Apa 6 Ed: Citation Guide

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APA 6 th ed

Citation Guide

American Psychological
Association, 6th ed

Rules for citation in the Reference

List (Bibliography)

Surname, A.A. (year). Title of book (2nd

ed). Place of Publication: Publisher.

E.g. Chang, R. (2010). Chemistry (10th

ed). USA: McGraw Hill Inc.

Surname1, A.A., & Surname2, B.B. (Year).

Title of book (2nd ed). Place of
Publication: Publisher.
Edited Book

Surname, A.A. (Ed.). (Year).

Title of book (2nd ed). Place:
Chapter in a book different
authors in an edited book

Surname1, A.A. & Surname2, B.B. (Year).

Title of chapter. In C.C. Surname3 (Ed.), Title
of book (pp. 100-105). Place: Publisher.

Smith, A.A. & Fleur, B.B. (2005). Geology

and nonrenewable mineral resources. In
G.T. Miller & S. Spoolman (Eds.), Introduction
to Environmental Science (pp. 203-235).
Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
Journal Article, print version

Surname1, A.A., Surname2, B.B. &

Surname3, C.C. (year). Title of article.
Name of Journal, vol no (issue no), page

McIntyre, T. (2003). Phytoremediation of

heavy metals from soils. Advances in
Biochemistry, Engineering and
Biotechnology, 78(2), 97-123.
Journal Article, electronic
Surname1, A.A., Surname2, B.B. & Surname3,
C.C. (year). Title of article. Name of Journal,
vol no (issue no), page nos. DOI no. (digital
object identifier).

Surname1, A.A., Surname2, B.B. & Surname3,

C.C. (year). Title of article. Name of Journal,
vol no (issue no), page nos. Retrieved from
Article in Daily Newspaper,
Print or Electronic
Surname1, A.A. (Year, Month Day). Title of
article. Name of Newspaper, p. C6.

Surname2, B.B. (Year, Month Day). Title of

article. Name of Newspaper. Retrieved
from http://www.abcdefg.com/hijk.html
Article in a Magazine, Print
or Electronic
Surname1, A.A. (Year, Month Day). Title of
article. Name of Magazine, vol no, 102-105.

Surname1, A.A. (Year, Month Day). Title of

article. Name of Magazine. Retrieved from

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