Unit 5 - Answer Key - Get Along With English - XI

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Activity 1
1. They are eating.
2. It is taking place in a restaurant.

Activity 2
1. you are, sir. 6. better than
2. some soup. 7. do you have
3. some tomato soup and a steak. 8. tea, coffee
4. Would you like it rare, 9. prefer lemon tea
5. prefer chicken 10. Anything else

Activity 3
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. C

Activity 4
Dialog 1
1. The dialog takes place in a restaurant.
2. There are pea and vegetable soups.
3. The special menu for today is pot roast with carrots and potatoes.
4. Danny will order a glass of water.
5. Danny will order some apple pie and a cup of coffee for his desert.

Dialog 2
1. Azzam will go to Yogyakarta in holiday next month.
2. Dian thinks that Yogyakarta is a fascinating place.
3. Some interesting places in Yogyakarta based on the dialog are Parangtritis Beach,
the Sultan Palace, Malioboro and Beringharjo traditional market.
4. If Azzam goes to Yogyakarta, he may try to eat gudeg.
5. Dian was very impressed when she went to Yogyakarta.

Dialog 3
1. Greta is going to buy a newspaper.
2. Mirza does not read newspaper.
3. Mirza thinks that the print of newspaper is too small and makes his hands dirty.
4. Mirza prefers watching TV to reading newspaper.
5. Greta likes reading newspaper because she can learn what is happening in the
world and there is a lot of extra information in newspaper that we do not find on

Dialog 4
1. The dialog takes place in a clothing shop in a market.
2. Ana is going to buy a T-shirt.
3. It costs seventy nine thousand rupiahs.
4. She thinks the price is too expensive.
5. After she bargains, she should pay sixty five thousand rupiahs for the item.

Dialog 5
1. Mia asks Santi to go with her to the cinema.
2. Santi does not accept the invitation because she is busy.
3. Santi asks Mia to have lunch with her.
4. Santi does not have any plan this weekend.
5. The party will begin at 8 p.m.

Dialog 6
1. It is cloudy.
2. Bella thinks that it is not going to rain.
3. Bella is not sure that she will join the English club.
4. Mira offers to lend Bella some money to pay for the English club.
5. Bella will return the money as soon as she has some money.
Dialog 7
1. Mrs. Santosa loves the house.
2. The kitchen is wonderful and very modern.
3. Sherly doesnt like her room because it is too big.
4. The garden is beautiful.
5. Mrs. Santosas family will move in soon.

Activity 6
1. The best title for the text is Forms of Communication.
2. The basic function of a signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way
that it attracts attention.
3. The synonym of impinge upon is to influence or to have an effect on.
4. The word it refers to the signal.
5. The telephone, radio, and television were invented for means of communication
intended to be used for long distances and extended periods based on speech.

Activity 7
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A

Activity 8
1. I prefer grapes to apples.
2. He prefers playing football to playing tennis. / He prefers football to tennis.
3. Would you rather watch to Afgan or Vidi Aldiano?
4. I like going to the theater better than watching TV.
5. I like hanging out with Ani better than Tina.
6. Which do you prefer, noodles or fried rice?
7. Which do you prefer, visiting a beach or a museum?
8. He likes singing better than playing a musical instrument.
9. I prefer drinking coffee to drinking juice. / I prefer coffee to juice.
10. I prefer studying Math to studying English. / I prefer Math to English.
1. A 6. A 11. A 16. C 21. A
2. C 7. B 12. A 17. C 22. B
3. B 8. D 13. A 18. B 23. D
4. D 9. B 14. D 19. A 24. C
5. C 10. C 15. D 20. D 25. C

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