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Un Coup de ds jamais nabolira le hazard, Mallarme

Technique, typical French verse, Alexandrine = rich rhymes

Recording of the poem and one perform (Youtube)

The poem cannot be read in a linear fashion

1st edition: 1896, published in a magazine, but it didnt respect the orientations of Mallarme

2nd edition: luxurious edition, not published

3th edition: 1914, respects all Mallarmes ideas for the poem

How to read the poem

The poem is something organized, it should have formal unit

A throw of dice: it doesnt say the exactly amount of dices

Graphics: it carries visual qualities, the text itself speaks about them in the poem

Page 3: declining master of a boat, howl, cascading setting of disposition of words)

Page 4: how to masters)



Definition statement

Considerations of the past, of the ancestors: followed by something of the past which he
cannot really define.

Prose poem

He still doesnt thrown the dice, who is ancestors are? Can he rely on them? Or are they an
illusion coming out of his repair? Who should I rely? Should I be responsible for my actions?

Page 6: representing a farther or a quail, comparing with what preceeded, it is something very
lighter, floating, this figure is intrinsically represented in the poem.

Irony mystery
Page 7:

The hope, there is something that may rescue the seaman from his despair and immediate

Madmen: it appears as someone anonymous, it is not taken serious.

Page 8:

It renders the number more concrete, which may cause all that hesitation and which may

A form of misbalance between the train of thought or reflection which go deeper in the root

No hesitation of the master, it not but illusion

Page 9: one of the most complicated pages


Amplification of what is being said in page number 2

A quail is falling in the author, asking if something happened

Most tragic page: it concludes the nothingness of the men

Page 10:


The visual pattern implies the sea in page 3, much smaller than previously

Nothing has taken place but to place = nothing

What results is a place of blankness

And we might ask: has he became

Ironic too: human reflection, the intentionally of human concisions: just a splash of water

Page 11:

The change should not be considered a major role,

The place where human need, the place despairs and mingles with something novel

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