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Hypnosis? Does it Work!

Hypnosis in its simplest form, is a language pattern that causes a specific response in people. For
example, dont think of the color blue. Of course you did. You have to think of the color and see it in
your head, then not think about it. In that moment, I had control of your mind. Your focus. Buy the
way, isnt that what a good sale pro does? Captures and directs focus?

Hypnotic language is just another tool for your tool chest. A skill that can direct, and subconsiously
influence folks at a direct and indirect level. Influencing and sometimes compelling individulas to take
action or move in a specific direction.

At first, I did not believe it worked, or that I could be influenced. After many examples, and using it
myself, I know it works. And it works to some degree on everyone. So let us explore some patterns
and specific language.

General Patterns

Erickson one of the master of hypnotic induction used a simple but effective plan. One I use regularly
and a good model for us to begin using patterns: There is no exact science to hypnosis. You can go
out of sequence. Use multiple patterns. But, this simple plan usually works:

1. Pace and Lead.

2. Distract Left Brain (Conscious)
3. Access Right Brain (Sub-Conscious)

Realize that we all move from the left brain, to the right brain, or from conscious focus to
subconscious, all day long. Ever drive down the road, then go where am I. You dropped in to the
right brain, and sub conscious.

First, he (Ericson) would make the client feel comfortable by entering their world. By pacing their
experience, be coming part of their representation of the world. You find in his transcripts interesting
patterns. If he is talking to a farmer, all of a sudden he is using farming terms, talking about how a
tomato plant can feel good. He used the exact words that they used. Tone, timber, volume. and
entered their world. After a time, he began to use their words and concepts. To help the client. To
lead them out of the situation. Your first challenge is to learn as much as you can about the person
and pace their reality. That means picking up on their words, how they process the world (visual,
auditory or kenoVAK ), mimicking them. Once you have entered their world you can start to lead

Second, you have to remove the critical thinking element. People have a tendency to resist direction.
So we need to distract, or confuse the thinking brain (left brain function).

2005 James J. Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of James J. Francis. For more information, email
Third, once in the subconscious we will want to plant ideas, concepts, and actions. We may stack the
embedded commands, one on top of another, or just give the same command over and over.
Perhaps using different language or techniques.

Natural Occurrence. During a regular day we move from conscious to subconscious. We go in and
out of trance. Some light, some deep. Some we are not even aware of. Have you ever been reading a
book or listening to and instructor and then found your self, thinking about something else completely
and you have to force your self to concentrate on the subject at hand? That is right. It can happened
to you as you read this book too. The point is it happens. So why not tap into it. The easiest trance to
create is a persons own trance. When you see them going into trance (i.e. eyes dilate, they look
confused, relaxed, mouth drops, face tension relaxes, or they seem suggestive), find out what caused
it and duplicate the trigger (often called an anchor). Question them about what they are thinking
about, or a time, in the past they experience a certain relaxed feelings. As you see it happen in your
subject even by accident use it.

An example, I was instructing a business seminar, I wanted to say I want you to forget the past and
remember what youll learn today . It came out I want you to forget the future and remember
nothing Needless to say they did not understand the statement. They were confused. And confusion
is the start of a good hypnotic induction. I saw it in their looks. Many folks eyes dialated. So, I
said.confusion leads to learning, in fact it is often a sign, of an open mind, ready to take on new

When you see a natural occurrence of a trance like state use it.

Confusion Patterns. The mind has a need to make sense of things. Certainly the conscious mind
does. We need to put things in place. We have been taught a series of language patterns (grammar,
syntax,). We want to understand the meaning of the words. In fact, there is a simple meaning of
words, and a deeper meaning to words. For example, the word policeman. A simple meaning could
be: an enforcer of law and order, and individual in a uniform. A simple meaning. Our mind searches
for a deeper meaning to the word or words. Often we place our selves into the situation or look for
how this is relates to me. What may have happened to us in the past or what we believe. A deeper
meaning, based on our experiences and associations to the word policeman could be: Someone we
respect, trust, and admire. For others the word policeman may have the same simple meaning: an
enforcer of law and order, and individual in a uniform. But, based on their experience could mean:
Someone to be fearful of, that can hurt you and cannot be trusted. Note the mind searches for
meaning for all words, phrases and how they relate to me and my experiences. This search
(sometimes called a transderivational search) looks for deeper meaning(s). As a result of this natural
human pattern, we can cause in some one, interesting responses.

The confusion paten is simple technique that causes a light trace like state. It takes advantage of the
minds need to make sense of word(s) and look for meaning. All you have to do is not make sense
and then place a direct command. For some of us, that do not make sense on a regular bases, this
can be a very useful. Example, I want you to remember nothing youve heard and forget

2005 James J. Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of James J. Francis. For more information, email
everything......or just smile :). It does not make sense. Our mind looks for meaning but cant find any.
We grab onto the or just smile. We heard that ok. Often when I use this phrase, I will ask a person
to remember what they heard before ..or just smile. Nine out of ten times they cannot. It got lost
somewhere in the search. Try it on few folks.

Third Party Indirect Association. Remember when individuals listen to you they are searching for
meaning and trying to relate the words and messages to their own experience. Therefore, one way to
get your message across with out directly saying you should do this is to use a third party. Take
them out of the situation and put someone or something in its place. Often told as a story. Similar to
a child's fable. The story has a hidden message, and because they are not talking about us, we are
more apt to listen to the message.

An example, I had a friend once, who sat in the very chair that you are sitting in, (name of person in
chair right now), he seemed to be very comfortable, although a little nervous, and my friend, (name),
began to open up to new ideas......

I am talking to the subject but not really, after all I am talking about a friend. A very cool way to get the
message across to people. None threatening, they make the link on their own. Just below the level of
conscious awareness. You know you have them if they say did you really have a friend, or are you
talking to me?

Ambiguity. One of my favorites. It is a version of the confusion pattern. There are actually 3 different
types of ambiguity you can use in your language patterns, but let us focus on the easiest,
Phonological Ambiguity.

The English language is filled with words (sounds) that have more than one meaning. For example,
here is a list of potential words you could use to create ambiguity:

Knight Night

Hear Here

Watch (clock) Watch (you are watching some one)

One Won

Duck (bird) Duck (move your head down)

So, how do you use them? Well, a friend of mine use to say I want someone to watch (and I will point
at my watch), the changes happen in their life At the moment, as I point to my watch, they are
searching for meaning. Do I mean watch (look), do I mean watch (clock). They are looking for
something to make sense of the situation. the changes happen in their life is what they grab on to
and I have embedded a command (change life). By the way I said life, not wife. So dont be changing

2005 James J. Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of James J. Francis. For more information, email
your wife on me. By the way, that is an example of Syntactic Ambiguity. Did I mean change your
wife and get another one or start changing your wifebehaviors, characteristics, etc). I will give you
another one later. Actually it is one of my favorites, and I use it on everyone, sooner or later.

Questions? One of the most powerful tools you have in language is questions. Are they not? By
using a question, referred to as a Conversational Postulate, you can influence behavior and actions.
They are strong suggestions. By using questions you can instruct the subject, with out resistance.

Take a command you want give an individual or group to do and change it in to a question. The
answer to which is the action you want. An example, I want a person to put their hands on their
thighs. If I ask them directly or tell them directly to do this action. They can resist. Therefore, I might
ask I wonder if you can put your hands on your thighs? They answer is obviously, yes I can. In a
group youll see people start to put their hands on their thighs, and everyone else will just comply and
follow the group. Can you imagine doing that? Could you smile as you did it?

Mind Reading. A very cool process. It is a great way to pace some one (get them think you know
what is going on in their mind and thoughts) and eventually lead them.

An example, I know as you are sitting their reading, you may be having certain feelings, or not, and
you may be wondering what will be said next I dont know anything! I am using sentences that have
no specifics, generalized statements, and with a lack of reference. The end result, someone can think
I know what is going on in their head. I am pacing their reality. Once I have paced their world, I will
begin to bring them into mine. I begin to link actions or commands I want them to do or use in their

Let me give you a sale situation. A person gets behind the wheel of a new car, I might say Doesnt
sitting behind the wheel of that car give you certain feelings? As you sit there are you not thinking
about something? As you sit there feeling the seat beneath you and the steering wheel in your hands,
maybe your imaging your self driving down the road in your new car. People looking at you. Saying
doesnt he look cool.

Cause & Effect Sentences. They really use the power of mind reading to get you to compile with
someone else's wishes. Sometimes they are called pace and lead statements, because you first pace
someone's experience and then lead them to the behavior you want.

Pattern: One might, you know, __ (command)___

Example: One might, you know, just relax and feel good about the information you are

How it works. "One might" if you agree great if you don't you miss match to say...One might not. You
still have not disagreed, you've said you might. And hear "you know". I know what? I might I might
not. Great little confusion and indirect compliance pattern. Followed by a command.

2005 James J. Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of James J. Francis. For more information, email
Pattern: One can, (name), ___(command)___

Example: One can, Lee, enjoy passing on what they have learned to a friend.

How it works. "One can", of course one can, you agree with the statement, then there is a direct
attachment to you by using your name. Works best if you add some body language (i.e. point at the
person as you say "One can").

Note: I have a complex pattern of loops and commands attached to the word "one". One is a major
anchor for me. I attached a number of states to it. Therefore I can use at will, someone, anyone,
everyone, the one, no one, we won, etc. I pass on some of the "one patterns" as we move forward.

Pattern: You might not have noticed, ______

Example: You might not have noticed, certain feelings in the bottoms of your feet.

How it works. This a classic re direction of attention. By re directing attention and awareness to
something else you cause distraction and induce trance like states. It works very effectively if you
direct attention to a body part, which they had not been consciously paying attention too, but now do.

For example, their breathing, or the sensation of their heart beating. Force internal inspection. Add a
pacing element and you can then lead to a specific action or behavior.

Example: You might not have noticed, how easily one breaths in and out, in and out, just
relaxing with each and every breath in and getting rid of the tension of the day with every
breath, out.

Pattern: Agreement, agreement, agreement, and ____(command)____

Example: Is your name (name)? Do you live at (x)? Are you sitting in a chair? We are gong to
talk for a little while? As you listen you will begin to think about relaxing.

How it works. You get people into a compliance mode. They are saying yes that is true, yes, yes, yes,
and then you give a specific command and their tendency is to say yes. Simple and effective,

One" Pattern: ....One..One.....One....

How it works. In most cases I have given a pattern, an example, and then a quick explanation. This
pattern requires substantial explanation. It is a major thread I use in my communication and
anchoring patterns. Essentially, it combines most of the other patterns I use. At the heart of this
pattern is the continued use of the word (or sound) one. It is a major anchor for most of the states I
want to uncover, or instill in to a person or group. I use it repetitively through out my communication. If
some one goes into trance I use "one". To get people into trance I use "one". When a positive state

2005 James J. Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of James J. Francis. For more information, email
happens in an individual I use "one". Therefore, it is reinforced over and over again. I can tell you that
no one, has caught onto the pattern. Even my good friend Mo, who I use patterns with all the time,
and I have taught dozens of patterns too, has not noticed this pattern. So, let me give you a
paragraph of communication. A set up for the "one" theme. Every one should be able to see how this
works by example. I will give some specific language and a note as to what I am accomplishing by
the pattern. You should note these communication patterns are not back to back, but rather spaced
out over time. Stacking on top of each other.

Example: You know what amazes me?...people. For example, I know in a crowd this size
someone is going to become a millionaire. Is it you? Is it you? Could you be the one? I mean
everyone has the power to do it. Any one with drive, determination, and desire could be the
one. How many of you would like to be the one?

Note: I have started the process of them wanting to be the "one". A reason to be the "one". To be

A friend of mine once, sat just where your sitting, and he noticed how comfortable the chair
was. He felt the his feet on the floor, eyes open, breathing in and out, just relaxing as he was
breathing, and an interesting thing started to occur. He began to hear someone counting. And
with each number, with each one, he began to relax even more than before, with each one, he
let his mind go, with each one he decided to just let go.

Note: Kind of a standard induction. The only difference is I tie everything to the sound "one". If I was
doing a relaxation session, I might start to count from 10 down to 1. Emphasizing one regularly.

As I count from 10 down to 1. You can relax because one can take the time to relax. With each
number reaching an even more calm state than the one before. You might notice certain
sensations as you relax. That's right. Everyone is doing it..... perfectly. 10, 9, 8, Someone once
told me that eventually everyone can relax in time.

Note: The hidden use of the sound "one"....Someone, no one, every one.

A great pattern. It becomes more powerful over time as you stack patterns, and anchors on top of one
another. This a wonderful prize that you just won!

Pattern: You probably already know ____(command)____

Example: You probably already know a lot of ways to improve your health and loose weight.

How it works. I appeal to your knowledge and wisdom (you already know). At the same time you are
asking the question of yourself do I know this?, what do I know? Leads to introspective of my
message. A good transderivational search.

2005 James J. Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of James J. Francis. For more information, email
Pattern: Dont _____(command)_____, too quickly.

Example: Dont loose weight too quickly.

How it works. There is an automatic assumption that you will do the command (loose weight).
Presupposes the command will happen, therefore less resistance in the subject. If you do fight it (mis
match), the end result is compliance with your suggestion. For example, who says I cant change to

Pattern: You are able to _____(command)_____

Example: You are able to afford this opportunity over time. You are able to enjoy this program.
You are able to reach for the top.

How it works. I am stating the obvious. A truth. you cannot object to the statement to much.

Pattern: Someone may _____(command)_____, because ______

Example: Someone may buy this product because I said it is ok. Someone may easily relax
because it is easy.

How it works. Because is very powerful word in our language. Just using the word and any reason
(even one that does not make sense) gives us justification to do the behavior or command. My
personal favorite is "because I told you too" . Anyone remember that from childhood?

Pattern: You can _____(command)_____, can you not?

Example: You can afford this training, can you not? You can relax while you are sitting, can
you not?

How it works. Questions are less threatening than statements or direct commands. The tag question
"can you not"? makes the statement less threatening and more easily adopted. You can believe that,
can you not?

Pattern: I could tell you that _____(command)_____, but you _____(reason)_____

Example: I could tell you that you will eventually comply with my requests, but you most likely
already understand that.

How it works. You tell them and then take it back. I will but I wont. Therefore, no reason to resist the
statement. I could tell you that this works very well, but I would prefer for you to find out by yourself.

2005 James J. Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of James J. Francis. For more information, email
Buy Sales Code at
Improve your personal and professional selling. In these materials you will learn, proven strategies to
increase your sales skills, and knowledge. You will learn to:

7 Foundational Techniques
15 Closing Statements, and scripts
25 Plus Hypnotic Language Patterns
Understand the 4 Types of People
13 Strategies for Selling from Stage
Use NLP for Influence
Inject Magic Words into your Selling
A 30 Day Plan for Success & Application

Thanks for dropping by.

Yours in Success

Jim Francis

2005 James J. Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written
permission of James J. Francis. For more information, email

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