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We are told this issue of the magazine if

They have continued to use the same font from 15 August 2009, which suggest
of the band NME throughout the maga- NME is a monthly magazine.
zine and they have also used it in different
color to make it stand out compared to the
rest of the contents pages. NME have separated the magazine to dif-
ferent sections of interest making it easier
for the reader to find what they want to
read. They done this by using sub headings
on different backgrounds and in large writ-
ing so that the headings stand out.
They have only used one image on their
contents to draw attention to this story and
they have also used a picture of the artist They have included arrows where it tells
on the stage so that the readers want to readers what was on the front cover so they
find out more information on the event if can easily find any stories that they may
they attended the event or not. This also have seen on the cover which they would
links in with the text underneath. have wanted to read.

They have used the advertisement for a

subscription to NME to stand out compared
to other text on the page as it is in large let-
ters and on a black background which is ef-
NME have made the band name fective as the rest of the text is on a white
ARTIC MONKEYS large and bold so background. They have also used yellow on
that it grabs attention and so that they this which draws more attention to it as the
want to read that story this is the main sto- other text on the page is mainly black or
ry and focus on the contents page. They white which is plain.
also give information about the story un-
derneath ending with a question which
would make readers want to read the story They have put this article on a red back-
and find out more information. Also by ground so that it stands out on the page
only using one iamge on the page makes compared to the other articles.Exaggerating
the story on Artic Monkeys more im- how good the magazine is, calling it the
portant. UKs No 1. This also tells us the audience
is national not international.

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