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Driving Is Your Responsibility Alessandro Capitano

1.KWhat You Know

Discuss two things you know about driving.

A. Driving can be very dangerous if youre unprepared.

B. Driving is useful and almost essential for a person to get around in a town or city.

2.WWhat You Want to Know

Discuss two things you want to know about driving.

A. I want to learn all that is necessary to be able to drive.

B I want to know what I need to do in order to receive my license.

3.LWhat You Learned

Discuss at least two new things you learned from this module.

A. Parent or guardians of a minor are responsible for all financial consequences or fatal injuries, or
deaths they might cause.

B. Driving is not a constitutional right; it is a privilege.

The Driver

1. Describe three characteristics of at-risk drivers.

These drivers are negative or pessimistic about themselves or others.

They can be aggressive or insistent on having their way.

Impatient with traffic, long lights, and slow drivers.

2. Describe three characteristics of safe drivers.

They use good judgement and act appropriately. For example, they dont speed through the intersection
when the light turns yellow. Safe drivers are rational decision makers.

Safe drivers are considerate of others. They make room for other drivers to enter the lane.

They feel capable of handling all driving situations. No doubt they are emotionally stable.

3. Describe three driver errors that could cause a collision.

Being immature in the way you approach decision-making and responsibility.

Drivers who ignore risk-reducing driving practices.

Drivers who have a lack of knowledge and driving skills.

4. How will this information affect you as a driver now and in the future? (2-3 sentences)

This information will help me to become a successful safe driver. I now know that my attitude and
attentiveness play a big role in being a safe driver. I will also make sure to be courteous to other drivers.

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