been endangered for years.
3. There are many pets that their owners are cruel.
on Pop Idol. There are many pets whose owners are cruel.
3. I lived here until 2005. I moved to Leeds then.
I lived here until 2005 when I moved to Leeds. 4. This is a wonderful zoo where none of the
4. Robert is a DJ. He works at the new club. animals dont live in cages there.
This is a wonderful zoo where none of
Robert is a DJ who / that works at the new club. the animals live in cages.
5. We live in times where we can rent anything.
5. The hotel is full. The President is staying there.
We live in times when we can rent
The hotel where the President is staying is full. anything.
6. Jane knows three languages. Shes studying to 8. Translate the sentences.
be a translator. 1. You shouldnt underestimate the animals pain.
Jane, who knows three languages, is
studying to be a translator. / Jane, who No deberas menospreciar el dolor del animal.
is studying to be a translator, knows
three languages. 2. These animals wouldnt be better off in animal
6. Complete the passage with suitable relative shelters, where theyre often short of food.
pronouns. There may be more than one Estos animales no estaran mejor en
correct answer. refugios para animales, donde a menudo
estn escasos
3. Customers, whode
a monthly fee, pick up a
Royal Swans dog from the office.
Open a tourist brochure or visit a website about Britain, and Los clientes, quienes pagan una cuota
mensual, recogen al perro en la oficina.
you might also see a photo of large white swans. These water 4. Spain is a country where hunting is legal.
birds, 1. which are also called mute swans, are a Espaa es un pas en el que la caza es legal.
much-loved sight in Britain, 2. where approximately
5. A cute tiger cub will soon grow into an adult
30,000 of them live. You may be surprised to learn that there
which is fierce and dangerous.
is actually someone 3. who / that owns them. All the Un bonito cachorro de tigre pronto se
swans 4. that / which live on Britains rivers, canals and convertir en un adulto (que es) feroz y
lakes belong to the Queen. This tradition began about 500 peligroso.
years ago, 5. when mute swans were bred for food.
At the time, swan breeders had to give their birds a special Grammar Review
mark, but unmarked birds were considered royal property.
9. Rewrite the sentences with the words in
The swans are still owned by the Queen. Among the royal brackets. Make any necessary changes.
staff is a Swan Keeper, 6. whose job includes
1. Sally met Jason six months ago. (know)
organising a traditional ceremony called the Swan-
Sally has known Jason for six months.
upping. This always occurs in the third week of July,
7. when swans on the River Thames are counted 2. Were going to visit our cousins in Rome in six
and identified. days! (this time next week)
This time next week, we will be visiting
There are some people today 8. who / that think its silly our cousins in Rome.
for the swans to belong to the monarch, but many others 3. We are finishing exams in June. (by the end of
attribute the survival of the species to its royal protection. June) By the end of June, we will have
finished exams. / We will have finished
exams by the end of June.
4. I have a meeting with Julie next month. (meet)
Im going to meet / Im meeting Julie
next month.
5. We met at the hotel. I work there. (where)
We met at the hotel where I work.

READING Animal Heirs
Inheriting $12 million is not something that happens to
1. Look at the words in bold in the text and try
to guess their meanings. Pay attention to the
most people, and certainly not to dogs. But in August
part of speech. 2007, that became a reality for a little Maltese dog
called Trouble, when her owner, Leona Helmsley, died.
2. Read the text and write T (True) or F (False) Helmsley, heiress to her husbands fortune, also left
for each sentence. Find information in the text several billion dollars to a charity mainly dedicated to
to support your answers.
caring for dogs.
F 1. The veterinary college programme costs
Although Helmsleys bequest was possibly the largest
$25,000 a year.
There is also a veterinary college programme so far to an individual animal, her wish to provide for
which guarantees lifelong care for pets in a beloved pet was not unique. Among the well-known
exchange for a bequest of at least $25,000.
cases of the past 50 years are: a British woman who
T 2. Due to a court case, Leona Helmsleys dog
left her cat a house, household help and over 20,000;
inherited less than $12 million.
an Australian man whose will provided money to
Inheriting $12 million ... became a reality
for a little Maltese dog called Trouble ... improve, breed, and race homing pigeons; and a
South African woman who left money to support her
pet lizards.
3. Find words in the text that match the
following denitions: Many pet owners worry about what will happen to their
1. a woman who inherits money or property pets when they are no longer around to take care of
(paragraph1) heiress them. Recent surveys have revealed that up to a quarter
2. money or property left to someone in a will
of pet owners in the United States leave money for their
(paragraph 2) bequest
pets in their wills. There is also a veterinary college
programme which guarantees lifelong care for pets in
3. clearly stated or designated
exchange for a bequest of at least $25,000.
(paragraph 5) specified
The bequests left in pet owners wills are often
4. a worker for a person or company
challenged in law courts by their families or other
(paragraph 5) employee
potential heirs, as happened in the case of Leona
4. Choose the correct answer.
Helmsleys will. It was also challenged by Helmsleys
own trustees, the people responsible for administering
1. Leona Helmsley
her will. They successfully proved that $2 million was
a. made a fortune in property.
b. inherited money from her husband. enough to support Trouble, who in 2008 was already
c. bought Trouble in August 2007. nine years old.
d. left all her money to Trouble. But money cant buy love. Although
2. The article mentions a cat, pigeons and lizards Helmsleys will specified that Trouble
a. as examples of animal heirs in Britain. was to live with either her brother or
b. because they were among Helmsleys pets. her grandson, both refused. Helmsleys
c. as animals that have been heirs. trustees gave the dog and funds to
d. as examples of animals that cant inherit support her to a Helmsley company
money. employee who had known Trouble
3. Trouble was sent to live with since she was a puppy. Perhaps
a. Helmsleys brother. pet owners should think more
b. Helmsleys grandson. about who will eventually
c. the people Helmsley designated in her will. care for their animals than
d. a Helmsley company worker. how much money to
leave them.

Unit 5


Write a for and against essay about the
advantages and disadvantages of adopting
an animal from a shelter. Use 100-150
1. Choose the correct connector. words.
1. John doesnt enjoy his job. However / Moreover, he likes
the large salary. PLANNING YOUR FOR AND
2. Despite / Although these jeans were expensive, Im glad
I bought them. 1. Brainstorm your essay.
3. Linda owns three dogs as well as / in addition two cats Make a list of pros and cons. Look at the
statements below. Which would you put
and a parrot.
in your pros list? Which would you put
in your cons list?
2. Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 1 with the connectors - Shelters often do not know the background
in brackets below. There may be more than one correct of the animal.
answer. Possible answers:
Although John doesnt enjoy his job, - Animals are often kept in poor conditions in
1. he likes the large salary. (although) shelters and therefore are difficult to train.
2. These jeans were expensive. - Its inexpensive to get an animal from a
Nevertheless, Im glad I bought them.(nevertheless) shelter.
3. Linda owns three dogs. Furthermore,(furthermore)
she owns two cats and a parrot. - Youre giving an animal a home.
- You can return the animal if you are
3. Complete the for and against essay with the connectors unhappy keeping it.
below. There may be more than one correct answer.
even though and on the other hand 2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in
but in addition however in conclusion Exercise 3 and the plan below.
on the one hand whats more despite
Opening: State the issue / controversy.
Recreating Extinct Animals Body: Present arguments supporting one
side of the issue.
The woolly mammoth, which looked Present arguments supporting the
like an elephant with long fur, became other side of the issue.
extinct about 10,000 years ago. Closing: Sum up the topic and state your
1. But / However
, according to some scientists, it opinion.
could, in the near future, be recreated thanks to
sophisticated cloning techniques. Is this a good thing? 3. Write a rst draft.
2. On the one hand
, animal cloning has provided
4. Use the checklist to check your work.
important information on how various types of cells
In addition / , many doctors believe that Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
develop. 3. Whats more and grammatically correct answers.
amazing medical advances will be based on this new
knowledge. 4.On the other hand, there are still many
problems with cloning. The techniques are still not I followed the plan for a for and against
perfect 5. and most cloning attempts fail. essay.
6. Whats more /
, many cloned animals suffer from I used a variety of connectors of addition
In addition
birth defects and serious illnesses, which is why some and contrast.
people oppose cloning 7. despite its potential
benefits. To recreate a long-extinct animal seems I followed the rules for word order with
especially cruel because it would lack companions, proper connectors.
food, and the correct environment and climate. I checked grammar, spelling and
In conclusion, I dont think scientists should clone punctuation.
extinct species. 8. Even though many people
including me would love to be able to see a woolly
mammoth and other long-extinct animals, I dont think
its fair to recreate them for our entertainment.

See Writing Guide, Students Book page 155 41

Progress Check Unit 5
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Match the words in I to their meanings in II. 5. Complete the sentences with a suitable
relative pronoun.
2 1. I dont like people who / that lie to me.
1. fee a. the way you live
6 2. He dreamed of the day when / that he would
2. lifestyle b. for all your life
get his first bicycle.
3. short of 4 c. not afraid of people
3. She was talking to the girl whose mother
4. tame 7 d. very busy
works in the public library.
5. habitat 3 e. not having enough
4. Lets go to the area of the park where we
6. lifelong 1 f. money paid for a job or can walk our dog.
7. hectic 5. Did you see the magician who / that made a
5 g. natural home of an animal spoon disappear?
or plant
6. Im looking for a mobile phonewhich / that
takes photographs in the dark.
2. Choose the correct answer.
1. Ill come and pick up / rent my son soon. 6. Complete the passage with a suitable relative
2. Our living room is very cosy / wild on cold, wet pronoun.
Cesar Millan, known as The Dog Whisperer, is a
3. Would the cub / owner of the blue car please
man 1. who / that knows dogs. People
move it from the entrance? 2. whose dogs are badly behaved seek his help.
4. Its very unkind to keep animals in small fads / Cesar goes into dog owners homes 3. where
he meets their dogs and watches how the owners and
5. All big cats are conservations / predators. their dogs interact. He reminds dog owners that dogs
6. The shop girl was serving a customer / cub are pack animals 4. which / that need a leader. When
at the time. a dog owner becomes the leader 5. who / that
the dog is looking for, the dog will feel safe and
3. Add a suitable prex to form the opposite behave well. Cesar claims that a dog is an animal
meaning of the adjectives below. 6.that / which
lives in a pack and thats how you
1. disadvantage 4. unfair
should treat it.
2. irrelevant 5. inconvenient
3. impossible 6. illogical
4. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to
7. Complete the sentences with a logical ending.
the underlined words.
Pay attention to the connectors in bold.
1. Hold your horses! Walk slower / faster.
1. Ive decided to go abroad this year in spite of
Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers. .
2. Dont underestimate him. Hes as strong as /
2. Ive joined a yoga class as well as
stronger than he looks.
3. Were very pleased with our new house
3. She let the cat out of the bag. Now
although .
everyone knows / very few people know
about it. 4. Jason is an excellent student. Furthermore,

Unit 5

Progress Check Units1-5

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. 3. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
Correct the false sentences. brackets. Do not change the original meaning
F 1. He reminded his mother to buy milk of the sentences.
because yesterday she remembered to do it. 1. This is my first time in a hot-air balloon. (never)
He reminded his mother to buy milk because Ive never been in a hot-air balloon.
yesterday she didnt remember to do it.
T 2. The fact that he was breathing meant that 2. Were going to return home tomorrow. (by next
he was alive. week)
By next week, well have returned home. /
Well have returned home by next week.
F 3. When you beat an opponent, he wins the 3. I havent flown since 2004. (the last time)
race. When you beat an opponent, he
loses the race. / When you beat an The last time I flew was in 2004.
opponent, you win the race. 4. She found her purse. She thought she had left it
F 4. The luxury hotel was cheap.
on the bus. (which)
The luxury hotel wasnt cheap / was
expensive. She found her purse, which she thought
T 5. Fads dont last very long. she had left on the bus.
4. Complete the passage with the correct form of
F 6. Our teacher is so open-minded that he the verbs in brackets.
wont listen to anything we say.
Our teacher is so open-minded that Recently, a toy dog called Biscuit 1. has become
he will listen to anything we say. (become) the best selling toy in the U.K. Shops
2.have already sold
2. The following sentences dont make sense. (already / sell) thousands of these dogs.
Make them logical by replacing the words Biscuit is an electronic dog that 3. looks (look)
in bold with the correct word in bold from a 4. moves
and (move) like a real dog.
different sentence.
It also 5. responds (respond) to voice commands
1. You can pretend this house from the love
such as Sit and Lie down. Children 6.
beginning of the month. rent
(love) this toy dog because it 7. reacts (react)
2. The plastic bag remained on the risk of the
to them. Recently, the manufacturers 8.have warned
lake. surface
(warn) consumers that soon it 9. will be (be)
3. That animal might look wavy, but it doesnt impossible to find this toy in any shop, due to the high
like being with people. tame
demand. Despite its high price (140), people still
4. She ran into the TV as soon as she got home. 10. want (want) to buy it.
switched on
5. The police dont have a single surface to help
them solve the mystery. clue Writing
6. My little brother likes to rent he is a dog. 5. Choose the correct answer.
1. We heard the news while / during our trip.
7. I wish I had tame hair like you. wavy
2. Although / Despite hes tired, he still wants to
8. My biggest clue is growing old. fear go out.
9. George switched on his friend at the shopping 3. We were sleeping when suddenly / eventually,
centre. ran into there was a loud noise outside.
10. Its too big a fear to take on your own.

3. Match each sentence in I with a logical
continuation in II. Pay attention to the
underlined words.
1. His background is very impressive.
2. He ran the business for over ten years.
3. It was overcast most of the month.
4. Last years heatwave broke all records.
Extreme Weather 5. He witnessed a car accident yesterday.
6. He had to go back and forth to the shops.
7. For years, he avoided the city centre.
8. He was so angry that he wanted to strike


5 a. He told the police what he saw.
1. The following sentences dont make sense. 6 b. He kept forgetting things.
Make them logical by replacing the words 3 c. Finally, its sunny today.
in bold with the correct word in bold from a
different sentence. 4 d. It was terribly hot.
1. I shiver a lot when I play tennis, so I always have 8 e. Luckily, he never actually did it.
a shower afterwards. sweat 7 f. He preferred less crowded areas.
2. Please chase your books and put them in your 1 g. He studied medicine and law.
bag. gather 2 h. He made all the major decisions.
3. Without proper warm clothing, youll sweat
during the winter. shiver 4. Complete the sentences with the words in
4. In this scorching fog, its difficult to see. brackets. Use a gerund or an innitive.
thick 1. Katie stopped smoking (smoke) last month.
5. It was warm yesterday, but there was a skilled Im glad she finally quit!
wind at night. chilly 2. We plan to fly (fly) to Dublin in mid-
6. People often walk slowly in thick heat. August.
scorching 3. How did you manage to get (get) those
7. My cat likes to gather dogs. chase free tickets?

8. Shes a chilly guitarist. She learned to play when 4. John remembers putting (put) his keys on
she was a child. skilled the table, but theyre not there now.
5. He refuses to discuss (discuss) the problem.
2. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to 6. Painting (paint) my room is going to be fun!
the underlined words.
7. Im tired of playing (play) this game now.
1. Rather than go out to dinner tonight, lets eat skiing (ski).
8. Ben enjoys
at home / in a restaurant.
2. The floor is slippery. Dont worry! / Be careful!
3. The pollution in the river was deadly to the fish,
so there are no / even more fish in it now.
4. Theres a path between the school and the park
so its possible / impossible to walk between
5. The snow will melt when the weather is
warmer / colder.

Unit 6

5. Complete the second sentence so that it has a 7. Complete the e-mail with the words below.
similar meaning to the rst. Use a gerund or lightning overcast forecast mild
heavy path degrees drought
1. Jeff doesnt eat meat. ood ordinary
Jeff refuses to eat meat .
2. I dont understand why you want to lie.
Whats the point of lying ?

3. My sister never takes the dog for a walk.

My sister always avoids taking the dog . Hi Lisa,
for a walk How are you? Im fine although until yesterday, I
4. He had never thought that he would be famous.
was starting to get bored on this holiday. But then,
He had never imagined being famous .
something exciting happened!
5. She thought she would pass the exam. She
It started out as an 1. ordinary day here
expected to pass the exam . the sun was shining and it was about 23
2. degrees . But then, when we were walking
6. Match I to II to form collocations. Write a on a 3. path in a nature reserve, the sky
collocation under each picture. suddenly became 4. overcast
. A moment later,
I II there were flashes of 5. lightning , and it began
1. bitter 3 a. weather to pour! The rain was so 6. heavy that within
1 minutes, the water rose above our shoes and it was
2. soaking b. cold
almost impossible to walk because of the
3. mild 5 c. heat 7. flood . We somehow managed to reach
4. thick 2 d. wet the souvenir shop, and waited inside for an hour
5. scorching 4 e. fog until the storm stopped.
We never expected to be caught in such weather!
1 2 Until yesterday, there had been a 8. drought
here for over a year, with no rain at all. And the
9. forecast we had heard yesterday morning
predicted 10. mild weather and clear skies
all through the weekend.
Has there been a lot of rain in London, too? See you
next week!

bitter cold scorching heat

8. Complete the sentences. Make them true for
3 4
1. During a heatwave, I dont like to
Accept all logical and grammatically .
correct answers.
2. Last week, I didnt remember
3. Someone I know recently stopped
4. In scorching temperatures, I like to wear
5. I usually shiver when
thick fog soaking wet .

GRAMMAR 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Use modal perfects.
1. Thanks! I couldnt have done
(could not / do) this without you.
1. Choose the correct answer. 2. Susie shouldnt have been (should not / be)
1. Linda might / must / cant meet us at the caf. so rude.
Shell let us know later. 3. I havent seen the neighbours for two days. They
2. I dont believe that! It shouldnt / cant / must have gone (must / go) on holiday.
mustnt be true! 4. We
might not have bought (might not / buy)
3. You must / dont have to / should pass your enough food for the party. Perhaps we need to
driving test in order to get a licence. buy more.
4. Must / Would / Should you please buy more 5. David wouldnt have ignored
bread today? (would not / ignore) you deliberately. He
5. Might / May / Could you rollerblade when you probably didnt see you in the crowd.
were younger?
6. We mustnt / dont have to / might not 5. Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences with a suitable modal perfect.
smoke here. Its not permitted.

2. The following sentences dont make sense.

Make them logical by replacing the modals
in bold with a suitable modal. There may be
more than one correct answer.
1. This must be the correct address. Theres no club should have
They brought an umbrella.
here. cant
2. At first, I was so excited I shouldnt speak! 2
3. You mustnt remind me again. I wont forget.
dont have to / neednt
4. Bill should run the fastest of all the students in
class. can / could must have
Many people been injured in
5. Its not snowing now, but it would snow this accident.
tonight. might / may
6. You might not take photos during the 3
performance. Its against the rules. mustnt

3. Write a sentence about something:

1. you must do at home.
Accept all logical and grammatically He would have gone to the party, but
correct answers. he has been ill all week.
2. you dont have to do at weekends.

3. a friend shouldnt do.

4. you might do next year.

5. your parents cant help you with. He shouldnt have bought her flowers.
Shes allergic to them.

Unit 6

6. Choose the correct answer. 8. Correct the errors.

1. Tom might gets caught in the storm.
Living the Cold Life Tom might get caught in the storm.
When I first moved to Minnesota, USA, I 2. Peter dont have to tell his parents. They
couldnt have believed / couldnt believe already know.
how cold the winter was, or how much it Peter doesnt have to tell his parents.
They already know.
should snow / could snow! But I quickly 3. Sue isnt answering her mobile phone. She
learned how to cope with winter. For example, must leave it at home.
I learned that I 3. had to put / was able to put Sue isnt answering her mobile phone.
She must have left it at home.
special snow tyres on my car so I 4. could drive / 4. Tim didnt do his best. He should has worked
can drive safely. I also learned that water pipes harder.
must freeze / can freeze in cold weather Tim didnt do his best. He should have
worked harder.
when theyre not used. During my first winter in 5. Could have our team won the game?
Minnesota, I went on holiday for two weeks. Could our team have won the game?
When I returned, the water pipes in my house
were frozen. I realised I 6. should have asked / 9. Translate the sentences.
should ask a neighbour to turn on my water for 1. Temperatures may reach 45C during the heat
a few minutes every day in order to prevent the wave.
pipes from freezing. Las temperaturas pueden alcanzar los
45C durante la ola de calor.
2. We must drink a lot of water during a heatwave.
Now Ive lived here for many years, and I
Debemos beber mucha agua durante
enjoy the winters, even when its bitterly cold una ola de calor.
3. You should have avoided driving on that slippery
outside. I especially love winter sports, such as
cross-country skiing and ice-skating. Im happy
Deberas haber evitado conducir por esa
I moved here or I 7. wouldnt have tried / carretera resbaladiza.
4. Tornado chasers are constantly at risk because
shouldnt have tried these sports. Before
they may be struck by lightning. Los cazadores
moving here, I 8. must not have imagined / de tornados estn en peligro constantemente
couldnt have imagined living in this climate, porque pueden ser alcanzados por un rayo.
5. The flood might have destroyed many houses.
but now I 9. cant imagine / shouldnt imagine
La inundacin puede haber destruido
living anywhere else! muchas casas.

7. Complete the dialogues with the correct form

of the verbs in brackets. Use a modal or modal
perfect. There may be more than one possible
Grammar Review
10. Complete the sentences. Make them true
1. A: Would you like (like) some for you.
dessert? 1. Im lucky because I can
B: No thank you. Im full. I shouldnt have Accept all logical and grammatically .
(eat) so much.
eaten correct answers.
2. Last year, I should have
2. A: How did the film end?
B: I dont remember. I must have fallen asleep
3. Next year at this time, I
(fall asleep).
A: Well, next time you shouldnt watch
(watch) a film when youre so tired. 4. My best friend, who
must have got /
3. A: Janes not here yet. She might .
have got /
(get) stuck in traffic. may have got 5. Since I was a child, my parents
B: Thats a shame, because we .
cant start (start) the meeting 6. Last night at 7 oclock, I
without her. .

READING I]^c`^c\6]ZVY###

1. Look at the underlined connectors in the text.

Which is an example of: B:I:DGDAD<N
1. a connector that indicates cause? because Why is meteorology important?
2. a connector that indicates result?For this reason Will there be snow for skiing in the mountains this
3. a connector of contrast? However weekend? Is it going to be warm enough to go to the
4. a connector of additional information? beach? Should I take an umbrella or a jacket when I go
In addition out today? For answers to these questions, we check
the weather forecast on the radio or television, in the
2. Read the text and choose the correct answer. newspaper, or online.
While knowing what the weathers going to be is a
1. Monitoring devices
convenience for most of us, its absolutely vital for
a. are used to analyse satellite photos.
transport industries, the military, road authorities, and
b. help meteorologists make forecasts.
providers of electricity, gas, water and the phone service.
c. are used to take satellite photos.
Having accurate and reliable weather information is
d. provide general weather reports.
crucial for these essential services because it allows them
2. Utility companies
to prepare for potential weather-related problems.
a. employ most of Britains meteorologists.
b. work for the Met. What do meteorologists do?
c. employ fewer meteorologists than the Met. Meteorologists are responsible for collecting, analysing
d. dont employ meteorologists. and updating weather data. The majority of meteorologists
work in forecasting. They make predictions about the
3. Find words in the text that mean the opposite weather based on complex analyses of information from
of: satellite photos and monitoring devices throughout the
1. incorrect (paragraph 2) accurate world. These meteorologists provide both general weather
2. minority (paragraph 3) majority reports to news organisations and consumers, and highly
detailed speciality reports for specific industries, such as
3. simple (paragraph 3) complex
air travel.
4. general (paragraph 6) specialised
However, forecasting is not the only career option for
meteorologists. Some specialise in analysing hurricanes
4. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence.
and other specific weather phenomena. Others monitor
Find information in the text to support your
answers. climate change, or research weather in particular areas,
F 1. Very few meteorologists are forecasters. such as the Antarctic.

The majority of meteorologists Where do meteorologists work?

work in forecasting.
T 2. A Most meteorologists in Britain work for the Meteorological
university degree is not the only
Office (the Met), but others are employed by electricity
requirement for becoming a meteorologist.
and other utility companies, environmental firms and the
In addition, further specialised agriculture industry.
study of meteorology is required.
How can you prepare for a career as a meteorologist?
5. Complete the sentences according to the text.
Meteorology requires strong maths skills. For this reason,
1. It is a meteorologists responsibility to collect,
if you want to study meteorology, you should plan to take
analyse and update weather data .
an A-level in maths. You will also need a university degree
2. The Antarctic is one of the areas where some in maths, meteorology or another science. In addition,
meteorologists monitor climate change . further specialised study of meteorology is required.
or research weather
CZmilZZ`/ 8VgZZgh^caVlZc[dgXZbZci

Unit 6


Write a news report connected to the
weather. Use 100-150 words.

1. Rewrite the sentences with the connectors in brackets. WRITING YOUR NEWS REPORT
Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. Brainstorm your report.
1. We couldnt drive yesterday because there was thick fog.
Read or listen to a news report on the
(because of)
radio, TV or Internet. Make notes to
We couldnt drive yesterday because of the thick fog. answer the following questions:
2. She felt ill as a result of eating spoiled food. - What happened?
(consequently) - Who was involved?
She ate spoiled food. Consequently, she felt ill. - Where did it happen?
- When did it happen?
3. You must drink plenty of water since its very hot. (so)
- Why / How did it happen?
Its very hot, so you must drink plenty of water.
Think of extra details to make your report
4. Because it was raining, the party was held indoors
more interesting.
rather than in the garden. (due to)
Add peoples reactions and comments
Due to the rain, the party was held indoors
about the event.
rather than in the garden.
2. Read the rst two paragraphs of the news report 2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in
below. Choose the correct connector. Exercises 2 and 3 and the plan below to
help you.
100 Vehicles in Motorway Pile-Up
The worst multi-vehicle accident ever to happen in PLAN
Opening: Give a summary of the event and
Ireland occurred during the morning rush hour the most important facts.
yesterday in County Kildare and involved over 100 cars. Body: Develop the relevant information
Nearly 30 people were seriously injured in the accident, and add details.
which occurred 1. because of / because extremely thick Closing: Give reactions and comments of
fog. 2. As / Due to the difficulties in freeing people from people involved.
cars and removing the wrecked vehicles, traffic jams
lasted for much of the day. 3. Write a rst draft.
The chain of accidents began when a car hit a lorry. Two
more lorries then ran into those vehicles. This caused 4. Use the checklist to check your work.
Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
a pile-up. 3. Consequently / Since, there were 30 more and grammatically correct answers.
collisions. According to police, all the accidents occurred CHECKLIST
so / because drivers drove faster in the fog than they I followed the plan for a news report.
should have.
I used a variety of connectors of cause
and result.
3. Complete the news report with the connectors below. I checked grammar, spelling and
so for this reason as a result of due to punctuation.

1. Due to the thick fog, it was impossible

to see, said police officer George Casey.
2. For this reason , drivers should have slowed down.
But they didnt, 3. so they couldnt see
the cars in front of them.
Road safety expert Laura Maloney told reporters, We
need better laws regarding driving speeds in hazardous
road conditions. Passing these new laws will mean that
something positive occurred 4. as a result of this
horrible accident.

See Writing Guide, Students Book page 156 49

Progress Check Unit 6
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Match a verb in I to a suitable continuation 4. Complete the sentences with a suitable
in II to form phrases. modal. There may be more than one correct
I II answer.

1. chase 5 a. on the ice 1. Youve got a test tomorrow. You shouldnt

4 waste your time in front of the TV.
2. gather b. a person hard
Could / Wouldyou
/ Can
please pass the salt?
3. witness 2 c. people together
4. strike 6 d. in the heat 3. That cant be true. It makes no sense.

5. slip 3 e. a crime 4. Theres a possibility that itmay / might snow.

dont have to / neednt
6. sweat 1 f. the thief 5. Its a free concert. You pay.
6. He must be rich. He owns many cars.
2. Complete the sentences with the words should wear that colour more often.
7. You
below. Use a gerund or an innitive.
It really suits you.
win avoid chase exercise buy
1. I enjoy exercising in chilly weather. 5. Complete the sentences with the modal
2. Dad stopped to buy some flowers for perfects below and the correct form of the
Mums birthday. verbs in brackets.

3. Avoiding him is not the solution. Its might have must have could have
would have shouldnt have
important to discuss the problem together.
4. My dog is not ordinary. He refuses to chase 1. Im sure I must have left (leave) my keys on
cats. my desk. Where else could they be?
shouldnt have shouted
5. Have we got any chance of winning the 2. You (shout) at me. I was
game? very insulted.
3. You could have told (tell) us where you
3. Complete the passage with the correct form were. We were very worried.
of the words and phrases below. might have forgotten
4. I think they (forget) about
avoid shiver oods drought the party. Lets call and check.
slip rain rather than
5. I didnt realise the film was so popular or I
People are always happy when it rains after a would have booked (book) tickets in advance.
1. drought . However, in Europe, heavy
2. rain has recently caused 3. floods .
People climb onto the roofs of their houses in order to Writing
4. avoid drowning. They may sit up there for
hours, 5. shivering from the cold, trying not to 6. Choose the correct connector.
6. slip and fall into the water. But it is not 1. There was a forest fire because / so someone
only people who are in danger animals are as well. wasnt careful.
They must find higher places to go to protect their 2. Therefore / Due to heavy snowfall, the family
young, 7. rather than leave them to drown in the picnic will not take place.
water. 3. Its getting very chilly, so / as I think Ill stay

Unit 6

Progress Check Units 1-6

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. 3. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
Correct the false sentences. brackets. Do not change the original meaning
F 1. Snow melts when the temperature is low of the sentences.
enough. 1. The film is about Sam. His brother is ill. (whose)
Snow melts when the temperature is The film is about Sam, whose brother is ill.
high enough. 2. Tina can do amazing juggling tricks. (able)
T 2. Driving is dangerous in a blizzard.
Tina is able to do amazing juggling tricks.
3. When did you take up cooking? (How long)
F 3. If you long for something, you dont like it.
How long have you been cooking?
If you long for something, you like it.
4. Do you mind helping me with this? (Will)
F 4. If you are an ordinary person, you do unusual Will you help me with this?
If you are an ordinary person, you do 4. Complete the passage with the correct form
usual things.
T 5. When you run a company, you make of the verb in brackets. There may be more
than one correct answer.
important decisions.
Bill Connors 1. loves (love) his job.
F 6. Fierce animals make good pets. He 2. has been (be) a zookeeper at the
Fierce animals dont make good pets. City Zoo for the past three years. When he was only
14 years old, he 3. started (start)
2. Choose two correct answers for each question. volunteering at the zoo cleaning, feeding and playing
1. What might you do when you are angry with a with the animals. He took a part-time job there while
friend? he 4. was studying (study) zoology. After he
a. avoid her 5. had finished (finish) his studies, the job
b. look through her 6. became (become) full-time. Next week,
c. long for her he 7. is going to go (go) to Miami where he
2. Which of the following people are considered to 8. will choose (choose) four young female
have positive personality traits? alligators to bring back to the zoo. Bill hopes he
a. an open-minded person 9. will be working (work) at the zoo even in
b. a short-tempered person 20 years time.
c. a kind-hearted person
3. What can you do to someone who is sad?
a. cheer him up
b. remind him of good things Writing
c. miss him a lot
5. Complete the sentences with a suitable
4. Which of the following are dangerous? connector. There may be more than one
a. risking your life correct answer.
b. achieving a goal 1. I didnt invite Sally to my party. Consequently, /
c. driving on a slippery road As a result,
she hasnt spoken to me all week.
2.Because of / Due tothe late hour, there werent
many people outside.
however / although / but
3. I was frightened, I managed
not to show my feelings.

2. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to
the underlined words.
1. When you rescue someone, you put them in /
save them from danger.
2. When something sinks, it goes to the bottom /
3. When you are concerned, you feel worried /

Travel 4. When you sign up for something, you are going

to buy / attend it.
5. When something leaks, there is usually a hole /
6. When something is treacherous, it is safe /
VOCABULARY dangerous.

3. Choose the sentence that best follows the

1. Complete the puzzle using the clues below.
Across 1. Many budget airlines charge an extra fee for
2. a journey on a boat or ship for enjoyment
a. For this reason, some people take their own
5. the physical features of an area, such as food on flights.
mountains b. Thats why some people travel with small
6. investigation into a particular subject bags only.
2. The two passengers were badly injured in the
Down accident.
1. goal, aim a. Both of them had been driving too fast.
3. evenly distributed, equilibrium b. They were both in the back seat of the car.

4. harm to or bad effect on something or someone 3. I wasnt aware of the problem.

a. Im glad you told me.
p b. I didnt think it was so serious.
c r u i s e 4. I was delayed by traffic yesterday.
r a. I hadnt expected the roads to be so empty.
p b. I missed the beginning of the ceremony.
3 4 5. Keep in mind that Pierre isnt fluent in English.
b o d
5 a. He may have misunderstood what you said.
l a n d s c a p e b. Its not something you need to think about.
l e m
6. The departure time is 15:00.
a a a. However, we must be at the station early to
n g buy tickets.
c r e s e a r c h b. Lets be on time to meet Lena when she gets
e off the train.

Unit 7

4. Complete the dialogue with the words and 5. Complete the sentences by adding a suitable
phrases below. noun sufx to the words in brackets. Make
go sightseeing ights airline any necessary changes. Use a dictionary to
help you.
book a room return ticket hotel
accommodation youth hostel 1. Your friendship is important to me. (friend)
go abroad holiday 2. Theres a possibility it may rain. (possible)
3. He made a good impression . (impress)
4. There is sadness in the mans eyes. (sad)
5. Have you reached an agreement yet? (agree)
6. Dont worry about your appearance. (appear)
7. He is an excellent guitarist . (guitar)

6. Complete the passage by adding a suitable

noun or adjective sufx to the words in
brackets. Use a dictionary to help you.
Enjoying Time in Airports
In recent years, airports have become very
1. stressful (stress) places where passengers
face long queues, delays and lost luggage. In
addition, there now seems to be little
2. difference (differ) between the terminal of a
3. typical (type) airport and a crowded, noisy
shopping centre. But airports in some cities
Susan: How about going to Greece for our including Paris, Amsterdam and San Francisco
summer holiday? There are 1. flights offer travellers a quieter alternative: art museums.
to Athens now for only 79! Some feature work by contemporary local
Michelle: Thats such a low price. It must be only
4. artists (art), while others make
for one way. (arrange) with major museums
that allow them to borrow important works of art
Susan: No, its definitely a 2. return ticket .
airline for special 6. exhibitions (exhibit).
Michelle: Which 3. is
(inform) about airport museums
offering that?
is available online so why not look it up before
Susan: Its called Wings. Lets go online and
your next flight?
book seats!
Michelle: Great! Ive always wanted to go on
7. Complete the sentences. Make them true for
4. holiday to Greece! Where do you you.
think we should stay? 1. Ive got an agreement with my parents that I
Susan: Im sure we can get cheap will Accept all logical and grammatically
5. accommodation
maybe we can stay at correct answers. .
a 6. youth hostel rather than at a fancy 2. Id like to go on a cruise that
7. hotel .
Michelle: Great idea. Lets try to
3. I often have to stand in a queue when
8. book a room online.
Susan: Do you think we will need a car?
4. I once signed up for
Michelle: No. We wont need one. Well be able
to 9. go sightseeing on foot or by bus. .
Susan: Youre right. OK. Lets do it. Lets make 5. The main purpose of studying English is
arrangements to 10. go abroad this summer! .

GRAMMAR 3. Write captions with the phrases in brackets.
Use the third conditional.

1. (not be so tired / not go to bed so late)

1. Complete each sentence with the correct

form of the verbs in brackets. Use the rst or
second conditional.
1. If you take (take) the motorway,
you will regret (regret) it. Its rush hour
now, and theres a lot of traffic.
2. We wont have (not have) the party
outside if it rains (rain), but I wouldnt be so tired if I hadnt gone
according to the forecast, the weathers to bed so late.
supposed to be fine.
3. Brian insulted me last night. Until he 2. (go shop earlier / can buy an MP4 at half price)
apologises (apologise), I
wont talk (not talk) to him.
4. Sara got angry the last time you made a
suggestion to her, so if I were (be)
you, I wouldnt offer (not offer) her any
5. They have great clothes in this shop, but I hate
the long queues. If they hired
If we had gone to the shop earlier, we
(hire) more assistants, the queues
would be could have bought an MP4 at half price.
(be) shorter.
6. Im sorry, sir. Ms Jones left the office for a few
3. (wear warm clothes / listen to the
minutes, but when she returns
will give weather forecast)
(return), I (give) her your

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. If I see Michael tonight, I let / will let
you know.
2. The passengers wouldnt be so angry if they
knew / had known the reason for the delay.
We would have worn warm clothes if
3. If I were you, I would tell / will tell Jane
the truth.
we had listened to the weather forecast.
4. By the time I finish this essay, it will be /
4. (not miss bus / arrive a minute earlier)
would have been midnight.
5. If James had given his ex-girlfriend a birthday
present, I would be / would have been upset.
6. Unless the manager changes / will change my
working hours, I will leave my job.
7. I cant come over until my parents returned /
return with the car.
8. I could have afforded / can afford a
new bike if I hadnt gone on holiday a few
You wouldnt have missed the bus if
months ago. you had arrived a minute earlier.

Unit 7

4. Complete the sentences. Do not change the 6. Correct the errors.

original meaning of the sentences.
1. We wont drive unless the weather improved.
1. I think you should buy the black jeans. We wont drive unless the weather improves.
If I were you, I would buy the black jeans. 2. If people were more careful, there would is less
2. You cant use the gym equipment without being damage to the environment.
a member. If people were more careful, there would
be less damage to the environment.
Unless youre a member, you cant use . 3. As soon as I got to the airport, Ill phone you.
the gym equipment As soon as I get to the airport, Ill phone
3. Ron didnt like the food at the party, so he didnt
eat. 4. If he hadnt got the job, I would has been upset.
If Ron had liked the food at the party, he . If he hadnt got the job, I would have
would have eaten been upset.
4. I dont mind walking the dog tonight, but will 5. What would have you done if you had got lost?
you do it tomorrow? What would you have done if you had
got lost?
If I walk the dog tonight, will you walk ?
it tomorrow 7. Translate the sentences.
5. Its important that I get up when the alarm rings.
1. Will you stay at a hotel if your train is delayed?
As soon as the alarm rings, Ill get up .
Te quedars en un hotel si tu tren se retrasa?
5. Complete the e-mail with the correct form of 2. If we go abroad, we will rent a car.
the verbs in brackets. Si vamos al extranjero, alquilaremos un coche.
3. I wouldnt be concerned if you called more
No estara preocupado si llamaras ms a menudo.
4. If the weather conditions hadnt been
Dear Laura, treacherous, we would have had fun.
Si las condiciones meteorolgicas no hubieran
Im sorry for not writing sooner. These days, I spend sido peligrosas, nos lo habramos pasado bien.
most of my time studying, because I know that if I 5. Well deliver your luggage as soon as it arrives.
1. dont revise (not revise) as much as possible Llevaremos su / tu equipaje en cuanto llegue.
before my exams, I 2. will regret (regret) it.
If there 3. were (be) more hours in
the day, I 4. would have (have) time to do Grammar Review
everything I want to do!
8. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
Im still enjoying living in New York City and
brackets. Do not change the original meaning
sometimes, amazing things happen here. For of the sentences.
instance, an hour ago, I saw a jet plane make
1. I cant print my report until I buy new ink for the
an emergency landing on the Hudson River! If the
printer. (as soon as)
pilot 5. hadnt reacted (not react) so quickly,
there 6. could have been (can be) a terrible As soon as I buy new ink for the printer,
Ill print my report.
disaster. If I 7. hadnt seen (not see) it, I 2. Im sure it wasnt Paul, because hes in Ireland
never 8.
would have believed (will believe) it! If you this week. (couldnt)
9. watch (watch) the news tonight, you It couldnt have been Paul because hes in
10. will get (get) more details. Ireland this week.
3. Jennies flight was delayed, so we had time to
Im looking forward to seeing you next month. have lunch together. (if)
Let me know your arrival date as soon as you If Jennies flight hadnt been delayed, we / have booked
(book) your ticket. I hope that wouldnt have had time to have lunch together.
arrive 4. John and I met in 2005. (known)
by the time you 12. (arrive), winter
13. will be (be) over! John and I have known each other since 2005.
Love, 5. My parents were born in the USA. They moved
Nina to England 20 years ago. (who)
My parents, who were born in the USA,
moved to England 20 years ago. /
My parents, who moved to England 20
years ago, were born in the USA.
READING .*,&)03/

1. Read the text and decide what the words in
bold refer to. On 19th January 2009, 20-year-old Clmence Cadario,
from France, and 18-year-old Chilean-born Nicolas
1. theirClmence Cadario and Nicolas Valdivieso
Valdivieso skied over 110 kilometres to the South
2. these future trips with Mike Horn
Pole. They are among the youngest people ever to do
3. its YEPs this. At their side was Mike Horn, a South African-
4. this exploring isolated and difficult terrain born adventure traveller and the founder of the Young
Explorers Programme (YEP). Two months before
2. Read the text and choose the correct answer. Horns trip to the South Pole, he and six other YEP
1. Some YEP students have participants, none older than 20 years old, had gone to
a. accompanied Horn to the Gobi Desert. the Antarctic Peninsula. Young people who complete
b. travelled to the Arctic Peninsula with Horn. upcoming YEP training courses will join Horn on
c. attended upcoming courses. future travels. These trips will include explorations of
d. journeyed to the South Pole and the Chinas Gobi Desert, the North Pole, East Africa and
Antarctic Peninsula. the Himalayas.
2. To reach the source of the Amazon River, Horn
Among YEPs goals, according to its website, is for
a. rode a hydrospeed.
young people to see the world, share their experiences
b. walked to the Peruvian Andes from the
Pacific Ocean. with others and become, in effect, ambassadors on
c. walked 7,000 kilometres from the Atlantic behalf of our fragile and endangered environment.
Ocean. To people familiar with his career, Mike Horns
d. began on the west coast of Africa. establishment of YEP was unsurprising. For over a
decade, he has explored isolated and difficult terrain.
3. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence.
Horn always does this without the use of motorised
Find information in the text to support your
answers. transport. In 1997, he walked from the Pacific Ocean
F 1. Clmence Cadario and Nicolas Valdivieso to the source of the Amazon River in the Andes
Mountains of Peru. Then, he travelled 7,000 kilometres
are two of the founders of YEP. At their side
was Mike Horn, a South-African born by river to the Atlantic Ocean on a hydrospeed a
adventure traveller and the founder of the
simple board that a rider propels and steers with his or
T 2.Young Explorers Programme (YEP).
Mike Horn has been an adventure traveller her feet and hands. Two years later, in a trip that lasted
for more than ten years.
a year and a half, Horn travelled around the world
For over a decade, he has explored along the equator, beginning from the west coast of
isolated and difficult terrain.
F 3. Mike Horns journey around the equator Africa. On that trip, Horn travelled by walking,
lasted for two years. swimming, mountain-biking and boating. Afterwards,
in a trip that lasted a year and a Horn travelled 20,000 kilometres around the Arctic
half, Horn travelled around the world
along the equator Circle without even using dogs to pull the sledges.
4. Find words in the text that mean:
Now in his mid-40s, Horn is sharing his enthusiasm,
1. person who initiates an organisation
knowledge and experience with a new generation of
(paragraph 1) founder
explorers, who will in turn promote responsible
2. about to happen; in the near future adventure travel and environmental awareness.
(paragraph 1) upcoming
3. far away from other places or people
(paragraph 3) isolated
4. excitement about something
(paragraph 4) enthusiasm

Nicolas Valdivieso, Mike Horn and Clmence Cadario
Unit 7


Write an e-mail or an informal letter to a
friend about a class trip you have taken or
are planning to take. Use 100-150 words.
1. Complete the sentences with a suitable pronoun or
possessive adjective. WRITING YOUR E-MAIL OR LETTER
1. Lucy gave me two CDs, but I havent listened to
1. Brainstorm your e-mail or informal letter.
them yet.
Decide who you are going to write to and
2. These jeans dont fit me well. I dont think Ill buy what your trip was / will be.
them . Which of the sentences below could you
3. Ive never been here before. This is my first visit. use for planning a trip? Which could you
use to describe a trip you have already
4. Lets have a surprise party for Bob.
That is a great idea!
- I bought a really nice souvenir.
5. Michelle, is this your notebook? - I havent packed my bag yet.
Yes, its mine . - The queue at the museum was very long.
- Departure time is 9 am dont be late!
2. Rewrite the following sentences by replacing words - We had a fantastic time.
with pronouns where there is unnecessary repetition.
- Were going to stay overnight in a youth
1. Danny doesnt want to see that film because Danny has hostel.
already seen that film. - It was the best / worst trip Ive ever had!
Danny doesnt want to see that film because hes - Are you going to go sightseeing every
already seen it.
- Our bus was delayed and our luggage
2. The Smiths invited my parents to dinner, so my parents didnt arrive!
are going to the Smiths house tonight.
2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in
The Smiths invited my parents to dinner, so Exercise 3 and the plan below to help you.
theyre going there tonight.
3. Complete the e-mail below with suitable pronouns Opening: Greeting. Make opening remarks
and possessive adjectives. and state your reason for writing.
Body: Give information, news and
Dear Mum and Dad,
Closing: Make closing remarks and sign off.
Thanks for 1. your e-mail. It was nice to
hear all the news from home. Im sending some
photos, so that you can see how Im doing. Most of 3. Write a rst draft.
2. them are of me falling down during my 4. Use the checklist to check your work.
snowboarding lessons. Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
The sport is definitely much more difficult to learn and grammatically correct answers.
than I thought 3. it would be. My teacher, CHECKLIST
Pierre, is very patient. Im sure that if I follow I followed the plan for an e-mail or
4. his advice, Ill soon improve. My friend informal letter.
Jack is already boarding on his own, but I dont I used referencing correctly.
feel ready for 5. that yet.
It I checked grammar, spelling and
By the way, the hotel is fantastic! 6. has punctuation.
got a great restaurant and pub, and weve met a lot
of nice people. Tonight, were going out with some
students from Germany who are the same age as
7. we are, and 8. their
English is excellent.
See you in a few days!
See Writing Guide, Students Book page 157 57
Progress Check Unit 7
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Complete the sentences with the words and 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form
phrases below. of the verbs in brackets. Use the correct type
treacherous leak overnight delay of the conditional or a time clause.
sign up for belong to luggage 1. Unless you tell me the truth, I
go abroad concerned aware wont speak (not speak) to you again.
1. We stayed overnight in an expensive hotel. 2. If Raymond doesnt change (not change) his
Unfortunately, we had to leave the next day. mind, he will fly home at the end of the month.
2. Most people are aware of the would have enjoyed
3. You (enjoy) the party, if you
importance of protecting our environment. had come.
3. The driver put all the luggage in the back 4. If I were you, I would tell (tell) the
of the taxi before he drove to the airport. truth.
4. Dont forget to sign up for the Tai-chi class. 5. As soon as she hears (hear)
5. My parents have decided they dont want to anything, shell call us.
go abroad this year. Were going to have our 6. Sharon would have sent e-mails to everyone if
holiday close to home instead. her computer hadnt crashed (not crash).
6. These cups leak . Theres coffee all over
the table. 4. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
brackets. Do not change the original meaning
7. Does this sweatshirt belong to you? It isnt
of the sentences.
1. The family car is in the garage, so I have to walk
8. That mountain road is treacherous . There to school. (if)
have been many accidents on it this year.
If the family car werent in the garage, I
9. Im very concerned about you. You dont look wouldnt have to walk to school.
2. I wont find a suitable present if you dont help
me. (unless) Unless you help me, I wont
10. Dont delay the meeting. We need to find a suitable present. / I wont find a suitable
discuss everything now. present unless you help me.
3. You never get up in time because you go to bed
so late. (didnt) If you didnt go to bed so late,
2. Complete the sentences by adding a suitable
noun sufx to the words in brackets. Make
you would get up in time. / You would get up
any necessary changes.
in time if you didnt go to bed so late.
4. I promise to visit you when Ive got time.
1. My relationship (relation) with Mum has (as soon as)As soon as Ive got time, Ill visit you. /
improved. Ill visit you as soon as Ive got time.
2. Our decision (decide) to move to Australia
is not a sudden one.
3. They took powerful torches with them as the
darkness (dark) was frightening.
4. You really ought to make an appointment 5. Choose the correct answer.
(appoint) with the dentist. 1. I found this bag on the floor. Is it yours / your?
5. Whats the difference (differ) between a 2. I was looking at some shoes in a shop window
kangaroo and a wallaby? today. They / These were very expensive.
6. Has he thought about the possibility 3. Did you see the latest Batman film?
(possible) of renting a car? Yes, it / he was very scary.

Unit 7

Progress Check Units1-7

Vocabulary Grammar
1. The following sentences dont make sense. 3. Choose the correct answer.
Make them logical by replacing the words in
1. While I tried / have tried / was trying to phone
bold with other words in bold from a different
my brother, he walked into the house.
2. Harry didnt save / hasnt saved / has saved
1. Dont avoid to call if you need me.
hesitate enough money to buy a moped yet.
3. I thought I had forgotten / forgot /
2. We wont reveal the owner of our information.
have forgotten her birthday party, but in fact, its
next week.
3. This marathon is really testing his source.
4. Jasmine bought her new boots in the shop
that / where / which her best friend worked.
4. Why did you hesitate me all last week?
avoid 4. Rewrite the sentences with the words in
5. Will the acquaintance of the blue Mercedes brackets. Do not change the original meaning
owner of the sentences.
please move it now?
1. I bought the book. Its cover shows two men on
6. She is an old endurance of mine.acquaintance
a bench. (whose)
I bought the book whose cover shows
2. Complete the passage with the words and two men on a bench.
phrases below. There are more words than 2. I wasnt hungry, so I didnt have dinner. (If)
you need. If I had been hungry, I would have had
condent research ordinary ruler dinner.
3. Meryl dropped her keys during her run. (while)
concerned blind share belong to
better off unfair request chilly
Meryl dropped her keys while she was
4. Kirsten doesnt play basketball because she isnt
Dennis Hope is not an 1. ordinary man. He tall enough. (If)
owns a piece of the moon, and he claims to be the If Kirsten were taller, she would play
2. ruler of it. How did this happen? During basketball.
5. It wasnt a good idea for me to come. (shouldnt)
the 1950s and 60s, world leaders were 3. concerned
I shouldnt have come.
that countries might claim planets as their own. So the
UN passed a law stating that all stars and planets
4. belong to all mankind. But Dennis Hope
decided to claim the moon for himself. After much Writing
5.research , he discovered an old law which
encouraged people to settle in the west of North 5. Choose the incorrect answer.

America. All they had to do was to notify a 1. In spite of / Although / Despite the pouring
government official. Dennis was 6. confident he rain, we decided to walk to the train station.
could do the same thing for the moon, and in 1980, he 2. The geography teacher cancelled the test
claimed it for himself. However, he thought it was because of / since / because she was ill.
7. unfair for him to keep the whole of the moon 3. They only realised how high the mountain was
to himself, so he decided to 8. share it with while / during / as they were climbing it.
others. He sold pieces of the moon to other people. So 4. Our television has broken down, therefore /
far, over two million people have purchased pieces of consequently / as a result of we wont be able
the moon from Dennis Hope. to watch our favourite programme tonight.

3. Complete the captions with the words and
phrases below.
admit its a pity thief astounding
choice stole gures liar

Im happy to announce that the companys
VOCABULARY sales figures have been astounding in
recent months!

1. Match I to II to form sentences.
1. Sam didnt get away with
2. The band is going to put up
3. Martin tends to
4. Brenda wants to change her ways
5. During Carnival week, events will take place
I know I have to make a choice .
II Its a pity I cant afford to buy both of
3 a. speak very loudly. them.
2 b. notices all over town.
5 c. in the town square. 3
1 d. cheating in the exam.
4 e. and eat healthier food.

2. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to

the underlined words.
1. There is evidence that hes guilty, so the police
arrested / released him.
Help! Stop that man! Hes a thief !
2. This isnt a rough neighbourhood any more.
He stole my bag!
Its now quite dangerous / safe.
3. We have got a small staff. There are only two
owners / employees.
4. Jenny is likely to end up living in Paris. In fact,
she probably will / wont.
5. I told Kelly a white lie because I wanted /
didnt want to hurt her feelings.
6. U2 are popular worldwide. No other Irish band
has achieved such success globally /
in North America. I dont believe you! Youre a liar !
You should admit that you did it.
7. Please ensure that you arrive on time / late.

Unit 8

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form 6. Rewrite the sentences using the adjectives in
of the verbs below. brackets and the correct prepositions. Make
cheat blame suspect admit trust any necessary changes. Do not change the
original meaning of the sentences.
deceive tempt behave plagiarise
1. Whats the matter? You
are behavingstrangely 1. We didnt get to the train on time. (late)
today. We were late for the train.
2. Janes not fond of animals, so I dont 2. I think ancient history is fascinating. (interested)
trust her to take care of my dog while Im interested in ancient history.
Im on holiday. 3. I think Laurie will benefit from joining a gym.
3. This new study blames fast food for many (good) I think joining a gym will be
health problems. good for Laurie. / I think it will be good
for Laurie to join a gym.
4. She finally admitted that she had made a 4. Daves jacket looks like mine. (similar)
mistake. Daves jacket is similar to mine.
5. The reporter plagiarised some of his stories
5. Bill does well in maths. (good)
from other magazine articles.
Bill is good at maths.
6. My little brother sometimes cheats when
he plays games. 6. I like my new haircut. (pleased)
Im pleased with my new haircut.
7. I saw a good film about a policewoman who
suspected / suspects
her husband of being a murderer. 7. I regret what I said to you. (sorry)
8. These fake jewels look so real they would even Im sorry about what I said to you.
deceive the experts.
9. Please dont tempt me with chocolate 7. Complete the sentences. Make them true for
cake. Im trying to lose weight.
1. When I was a child, I once got caught
5. Complete the passage with the words and Accept all logical and grammatically .
correct answers.
phrases below. Make any necessary changes. 2. One of the things Im good at is
guilty gure suspect likely admit .
conduct staff deceive
3. If I could have a party anywhere, Id like it to
Investigation into Heart Drug Continues take place
The Ministry of Health is continuing to 1. conduct
4. Im very proud of
its investigation into Jones Medicines, a major
pharmaceutical company. Investigators 2. suspect .
that the company is 3. guilty of providing false test 5. A difficult choice I once had to make was
results to the Ministry in order to receive approval for its .
new heart drug. In particular, investigators believe that 6. I once got into trouble for
Jones Medicines changed various 4. figures in the .
research studies to show that the drug is more effective
7. In my room, I would like to put up
and safer than it actually is.
The investigation began when two senior 5. staff 8. My parents are always worried about
members at Jones Medicines contacted the Ministry of
Health. The two managers 6. admitted to investigators
that the drug was not safe, and that the company was
deliberately trying to 7. deceive the public
in order to make a profit.
The investigation is 8. likely to continue
for several more weeks.

GRAMMAR 3. Complete an active and a passive sentence for
each picture with the verbs in brackets.

1. Choose the correct answer.


Somebody 1. stole / were stolen three valuable Greek
coins from the Antiquities Museum last night. This is 1. (use)
the second time the museum 2. has robbed / has been a. Right now, people are using all the computers
robbed in its 50-year history. Our security system
b. All the computers are being used (right now)
hasnt updated / hasnt been updated for many
years, said Barbara Selby, the museums director.
Obviously, this problem 4. will examine / will be
examined as soon as possible, she added. The police
have already arrested / have already been arrested
a suspect. However, they 6. refuse / are refused to
release the name of the person. The investigation
2. (clean)
could harm / could be harmed if we release any
a. Last week, my dad cleaned the windows .
details at this time, said a police spokesman.
b. The windows were cleaned by my dad .
(last week)

3. (release)
a. In a few days, the band will release a new. CD
2. Complete the sentences using the correct
passive form of the verbs in brackets. b. The bands new CD will be released in a .
few days
shouldnt be allowed
1. People (should not / allow)
to swim here. This water was polluted until a
few years ago.
2. This photo was taken (take) when we
were in Prague last summer.
3. These days, a lot of music is being purchased
/ is purchased
(purchase) through online sites.
4. (put up)
havent put up the exam marks
was being recorded(record), a. The teachers yet.
4. While the interview havent been put up (by the teachers)
the reporter was also taking notes. b. The exam marks yet.

5. Our house looks terrible. It hasnt been painted

(not paint) for five years.
6. Can all of this be put
(can / put) in one bag?
Yes, but I prefer to carry two lighter bags.
7. The invitations will be sent / (send) to all
are going to be sent 5. (allow)
the guests next week.
8. The dog hadnt been fed (not feed) all day, a. This theatre doesnt allow cameras .
so we gave it some food when we got home. b. Cameras arent allowed (in this theatre)

Unit 8

4. Rewrite the sentences in two ways. Use the 7. Correct the errors.
passive forms, and omit the agent when
1. Residents didnt be warned about the storm.
possible. Make any necessary changes.
Residents werent warned about the storm.
1. They will give ten people free concert tickets.
Ten people will be given free concert tickets. 2. The decision will announce tomorrow.
Free concert tickets will be given to ten people. The decision will be announced tomorrow.
2. They showed everyone their holiday photos. 3. We behave better if we think we are been
Everyone was shown their holiday photos. watched.

Their holiday photos were shown to everyone. We behave better if we think we are
being watched.
3. They gave each runner a souvenir T-shirt. 4. When this bank was robbed?
A souvenir T-shirt was given to each runner. When was this bank robbed?
Each runner was given a souvenir T-shirt. 5. This job should has been finished yesterday.
4. The airline has offered me a first-class seat! This job should have been finished yesterday.
Ive been offered a first-class seat (by
the airline)!
A first-class seat has been offered to me 8. Translate the sentences.
(by the airline)! 1. An experiment will be conducted in areas where
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form crimes often take place.
of the words in brackets. Use have / get Se realizar un experimento en las zonas en
something done. las que se cometen delitos habitualmente.
will have / get 2. The government was blamed for the rise in
1. My car is dirty, so I it washed
later today. (wash)
Se ha culpado al gobierno del aumento
2. When did you have / get your de la delincuencia.
3. Have you ever been told a white lie?
room painted ? It looks great now! (paint)
Alguna vez te han contado una mentira
3. John didnt like his tattoo, so he had / got it piadosa?
removed . (remove) 4. My best friend was caught shoplifting.
4. Its a good idea to have / get your eyes
Pillaron a mi mejor amigo robando en
una tienda.
examined once a year. (examine) 5. The thief should be arrested for stealing our car.
Deberan arrestar al ladrn por robar
6. Complete the passage with the correct active nuestro coche.
or passive form of the verbs in brackets.
A recent study, which 1. was conducted (conduct)
9. Complete the sentences with the correct form
in the USA, shows that were more likely to be
of the verbs in brackets.
dishonest in an e-mail than in a letter. In the study,
1. As soon as I know my flight number, I
48 students each received $89. Then, they will let (let) you know.
2. were told (tell) to offer part of the money
2. If my toothache hadnt got worse, I
to someone else. The students 3. were instructed
wouldnt have gone(not go) to the dentist.
(instruct) to write to this person and say how much
3. Sorry Im late. Have the winners
money they 4. had been given (give) and how
been announced (announce) yet?
much they were going to send.
4. John was suspected (suspect) of
Some of the students offered to send half the money. shoplifting, but he was innocent.
However, most students 5. lied (lie).
5. How often do you have / get your eyes
The students who wrote letters reported having checked (check)?
received, on average, $67. The students who
wrote e-mails reported, on average, that they
6. had received (receive) only $56. Ninety-two
per cent of the e-mailers lied, as compared to just under
sixty-four per cent of the note-writers.

Readers Opinions


1. Read the text. Then choose the section of the How can the local police be trusted to protect this city
newspaper it appears in. when its so easy for someone to impersonate a police
a. Travel officer?
b. National News Last Tuesday, a 14-year-old boy wearing a police
c. Editorial uniform and claiming to be from another station
d. Entertainment walked into the West Side police station and reported
for work. Without being asked for identification, he
2. Find words in the text that mean: was given a police radio and sent out on patrol with
1. pretend to be someone else another officer. His true identity wasnt discovered
(paragraph 1) impersonate until five hours later, when he was questioned by
another policeman because he looked so young. He
2. not clear
sketchy was arrested for impersonating a police officer, and
(paragraph 4)
will be prosecuted in the juvenile court.
3. arguments
(paragraph 5) quarrels Due to the fact he is under 18, the boys name has
not been released. The police, however, have revealed
4. strongly recommends
urges that he is a student at Elbury Middle School, and
(paragraph 7)
participated last year in a police programme which
teaches youth about law enforcement.
3. Complete the sentences according to the text.
1. Because the boy is a juvenile, the police Details are still sketchy about how he got a police
havent released his name . uniform. However, he probably purchased certain
items, such as trousers and boots, in a local uniform
2. According to regulations, nobody without
shop. Regulations prohibit such shops from selling
official identification can be sold a police
police uniforms to anyone without official department
uniform . identification. Therefore, one of the questions that
3. According to a police spokesman, the boy must be addressed by the department is: Are the shops
neither carried a weapon nor demanding that identification?
drove a police car . According to a police spokesman, the boy did not
4. According to television news, family quarrels carry or use a weapon, or drive a police car. However,
were among the police work he took part in . according to television news reports, he was involved
in police work, including responding to emergency
4. Choose the correct answer. calls involving family quarrels.
1. When the boy reported for duty, Luckily, the boy wasnt harmed, but it shouldnt be so
a. he received some police equipment. easy for someone to impersonate a police officer.
b. he was sent on patrol with two policemen.
c. someone requested to see his identification. This newspaper urges the police to conduct an
d. he was questioned by another policeman. investigation and make appropriate changes so that
similar incidents can be prevented in future.
2. Which statement about the boy is true?
a. He doesnt go to school.
b. He has stood trial in juvenile court.
c. He took part in a police youth programme.
d. It is likely that he stole the boots and

5. What is the main purpose of the article?

To urge the police department to make
changes so that it will be more difficult
to impersonate a police officer.

Unit 8


Write an opinion essay on the following
statement: Friends should never lie to one
another. Use 100-150 words.
1. Choose the correct connector for each sentence. There
may be more than one correct answer. WRITING YOUR OPINION ESSAY
1. Im setting the alarm in order to / so as to / so that
1. Brainstorm your essay.
wake up on time.
Look at the sentences below. Which could
2. She bought flour so that / so as to / to she could make be used to support the statement above?
a cake. Which could be used against it?
3. We walked in quietly so as not to / so that / - If friends arent honest, they cant really
help each other.
in order not to disturb the class.
- Id rather lie about something than hurt a
friends feelings.
2. Rewrite the sentences with the connectors in brackets.
- Sometimes telling the truth can be
Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. Since I am ill, I cant take the exam today. (therefore) - If you cant trust a friend to tell you the
Im ill, therefore I cant take the exam today. truth, who can you trust?
2. In addition to hurting my feelings, you embarrassed me. - Its fine to tell a white lie if it makes a
(furthermore) friend feel good.
You hurt my feelings and furthermore you Add your own ideas to the list.
embarrassed me. Decide whether you agree or disagree
3. Abigail is enjoying herself in New York. Nevertheless,
with the statement in the task.
shes happy that shes coming home on Sunday. (despite)
Abigail is happy that shes coming home on 2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in
Sunday, despite enjoying herself in New York.
4. Lets move these books so that we have more space to Exercise 3 and the plan below to help you.
work. (so as to)
Lets move these books so as to have more space PLAN
to work. Opening: State the topic and your opinion.
3. Complete the essay with the connectors below. Body: Support your opinion with facts
and examples.
in order to so for this reason
Closing: Summarise and restate your
because of however

Private Matters
3. Write a rst draft.
People who use social networking sites like Facebook,
Bebo and MySpace often dont realise that its 4. Use the checklist to check your work.
difficult to control who can visit and see their pages. Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
1. For this reason
, I think people should be very and grammatically correct answers.
selective about what they post online. Some people CHECKLIST
argue that they want their pages to be honest and I followed the plan for an opinion essay.
reflect their personalities. 2. However , I used correct language for expressing
there are problems with this honesty. facts and opinions.
First, posting certain photos or stories could end up
embarrassing you. Second, it could harm you in the I used connectors.
real world even months or years later. I checked grammar, spelling and
For example, some employers and universities check punctuation.
social networking pages 3. in order to learn
more about applicants. And some people have lost
their jobs 4. because of online photos. As I
see it, the risks of posting private things online are
not worth the potential consequences
5. so think before you post!

See Writing Guide, Students Book page 158 65

Progress Check Unit 8
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Choose the correct answer. 4. Rewrite the sentences, using the words in
brackets. Do not change the original meaning
1. Will all staff / thieves please make sure that
of the sentences.
their desks are clean by the end of the day?
1. This product is made in different colours. (They)
2. The student was embarrassed because he
got caught / took place cheating in an exam. They make this product in different colours.
3. He told me the price, but I dont remember the 2. They are showing Twilight tonight. (being)
exact figure / signal. Twilight is being shown tonight.
4. Volunteers conducted / put up notices about 3. I sent this e-mail two days ago. (was)
the missing girl all round the town. This e-mail was sent two days ago.
5. Why do you feel likely / guilty? You havent 4. Why did the police arrest him? (arrested)
done anything wrong. Why was he arrested?
6. The police suspect / deceive that the witness
has not been completely honest with them. 5. Complete the passage with the correct active
or passive form of the verbs in brackets.
2. Complete the sentences with a logical ending.
Pay attention to the meaning of the words in Jennifer Walterscheit 1. got (get) the
bold. strangest phone call of her life one afternoon. A voice
1. Its likely that it will rain so Accept all logical said, one-hundred-dollar bills 2. are flying
and grammatically correct answers. (fly) all over town. Are they yours? Jennifer thought it
was a joke, but then she looked in her bag. The bank
2. Its a pity that the performance
envelope which contained her personal details and
. $3,000 3. had gone (go)! It
3. He admitted that he 4. must have fallen
(must / fall) out of her bag.
It was a windy day and the bills 5. were blown
4. Dont blame him. He (blow) all over the town. What chance did she have of
. getting them back? However, she was amazed to
5. Sue cheated in her exam, so the teacher discover that by the end of the day, 29 of the 30
had been returned
hundred-dollar bills 6. (return) to
the police. The story 7. appeared (appear) in
3. Complete the sentences with the prepositions the local newspaper the next day. After the story
8.had been published
below. (publish), the last banknote
at with for in of 9. was returned (return) by a reader.
1. Jeff is very pleased with the new
motorbike his father bought him.
2. Sharon is jealous of her sisters Writing
blue eyes.
6. Choose the correct connector.
3. Im not good at sport.
1. We walked to / so that save on petrol.
4. I feel sorry for the injured man.
2. Leave early so that / in order to arrive on time.
5. We are very interested in astrology.
3. Help me so that / in order to I can finish my

Unit 8

Progress Check Units 1-8

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Complete the sentences with the correct form 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the words and phrases below. There are of the verb in brackets.
more words than you need. Has been
1. he ever (be) hiking?
hesitate relief rescue witness
2. Jenny should have told (should / tell) her
run off with worldwide superhuman
mother she was going out.
spare skilled bore courage
3. The story has been kept (keep) secret until
1. The thief grabbed her bag and ran off withit.
2. He hesitated for a moment before he wouldnt have called
4. I (not call) her if I had
jumped into the ice cold water.
known that she was sleeping.
3. Sometimes it takes a great deal of courage
to tell someone how you really feel. 4. Rewrite the following sentences using the
4. I dont know why you think you can words in brackets. Do not change the original
do everything on your own. Youre not meaning of the sentences.
. 1. They collect used bottles here. (are)
5. Have you got a spare pair of sunglasses? Used bottles are collected here.
Ive left mine at home. 2. It wasnt a good idea for us to visit her.
6. This organisations aim is to rescue injured (shouldnt)
animals. We shouldnt have visited her.
7. Make sure you take your car to a skilled 3. Theyre building a new school. (being)
mechanic. A new school is being built.
8. Everybodys heard of this company. Its famous 4. I talked to the man. His son takes part in judo
worldwide . competitions. (whose)
I talked to the man whose son takes part
2. Answer the questions in complete sentences. in judo competitions.
5. Why did they punish him? (punished)
Pay attention to the words in bold.
Why was he punished?
1. When do you need to use willpower?
Accept all logical and 6. The last time I went abroad was in 2005. (since)
grammatically correct answers. I havent been abroad since 2005.
2. What can you do to improve your marks?

3. What would you like to take up next year?

4. How do you make sure you get to school on 5. Choose the correct answer.
time? 1. She didnt get accepted to university due to /
in spite of / as well as passing all her exams.
5. What are you likely to forget this week? 2. Not one mobile phone rang so that /
because of / during the performance.
6. What are you concerned about these days? 3. This shop doesnt use plastic bags in order to /
so / since protect the environment.
4. I didnt get to the cinema on time. In addition /
Even though / Nevertheless, they let me in to
see the film.

2. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence.
T 1. When a programme is broadcast, it
can be watched on television.
F 2. A review is the same thing as a
T 3. A sitcom is not suspenseful.
T 4. A plot is the story.
T 5. A box-office hit has got a huge
Thats audience.

F 6. To screen something means to transmit
it on the radio.
F 7. A contestant is the same thing as a

VOCABULARY 3. Complete the dialogues with the correct form

of the words in Exercise 2. Use each word
only once.

1. Complete the sentences with the words and

1. The cinema is going to screen all of
phrases below.
George Clooneys films this weekend.
put on take-off land go on
Do you want to see Oceans Eleven?
cut off kick off take up set in
high point pinpoint No, I saw it. But lets see the
sequels . Ive never seen
1. When theres fog here, it feels like were
Oceans Twelve and Thirteen.
cut off from the rest of the city.
2. Seatbelts must be fastened before
take-off .
3. Were going to rent a car after we 2. The theatres nearly empty! There are
land in London. only ten of us in the audience !
4. I cant pinpoint the reason, but I suppose the reviews of the play
Im not comfortable with Rob. have been bad.
5. Beyoncs performance was the
high point of the awards show.
6. I dont like these monthly meetings. They
3. I couldnt work out what was happening
always take up so much time.
in that thriller. The plot made
7. The story is set in London in no sense!
the late 19th century.
I agree and I think the main
8. The coach will kick you off character should have been played
the team if you dont attend practices. by a younger actor.
9. The film is almost over. It doesnt
go on much longer.
10. Every two years, celebrities
put on a 4. Why did they decide not to broadcast
wonderful show to the last few episodes of that game show?
raise money for Because the contestants have accused
Comic Relief. the producers of manipulating the

Unit 9

4. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to 7. Complete the passage with the words and
the underlined words phrases below.
1. The book had a predictable ending so I was / audiences put on sold out worth seeing
wasnt surprised. special effects screened go on let down
2. At first I thought the contest was a hoax, but it
was actually real / false.
3. I greeted everyone when they left / arrived. U2 and the Rolling Stones are among the bands that
have had worldwide tours in recent years. Tickets
4. I was heartbroken when I heard the good / sad
were 1. sold out within minutes, and
the bands performed for 2. audiences of
5. This television / radio programme has got
hundreds of thousands of people.
millions of viewers.
Tours dont just happen overnight. When a band
6. I enjoy live performances. Thats why I love the
decides to 3. put on a new show,
cinema / theatre.
preparations can 4. go on for months.
Among the things that have to be created are the
5. Choose the correct answer. 5. special effects
that are used in most big rock
1. When Jack coloured his hair, I it for a few
shows these days, and the videos that are
weeks. 6. screened before and during the show.
a. didnt use to b. didnt get used to
These bands are determined that their fans wont
2. He live near us. find the concert a 7. let down , so they
a. used to b. was used to work hard to make sure to give concerts that are
3. It was difficult for me to driving on the right 8. worth seeing .
after moving from England to the USA.
a. get used to b. be used to U2 in concert
4. Jane has never lived in the city before, so she
so much noise.
a. isnt getting used to b. isnt used to
5. Im cold weather. I lived in Canada last year.
a. used to b. getting used to 8. Complete the sentences. Make them true
for you.
6. Complete the passage with the correct form 1. One of my favourite characters in a film is
of used to, be used to or get used to. Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers. .
Homes Away from Home 2. My favourite programme comes on
One of the things that people who work in film have .
to 1. get used to is being away from home 3. In my room, the thing that takes up the most
for several months at a time. In the early years of space is
filmmaking, films 2. used to be made .
in studios. Most of the cast and crew lived nearby, so
4. I dont like it when someone in an audience
they 3. used to go home every night. But
nowadays, many films are made on location. .
4. Getting used to 5. The high point of my school year was
living somewhere new two or
three times a year can be difficult. But some people in .
the film industry 5. are used to so much travel 6. When I was younger, I used to
that they 6. get used to new places quickly
and soon feel at home wherever they are.
7. Im not used to
8. It was difficult / easy for me to get used to

GRAMMAR 3. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

Can I have some of your biscuits?

1. Choose the correct answer.

1. I live in Berlin, said Sally.
Sally said that she lived / had lived in Berlin.
2. I moved here a few weeks ago, she said.
She said that she had moved / has moved
there a few weeks before.
3. She told me, I may rent a flat. 1. He asked me if he could have some of my

She told me that she might / would rent a flat. biscuits .

4. Im starting a new job next week! she
Are we having an exam today?
She announced that she will start /
was starting a new job the following week.
5. I hope I will make a lot of money, she said.
She said she hoped she made / would make
a lot of money.

2. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

Use each reporting verb once.
2. She wanted to know if we were having an
complained announced warned
suggested explained admitted exam that day .
1. Paula and I have decided to get married!
Who ate all the chicken?
Tom announced that he and Paula had
decided to get married.
2. Lets order pizza tomorrow night.
suggested ordering / that we order
Debbie pizza the next night / the following
night / the night after.
3. I forgot to do my homework last night.
admitted that he had forgotten to do
Mark his homework the previous night /
the night before.
4. The service in this restaurant has become
3. Mum asked who had eaten all the chicken
John complained that the service in that
restaurant had become worse. .
5. You can get to Oxford Street on the tube or by
The clerk explained that I / we could get to Do you want to buy all these CDs?
Oxford Street on the tube or by bus.
6. Im thinking of going to India next month.
mentioned that she was thinking of
Kate going to India the following month /
the next month.
7. Sir, its illegal to park here.
The policeman warned me that it was illegal
to park there.

4. The sales assistant asked me if I wanted to

buy all those CDs .

Unit 9

4. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech 6. Correct the errors.

with the words in brackets. Do not change the
1. Jim told me that he hasnt seen me at the party
original meaning of the sentences. There may
the day before.
be more than one correct answer.
Jim told me that he hadnt seen me at
1. Lets invite Tim and Lorraine to dinner next the party the day before.
2. She asked me if did I like Shrek.
week, my mother suggested. (that)
My mother suggested that we invite Tim She asked me if I liked Shrek.
and Lorraine to dinner the following week /
the week after. 3. My teacher asked me that what I wanted to
2. Dont move! the man ordered the boys. (not)
The man ordered the boys not to move. My teacher asked me what I wanted to study.
3. Do you know when the film starts? David 4. They ordered us that we didnt move.
asked me. (if) They ordered us not to move.
David asked me if I knew when the film 5. Sally suggested that we went to the cinema that
4. You must complete the exam by noon, the night.
teacher reminded us. (that) Sally suggested that we go to the cinema
that night.
The teacher reminded us that we had to
complete the exam by noon. 7. Translate the sentences.
5. Where were you last night? my mother asked
me. (wanted to know) 1. Jim claimed that he was getting used to his new
My mother wanted to know where I had job.
been the previous night / night before. Jim afirm que se estaba
acostumbrando a su nuevo trabajo.
5. Read the interview. Then complete the 2. They enquired whether Sally had gone to several
paragraph below using reported speech. schools during her childhood.
Preguntaron si Sally haba ido a varios
Reporter: Tell me, do you hate the paparazzi? colegios durante su infancia.
3. I wanted to know if he had starred in that
Paul: Yes. Most days, its impossible for me to programme.
go out with my children or to the shops without Quera saber si haba protagonizado ese
being followed! Once, I got so angry at a 4. Ann suggested that we watch that new sitcom.
photographer that I hit him, but Ill never do Ann sugiri que viramos esa comedia
de situacin nueva.
that again. 5. Dad told me not to go out that night to
Reporter: Do you think it should be illegal to celebrate my birthday.
photograph celebrities without their permission? Pap me dijo que no saliera esa noche a
celebrar mi cumpleaos.
Paul: I think it should be. Its already against the
law in some countries. I hope that it will become
illegal in England. Grammar Review
First, the reporter asked Paul 1. if he hated the 8. Choose the correct answer.
paparazzi. Paul replied that it 2. was true. 1. If John asked me to help him, I would agree /
He complained that most days it 3.was impossible will agree / would have agreed to do it.
to go out with 4. his children or to the shops 2. A new stadium is being built / builds /
without being followed. Then, he admitted that he is building for the 2012 Olympics.
once 5. had got so angry at a photographer 3. Cathy told me that she had been / was / is ill
that he 6. had hit him. He also said that the week before.
would never do
he 7. that again. Then the reporter 4. The nurse ordered us not to smoke /
if / whether he itthought
enquired 8. should be illegal to to not smoke / dont smoke in the hospital
photograph celebrities without their permission. waiting room.
Paul agreed that it should be. He mentioned that it 5. I should have left / may leave / / was already
against the law in some countries, might have left my keys on your desk. Could
would become
and hoped it illegal in England. you please check?

READING Starring
the Royal Family
1. Use the reading strategies below to learn as Like many other television series, this one features
much as you can about the text. drama, glamour, excitement, and a wealthy, influential
1. Look at the title and the picture. What do you family whose activities intrigue viewers. In this case,
think the text is about? though, the family is real and headed by Queen
A TV show about the Royal Family
2. Read the first sentence of each paragraph. Elizabeth II, of the United Kingdom and 15 other
* See bottom of page for answers.
What is the main idea of each paragraph? countries. Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work, a
3. Scan the text and find the following six-part documentary, took a year to make. It was first
information: broadcast in late 2008. Its a behind-the-scenes look
a. the name of the documentary at the Royal Family and is an eye-opener for anyone
Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work
b. the number of people who work for the whos wondered what they actually do.
Royal Family 1,000
For instance, members of the Royal Family attend
approximately 4,000 events each year, including
2. Choose the correct answer.
formal state dinners, visits to schools, hospitals and
1. Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work
old-age homes. In addition, the Queen annually hosts
a. was shown in 15 countries.
about 50,000 people at receptions, meals and her
b. was made in 2008.
famous garden parties at Buckingham Palace. In one
c. is six episodes long.
d. took six years to make. episode of the series, theres even a scene of the Queen
checking the table settings for a state dinner.
2. The livery
a. are secretaries. Of course, the Queen and her family have got a lot
b. are members of the Royal Family. of help. The programme provides a glimpse of the
c. is the term used for the royals work done by the more than 1,000 paid staff members
cleaning staff. that run the royal household. Among the staff are
d. serve guests and family members. secretaries, chefs, cleaners, carpenters, plumbers
and the livery. The livery are the people who set
3. Find words or expressions in the text that the tables, polish the silver, open doors, greet guests
mean the opposite of:
and serve drinks and food. Its fascinating to see how
1. powerless (paragraph 1) influential precisely these livery jobs must be done.
2. bore (paragraph 1) intrigue
The TV series doesnt ignore royal pageantry. State
3. exactly (paragraph 2) approximately
dinners abroad and at home are shown, as well as
4. long look at (paragraph 3) glimpse the Queens ceremonial opening of Parliament. This
5. pay attention to (paragraph 4) ignore annual event begins with the Queen and the Crown
Jewels being driven to Parliament in two horse-drawn
4. Answer the questions according to the text. carriages.
1. Why does the writer say that the series is an
The main focus of the series is on the daily routine of
eye-opener for some people?
the Royal Family, which, although it looks like a fairy
Because most people dont know what
tale, is a lot of work.
the Royal Family actually do.
2. Why do you think two carriages are used
to take the Queen and the Crown Jewels
to Parliament? Possible Answer:
To prevent a double crime theft and
* Paragraph 1: a TV series.
Paragraph 2: events Royal Family attends.
72 Paragraph 3: Royal Familys staff
Paragraph 4: royal pageantry.
Paragraph 5: daily routine.
Unit 9


Write a review of a lm or TV programme
you have seen. Use 100-150 words.

1. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or

expression. There may be more than one correct WRITING YOUR REVIEW
answer. 1. Brainstorm your review.
1. This pen belongs to me. Its mine . Think of a lm or TV programme you have
2. I know you dont like Mike. ,/you must seen. What did you like / not like about it.
However Think about the following questions:
make an effort to be polite to him.
3. Im doing my homework now so that I can go out - Is the acting good?
to see a film later. - Is the plot interesting or boring?
4. Mike has broken his leg. Therefore / , he wont - Does the lm / TV programme deal with any
compete in the race.
Consequently important issues?
- Did you enjoy the soundtrack? Were there
5. I still dont believe hes guilty the crime. any special effects?
6. We waited for over an hour. Finally / they arrived. - Is the lm / TV programme an adaptation of
a book / sequel? How does it compare to the
2. Read the lm review below. Choose the original?
correct answers.
2. Organise your ideas. Use the model in
Exercise 2 and the plan below to help you.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a love story, Opening: State the name of the film / TV
but one with a strange twist the main character, programme, the type of film / TV
Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt), ages backwards. Directed programme, the director, the main
by David Fincher, it tells Benjamins story, beginning characters, the leading actor/s and
with 1. him / his birth in 1917. Due to his strange the setting. Describe the plot.
appearance, Benjamin is abandoned and raised by Body: Give your opinion on various
an African-American funny /a funny African-American aspects of the film / TV
woman called Queenie (Taraji P. Henson). When hes a
child, Benjamin meets a little girl, Daisy, who accepts Closing: Give a general recommendation.
him 3. even though / despite his elderly appearance.
Years later, 4. when / since Benjamin looks 40 and Daisy 3. Write a rst draft.
(Cate Blanchett) is in her 20s, they fall in love. Of 4. Use the checklist to check your work.
course, Benjamin gets younger while Daisy gets older. Then write a nal draft. Accept all logical
The plot is interesting, and the performances are and grammatically correct answers.
amazing. In addition, the special effects are brilliant. CHECKLIST
Also / However, there are some problems I followed the plan for a film / TV
with the film. 6. First / At first, it ignores programme review.
important historical events of the time. I used connectors and time words correctly.
Second, the film lasts approximately two
and a half hours, which is too long. I used correct word order and referencing
Despite / Due to these problems, the words.
film still gives viewers much to think I used a variety of adjectives.
about, and is worth seeing.
I checked grammar, spelling and

Brad Pitt as Benjamin Button

See Writing Guide, Students Book page 159 73

Progress Check Unit 9
Vocabulary Grammar
1. Write T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. 3. Choose the correct answer.
Correct the false sentences.
1. Did you run into Sam? asked Rena.
F 1. Sonia was heartbroken when her wish Rena asked her son whether he ran into /
came true. had run into Sam.
Sonia was heartbroken when her 2. Go to your room at once, she said.
wish didnt come true.
F 2. After she was kicked off the show, Marina She told him to go / go to his room at once.
appeared every week. 3. How old is your brother? asked Jean.
After she was kicked off the show,
Marina didnt appear again. Jean asked Philip how old was his brother /
T 3. The film had a predictable ending, so we his brother was.
knew what to expect.
4. Complete the sentences using reported
T 4. A box office hit will make a lot of money. speech.
1. Dont ask Eric about his driving test.
F 5. I listened to the sequel. Cheryl warned Dan not to ask Eric about
I saw the sequel. his driving test.
T 6. The passengers left the plane after it had 2. Where did she hide the biscuits?
landed. Cynthia wondered where she had hidden the
T 7. The bed took up so much space there was 3. I bought tickets for the concert next week.
no room for a chair. Dave announced that he had bought tickets
for the concert the following week / the
week after / the next week.
4. I have decided to take up skydiving.
2. Choose two correct answers for each
question. Charlie said that he had decided to take up

1. What should you do during take-off? skydiving.

a. Collect your luggage. 5. Are you using the computer right now?
b. Sit in your seat. Sams sister wanted to know if he was using
c. Keep your seatbelt on. the computer then.
2. What might you hear on a film soundtrack?
a. background music
b. the director talking
c. street noise
3. How would you greet visitors to your home? 5. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
a. I would smile and say Hello. brackets. Do not change the original meaning
b. I would say Goodbye. of the sentences.
c. I would ask them in. 1. Please ask Phil if this book belongs to him. (his)
4. Why might you change channels? Please ask Phil if this is his book.
a. You are bored. 2. Read the instructions carefully so that you will
b. You dont know what you want to watch. be able to build the table properly. (so as to)
c. The programme is interesting. Read the instructions carefully so as to
build the table properly.
3. The weather was cold, so we didnt go out.
(due to)
We didnt go out due to the cold weather.

Unit 9

Progress Check Units 1-9

Vocabulary Grammar
1. Write the words next to their meanings. 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form
There are more words than you need. of the verbs in brackets.
sitcom staff frank damage 1. Mum was waiting (wait) when I
release cast hectic take up came (come) home last night.
sequel spacious will have finished (finish)
2. By next month, we
1. begin something new take up the scuba diving course. Then, we
2. all the actors in a play or film cast are going to travel(travel) to Thailand.
3. let something go free release 3. Does this book belong (belong) to
4. harm or injury damage you? It was left (leave) on my desk.
5. a funny TV programme sitcom 4. The policeman told the thief not to move
frank (not move) and to be (be) quiet.
6. honest and direct
7. very busy hectic
5. Rewrite the sentences using the words in
brackets. Do not change the original meaning
2. Complete the sentences by adding a suitable of the sentences.
prex or sufx to the words in brackets.
1. They recycle plastic bottles at this factory. (are)
1. Its useless (use). It doesnt work.
Plastic bottles are recycled at this factory.
2. You must have (understood) me.
2. The last time I saw a film at a cinema was two
I was talking about something else.
years ago. (for)
3. Dont be so impatient (patient). Ill be ready. I havent seen a film at a cinema for two
4. Our friendship (friend) is based on trust. years.
3. Vera helped the elderly man. His daughter was
5. His haircut has changed his appearance on holiday. (whose)
(appear). Vera helped the elderly man whose
daughter was on holiday.
3. Complete the passage with the words and 4. It wasnt a good idea for us to miss the
phrases below. There are more words than geography lesson. (shouldnt)
necessary. We shouldnt have missed the
cope with defeat likely better off geography lesson.
5. I dont walk every day because Im lazy. (if)
short of high point accomplishment
Id walk every day if I werent lazy.
survive choices struggle endurance
Ask any actor who has won an Oscar and it is
6. Correct the errors in the sentences.
1. likely that he will say it was the
2. high point 1. He didnt accept the role in the play despite he
of both his career and his life.
really wanted it.
But what happens to these actors after that night?
He didnt accept the role in the play even
Unfortunately, many of them dont 3. survive in though / although he really wanted it.
the film industry. Gwyneth Paltrow says she couldnt 2. Sharon gave me yesterday a pair of earrings.
4. cope with
the pressure after getting her Oscar Sharon gave me a pair of earrings
and, as a result, she made many bad 5. choices 3. Will you ask your parents to lend you them car?
in her life. In many ways, she claims, she was Will you ask your parents to lend you
6. better off
their car?
without the Oscar. So many actors 4. Those shoes were too expensive. Moreover, I
7. struggle to become famous in Hollywood, but didnt buy them.
its just as difficult to stay famous. Winning an Oscar Those shoes were too expensive.
is an 8. , but its not a guarantee for a Consequently / Therefore / As a result, I
didnt buy them.
successful future.

1 Faces
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns Adjectives single
acquaintance bossy skinny
clue calm slim
disorder chubby spiky
injury confident straight
suit considerate stubborn
Verbs curly talkative
cope with dark unattractive
pretend fair wavy
realise generous Compound Adjectives
remind good-looking big-headed
reply gorgeous broad-shouldered
share helpful kind-hearted
Phrasal Verbs impulsive long-legged
look away muscular old-fashioned
look through nosy open-minded
look up petite short-tempered
run after plain shoulder-length
run into romantic Expressions
run off with selfish all in all

2. Find the following.

1. two synonyms for thin
skinny , slim
2. two words that mean not good-looking
plain , unattractive
3. six adjectives that can be used to describe hair
curly , fair , wavy ,
dark , spiky , straight , shoulder-length
4. two compound adjectives that describe appearance
broad-shouldered, long-legged
5. three compound adjectives that describe personality
big-hearted , kind-hearted , open-minded , short-tempered

3. In which of the following can you look something up?

a telephone book / a photograph / a dictionary / the Internet / a telescope

Unit 1
4. Translate the following sentences.
1. Im replying to a letter from an acquaintance.
Estoy contestando la carta de un conocido.
2. Do you realise that this man is blind?

Te das cuenta de que este hombre es ciego?
3. Im looking forward to visiting my aunt. Shes short-tempered, but very kind-hearted.
Estoy deseando visitar a mi ta. Es irritable, pero de muy buen corazn.
4. The patient is trying to cope with her injuries.
La paciente est intentando sobrellevar sus heridas.
5. I couldnt find a single person who would share his lunch with me.
No pude encontrar una sola persona que compartiera su comida conmigo.

Vocabulary Extension

5. Complete the table. Use your dictionary to help you.

Noun Verb Adjective

consideration consider considerate
help / helper help helpful / helpless
talk / talker talk talkative
attraction attract attractive
confidence confident

6. Complete the sentences with a word from the chart.

1. Im quite confident that Ill pass the exam.
2. Do you need any help with your homework?
3. My little brother will do anything to attract attention.
4. You should always consider the feelings of other people.
5. We had a long talk about the situation.


7. Read the phrasal verbs and their definitions below. Then complete the sentences
with a phrasal verb from the list.
look after take care of
look for try to find
look into investigate
look in on visit for a short time
look out be careful
1. I cant find my glasses. Would you help me look for them?
2. Diana isnt feeling well. We should
look in on / look after
3. I usually look after my little sister when my parents arent home.
4. Look out ! Theres a car coming!
5. No one knows how the accident happened, but the police will look into it.

2 Danger!
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns shake protective
courage survive shocked
fear switch on shocking
guest warn startled
poison Adjectives startling
relief brave threatened
thrill disappointed threatening
Verbs excited thrilled
arrange exciting thrilling
breathe frightened useful
cheer up frightening valuable
deliver furious Expressions
hesitate graphic live on the edge
make sure harmless lucky to be alive
point (at) middle-aged risk (your) life
pour original seriously injured
scream personal

2. Find the following.

1. what you can do to a pizza or a package
2. two expressions that mean put oneself in danger
risk (your) life , live on the edge
3. four adjectives describing how you would feel if someone attacked you
frightened , shocked , startled , threatened
4. an adjective and a noun used for people who arent afraid in dangerous situations
brave , courage
5. a verb that becomes a noun when you remove the final e

3. Translate the following sentences.

1. It was a relief to find out that the children had survived.
Fue un alivio enterarse de que los nios haban sobrevivido.
2. A middle-aged man was seriously injured while he was skiing yesterday.
Un hombre de mediana edad result gravemente herido mientras esquiaba ayer.
3. You didnt listen to me when I warned you. Youre lucky to be alive!
No me escuchaste cuando te advert. Tienes suerte de estar vivo!
4. We made sure that all the guests had arrived.
Nos aseguramos de que todos los invitados hubieran llegado.
5. Her parents were furious when she lost their valuable camera.
Sus padres se pusieron furiosos cuando perdi su valiosa cmara.
Unit 2
Vocabulary Extension

4. Add -al, -able, -ous, -ic, -ive, -ing or -ed to the words below to form adjectives.

1. sympathy sympathetic
2. depend dependable
3. courage courageous
4. environment environmental
5. create creative
6. bore boring / bored
7. interest interesting / interested

5. Complete the sentences using the adjectives formed in Exercise 4.

1. I was so bored during the concert that I almost fell asleep.
2. Sara writes stories and paints. Shes very creative .
3. We saw an interesting documentary yesterday. We learned a lot from it.
4. Only a few courageous people stayed in the city during the war.
5. Im sure John will keep his promise. Hes quite dependable .
6. Better laws would help reduce problems such as air pollution.
7. My teacher wasnt verysympatheticwhen I told her about my problem.


6. Use ONE word to complete both sentences in each pair, using the clues in brackets.
1. A: We live quite close to each other. (near)
B: Its cold. Would you please close the window? (shut)
2. A: Never point a gun at anyone. (aim)
B: You dont understand the point of what Im saying. (main idea)
3. A: He didnt look like a secret agent. (similar to)
B: I dont like bossy people. (enjoy)
second . (after the first)
4. A: I was the first person here, and Paula was the
B: Wait a second . Im almost ready! (1/60 of a minute)
5. A: What kind of ice cream would you like? (type)
B: Its so kind of you to help me. (generous and considerate)

3 Go for It!
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns overcome a question
accomplishment overturn a salary
award seek set:
challenge struggle an alarm
champion take up a date
defeat Adjectives a precedent
disability devastating a record
endurance superhuman a table
equipment unfair win:
limbs Idioms an argument
performance have a head start a competition
request hit below the belt a match
speed learn the ropes a medal
strength the balls in a prize
training your court a war
willpower throw in the towel Expressions
Verbs Collocations achieve a goal
advance raise: beat an opponent
enhance a building break a record
fail a flag deal with
lengthen an issue point out

2. Find the following.

1. two adjectives with a negative connotation
devastating , unfair
2. an idiom that means to be cruel or unfair
hit below the belt
3. at least three words that have the same form as a noun and as a verb
advance , award , challenge , defeat

3. Which of the following does NOT form a collocation with the word raise?
a child / a glass / a plane / money

Unit 3
4. Translate the following sentences.
1. Marcus has already raised this issue a few times.
Marcus ya ha planteado este problema varias veces.
2. Im thinking of taking up a new sport have you got any ideas?

Estoy pensando en empezar un nuevo deporte, tienes alguna idea?
3. Jane has struggled with her disability for many years.
Jane ha luchado contra su discapacidad durante muchos aos.
4. I think its unfair that I cant use the new equipment.
Creo que es injusto que no pueda utilizar el equipo nuevo.
5. He pointed out that Kyle has failed the test three times.
Seal que Kyle ha suspendido el examen tres veces.

Vocabulary Extension

5. Complete the table. Use your dictionary to help you.

Noun Verb Adjective

accomplishment accomplish accomplished
strength strengthen strong
devastation devastate devastating / devastated
equipment equip equipped
improvement improve improved

6. Complete the sentences with a word from the chart.

1. Charlie is really strong I saw him lift some very heavy boxes.
2. Chloe trains every day because she wants to improve her performance.
3. My dad worked very hard to create a successful business. Were all proud of his accomplishment
4. I was devastated when I heard Pauls sad news.
5. Id like to try skiing, but the equipment is expensive.


7. Complete the common sports collocations with the words below.

player fans sports team ball record
1. There are loyal, devoted, big or keen fans .
2. You can kick, pass, throw or catch a ball .
3. There are indoor, outdoor, competitive, extreme, summer, winter and team sports .
4. A person can be a top, minor, professional, amateur or promising player .
5. Its possible to break, set, keep or hold a record .
6. You can play for, or play against, beat, join or get into a team .

4 Landmarks
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns Verbs British / American English
bridge reach for car park / parking lot
concrete run out cinema / movie theater
engineer support city centre / downtown
glass tear down flat / apartment
iron garden / yard
landmark Adjectives ground floor / first floor
office block ancient lift / elevator
resort bare pavement / sidewalk
ruler breathtaking shop / store
shore huge shopping centre / mall
skyscraper leisure
source luxury
steel major
stone narrow
storey spacious
surface spare

2. Find the following.

1. four building materials
concrete , iron , steel , stone , glass
2. three adjectives that could be used to describe a skyscraper
breathtaking, huge , luxury
3. an adjective that can form collocations with the following nouns: time / wheel / room / cash
4. two nouns that are people
engineer , ruler
5. a word that can be used as a noun or as a verb to complete the following sentences:
a. The floor couldnt support the weight of the heavy furniture.
b. The old man used the walking stick as a support .

3. Translate the following sentences.
1. The old stone bridge is being torn down next week.
El viejo puente de piedra ser derribado la semana que viene.
2. Im going to Mexico and I want to stay at a luxury resort.

Voy a ir a Mxico y quiero alojarme en un complejo turstico de lujo.
3. There are 25 storeys in this building. The view from the top is breathtaking.
Hay 25 plantas en este edificio. La vista desde la ltima es impresionante.
4. I didnt realise that the streets downtown are so narrow.
No me haba dado cuenta de que las calles del centro de la ciudad son tan estrechas.
5. Charlie lives in a spacious flat, but the building hasnt got a lift.
Charlie vive en un piso amplio, pero el edificio no tiene ascensor.

Vocabulary Extension

4. Read the sentences in I, paying attention to the phrasal verbs in bold. Match each
phrasal verb to its meaning in II.
1. Sarah was having such a good time at the park. It was a pity I had to tear her away.
2. Juliet was so angry with Adam that she tore up all his letters.
3. He wrote a poem in his notebook, tore it out and gave it to Nina.
4. The country was torn apart by the civil war.
5. Sue tore off her sandals and jumped into the water.
2 a. tear something into small pieces with your hands
4 b. destroy or cause conflict
5 c. take something off quickly
1 d. force someone to leave
3 e. remove a page from a book or magazine


5. Read the sentences. Replace the words in bold with words from the list below.
lujo biblioteca acera lugar antigua apoyar complejos turstico
1. I went to the library after work to change my books. biblioteca
2. Sonia tripped on the pavement and broke her leg. acera
3. We built a wall to support the apple tree. apoyar
4. Theres an ancient church in this village. antigua
5. Is this the place where we agreed to meet? lugar, sitio
6. There are fantastic resorts in Dubai.complejos tursticos
7. Hydropolis will be a luxury underwater hotel. de lujo

5 Speak Out!
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns miss tame
cage misunderstand unfair
conservation pick up wild
cub release Idioms
customer rent a fish out of water
disadvantage review hold your horses
ex-president underestimate kill two birds with
fad Adjectives one stone
fee cosy let the cat out of
habitat endangered the bag
lifestyle fierce smell a rat
owner hectic Expressions
predators illogical a dream come true
species impossible better off
Verbs inconvenient in captivity
breed international no matter what
claim irrelevant short of
hunt lifelong
long for overpopulated

2. Find the following.

1. two nouns that refer to people
customer , owner , ex-president
2. two verbs that describe emotions
long for , miss
3. two adjectives that are opposites
tame , wild
4. an idiom that you use when someone revealed a secret
let the cat out of the bag
5. six prefixes that give words a negative meaning
dis- , ir- , il- , in- , mis- , un- , im-

Unit 5
3. Translate the following sentences.
1. Wild animals are better off in their natural habitats.
Los animales salvajes estn mejor en su hbitat natural.
2. The zoo kept the lion cubs in small cages.

El zoo tena los cachorros de len en jaulas pequeas.
3. Its illegal to hunt animals that are endangered.
Es ilegal cazar animales en peligro de extincin.
4. Most of our customers are people who have busy, hectic lifestyles.
La mayora de nuestros clientes son personas que tienen un estilo de vida ocupado y frentico.
5. If you miss the sea, you can rent a holiday home near the shore.
Si echas de menos el mar, puedes alquilar una casa de vacaciones en la costa.

Vocabulary Extension

4. Form prepositional phrases by combining a preposition in I with a word or expression in II. Some of
the words in II can be used with more than one preposition.
1. in 1 a. captivity
2. on 2, 3 b. sale
3. for 1, 2 c. time
4. at 2 d. my own
2 e. a diet
1, 3 f. love
4 g. fault
1 h. shape

5. Complete the sentences with prepositional phrases formed in Exercise 4.

1. I dont want any chocolate. Im on a diet .
2. Lets hurry. I want to get there on / in time .
3. Ann and Ben are in love and want to get married.
4. No one is here with me. Im on my own .
5. I made a mistake. I know that Im at fault .
6. Diane exercises every day. Shes really in shape .
7. Animals that are kept in captivity forget how to hunt.
8. There are several houses for sale on this street.

6. Add prefixes to the words in bold so that they mean the same as the words in brackets.
1. The teacher punishes the children whenever they mis behave (behave badly).
2. Solar-powered cars exist, but they are still im practical (not practical) to use.
3. This chair is veryun comfortable (not comfortable). Is there anywhere else to sit?
4. There were many mistakes in my essay, so I had to re write (write again) it.
5. Youre underweight (weigh less than you should). You should eat more.
6. His enemies were in visible (couldnt be seen) in the dark, but he could hear them.

6 Extreme Weather
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns Verbs slippery
background avoid soaking wet
blizzard chase Expressions
degrees gather back and forth
drought melt bitter cold
flood run (a company) bitter wind
forecast shiver heavy rain
heatwave slip heavy snowfall
humidity strike mild temperatures
lightning sweat mild weather
path witness rather than
rainfall Adjectives scorching heat
weather chilly scorching temperatures
forecaster deadly severe storms
ordinary severe weather
overcast thick clouds
skilled thick fog

2. Find the following.

1. a noun that describes:
a. the result of too much rain flood
b. the result of too little rain drought
2. a verb that describes what you do when its hot and humid sweat
3. a verb that describes what you do when its cold shiver
4. an adjective that could describe a snake, a tornado or a disease deadly

3. Which of the following cannot melt?

ice / water / a candle / chocolate / butter / clouds / sugar / paper

4. Translate the following sentences.

1. They say that lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
Dicen que los rayos nunca caen dos veces en el mismo lugar.
2. Weather forecasters gather all the information they can.
Los meteorlogos recopilan toda la informacin que pueden.
3. Without an umbrella, they couldnt avoid getting soaking wet.
Sin paraguas no pudieron evitar calarse hasta los huesos.
4. London often has thick fog and heavy rain.
Londres tiene a menudo una niebla densa y fuertes lluvias.
5. You should have a background in business if you want to run a company.
Deberas tener formacin en los negocios si quieres dirigir una empresa.

Unit 6
Vocabulary Extension

5. Complete the table. Use your dictionary to help you.

Noun Verb Adjective
destruction destroy destructive
danger endanger dangerous
frustration frustrate frustrated / frustrating
combination combine combined
excitement excite excited / exciting

6. Complete the sentences with a word from the chart.

1. Why is everybody so happy? Whats all the excitement ?
2. The terrible destruction was caused by the bombs.
3. I was frustrated because I couldnt solve the maths problem.
4. People endanger themselves when they drive without seatbelts.
5. To make this cake, you combine flour and orange juice.


7. Match the words in I to the words in II to form word pairs.

Remember that the word order in these pairs cannot change.
1. back 6 a. or less
2. ladies 7 b. and white
3. in 3 c. and out
4. peace 5 d. or shine
5. rain 1 e. and forth
6. more 8 f. and sour
7. black 4 g. and quiet
8. sweet 2 h. and gentlemen

8. Complete the sentences with the word pairs formed in Exercise 7.

1. The children were throwing a ball back and forth .
Ladies and gentlemen
2. , lets welcome our guest speaker.
3. Im trying to concentrate. Could I please have a little peace and quiet ?
4. Have you tried the sweet and sour chicken?
5. The policeman stands at that corner every day, rain or shine .
6. Hes been in and out of hospital for the past six months.
7. You think everything is black and white , but its not so simple.
8. Are you feeling better now? Well, more or less .

7 Travel
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns information Verbs
agreement landscape delay
airline luggage leak
appointment possibility rescue
balance purpose sink
billboard queue Adjectives
cruise relationship aware
damage research concerned
darkness return ticket overnight
decision tourist treacherous
departure time youth hostel Expressions
difference belong to
environmentalist keep in mind
flight sign up (for)

2. Find the following.

1. at least five words that have got the same form as a noun and a verb
balance , cruise , damage , queue , research , delay, leak, rescue
2. a noun that is a job or profession
3. three nouns that name things you would see in an airport
luggage , queue , tourist , return ticket, departure time
4. two verbs that are bad if they happen to a ship
leak , sink
5. an adjective that can describe a feeling

3. Translate the following sentences.

1. The fire at the youth hostel caused a lot of damage.
El incendio en el albergue juvenil caus muchos daos.
2. Environmentalists want to preserve the natural landscape.
Los ecologistas quieren conservar el paisaje natural.
3. What is the purpose of your research?
Cul es el objetivo de tu investigacin?
4. Are you aware of the reasons for my decision?
Eres consciente de las razones de mi decisin?
5. There was a long queue of people waiting for the cruise.
Haba una larga cola de gente esperando al crucero.

Unit 7
Vocabulary Extension

4. Complete the table. Use your dictionary to help you.

Noun Verb Adjective
decision decide decisive
departure depart departed / departing
information inform informative
leak leak leaking
difference differ different


5. Add a noun suffix to each of the words below. Then complete the sentences with
the nouns you formed.
curious assist agree entertain friend responsible celebrate piano
1. I cant do all this work without some assistance .
2. Our friendship began five years ago.
3. Its your
responsibilityto clean the kitchen.
4. We couldnt reach an agreement on the price.
5. Children learn easily because of their natural curiosity .
6. The wedding celebration lasted all night.
7. Helen is a talented pianist .
8. What do you like doing for


6. Its easy to confuse the words in the following pairs. Use the correct words in brackets
to complete the sentences.
1. We hope you enjoy your trip to Antarctica, but dont expect a luxury cruise! (expect / hope)
2. Watch that player carefully. Can you see how she throws the ball? (watch / see)
3. Are you sure that its safe to swim so far? (safe / sure)
4. This hotel seems quite noisy. Id rather stay in a quiet place. (quite / quiet)
5. Im all ready for the trip. Ive already packed my bag. (already / all ready)

8 Honesty
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns get caught Adjective Preposition
brain plagiarise Combinations
choice put up good at / for / to
figure shoplift interested in
liar steal late for
signal suspect pleased about
staff take place proud of
thief tempt similar to
white lie tend to sorry for / about
Verbs trust worried about
admit Adjectives Expressions
behave astounding change (my) ways
blame frank get away with
cheat guilty get into trouble
conduct likely its a pity
deceive rough
ensure worldwide

2. Find the following.

1. a phrasal verb that means occur
take place
2. a compound adjective
3. at least four verbs connected to crime
cheat , get caught , shoplift , steal , get away with, deceive, admit
4. a noun that describes a group of people
5. an adjective that means the opposite of dishonest

3. Translate the following sentences.

1. Our nerves transmit signals from our brains to our limbs.
Nuestros nervios transmiten seales desde el cerebro hasta las extremidades.
2. The job of the hotel staff is to ensure that all our guests are satisfied.
El trabajo del personal del hotel es asegurarse de que todos los huspedes estn satisfechos.
3. I was tempted to make the wrong choice.
Estuve tentado de elegir la opcin equivocada.
4. Im proud of the fact that I changed my ways.
Estoy orgullosa de haber cambiado mi manera de actuar.
5. Its a pity that no one sensed the danger.
Es una pena que nadie presintiera el peligro.

Unit 8
Vocabulary Extension

4. Match each verb with a preposition.

for in to on at
1. tend to
2. wait for / in / at / on
3. concentrate on
4. shout at / to
5. agree to / on
6. depend on
7. insist on
8. participate in

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs and prepositions formed in Exercise 4.
Make any necessary changes.
1. My mum and dad have agreed to share all the housework.
2. Please dont shout at me. Talk quietly!
3. Can I depend on you to be there if I need you?
4. Its hard for me to concentrate on maths for more than an hour.
5. Hurry up! Everyones waiting for you!
6. Do you think that people tend to be honest most of the time?
7. Are you going to participate in the contest?
8. He insisted on taking a map, even though we knew the way.


6. Match the phrasal verbs in I to their meanings in II.

1. Please put the book back on the shelf. 5 a. arrange to have at a later date
2. Peter put on his new jeans. 3 b. tolerate
3. I wont put up with your behaviour. 4 c. insult or criticise
4. I felt terrible after you put me down. 1 d. return to its place
5. They put off the concert because the singer was ill. 2 e. get dressed in

9 Thats Entertainment!
1. Translate the following words and expressions. For translations, see Students Book pages 134-145.
Nouns sitcom Phrasal Verbs
audience soap opera come on
box-office hit soundtrack cut off
cast special effects go on
channel take-off kick off
character viewer put on
childhood Verbs sell out
contestant appeal to take up
high point disguise tune in
hoax greet Adjectives
let-down land heartbroken
light bulb move live
network pinpoint predictable
plot screen remarkable
review set in suspenseful
sequel star Expressions
worth seeing

2. Find the following.

1. two nouns that are types of TV programmes
sitcom , soap opera
2. a noun that means a very popular film
a box-office hit
3. a noun that means a disappointing film
a let-down
4. five nouns that refer to people or groups of people
audience , cast , character , contestant , viewer

3. Translate the following sentences.

1. The reviews say that the film will appeal to audiences of all ages.
Las crticas dicen que la pelcula atraer a espectadores de todas las edades.
2. Its remarkable that they broadcast the incident on live TV.
Es sorprendente que retransmitieran el incidente en directo por la tele.
3. How many channels can you watch on cable TV?
Cuntos canales se pueden ver en la tele por cable?
4. One of the high points of his childhood was a trip to Disney World.
Uno de los momentos cruciales de mi infancia fue un viaje a Disney World.
5. Two contestants have been kicked off the show.
Han expulsado a dos concursantes del programa.

Unit 9
Vocabulary Extension

4. Complete the table. Use your dictionary to help you.

Noun Verb Adjective
entertainment / entertain entertaining
production / produce productive
disguise disguise disguised
training train trained
surprise surprise surprising / surprised
life live live / alive

5. Complete the sentences with a word from the chart.

1. What sort of training do you need for your job?
2. Perhaps your workers will be more productive if you pay them better.
3. It doesnt surprise me that Alan was late. He never comes on time.
4. The bird is seriously injured, but its still alive .
5. In the evenings, they have a singer to entertain the guests.
6. I didnt recognise him. Hes wearing a fantastic disguise !


6. Match the phrasal verbs in I to their meanings in II.

1. Dont worry, I wont let you down. 4 a. reduce
2. The rain finally let up in the late afternoon. 3 b. interrupt
3. Sorry for cutting in, but could I say something? 8 c. examine, think about
4. If we dont cut down on our spending, well be in trouble. 7 d. pass
5. She took over the family business after her father died. 2 e. stop, become less intense
6. Theyve taken the engine apart, but they cant find the problem. 1 f. disappoint
7. Several cars went by, but no one would stop for me. 5 g. take control
8. Well have to go over all their suggestions. 6 h. separate into different parts

1 Exam Practice
A Hunt for the Ruyi
Touring a city usually means being taken round by a guide in a group or going to the famous sights on your own with
the help of a guidebook. However, if youre planning on visiting Rome, there is now a new and entertaining way of
seeing it. This new way turns a visit to the Eternal City into an exciting game with the use of a mobile phone and
a guidebook known as The Ruyi, written by Alberto Toso Fei.
The game focuses on a hunt for the Ruyi, a mythical magic sceptre. In Feis story, Marco Polo, the famous explorer,
steals the sceptre from Kublai Khan, the Chinese emperor. To find the sceptre, players have to answer questions
using clues sent as text messages to their mobile phones. By using the clues, players identify and then visit famous
landmarks in the city, such as the Colosseum. They learn about the sights as the search for the Ruyi continues.
The entries in the guidebook that describe the places to visit cannot be understood without the help of a special code.
To obtain the code, players have to send a text message to a phone number given in the guidebook. The code helps
players make sense of the entry and identify the sight they will visit. When players reach the landmark, they receive
another text message containing a question. The answer to this question can be found at the sight. Players text the
correct reply and get a new code for the next sight. And so the hunt continues.
The clues can lead to any of 60 landmarks and monuments throughout Rome. The players visit both the famous
sights of the city, as well as some lesser known ones that they might not visit on a normal tour of Rome. The game
can last from two to nine hours, and may be played alone or in teams.
Of course, the Ruyi is never found. However, this shouldnt bother those who take part in the hunt for the mythical
sceptre. The real treasure is experiencing a fun, new way to visit the Eternal City.

1. Choose the correct answer. 3. Rewrite the sentences without changing their
original meaning.
1. The Eternal City refers to ... .
a. a new guidebook 1. A visit to Rome becomes an exciting game
b. Rome through the use of a mobile phone and
c. an exciting game a guidebook.
2. The code helps players ... . A mobile phone and a guidebook are used
a. read the text message to make a visit to Rome an exciting game
b. use their mobile phones 2. Entries in the guidebook cannot be understood
c. understand whats written in the guidebook without the help of a special code.
3. The game ... . The players cannot understand the entries
a. may take up to nine hours to play in the guidebook without a special code.
b. is always played in teams
3. Players text the correct reply and get a new code
c. cannot be played alone
to move on to the next site.
4. According to the author, the true reward is ... .
Players move on by texting the correct
a. finding the Ruyi
b. enjoying a new way of touring Rome
reply and getting a new code .
c. visiting a landmark
4. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
2. Find words or expressions in the text that
mean: 1. A for and against essay: The advantages
1. fun (paragraph 1) entertaining and disadvantages of going on an organised
tour when travelling.
2. receive (paragraph 3) obtain
2. A description: Describe a city that you have
3. find the answer
(paragraph 3) make sense
Accept all logical and grammatically
4. participate (paragraph 5) take part correct answers.

Exam Practice

2 Exam Practice
Car Clubs
A small two-door car, a family-sized saloon, a van or a petrol-electric hybrid? Most people dont change their car
every day. But members of car-sharing schemes can select the car most suitable for their needs for every single
journey they make.
Car-sharing schemes, or car clubs as they are known in Britain, now exist in over 600 cities worldwide. Although
details vary, most clubs operate in roughly the same way. After their driving record is approved, members join
by paying a fee. Then, usually by phone or over the Internet, they may book any car belonging to their scheme,
collecting it from, and returning it to, any designated location. Often, the membership card itself unlocks the car.
Payment is based on the time reserved and the kilometres driven.
Joining a club offers members many advantages. First, they usually save money, because they dont have to pay for
insurance, maintenance or petrol. Second, many members find that their health improves; they often walk or cycle as
an alternative to driving on short journeys. Third, parking is easier, as more cities reserve special spaces for car-club
vehicles. Finally, there is prestige clubs provide newer and better models of cars than many members could afford
to own.
Car-sharing schemes also benefit society as a whole. One club claims that each of its 28 vehicles replaces the need
for between five and eight privately owned cars, reducing carbon emissions by approximately 320 tons annually.
Less traffic also lowers urban noise levels and the appearance of local neighbourhoods may improve too, as more
gardens and fewer garages appear.
These schemes dont suit everyone. Some people need to know that their own car is waiting for them outside their
home. Others who drive long distances for work may find that owning a private car is cheaper. But for drivers who

dont mind putting a little thought into planning their journeys in order to help themselves and the environment, car
clubs are an ideal solution.

1. Choose the correct answer. 3. Rewrite the sentences without changing their
original meaning.
1. Members of car-sharing schemes ... .
a. can select a suitable vehicle for every journey 1. Car clubs provide new and better models of
b. make only single journeys in each car cars.
c. dont get to choose the car New and better models of cars are provided
2. Car-club members ... . by car clubs.
a. must always pick up and return the car to 2. Others find that owning a private car is cheaper.
the same place
Others find that it is cheaper to own
b. are often able to reserve their car without
a private car.
entering an office
c. use a personal identification number to
unlock the car door 4. Find words in the text that mean:
1. more or less (paragraph 2) roughly
3. People who join car clubs ... .
a. generally find it less expensive than owning 2. gives (paragraph 3) offers
a private car 3. help (paragraph 4) benefit
b. usually get a discount on their car repairs 4. less expensive (paragraph 5) cheaper
and insurance
c. can often borrow bicycles as well as cars 5. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
2. Answer the question. 1. A for and against essay: What is your ideal
How do car clubs help the environment? means of transport? Give reasons.
Car clubs help the environment by reducing 2. An opinion essay: The advantages and
carbon emissions by approximately 320 disadvantages of owning a car.
tons annually. Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers.

3 Exam Practice
The Changing Face of Friendship
Making friends used to be a matter of going out and meeting people. Nowadays, thanks to Facebook, you can meet
new people without having to leave the comfort of your computer chair.
Facebook was launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University who has since been described
as the youngest billionaire on Earth.
Membership was initially restricted to Harvard students. The site became an overnight success and was eventually
opened up to the general public. Today, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid e-mail address can join Facebook.
Its free to users, but makes a profit from online advertising.
When people sign up for Facebook, they create a personal profile and can choose to join one or more networks, for
example, their school or workplace. Users can gain access to their friends profiles and connect with them. Facebook
users may also discover that they are only two or three clicks away from re-establishing contact with friends from the
Many kinds of friendships are maintained through Facebook, but some which are out of the ordinary may be formed
as well. For example, you can make friends with people you have communicated with through e-mail but have
never met in person. All you have to do is find their profiles on Facebook and ask them to be your friends. People
collect hundreds of friends and thereby give the impression that they are popular.
So, has Facebook changed the notion of what it is to be a friend? Once, you would choose your friends from amongst
the people you saw regularly. They were those you had the most in common with and who you could share your
feelings with. They were ready to help you and you were always ready to help them in return.
Is Facebook a sign of what will happen to society in the future? Will people give up the challenges of true friendship
in favour of computer-generated relationships on sites such as Facebook? Virtual friends, after all, will never
disappoint you.

1. Choose the correct answer. 3. Answer the question.

1. In the early days of Facebook, ... . How is making friends today different from how it
a. anyone could join was in the past?
b. only Mark Zuckerbergs friends could register Because in the past you had to go out and
c. only people who studied at Harvard could meet people while today you can make
register friends at home through your computer.
2. A friend on Facebook ... . 4. Find words or expressions in the text that
a. is always someone youve met mean:
b. may be someone that youve never met 1. started (paragraph 2) launched
c. is always someone that you meet regularly
2. at no cost (paragraph 3) free
2. Rewrite the sentences without changing their 3. register (paragraph 4) sign up
original meaning. 4. unusual (paragraph 5) out of the ordinary
1. Facebook was launched in 2004 by Mark 5. idea (paragraph 6) notion
Zuckerberg. He was a student at Harvard
University. 5. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
Mark Zuckerberg, who was a student at in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
Harvard University, launched Facebook 1. A for and against essay: The advantages and
in 2004. disadvantages of making friends on Facebook.
2. Zuckerberg has been described as the youngest
billionaire on Earth. 2. An opinion essay: Does real friendship mean
People have described Zuckerberg as spending time with people face-to-face? Explain.
the youngest billionaire on Earth. Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers.

Exam Practice

4 Exam Practice
Checking Spellcheckers
English spelling is very difficult. This is a problem that faces not only non-native speakers but many native speakers
as well.
Why is English spelling so problematic? Many English words are spelt differently from the way that they sound,
such as the word laugh. There are also many homophones, which are words that sound the same but are spelt
differently, for example, right and write. In addition, there are words which contain silent letters, for instance the
letter k in the word know. For these reasons, the only way to improve your spelling in English is to memorise all
the words that are difficult to spell.
Computer spellcheckers should have solved spelling problems. They detect misspelt words and, in certain cases,
even correct them automatically. However, spellcheckers are far from perfect. When they cannot automatically
correct a word, they give users a list of alternative words to choose from. This is helpful as long as users know
which word they are looking for, or if the intended word is on the list. In addition, computer spellcheckers will
only spot an error if the word doesnt exist in their word banks. For instance, if you type Eye did knot go the write
weigh, spellcheckers will not be able to detect any of the mistakes. Although all the words in this sentence are spelt
correctly, it makes no sense.
However, technology may now have found a way of solving these problems. A hi-tech company, Ginger Software,
has developed a program that doesnt just spot mistyped words, but also uses context and grammatical structure to
correct mistakes. Its developers have tried to make its working processes as close to those of natural language as
possible. If its successful, Ginger Softwares new program should be able to find the errors in the sentence Eye did
knot go the write weigh, and correct it to I did not go the right way.

1. Choose the correct answer. 3. Find words or expressions in the text that
1. A homophone is a word ... .
a. that is spelt the same as another word 1. have got (paragraph 2) contain
b. that sounds different from another word 2. detect (paragraph 3) spot
c. that sounds the same as another word 3. for example (paragraph 3) for instance
2. A spellchecker ... . 4. similar (paragraph 4) close to
a. can automatically correct all mistakes
b. will identify spelling mistakes 4. Answer the question.
c. helps you memorise difficult words
Why cant regular spellcheckers always help people
3. The new program is unique because it ... . to spell correctly?
a. detects words used out of context Spellcheckers only give a list of alternative
b. automatically corrects misspelt words words to choose from so the user must
know the word hes looking for. In addition,
c. memorises words that are difficult to spell it will only spot an error if the word
doesnt exist in their word bank.
5. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
2. Rewrite the sentences without changing their
in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
original meaning.
1. An opinion essay: Do you think its important
1. Computer spellcheckers should have solved the
to have English spelling tests? Explain why or
why not.
The problem should have been solved
2. An opinion essay: What aspect of learning
by computer spellcheckers.
English is the most difficult for you? Explain.
2. Spellcheckers will only spot an error if the word
Accept all logical and grammatically
doesnt exist in their word banks. correct answers.
Unless the word exists in their word banks,
spellcheckers wont spot an error.

5 Exam Practice
Mickey Mouse Degrees
Students usually go to university to obtain a degree in physics, economics or history. But in Britain, its now possible
to get a university degree in less traditional subjects, including equestrian studies, aromatherapy and the unusual
mixture of outdoor adventure with philosophy.
These degrees are known informally as Mickey Mouse degrees. Taken from the name of the cartoon character,
anything termed Mickey Mouse is considered lightweight or amateurish. In Britain, the term also has more
negative connotations, and may be used to describe something of inferior quality. But are these degrees, often offered
at newly created universities, really inferior to degrees in more conventional subjects from more established
People in favour of these degrees say that society benefits from having a large number of university graduates in any
field because studying promotes a love of learning and respect for education. They also claim that these new courses
require serious study. For example, surfing studies includes meteorology, biology and business.
In addition to the social benefits, there are also financial ones. University graduates generally earn more, which is
good for the economy. Proponents claim that these new degrees are responding to demands from students and
employers. Specific training enables graduates to find jobs easily and companies are confident that they will employ
people with the essential skills. For example, graduates with golf management degrees can work in the sports and
leisure industry.
However, opponents of these degrees claim that training in fields like floristry design or baking technology should be
acquired both on the job and at technical schools; universities exist to further knowledge rather than to help people
find jobs. They say that politicians want to increase the number of university graduates, and opening these Mickey
Mouse courses achieves this without maintaining high educational standards. They also argue that if these degrees
were abolished, more scholarship money would be available to those studying real university subjects.
So, are Mickey Mouse degrees a helpful innovation or a waste of time? Before we make up our minds, perhaps we
should remember that many academic subjects which are respected today were criticised when they first appeared
including English literature, when it was first taught at an English university in 1828.

1. Decide if the following sentences are true (T) 3. Answer the question.
or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
Why does the writer mention English literature?
your answers.
It is an example of an academic subject that
T 1. A Mickey Mouse degree is perceived as
was criticised when it first appeared.
anything termed Mickey Mouse
is considered lightweight or 4. Find words or expressions in the text that
amateurish. mean:
F 2. Mickey Mouse degrees dont give students 1. combination (paragraph 1) mixture
any specific skills they need for jobs.
2. not serious (paragraph 2) amateurish, lightweight
Specific training enables graduates
to find jobs easily, and companies 3. area of study (paragraph 3) field
are confident that they will employ essential
people with the essential skills. 4. important (paragraph 4)
F 3. Opponents of Mickey Mouse degrees think make up our minds
5. decide (paragraph 6)
that baking skills shouldnt be studied.
However, opponents of these degrees
claim that training in fields like floristry 5. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
design or baking technology should in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
be acquired both on the job and at
technical schools 1. An opinion essay: Is a Mickey Mouse degree
2. Complete the sentences using the information a waste of time? Explain your answer.
given in the text.
2. An opinion essay: The purpose of studying
1. Employers are pleased with graduates of at university is to get a job. Do you agree or
Mickey Mouse degrees because they train disagree? Explain.
students with essential skills they need .
for certain jobs Accept all logical and grammatically
2. Politicians are in favour of Mickey Mouse correct answers.
courses because they want to increase the
number of university graduates .
Exam Practice

6 Exam Practice
More than Just Clothes
Imagine the following scene: a firefighter runs into a blazing building to save the people trapped inside. Back at the
command centre, his vital signs are being monitored and GPS readings indicate his exact positioning in the building.
This will soon be a reality because of a new, state-of-the-art uniform that contains hi-tech fabrics which can transmit
this vital information.
The European Commission has invested 50 million to develop these smart fabrics and interactive textiles.
The technology, which was initially developed in the United States, has been adopted by the EU in order to save the
European textile industry, which has been badly affected by competition from Asian markets.
University researchers, hi-tech companies and textile manufacturers are working together throughout the EU to
produce models of smart-fabric items. These include a shirt that can check the heart rate of cardiac patients and
sports clothes that can monitor an athletes breathing with the use of microcomputers and solar panels.
One of the main problems at the moment, however, is the limited market for such products. Smart fabrics could be
most beneficial in the medical field, where they could save many lives each year. However, it could take up to ten
years for each product to become an approved medical device.
A further problem is the cost of these products. How much will a family be able and willing to pay for a baby suit
that can detect sudden infant death syndrome? This type of product could potentially prevent a terrible tragedy from
occurring, yet how many parents will actually be able to afford it?
Most of the developers hopes for promoting hi-tech clothing are with the sports industry. The huge amount of
advertising by popular sportswear companies and the employment of well-known sports stars to advertise their
products means that this industry could easily persuade consumers to accept these expensive new technologies.

Developers, therefore, are considering adapting the smart-clothes technology for rescue workers to the world of
sport. Who knows? In another few years, your tracksuit might do a lot more than help you enjoy a run in the park.

1. Choose the correct answer. 3. Answer the questions.

1. Inside the command centre, ... . 1. What are the problems of smart-fabric items?
a. a firefighter is saving people The main problems of smart-fabric items
are their price, their limited market and the
b. a firefighter is monitoring his vital signs fact that it could take up to ten years for
c. its possible to know where a firefighter is each smart-fabric product to gain approval.
2. Why do the developers of smart-fabric items
located in a burning building
think that the sports industry is the best field in
2. A shirt is being developed that can ... . which to promote their products?
a. help people who have got heart problems Because the sports industry is an area that
b. help people run faster has had success in promoting new and
c. monitor breathing
expensive technologies.

2. Decide if the following sentences are true (T) 4. Find words or expressions in the text that
or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify mean:
your answers. 1. important (paragraph 1) vital
T 1. Smart fabrics were originally developed in 2. at first (paragraph 2) initially
the United States. 3. helpful (paragraph 4) beneficial
The technology, which was initially 4. stop from happening
developed in the United States (paragraph 5) prevent
T 2. The writer questions whether high-tech
5. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
baby suits will actually save lives.
This type of product could potentially in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
prevent a terrible tragedy from 1. An opinion essay: Do you think its fair when
occurring, yet how many parents will
actually be able to afford it? famous people are employed to advertise
products? Explain why or why not.
2. An opinion essay: Do you believe that monitoring
an athlete with smart clothes technology is an
invasion of privacy? Explain your answer.
Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers. 103
7 Exam Practice
Natures Way to Feeling Better
Do you feel better after going for a walk in the park or watching a beautiful sunset? If so, you may be unknowingly
using your own form of ecotherapy, an approach designed to improve emotional health by reconnecting people
with nature and the environment.
The field of ecopsychology, which first became popular in the United States in the 1990s, argues that humans are an
integral part of the world of nature and should not be separated from it. Their emotional health may suffer if they are
cut off from nature by urbanisation or other aspects of modern life. In addition, the guilt people feel from the human
destruction of nature may cause emotional distress.
From this movement grew ecotherapy, offering strategies to strengthen peoples relationship with nature. These range
from the sophisticated to the simple. For example, learning to survive alone in the wilderness can build confidence,
but even a simple walk outdoors can also be effective. Some therapies involve animals: swimming with dolphins,
interacting with your pet or watching a tropical fish tank are all beneficial. Even looking at a picture of an outdoor
scene can help, too.
One study in the United Kingdom was designed to measure the mood, self-esteem and enjoyment of 20 people
after taking two different walks, one inside a shopping centre and the other outside in a park. The results showed
that self-esteem increased significantly after the outdoor walk, while tension and depression decreased. In contrast,
many people felt worse after the walk in the shopping centre. One UK mental-health charity is now proposing that
ecotherapy be made more readily available for mental-health patients, as it already is in Holland and Norway.
So if youre feeling a bit low, you may not need anti-depressants or costly therapy. First, try riding your bike
or walking on the beach. These activities will certainly be good for your physical health, and may boost your
morale, too.

1. Decide if the following sentences are true (T) 3. Rewrite the sentences without changing their
or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify original meaning.
your answers.
1. Swimming with dolphins is beneficial.
T 1. Ecotherapy can benefit people even if they
Its beneficial to swim with dolphins.
are unaware that they are using it.
you may be unknowingly using
2. Learning to survive alone in the wilderness can
your own form of ecotherapy
build confidence.
F 2. Ecotherapy strategies always involve
Confidence can be built by learning
outdoor activities.
to survive alone in the wilderness.
Even looking at a picture of an
outdoor scene can help, too. 4. Find words or expressions in the text that
F 3. A UK study found that a walk through mean:
a shopping centre decreased depression. 1. make better (paragraph 1) improve
In contrast, many people felt worse 2. separated from (paragraph 2) cut off from
after the walk in the shopping centre. 3. basic (paragraph 3) simple
4. sad (paragraph 5) low
2. Complete the sentences using the information costly
5. expensive (paragraph 5)
given in the text.
1. In Norway and Holland ecotherapy is made
5. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
more readily available to mental-health . in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
2. The writer believes that instead of anti-depressants1. An opinion essay: Do you think that
or costly therapy, one should try a bike . ecotherapy could help people your age?
ride or a walk on the beach Why or why not?
2. An opinion essay: Whats your ideal outdoor
activity? Explain why.
Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers.
Exam Practice

8 Exam Practice
Guilt-Free Carbon
More and more people today understand that carbon emissions are a problem for the atmosphere. Many people are
genuinely concerned about the environment and would like to reduce the amount of energy consumption theyre
responsible for, but certain lifestyle changes, such as giving up flying and driving, are simply impractical.
In order to help these people to help the environment, some new companies now enable businesses and individuals
to buy the right to emit carbon. Essentially, consumers pay these companies to counter-balance their carbon use by
investing in projects that benefit the environment. These may include promoting renewable energy sources such as
solar power, or planting trees in poor countries to help absorb carbon from the air.
Although the basic principle seems logical, it has been criticised by some environmentalists on philosophical
grounds. Each household in the United States is said to be responsible for approximately six tons of harmful gas
emissions every year, and some experts believe these people should make the effort to reduce their energy
consumption. However, theres practical criticism as well. With little regulation, its hard to know if the companies
are actually doing as they promised. Another concern focuses on the possibility that the same offset may be sold to
more than one customer.
The idea of cleaning up carbon footprints (i.e., the impact of human activity on the environment in terms of carbon
use) is growing in popularity in the Western world. One indication is the number of products and events that now
advertise themselves as carbon-neutral or clean because managers have paid to negate the impact of the gases
emitted. Another indication is the plan for a US airport to allow interested passengers to purchase offsets for the
environmental damage caused by their flight.
Its still too early to judge if this trend is mainly a way to ease guilt caused by over-using energy, or a realistic way

of helping the planet. However, one thing is certain we should all remember to do as much as we can to clean up
our carbon footprints.

1. Choose the correct answer. 3. Answer the question.

1. Most people in the developed world ... . Why has the carbon offset industry been criticised?
a. are unaware that they can reduce It has been criticised because some feel
that people need to reduce their energy
production of dangerous gases consumption and not just pay something extra
b. usually find it easy to make changes such as
for it. / its hard to know if companies are
doing what they promised and that the same
giving up flying offset may be sold to more than one customer.
4. Rewrite the sentences without changing their
c. generally want to try to reduce the amount original meaning.
of carbon they emit
1. The idea has been criticised by some
2. The carbon offset industry ... . environmentalists on philosophical grounds.
a. has been established by a number of
Some environmentalists have criticised the
businesses and individuals
b. allows consumers to compensate the idea on philosophical grounds.
environment for carbon use 2. Is this a realistic way of helping the planet?
c. essentially benefits energy consumers in Is this a realistic way to help the planet?
developing countries

2. Find words in the text that mean:

5. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
1. not realistic (paragraph 1) impractical in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
2. dangerous (paragraph 3) harmful 1. An opinion essay: Should energy consumers be
3. worry (paragraph 3) concern required by law to offset their carbon emission?
purchase Give reasons for your answer.
4. buy (paragraph 4)
ease 2. A formal letter: Write a letter to your local
5. reduce (paragraph 5)
council in which you complain about
environmental problems in your town and what
you would like to do about them.
Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers.
9 Exam Practice
Tough Love
When Jane Hambleton bought a car for her son Steven, 19, she set two rules; no alcohol in the car, and keep the car
locked. But soon she placed this advertisement in the local newspaper: Totally uncool parents who obviously dont
love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found
booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet.
While teenagers may agree that Jane was mean, many adults approved of this public demonstration of tough
love, a type of discipline where harsh measures are used to help people modify dangerous or unacceptable
behaviour. The term was first used by Phyllis and David York in 1979 to describe their uncompromising attitude
towards their daughter when her bad behaviour culminated in an arrest for armed robbery. They didnt allow her to
return home until she had completed a drug rehabilitation programme and found a job.
From this incident, the Tough Love movement was born. For just a nominal fee, parents are able to tap into
a support system and attend meetings, where they are encouraged to take a stand (set a long-term goal) and enforce
a bottom line (behaviour that will eventually lead to the realisation of the stand). Even parents who dont formally
join this network often use some of its techniques, as do several programmes dealing with drug abuse and criminal
activity. But the method can be abused. Some summer camps in the US claiming to use tough love to discipline
troubled teenagers have seen tragic results. Because they often dismiss signs of physical illness as weakness or
manipulation, there have been disturbing incidents of neglect.
So, was Jane Hambleton right to sell her sons car? She insists that she was, and that in placing her advertisement,
she has instantly raised awareness of two important issues the drink-driving problems among teens, and the
importance of proper parental discipline.

1. Choose the correct answer. 3. Complete the sentences using the information
given in the text.
1. Jane Hambleton ... .
a. left booze in her sons car 1. Today, the use of tough love can be found in
b. was called the meanest mom by programmes dealing with drug abuse and
criminal activity.
teenagers 2. Some incidents of neglect occurred in some US
c. disciplined her son by showing tough love
summer camps using the tough-love method.
2. Some camps in the United States ... .
a. have abused tough love in their summer 4. Find words in the text that mean:
1. nosy (paragraph 1) snoopy
b. wont use tough love if teens are physically ill
c. dismiss tough love as a form of weakness 2. not kind (paragraph 2) mean
3. Jane Hambletons advertisement ... . 3. severe (paragraph 2) harsh
a. established her right to sell her sons car 4. minimal (paragraph 3) nominal
b. caused people to think about teenage 5. justified (paragraph 4) right
drink-driving 6. increased (paragraph 4) raised
c. hasnt raised awareness of parental discipline
5. Write a composition of about 100-150 words
2. Answer the question. in your notebook. Choose ONE option.
How did the Tough Love movement get its name? 1. A for and against essay: Explain the
The Tough Love movement got its name from advantages and disadvantages of tough-love
Phyllis and David York in 1979 to describe tactics.
their uncompromising attitude towards their
daughters behaviour. 2. An opinion essay: Do you think Jane
Hambleton was justified in placing the
advertisement? Explain why or why not.
Accept all logical and grammatically
correct answers.

Listening Practice

1 Listening Practice
rise: aumento, subida
You are going to listen to a radio interview about
a new type of vacation. Listen and choose the survey: estudio, encuesta
correct answers. splurge: derrochar
household chores: tareas domsticas
unplug: desconectar

1. A staycation is ... . 3. Which statement is true about staycations?

a. a traditional holiday abroad a. Theyre for people who cant afford to travel.
b. a summer holiday in France b. They cause a lot of stress.
c. a home-based holiday c. Theyre not really holidays.
d. a cheap holiday in Britain d. Theyre becoming more popular.
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as 4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as
an example of the rise in travel costs? a reason for a staycation?
a. hotels a. cost
b. food b. fear of flying
c. clothes c. time spent in airports
d. petrol d. travel stress

5. Which of the following best describes how
to treat a staycation as a real holiday?
a. Stay at home a lot.
b. Spend a lot of money in your own city.
c. Talk to tourists who are visiting your city for
the first time.
d. Become a tourist in your own city.
6. Preparing to actually leave on a staycation
means that you ... .
a. take care of personal obligations
b. plan a camping trip with friends
c. plan to eat in an expensive restaurant
d. get ready to leave your house
7. Medical appointments are an example of ... .
a. a responsibility you take care of before going
on a staycation
b. something you do so you can physically
leave home on a staycation
c. a responsibility you should take care of
while on a staycation
d. something you do as a first step in planning
a staycation
8. What is meant by the words unplugging
a. experiencing new and different things
b. relaxing with friends
c. paying your bills
d. avoiding mobile phones and computers

2 Listening Practice
Web Literacy
hoax: engao
You are going to listen to a radio interview
about web literacy. Listen and choose the correct literacy: alfabetizacin
answers. gather: reunir, recopilar
guideline: directriz, pauta
accurate: preciso/a, exacto/a

1. The teacher wanted the students to 7. Marla recommends ... .

write about ... . a. a specific search engine
a. North America b. using university sites
b. the Pacific Northwest tree octopus c. providing links to related sites
c. an animal in danger d. using sites with unfamiliar names
d. a dangerous animal 8. According to Marla, Wikipedia ... .
2. The website about the tree octopus ... . a. should be used as a main source
a. was difficult to find b. is always reputable
b. was a hoax c. is never accurate
c. was created by the students d. can be helpful
d. didnt exist
3. Web literacy refers to ... .
a. the ability to find and judge online
b. writing a website
c. a lack of information online
d. reading online
4. According to Marla, when doing online
research, ... .
a. students should look up sensible guidelines
b. only one source should be used
c. multiple sources are necessary
d. prior knowledge of a subject never helps
5. Google is ... .
a. the name for many search engines
b. the only search engine
c. suitable for academic research
d. a preferred search engine
6. Which statement is true about online
a. Google displays everything available.
b. All search engines display everything.
c. No single search engine displays everything.
d. It can only be accessed through Google.

Listening Practice

3 Listening Practice
Overcoming Distractions
appreciate: agradecer
You are going to listen to an interview that takes
place in a school counsellors ofce about coping turn into: convertir(se) en
with distractions. Listen and choose the correct reward: recompensar, premiar
answers. stick to: cumplir con, respetar
willpower: fuerza de voluntad

1. Janes article is going to be about ... . 5. When Jane does her homework, she ... .
a. some typical student problems a. never takes a break
b. the job of a school counsellor b. only takes one break
c. how to create distractions c. takes several breaks
d. improving your writing d. always writes long e-mails
2. A major challenge for Jane is ... . 6. Jane gets angry when ... .
a. being more popular a. someone distracts her from work
b. getting better marks b. she lets herself be distracted from work
c. becoming a school counsellor c. she controls the way she acts
d. coping with distractions d. she doesnt allow herself to be distracted
3. Mr Sloan suggests ... . 7. Which of the following does Mr Sloan NOT

a. keeping mental to-do lists suggest?
b. writing to-do lists a. studying in the library
c. staying at home for two weeks b. turning off mobile phones
d. ways of entertainment c. closing a door to limit noise
4. Mr Sloan thinks its useful to ... . d. setting limits for breaks
a. take pictures of distractions 8. Mr Sloan asks Jane to ... .
b. make a note of whats distracting a. study harder
c. take photographs when distracted b. show him her lists
d. tidy a room c. count the hours she studies every day
d. tell him about her progress

4 Listening Practice
Teens Writing for Teens
issue: ejemplar, nmero (de una revista);
You are going to listen to a conversation
between two teachers that takes place in a cuestin, asunto
teachers lounge. Listen and choose the correct staff: personal, plantilla
answers. budget: presupuesto
fund: financiar

1. Barbara brought back ... . 5. VOX ... .

a. photos of Chicago a. was a model for New Youth Connections
b. teaching material b. has got a staff of around 100 students
c. magazines and newspapers c. started in New York City
d. a Chicago newspaper d. is read online by 80,000 people
2. Two of the publications are from ... . 6. Among the teen jobs, Barbara does NOT
a. New York City mention ... .
b. San Francisco a. printing
c. California b. photography
d. Atlanta c. budgets
3. Which statement about the L.A. Youth d. writing
newspaper is true? 7. Adult staff at youth publications ... .
a. It started in the 1980s. a. control the content
b. Libraries pay a fee to receive it. b. train and supervise the teenage staff
c. It doesnt have an online edition. c. provide all of the funding
d. Its published seven times a year. d. insist on some articles on serious topics
4. YO! staff members produce ... . 8. The Richmond Councils youth magazine ... .
a. only magazines a. reaches homes and schools all over England
b. ten television programmes every year b. is written by four teens
c. monthly stories for radio stations c. is distributed at Mike and Barbaras school
d. a TV programme for the San Francisco area d. is provided at no cost to local residents

Listening Practice

5 Listening Practice
Doctors Without Borders
proper: adecuado/a, apropiado/a
You are going to listen to an interview about
volunteering. Listen and choose the correct refugee camp: campo de refugiados
answers. health care: atencin / asistencia sanitaria
set up: establecer, crear
gain: ganar, obtener, conseguir

1. Which statement is true about Maggie? 5. The most serious problem in treating the
a. She only works at City Hospital. orphans was ... .
b. She volunteers as a doctor in many countries. a. their medical condition
c. She always works in clinics in Africa. b. their bad behaviour
d. She flies abroad to take a break from work. c. their trauma
2. When Maggie arrived on her first mission, d. the lack of communication
she was . 6. How did the volunteers finally succeed in
a. sorry she had come making the orphans feel better?
b. prepared for what she saw a. Volunteers spent lots of free time with the
c. shocked by the number of people children.
d. impressed by the health care b. Families chose an orphan to live with them.

3. How did Maggie feel on her first mission? c. Groups of older and younger children lived
a. prepared together.
b. sorry d. The children lived in tents.
c. surprised 7. Maggie thought that the best part of
d. disappointed volunteering was .
4. The biggest challenge the medical a. cooperating with other volunteers
volunteers faced in Sierra Leone was . b. getting a better job
a. treating so many people c. getting important medical experience
b. working for eight months d. helping people improve their situation
c. finding room for the clinic 8. Tims opinion of Maggie is that shes
d. working without any shelter a person who .
a. should be admired
b. has lots of adventures
c. had awful experiences
d. is a successful doctor

6 Listening Practice
Life Coaching
rearrange: cambiar
You are going to listen to a radio programme
about life coaching. Listen and choose the correct move forward: avanzar
answers. assist: ayudar
encouragement: nimo, aliento
accomplish: lograr

1. Whats the aim of life coaching? 7. Life coaching first began with business
a. To help people deal with their past. people who .
b. To assist people in reaching a certain goal. a. needed personal trainers
c. To help people be more organised. b. were going to retire
d. To help people become better coaches. c. needed someone they could respect
2. Changing your career is given as an example d. had high level jobs
of . 8. Which of the following best describes life
a. how to rearrange your life coaching today?
b. a way to improve yourself a. Its used mostly for athletes.
c. a goal a life coach can help you achieve b. It mostly benefits business people.
d. how to improve personal relationships c. Its used mostly for parents and families.
3. How can you follow your progress while you d. It can benefit anyone who wants to
are being coached? reach a goal.
a. By considering all your options.
b. By writing things in a journal.
c. By connecting with a person you like.
d. By accomplishing more than you thought
you could.
4. Why is telephone coaching popular?
a. Because the sessions are usually shorter than
face-to-face meetings.
b. Because the coach lives near you.
c. Because the sessions are usually longer than
face-to-face meetings.
d. Because it keeps you moving in the right
5. The gift of coaching means that a coach .
a. likes talking with people on the phone
b. has the right attitude about coaching
c. has been coaching for ten years
d. cares about you more than himself or herself
6. To make coaching successful, a person
must .
a. be someone his or her coach can trust
b. be able to interact via e-mail
c. be willing to accept new ideas
d. be willing to meet face to face with his / her

Listening Practice

7 Listening Practice
Identity Chips
wave: agitar, hacer un gesto con
You are going to listen to a conversation about
identity chips. Listen and choose the correct device: aparato, mecanismo
answers. convenient: prctico/a, til, cmodo/a
track: seguir la pista, hacer un seguimiento
agreement: acuerdo, contrato

1. Bills identity chip allows him to . 7. Computer hackers are mentioned as an

a. access certain files example of how .
b. wave his right hand a. your privacy is in danger
c. change his password b. having a chip breaks the law
d. sign up for experiments c. your chip can be stolen
2. Secure Watch is . d. they break into computers
a. a password 8. Mike wants to make sure .
b. a company a. he gets an identity chip
c. an experiment b. Bill leaves the programme
d. a computer c. his privacy is protected
3. Bill chose to join the programme d. he doesnt miss lunch

because .
a. it didnt hurt
b. he needed a password
c. he thought he would enjoy it
d. he wanted a company ID card
4. Bill thinks that the chip is a great idea
because .
a. it makes his home more secure
b. his wife wants one
c. he can use it to drive the company car
d. it makes life convenient
5. In the future, identity chips might be
used .
a. in company cafeterias
b. instead of a credit card
c. instead of a key
d. to pay for lunch
6. Mike is worried that the identity chip .
a. is against the law
b. may cause health problems
c. will be hard to read
d. can be easily stolen

8 Listening Practice
A Special Home in widely: muy
Washington remain: seguir, continuar
passageway: pasillo, pasadizo
You are going to listen to a radio interview about
lawn: csped
the White House. Listen and choose the correct
answers. be waited on
hand and foot: tener todo en bandeja

1. Martin Blairs book is about ... . 5. During the War of 1812, the White
a. the American elections House ... .
b. Barack Obama a. was burned
c. historical homes in Washington b. was still being built
d. the White House c. became home to the British
2. The African-Americans who helped build d. was the only building destroyed in
the White House ... . Washington
a. were all slaves 6. The White House ... .
b. have been linked to Obamas family a. has been white since 1901
c. included free men b. received its name from President Theodore
d. worked mainly on the roof Roosevelt
3. James Hoban ... . c. got its name in 1862
a. was a US-born architect d. was rebuilt in 1946
b. moved from Ireland to the USA 7. Which fact below is NOT mentioned by
c. was an artisan from Scotland Martin?
d. immigrated to Ireland a. the personal taste of the Obama family
4. George Washington ... . b. the number of rooms in the White House
a. built the White House c. White House sports facilities
b. lived in the White House for six years d. the year Susan Ford moved into the White
c. moved into the White House in 1792 House
d. never lived in the White House 8. Being a presidents child means .
a. you cant date
b. life is like paradise
c. moving a lot
d. youre always protected

Listening Practice

9 Listening Practice
Play Testers
background: antecedentes
You are going to listen to an interview about
video-game play testers. Listen and choose the stiff: duro/a, fuerte
correct answers. credit: atribuir
feedback: reaccin
gently: suavemente, con delicadeza

1. In the United States in 2008 . 7. MC Games finds play testers by

a. video-game sales fell advertising .
b. the cost of video games rose by 20 per cent a. in video arcades throughout the city
c. DVD and cinema ticket sales reached b. in its local office
$22 billion c. in nearby shops and video arcades
d. there was almost a 20 per cent increase in d. on its website
video-game sales 8. Play testers for MC Games ... .
2. Meg credits play testers for . a. are just given a free game
a. making mistakes b. are paid
b. exciting storylines and incredible graphics c. can work from home
c. contributing to MC Games success d. provide their own snacks and beverages

d. creating popular games
3. When play testers come in to test a game,
they .
a. arent alone
b. record their comments
c. take notes for the design team
d. answer the design teams questions
4. Videotapes of play sessions ... .
a. are made once during the design of a game
b. provide information to play testers
c. reveal play testers body language and
facial expressions
d. provide little useful information
5. A games playability refers to things
such as .
a. the storyline
b. how graphics look
c. the sound effects
d. feedback
6. The 12-year-old play testers disliked the
game because they .
a. had already played it several times
b. had to push the controls too hard
c. werent able to navigate the motorbike
d. thought it was perfect

Translation Exercises

UNIT 1 5. Todo el mundo estaba impactado por la noticia

1. Mam tiene muchas ganas de que lleguen sus del accidente de tren.
vacaciones. Everybody was shocked by the news of
the train accident.
Mum is looking forward to her holiday. 6. El bombero arriesg su vida para salvar a la nia.
2. Los nios estn fingiendo estar dormidos. The firefighter risked his life to save
the girl.
The children are pretending to be asleep. 7. El taxista estaba gravemente herido, pero tiene
3. Mi mujer a menudo me recuerda que pague las suerte de estar vivo.
facturas. The taxi driver was seriously hurt, but
hes lucky to be alive.
My wife often reminds me to pay the 8. Estbamos mirando al camarero mientras estaba
bills. echando el vino.
4. Tom nunca responde a mis correos electrnicos.
We were looking at the waiter while he
Tom never replies to my e-mails. was pouring the wine.
5. Alan se enfada muy fcilmente porque tiene mal UNIT 3
1. Creo que has sido muy injusto con Mike.
Alan gets angry very easily because he I think you have been very unfair to
is short-tempered. Mike.
6. La gente engreda a menudo piensa que es
2. Un poco de vino mejor el sabor del pescado.
A little wine enhanced the flavour of
Big-headed people often think they are the fish.
superior. 3. Nuestro jefe sent un precedente cuando nos
7. Te das cuenta ahora de lo egosta que es tu
dio un regalo de Navidad.
Our boss set a precedent when he gave
Do you now realise how selfish your us a Christmas present.
boyfriend is? 4. Por qu has sacado el tema de mis notas otra
8. La gente abierta de mente suele aceptar las
opiniones de otras personas.
Why have you raised the issue of my
Open-minded people usually accept marks again?
other peoples opinions. 5. El nadador tir la toalla cuando se dio cuenta de
UNIT 2 que no poda ganar.
1. Mi mejor amigo estaba decepcionado porque The swimmer threw in the towel when
he realised he couldnt win.
suspendi un examen. 6. Este atleta bati un rcord mundial el verano
My best friend was disappointed pasado.
because he failed an exam.
2. Le di las gracias a mi profesora de ingls por su This athlete broke a world record last
valioso consejo. 7. Tessa ha podido superar su miedo a las alturas.

I thanked my English teacher for her Tessa has managed to overcome her
valuable advice. fear of heights.
3. Antes de que nos furamos a la cama, pap se 8. No creo que hayamos conseguido mucho esta
asegur de que habamos cerrado la puerta con maana.
llave. I dont feel we have achieved much this
Before we went to bed, Dad made sure morning.
we had locked the door.
4. Te traje algunas revistas divertidas para animarte.
I brought you some amusing
magazines to cheer you up.

UNIT 4 7. Susan era la nica invitada que se senta como
1. Quiero que ordenes tu habitacin lo antes un pez fuera del agua.
posible. Susan was the only guest who felt like a
fish out of water.
I want you to tidy your room as soon as 8. El Reino Unido es un pas donde no puedes criar
possible. animales salvajes de forma privada.
2. La semana que viene a estas horas estaremos
alojados en un hotel de lujo en Lanzarote. The UK is a country where you cannot
breed wild animals privately.
This time next week, well be staying at
a luxury hotel in Lanzarote. UNIT 6
3. Nos estamos quedando sin pan. Yo compro ms
1. Debes evitar hablar con tus padres de este
esta tarde.
We are running out of bread. Ill buy
more this afternoon. You must avoid talking to your parents
4. Para el final de la reunin, habremos discutido about this problem.
2. Deberas haber reunido ms informacin.
todos los problemas de relevancia.
You should have gathered more
By the end of the meeting, well have information.
discussed all major issues. 3. La media de precipitaciones puede descender
5. Las paredes parecen bastante vacas. Maana
este ao.
busco algo de decoracin.
The average rainfall may go down this
The walls look rather bare. Ill look for year.
some decorations tomorrow. 4. No puedo imaginarme conseguir este trabajo.
6. La semana que viene nos mudamos a un edificio
I cant imagine getting this job.
de diez plantas.
Next week, we are moving to a ten-storey 5. No pudimos comer en el jardn porque haca fro
building. fuera.
7. Voy a coger el ascensor hasta la sexta planta.
We couldnt have lunch in the garden
Im going to take the lift up to the sixth because it was chilly outside.
floor. 6. Todava podemos notar los efectos de la sequa.
8. Para diciembre habrn derribado este viejo
We can still feel the effects of the
rascacielos. drought.
By December, they will have torn down 7. Debe de haber llovido porque l est empapado.
this old skyscraper. It must have rained because he is
UNIT 5 soaking wet.
8. Deberas llevar el negocio familiar.
1. La polica no crey al hombre que afirmaba que You should run the family business.
haba visto un atraco a un banco.
The police didnt believe the man who UNIT 7
claimed he had seen a bank robbery.
2. Dnde est el cliente que quiere hablar con el 1. Si quieres, hoy podemos ir a hacer turismo.
encargado? If you want, we can go sightseeing today.
Where is the customer who wants to 2. Mis padres tendran una relacin mejor si
speak to the manager? hablaran ms a menudo.
3. Algunos de los detalles que incluiste en tu
redaccin son irrelevantes. My parents would have a better
relationship if they talked more often.
Some of the details which you included 3. Si compras un billete de ida y vuelta, ahorrars
in your essay are irrelevant.
4. Creo que malinterpret a Tom, que no pretenda algo de dinero.
insultarme. If you buy a return ticket, you will save
some money.
I think I misunderstood Tom, who 4. Podramos alquilar un coche si yo tuviera mi
didnt mean to insult me.
5. Me he metido en una organizacin que trabaja carn de conducir.
para la proteccin de la fauna. We could hire a car if I had my driving
Ive joined an organisation that works 5. Nos iremos de vacaciones en cuanto
for wildlife conservation.
6. El gobierno debera prohibir la caza, que es un encontremos un buen complejo turstico.
deporte cruel. Well go on holiday as soon as we find
a nice resort.
The government should prohibit
hunting, which is a cruel sport.

Translation Exercises

6. Habramos muerto si la polica no nos hubiera UNIT 9

rescatado. 1. Pap dijo que se estaba acostumbrando a
We would have died if the police trabajar en Toronto.
hadnt rescued us.
7. No puedes ir al extranjero a no ser que tengas Dad said that he was getting used to
pasaporte. working in Toronto.
2. Le pregunt a mi vecino por qu se iba a mudar
You cannot go abroad unless youve a Barcelona.
got a passport.
8. El barco no se habra hundido si las condiciones I asked my neighbour why he was
meteorolgicas no hubieran sido tan peligrosas. going to move to Barcelona.
3. Pap me aconsej que no viera esa pelcula
The boat wouldnt have sunk if the
weather conditions hadnt been so porque tena un final previsible.
treacherous. Dad advised me not to see that film
UNIT 8 because it had a predictable ending.
4. El concursante explic por qu le haban
1. Me advirtieron de los peligros de fumar.
expulsado del programa.
I was warned about the dangers of
smoking. The contestant explained why he had
2. Puede que elijan a Jane para el equipo del been kicked off the programme.
5. Mi mejor amigo sugiri que furamos al cine esa
colegio porque es muy buena en baloncesto.
Jane may be chosen for the school team
because shes very good at basketball. My best friend suggested that we go to
3. Han debido de derrotar a nuestro equipo de the cinema that night.
6. Mam me dijo que cambiara la bombilla.
nuevo. Los aficionados parecen decepcionados.
Mum told me to change the light bulb.
Our team must have been defeated again.
The fans look disappointed. 7. Nuestro profesor quera saber si nos
4. Se realizar una investigacin en las prximas
disfrazaramos para la fiesta.
An investigation will be conducted in Our teacher wanted to know if we
the next few weeks. would disguise ourselves for the party.
8. Mi padre mencion que la nueva comedia de
5. Nadie saba cunto dinero haba sido robado en
situacin era divertida.
el atraco del banco.
Nobody knew how much money had My father mentioned that the new
been stolen in the bank robbery. sitcom was funny.
6. El ladrn de coches acaba de ser capturado por
la polica.
The car thief has just been caught by
the police.
7. El delincuente fue declarado culpable de varios
The criminal was found guilty of
several crimes.
8. Te han engaado alguna vez?
Have you ever been deceived?


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