IIT JEE Tips Tricks Collection

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THE first step (and remember, someone once said that the first step is the most important step) in
your preparation and your journey into one of the IITs is the belief in yourself that you have it in
you to realise this dream. You will not reach far if you think getting into IIT is too tough for you
and it is only for the super-smart. This is an absolutely wrong perception.

A very crucial issue facing JEE aspirants is the problem of time management. Manage your time
well. Give proper importance to all the three subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. But
one very important thing is to be regular and consistently follow the daily timetable.

Also, make sure that you revise and practice regularly. For example, suppose that you are able to
put in 4 hours of study every day. You could possibly use 2 of those 4 hours for advancing along
your (unfinished) syllabus and the other 2 for revising parts of what youve already covered up to
that particular day.
You also need proper study material which can guide you in the subjects. Lots of study material is
available in the market for the JEE, including numerous books (both good and bad) and study
material of various institutes (again, both good and bad). You must choose a good study material
and stick to it. Switching from one book to another will harm your preparation. For IIT-JEE pre-
planning is required, if you are in the class VI or VII, it is advised that you improve your analytical
skills. So students require working hard from the initial stage for IIT-JEE.

Following are a few basic points one must keep in mind:

1. Plan a daily timetable which should have equal distribution of number of hours to each subject.
2. While studying the subject one should invest time in the theory as well as on solving good
questions keeping in mind the time barrier. Each question should be done in the stipulated time.
3. Always start from BASICS because without base, there will be no altitude and journey of a
thousand miles begin with a single step.
4. Always BUILD UP RIGHT & APPROPRIATE BASICS because once the track of train is being
changed, it will go on only that track. So always select the right track and follow that consistently.
5. Never prefer solutions of questions before doing SELF-ATTEMPT at least five times till you get the
right answer because without falling you cannot stand at once.
6. Never leave the question in between. There are students who practice a question without
attempting it as a whole, and its a very big fault for students and it becomes their negative point
sometimes. So please ignore this.
7. Always try a question with CONCEPTUAL APPROACH, not just read the question and then start
doing without getting the point that the question is making.
8. Your study schedule should be such that you will even easily get the time for a little enjoyment
9. Most important thing is that you should be having a time schedule as well as REGULARITY in
10. Also you will have to take appropriate sleep or rest of at least 6-7 hours a day if you are preparing
for IIT-JEE otherwise your mind set for next day will not be right in place.
11. Do not get into the habit of studying late into night. Instead get up at 6 in the morning and sleep by
11 at night. This will keep your brain activity maximum in the morning and will help you when you
actually attempt JEE.
12. Never cram the things, always TRY TO UNDERSTAND the problem by studying the theory
13. And BE CONFIDENT while you are preparing. NEVER LOSE CONFIDENCE.
14. Always keep contact with intelligent students of your class or at the coaching centre.
15. Always keep the copy of latest syllabus of the particular exam. Always check the syllabus before
starting a new topic. Always study everything with GREAT INTEREST otherwise it will be of NO

Proper Planning:
Usually, students study for about 1 or 2 years to prepare for IIT-JEE. So, planning plays an
important role. A good planning strategy will keep you focused and result in better gains. Make a
to-do list, set your goals, work out how much time is needed to achieve them, and allocate a
realistic time frame. See if you are able to achieve them, if yes, set more ambitious goals next time,
if not, analyze what went wrong and how you can improve. I am sure you would be able to crack
the JEE in the coming years.
These tips are just for the examination day only:
First complete the questions you are sure you can solve. Thus avoid wasting time on trying to solve
the problems you are not confident enough about.
First target the questions which hold more marks. For e.g. in the paper, if there are two 5 marks
question and one 10 marks question of which you are confident, shoot the 10 marks question first.
Solving two 5 marks questions usually takes more time than one 10 marks question.
Divide and Rule policy: Divide the problem into sub-problems, think how you can reach that
intermediate step, and then solve the problem.
Remain cool, dont get nervous, read questions carefully, work out a solution strategy in mind (or on
paper, whatever works for you), then write the solution, else you may end up doing what is called
silly mistakes.
Remember that there is no partial marking in JEE. So, if you know anything about the problem, then
only solve it.

your coaching teachers will advice you to study "at least" 8 hours a day..... but the truth is that.. in "class 11th"....
studying 8 hours is very difficult...... as many children aren't serious in 11th.....

but an ideal study time would be 5 hours for IIT in the starting..... excluding your school work..... and then gradually
increasing this time as the session proceeds and the coaching work gets bulkier...

remember.... the things of class 11th are "extremely" helpful in 12th..... so also do not neglect the school studies..... as
school books create a firm base for understanding the basics.... and basics are very important...... ""IN IIT, IF YOU
and my suggestion.... ""don't prepare a time-table""..... because you will not be able to follow it.... as in 10th, you know
how much time you need for studying any subject individually...... but this is not the case in 11th and 12th.... IIT
students "usually" pay less attention to other subjects and also they mainly focus on their weak subject in PCM..... and
also that attention is "topic-wise"..... paying more attention to topics you don't know in any subject.....
so a time-table is not suggested for studying any particular subject..... but just follow the time you need to study.....
like- "i have to complete this topic today..... and i will give it max. ___ time..... else i will complete it tomorrow in ___
time.... because i have to give proper time to every subject in PCM everyday..... and not get stuck in one subject."
REMEMBER..... every small knowledge can create a difference...... so also learn short-cut tricks..... but do not depend
on them....
AND.... don't waste time when your friends are wasting theirs..... because all remains after the 5 p.m. on the IIT exam
day is...." kaash.... yaar thoda aur padh liya hota... (wish i had studied a little more).."
so your utilizing time when your friends are wasting theirs.... can create a big difference....
and by utilizing time.... i don't mean that you only have to study all the day..... proper rest is needed..... :)

best of luck.... IIT can be cracked..... and you can definitely do it.... :)

Time management for IIT JEE 2013 preparation, tips to prepare for IIT JEE


1. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam Time Management: IIT JEE 2013 Study Tips
It is the process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities.
Especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. It may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and
techniques used to manage time to accomplish specific tasks, projects and goals complying with a due date.
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2. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam Seven Steps: For Effective Time Management
for IIT JEE 2013 1. Organize: Have an organized workplace. Maintain a proper planner for study. Plan out
your daily activities based on their importance level. Identify the times of highs and lows in a day and try to
dedicate that time in serious study. Studying the difficult subjects at that time of the day would increase the
chances of success. Connect With UsSign Up Here for Free Video Lectures Exponent Education

3. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam 2. Practice Scheduling Your Day: Plan
ahead, the amount of time a particular subject or the syllabus would require to prepare it for the JEE Main Exam.
Consider whether any activities can be combined. Create a time-table that would divide the study schedule
into periods so as to concentrate on all the three subjects of JEE Main equally. Keep altering the periods to
avoid monotony or boredom. Try to be flexible in the schedule and take regular study breaks to keep your
concentration intact. Connect With UsSign Up Here for Free Video Lectures Exponent Education

4. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam 3. Task Priority: Prioritize the subjects of
JEE Main on the basis of the difficulty faced while solving problems. Use the ABC Technique to prioritize
tasks: A Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important, B Tasks that are important but not
urgent, C Tasks that are neither urgent nor important. Dont postpone the small tasks (a sense of
accomplishment is good and overlooked small tasks can become larger tasks.) Avoid Procrastination. Set
short-term, more realistic goals for yourself during JEE Main exam preparation. Connect With UsSign Up Here
for Free Video Lectures Exponent Education

5. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam 4. Avoid Overload: JEE Main exams would
test your basic concepts, so do not overload the brain. Focus and learn the concepts and the route to success
would automatically become easier. Include sufficient time for rest, relaxation, sleep, eating, exercise, and
socializing in your daily schedule. Take short breaks during study and work periods. Reward yourself for
each achieved goal and each met deadline. This would act as an excellent motivator and would give you
something to look forward to. Connect With UsSign Up Here for Free Video Lectures Exponent Education

6. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam 5. Utilize Effective Study Techniques: An
appropriate study environment is essential. Split large tasks into smaller, manageable tasks. Clarify doubts
as soon as possible, rather than waiting until the day before the exam. Study the most difficult subject/chapter
first to prepare yourself for JEE Main exam and keep revising them regularly. Practice problems from previous
years question papers. Try out Quiz based on JEE Main Syllabus and tests to know where you stand.
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7. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam 6. Flexibility: It is important to be flexible with
the time schedule and have alternative plans in case of an unexpected occurrence of events. Know how to
rearrange your schedule when necessary. Never hesitate to ask for help when needed. Connect With UsSign
Up Here for Free Video Lectures Exponent Education
8. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam 7. Set Realistic Goals: Set a vision. It is
important to set long-term goals in order to achieve success. Verify whether the activities or plans are
ultimately helping to achieve the set goals. Never be confused about the priorities. Always have a positive
attitude! Connect With UsSign Up Here for Free Video Lectures Exponent Education

9. Study More About Effective Time Management For IIT JEE Exam CONNECT WITH US Exponent
EducationSign Up Here for Free Video Lectures

If you still didnt start your preparations for IIT JEE 2011 then better buck up. I understand that IIT JEE requires lots of
planning, dedication, blah , blah .. So I thought to make your work easier by posting you all the possible answers to
your questions.
Before Reading, Take an Oath :
I, an IIT JEE Aspirant, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully plan and execute my study plan, and will to the best of my
ability try Not to Procrastinate and Not to Waste Time anymore. So help me God
Ok so you done with the oath right? Anyways I hope you keep your word.

So lets begin. I will try to solve all the possible queries of an IIT JEE 2011 student.
1) Before Starting, Be Prepared
Yes, enough of postponing things now. Now Only 1 year left for IIT JEE 2011. I guess those who starting JEE
preparation now must have come to know by now that how procrastination proved to be a disaster.

For those who sincerely prepared for JEE throughout 11 STD, for them it will be less work as compared to those who
will be starting now.
PLEASE NOTEboth of them have an equal chance to crack JEE with a good rank.
The difference here is that Those who started early can study less no of hours while those who have started late (now)
will have to buck up and try to study more no of hours IF YOU WANT TO GET A TOP RANK.after all the article
aims to help you score a Top rank in IIT JEE
2) Ok, Now How Many Hours Should I study, do I have to burn my Ass for Long hours..?
Nope, not at all. You dont have to study for 10 hours. Even if you consistently study 7 hours a day its definitely
possible to achieve the impossible.
Or if you are aiming for AIR 1 in IIT JEE then you need to be different. Of course you have to be different. For that you
need to study for long hours daily WITH FULL CONCENTRATION.
Suppose you study 5 hours a day, Its perfectly fine. BUT PLEASE FULLY concentrate for those 5 hours. Believe in
Quality Study not Quantity
3) My Next Obvious question is that Which Books should I go for ?
I knew you would ask that question and you know what I am prepared with an answer!!!
NCERT 11th and 12th
HC Verma
NCERT 11th and 12th (Damn Necessary)
Physical- P Bahadur
Organic -Arihant
Coaching Institute Material (If you have not joined any coaching then follow the other books
mentioned apart from this)
ML Khanna or RD Sharma
Coaching maths questions
Arihant series in Maths
If time permits TMH Mathematics
DISCLAIMER: Please dont overload yourself with tons of book. Actually these many books are
sufficient for JEE
After completing the list of the books above, you can go for hardcore problem solving from other
specially recommended JEE books.
Please NOTE : If youre not comfortable with the book mentioned, no problem. You can stick to the book of your
choice but make sure that the book is a good one otherwise you will end up wasting a lot of your precious time
If you have any suggestions about the books then feel free to post the same in the comment box below.
4) Coaching Institutes, Should I go for it. If yes then which one?
Theres no hard and fast rule that YOU HAVE TO JOIN COACHING.nopes its all MYTH. IIT JEE can be cracked
even without coaching but for that you will have to work really hard.
I wont be advertising any coaching institute here. But my advice is Go for the BEST. Even if you join coaching try
not to deviate yourself from your studies and consistently focus in the class and revise the same at home or hostel.
5) Managing Class 12th Board and IIT JEE preparation!
Yeah it can get really rough if you dont plan well. So always plan in advance and a plan is of no use if not executed
So here is a small tip on how to manage both the headaches!
Study every day, ofcourse even on Sundays and Bank HolidaysFix a time for IIT JEE preparations and some 1 or 2
hours daily for 12 board stuff. In this way you are prepared for both at the same time.
Important Note: Please for Gods SakeDont neglect your Board ExamBelieve it or Not My friend Cracked JEE
.thats a good News right? But here is the BAD news. He didnt get more than 60 % in boards!
Yeah it happens to some freaks when they are overconfident. But I hope you dont repeat the same. Never Neglect
the Board Exams.Better write this in BOLD and stick it on your walljust in case you forget.
6) Work Hard Like a Slave:
Yes you have to work hard no matter what. Thats the Truth. If you have never tried working hard then please try to
work now and the best thing about hardwork is the pleasure and happiness you gain if your hardwork is rewarded
Just try it.theres no harm in trying
You need to sacrifice a lot so better be prepared. I am concluding this article with my line
Kabhi kabhi kuch jeetne ke liye kuch harna bhi padta hai. Aur har kar jeetne walon ko Baazigar kehte hain, kya kehte
hain? Baazigar.
In English: Sometimes, Sometimes to win something, one has to lose few things. And the losers who win after
losing are called Winners WHAT?? WINNERS
Cheers and Best of Luck to all the Baazigars

IITJEE Hmm ..how many days left ?

Count yourself

Those who are thinking that it's impossible to crack JEE in 5 months here is a short, true
story about a boy who was able to crack JEE by preparing sincerely for 3 months itself.
There was a boy named Anirudh who woke up on a day when IITJEE forms were out. It
was November.Anirudh was regretting about the time he wasted. He was not at all
prepared for JEE.Not even the basics.
But the positive thing about Anirudh was that he never gave up and said to himself that "there is
no gain without pain". I will crack JEE in 4 months of preparations.
You won't believe guys he kept his mind on cracking JEE in 3 and a half month and worked
sincerely for the exam. He studied 10 to 12 hours daily and increased it to 12 to 13 hours after
He even studied board exam portion too since he had to answer his boards in the same year.

Anirudh was very weak in physics and had forgotten 11th mechanics and chemistry organic. He
was proficient in maths only till board level.

But inspite of all these hurdles he kept his cool and started the preparations all over again right
from the beginning.

So how he started.

He read NCERT book of physics as fast as possible and completed it in 1 week
Then he solved each and every problem in HC Verma.and if he had any difficulty he solved
them soon.

He read Resnick Halliday thoroughly and even solved problems from it.

In chemistry
Started with NCERT and followed the same method as in physics.
Read Morrison Boyd and solved relevant problems.

And maths
He took up coaching material and studied it religiously.

You won't believe guys Anirudh mastered his concepts till end of March and scored decent
percentage in boards and cleared IITJEE with AIR-1278.
Today he is studying BTech in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Bombay.
If Anirudh can do it then why not you.

Anirudh isn't any gifted student but is same like everyone of us.He is just an average student.

But he also swore that he wont be postponing any more things in his life .

So what's the conclusion

Studying sincerely for 3 to 5 months = Studying not so seriously for 2 years

There is a lot of time for JEE and start for it now itself if you haven't started yet.
'Whenever u need to learn something start with what is necessary, then do what is
possible & doing that u would suddenly realize that u r doing the impossible'
Don't worry, JEE is not an unachievable task it's just that you think it's unachievable. Leave no
stone unturned.
Its never late to start. But you might never finish :)

Studying for IIT is far different from the boards. IIT exam checks for depth of understanding. This depth comes only
after student has put a lot of effort reading theory, solving different types of problems, getting stuck for hours,
discussing with peers, debating with teachers etc.

All this takes time. But the process itself is of great value because the mind matures. Analytical thinking skills develops
slowly. Students develop the ability to work hard and work long. No wonder IITians do well later in life too (others who
work hard and not in IIT also do well for the same reason)

Here is my suggestion
1. Make a plan:
Take huge A3 size Year calendar/planner (http://www.abstractworlds.com/year-plann...
On its margin, write down the entire syllabus for IIT JEE.
Now one by one, put a topic on to that calendar.

2. Collate resources
You will need books to study theory. HC Verma for physics is the default choice. Rest of the books you will be able to
find on the internet. Msg me if you want the list.

You will need practice problems. Arihant publications has good books for practice (They were not so good for theory
during my time - IIT 2005)

If you have internet access, you can use our site www.toppr.com for practice. It's the ultimate online IIT practice.

3. You will need to clear doubts

Get friends who have been studying for IIT to help
You can try www.askiitians.com also

4. You need to constantly track performance

www.toppr.com will allow you to track performance with every question.
I also suggest taking up FIIT JEE (very hard problems) or Resonance National test series
But above all, know that you might not make it. The effort you put in will help you understand your own capabilities if
you wish to take a drop. This effort to study itself will be the reward.

Time Table to be followed by a student during holidays:

Time of the day Activity Study Type Topics Covered Total Hours

7:45 8:00 Wake up and freshen

up/prepare for study
8:00 10:30 Study New E.g. The chapter 2.5 hours
topics(learning) on magnetism

10:30 11:00 Breakfast/newspaper

11:00 2:00 Study continuing E.g. Strengthening 5.5 hours

previously done concepts of
topic trigonometry

2:00 3:30 Lunch, taking bath

maybe sleeping for
some time for watching
3:30 6:00 Study Test Form Taking practice 8.00 hours
tests for 2-3 topics

6:00 6:45 A short break, exercise, talk

with friends

6:45 8:45 Study Finishing one E.g. Attempting 10.00 hours

complete topic problems from a

8:45 9:30 Break, Dinner

9:30 12:00 Study Revise already E.g. Revise one 12.00 hours
studied topic/make chapter and make
plans for the next a record of all the
day the last 15 min. chapters revised
till date.

00.00 00:15 Relax for sometime.

Time Table to be followed by a student during school days:

Time Activity Topics Covered
7:30 AM Wake up and plan for
the day
8:00 14:00 School hours(although Organic chemistry,
I used to study for maths, mugging
IITJEE even during my formulae etc
school hours,
whenever I found time
for it
2:15 3:00 Lunch break Rest for some time
3:00 5:00 Study
5:00 6:00 Go for a walk, spend
some time with friends

6:00 6:30 Mug Formulas and Revise

6:30 8:30 Study

8:30 9:15 Dinner+ Leisure

9:15 11:15 Study

11:15 12:00 Buffer time for pending

12:00 12:30 Plan for the next day

12:30 onwards Sleep

Stick to the Plan:

Its easy to create a timetable but to stick to the plan is
challenging. Make sure that you try to stick to the time table.
Dont postpone things for tomorrow as this will hamper you
So my work of posting the Time Table is done. Now its your
turn to accomplish it.
Disclaimer: The basic idea of this post is to teach you how to
prepare a timetable. Its not that you must follow the time
given. If you want then you can make the required changes.
For e.g. If one likes to sleep early at 9:30 and get up soon in
the morning then he/she can study the 9:30 to 12:30 portion in
the morning from 4:00 to 7:00.

Students have already started their hard preparation for IIT JEE Entrance Exam. The Joint Entrance
Examination has just 6 months time to go. Students who aspire to join the best IIT's have a very tough time
to go. Well, hard-work is more important. Hence, in order to make your preparation times easier we have a
few tips/techniques which shall help you to go through the syllabus in right manner and in right time space.
Go through the following notes: In order to the right methodology for candidates appearing for the first time
or the second time is to refer to only source instead of referring a wide range books or study materials. For
JEE Main, students can refer CBSE Class 10 and 12 syllabus for preparation. Time management plays a
very important role in dealing with the exam stress. It is also one of the deciding factors for your
performance in the exam. Hence prepare a chart where 6 months are equally divided for 3 subjects. A
chapter wise and topic wise revision schedule should be prepared. Prepare a list of all formula's, important
concepts, points to remember and short notes. This will act as a ready reckoner. In the month of November
to February students can use this period for JEE 2013 preparation by going thoroughly to each and every
chapter. In the month of March students should focus on board exams, hence choose specific days when
you can practice IIT JEE papers. Well, in the Month of April, JEE Main will be conducted on 7th, hence
students must revise important formulae and practice mock tests. Later in the month of May candidates
who qualify JEE Mains can now take mock tests for JEE Advanced. Please remember that not to ignore
any subject. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are equally important. Allot 2-3 hours for each subject
daily. Practice atleast 20 mock tests as per the new pattern from a relevant source and solve IITJEE papers
of atleast past 5 years. As we all know, 'PRACTICE MAKES MAN PERFECT'. So, stop not till you reach
your success. Just remember these basic points written below: Start your preparation from the basics, do
not ignore it. Dont skip to solutions until you arrive at the right answers. Adopt a conceptual method and
read the question properly. Stick to regular study habit. Focus on quality rather than quantity. Even if you
are not referring NCERT books, go through it once you complete a chapter from your study material.
Practice as many mock test as you can. Take proper rest and breaks in between your studies.
IITJEE, now JEE Advanced, is undoubtedly, one of the most prestigious examinations of the nation.
With just 6 Months left in hand, if you still havent prepared a single word, here is the way :
I read many articles about this, and this is the overall summary of everything,

Part I
Take huge A3 size Year calendar/planner.
On its margin, write down the entire syllabus for IIT JEE.
Now one by one, put a topic on to that calendar.
You have to make sure that adequate time is provided to adequate topics, now that you have just 6 Months in hand it is extremely
difficult to complete the whole syllabus, so choose those topics that have been asked more frequently these years. Do the paper
analysis, or rather download the paper analysis of last 4-5 years and see which topics are asked more frequently and carry more
Allocate time for the topics, and also make day-wise timetable e.g : one for the days when you dont have tution but have school,
when you dont have school but have tuition, when you dont have both and other numerous permutation and combination.
Just making a time table aint enough, following it is much more important.

Part II
After this start working....
Now here is how to do that,
Just dont randomly pick up any book and start solving. Theory is the key to JEE,
You will need books to study theory. HC Verma for physics, use Das Gupta for Maths, but dont do every question, go for only
selective ones.. If you want a complete detail about this feel free to message me@+918140427386,
also I have provided material of many coaching classes for free which you can always download.
Follow the time table that you have made. Dont over stress yourself, 11-12 hours of study should be enough, but you should also
sleep for atleast 6-7hrs a day.
Also while solving questions keep marking them on a scale of 1-3 or 1-5, so that at the end when you are revising, you will be
able to do that more effectively.

Part III
You will obviously get doubts regarding the topics that you have solved.
First of all dont ignore this, get your doubts clarified, but before that attempt the question atleast 2-3 times yourself.
It isnt about if you could solve a problem or not, it is about IF YOU COULD LEARN from it or not!! So do get doubts cleared.

Part IV
Keep track of your performance, via various test. If you dont get good marks/rank dont get demotivated, keep
working,results shall come, but dont loose hope.
Just remain calm and dont panick, just keep working and things will fall into place.....
Plus if you want to know how other IITians have prepared I believe this is the best place to know that,

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