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They two type of motivation that is known as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation
can be stimulated by this factor such as recognition, responsibility, achievement, advancement or
personal growth.

Otherwise, another type is extrinsic motivation can be increased by this factor such as salary,
interpersonal relationship, status, work policy and condition, job security and personal life.

There is four-step in the decision-making process. The first step is identifying and clarifying
the decision and follow by identifying possible decision option.

Next step is implementing the decision and lastly is evaluating the decision. There is eight
type of decision-making style. There is directive, analytic, conceptual, behavioral, democratic,
autocratic, participative and consensus. Besides good motivator and expert in decision maker, a
leader also needs to has great communications skill. Communication is a major aspect of becoming a
good leader and in the management of the professional organization. Good communication can
unite the manager, worker and increase effectiveness in decision making and teamwork. A leader
with good communication and problem-solving can promote the positive working environment and
productive relationship and also motivate employees to stay engaged in their work.

Stress and anger can develop in similar ways. Stress develop when people attempt to cope
with event or problem which exceed their capacity and available resources. Stress is a fact of life but
too much stress can cause a problem such as mental and physical health and damage relationship
with friend and family. In some cases, some people are more prone to anger and stress depend on
their personality traits. Stress also defined as a personal response to certain situation or behavior.
Some people that less comfortable with change or low tolerance for frustration can cause stress and
anger more easily than other. But stress and anger also can be managed with our habitual thought
of pattern. There are many types of stress symptoms. It divides into three categories.

The physical symptoms of stress are a change of appetite, breathlessness, fatigue, pounding
heart, nightmares, muscles aches, sleeping problem, stomach aches, constipation, chest pain,
obesity, menopause, and menstruation. The emotional symptoms are anger, depression, apathy,
irritability, lack of direction, feeling trapped, rejected and helplessness. The behavioral symptoms
are procrastination, poor job performance, loss of appetite, isolation, always arguing, and being late
to work and tend to avoid the given task.

They are four type of stress in Islamic Perspective. Stress in Islamic Perspective developing
because of 4 types of weakness. There is the weakness of the heart, spirit, soul and mind. There also
7 ways of coping with anger in Islamic Perspective. There are tadabbur, tafakkur, sadaqah, zikir,
tawakkal, proper management of time, energy and priority, and must expect reward only from Allah.

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