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Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451

DOI 10.1007/s10706-016-0053-3


Consolidation and Drainage Characteristics of Expansive

Soil Stabilized with Fly Ash and Dolochar
S. K. Mohanty . P. K. Pradhan . C. R. Mohanty

Received: 29 January 2016 / Accepted: 11 July 2016 / Published online: 18 July 2016
 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

Abstract Expansive soils undergo alternate swel- and 30 %) were added to it, to predict the influence of
ling and shrinkage due to cyclic wetting and drying these additives on compaction and consolidation
when left to nature. This property of Expansive soil characteristics of Expansive soil. Addition of both
affects its strength and stiffness characteristics thereby Fly Ash and Dolochar were found to decrease the
causing damage and distress to structures built on index properties such as liquid limit, plastic limit,
them. Industrial wastes can be added scientifically to plasticity index, swelling index and enhancing the
these soils in modifying and reducing their swelling consolidation as well as drainage characteristics of
and shrinkage behaviour and increasing their strength Expansive soil. However, the maximum dry density of
and stiffness. In this technical article, an attempt has soil was found to decrease with addition of Fly Ash
been made to study the compressibility and drainage and increase with addition of Dolochar.
characteristics of these soils using economic and
ecofriendly industrial wastes such as Fly Ash and Keywords Compressibility  Compression index 
Dolochar as stabilizers. This paper also focuses on Consolidation  Differential free swell index 
many other improved engineering properties of base Drainage  Stabilization
soil like liquid limit, plasticity index, differential free
swell, compaction and consolidation characteristics of
Expansive (BC) soil stabilized with Fly Ash and
Dolochar in different proportions. The virgin Expan- 1 Introduction
sive soil has been collected from eastern part of India
(Odisha) and different percentages of Fly Ash (5, 10, Soil having expansive and shrinkage characteristics
15, 20, 25 and 30 %) and Dolochar (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 are generally the poorest/weakest engineering mate-
rial to sustain structural loads. Generally foundation
resting on this soil fails, as it looses its strength and
S. K. Mohanty (&)  P. K. Pradhan  C. R. Mohanty stiffness due to expansion and contraction on cyclic
Civil Engineering Department, Veer Surendra Sai
wetting and drying. Expansive soil covers nearly one-
University of Technology, Burla, Sambalpur 768 018,
India fifth of Indian sub-continent.
e-mail: Geo-technical engineers always face a great chal-
P. K. Pradhan lenge on how to improve the strength parameters of
e-mail: these soils through various innovative and economical
C. R. Mohanty techniques. These techniques involve controlled com-
e-mail: paction, proportioning and/or addition of

1436 Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451

suitable waste products such as Fly Ash, Dolochar, cannot be attained for soils without fly ash. Phaniku-
ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS), lime mar and Sharma (2004) studied the effect of fly ash on
dust, silica fumes, quarry dust and rice husk etc. These engineering properties of Expansive soil through
waste products are generally dumped near industrial experiments and shown that swelling capacity of
units which cause environmental hazards. But these Expansive soil is reduced and mechanical capacity is
wastes produce strong covalent bonds when mixed improved.
with soil. Fly Ash and Dolochar are common waste Similarly, many other researchers like Cokca
products in Odisha, which can be used as additives in (2001), Edil et al. (2006), Bera et al. (2007), Sharma
improving engineering characteristics of Expansive et al. (2008), Zha et al. (2008), Solanki et al. (2009),
soil. Brooks et al. (2010), Hossain and Mol (2011), Seco
The influence of industrial wastes such as Fly Ash et al. (2011), Bose (2012), Mishra (2012), Singh and
and Dolochar on the engineering properties of Expan- Goswami (2012), Mir and Sridharan (2014), Sivapul-
sive soil has been thoroughly investigated by many laiah and Jha (2014), Kang et al. (2015), Kolay and
researchers in the recent past. Ramesh (2016) and many others have studied the
Sridharan et al. (1997) studied the effect of fly ash improvement of various engineering properties of
on the unconfined strength of black cotton soil. With Expansive soil on addition of Fly Ash and have shown
varying percentage of lime content they had shown that Fly Ash is an useful additive to Expansive soil.
that at very low lime contents, sufficient strength can But in eastern India mainly in Odisha, no such major
be achieved for a soilreactive fly ash mixture which works have been reported on soil stabilization using

Table 1 Properties of Engineering properties Expansive soil Fly Ash Dolochar

Expansive soil, Fly Ash and
Dolochar Sieve analysis (dry and wet)
204.75 mm (%) 0 0 0
4.752 mm (%) 0 0 27.76
2 mm425 l (%) 0.12 0.31 53.95
42575 l (%) 0.35 15.19 10.59
752 l (%) 59.53 77.0 7.7
\2 l (%) 40 7.5 0
Liquid limit (%) 56 43 18
Plastic limit (%) 28
Plasticity index (%) 28 Non plastic Non plastic
Shrinkage limit (%) 16.81
Shrinkage ratio (%) 1.765
Specific gravity 2.69 2.470 3.22
Differential free swelling index (%) 60 0 0
D60 in mm 0.008 0.0498 1.5
D50 in mm 0.0055 0.018 1.2
D30 in mm 0.0095 0.7
D10 in mm 0.0025 0.2
Maximum dry density (kN/m3) 17.8 12.2 26.34
Optimum moisture content (%) 16.1 35.0 6.7
Compression index Cc 0.298
Co-efficient of volume change mv (m2/kN) 0.39 9 10-3
Co-efficient of compressibility av (m2/kN) 2.43 9 10-3
Coefficient of consolidation Cv (m2/min) 1.31 9 10-6
Co-efficient of permeability (m/min) 0.51 9 10-8

Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451 1437

Fig. 1 Grain size

distribution curves
Expansive Soil Fly Ash Dolochar



% Finer





0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Particle Size in mm

Fig. 2 Scanning electron microscope test result of Expansive soil. a Image of soil particles, b intensity of minerals of soil

industrial wastes such as Fly Ash and Dolochar. pavements, foundations, etc. after adopting scientific
Present investigation involves the improvement of and systematic method of stabilization.
engineering properties mainly strength characteristics
of Expansive soils by using Fly Ash and Dolochar
under controlled conditions. 2 Laboratory Investigations Programme
This technical paper aims at studying the influence
of Fly Ash and Dolochar on compaction and consol- Expansive soil possesses high compressibility on
idation characteristics of Expansive soil which can wetting and poor drainage characteristics, which can
satisfactorily be used for construction of road, be improved by adding Fly Ash and Dolochar. The

1438 Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451

objective of the present investigation is to analyze the 1. Characterization of the Expansive soil and
behavior of local Expansive soil with the addition of additives.
Fly Ash and Dolochar in different proportions. The 2. Studying the index and compaction characteristics
additives such as Fly Ash and Dolochar were added to of blended samples.
the virgin Expansive soil in different percentages from 3. Studying the consolidation and drainage charac-
5 to 30 % by dry weight of virgin soil at an increment teristics of blended samples.
of 5 %. 4. Analyzing the test results.
The present investigation was carried out through
following steps:
2.1 Materials Used and Properties

Table 2 Presence of minerals in Expansive soil The virgin Expansive soil was collected from the eastern
part of India (Balasore district of Odisha) by excavating
Minerals % By weight
the ground up to 0.5 m depth, thus removing the top soil.
C as CaCO3 45.68 As per IS:1498, the collected Expansive soil was
O as SiO2 39.54 classified as highly compressible clay (CH). The
Na 0.22 additive materials such as Fly Ash and Dolochar
Mg as MgO 0.38 (industrial wastes) were collected from the industries
Al as Al2O3 2.81 namely, BIRLA Tyres Ltd., Balasore and ISPAT Alloys
Si as SiO2 7.60 Ltd., Balasore respectively. Various tests were con-
Cl as KCl 0.09 ducted on the collected virgin soil (Expansive soil),
K as feldspar 0.69 industrial wastes (Fly Ash and Dolochar used as
Ca as wollastonite 0.08 additives) and blended samples (Soil-Fly Ash and
Ti 0.15 Soil-Dolochar) for their characterization.
Fe 2.55 The properties of virgin soil (Expansive Soil) and
Cu 0.21 additives (Fly Ash and Dolochar) are reported in the
Table 1. The Fig. 1 shows the grain size distribution




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Position [2Theta] (Copper (Cu))

Fig. 3 X-ray diffraction test result on Expansive soil

Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451 1439

of Expansive Soil and additives (Fly Ash and free swell index (DFS) of the Expansive soil is 60 %
Dolochar). which reveals that its degree of expansion is very high.
Hence, the characteristics of soil under experiment is
2.1.1 Expansive Soil fine grained with high plasticity and high expansive in
From the grain size analysis (Table 1) of the Expan- Since it is highly plastic, its water holding capacity
sive soil, it is seen that the 99.53 % (Silt content is also high. The optimum moisture content (OMC) of
59.53 % and Clay content 40 %) of the virgin soil the Expansive soil is 16.1 % whereas its maximum dry
(Expansive soil) is passing through the 75 l IS sieve. density (MDD) is 17.8 kN/m3. The plasticity index of
This shows that the Expansive soil chosen for the the Expansive soil is high (28 %), as a result its
experiment is fine-grained soil. The soil parti- compressibility is also high.
cles \ 2 l size is generally having large specific The Expansive soil was subjected to scanning
surface of area. The Expansive soil under study has electron microscopic (SEM) test. The SEM view of
particle (clay) content \ 2 l size is 40 %, and these Expansive soil is presented in Fig. 2a, b to estimate the
have very large specific surface area. As a result the particle size and shape. The mineralogical analysis is
Expansive soil under experiment is highly plastic. also reported in the Table 2. Figure 3 shows the test
From the Table 1, it is also seen that the differential result of X-ray diffraction tests. The angularity of soil
particles fall between 1.054 and 1.25; which shows
Table 3 Chemical characteristics of Fly Ash that the particles are sub-angular in nature. Many
particles are roughly rounded in nature.
Characteristics Percent (%) by mass

SiO2 50.62 2.1.2 Fly Ash

Al2O3 25.15
Fe2O3 3.62 The sand, silt and clay contents of the Fly Ash are 15.5,
SiO2 ? Al2O3 ? Fe2O3 79.39 77 and 7.5 % respectively. Due to the low clay
Total Ca as CaO 0.062 content, Fly Ash is non-plastic in nature. The Fly Ash
MgO 0.209 is also non-expansive in nature (DFS is 0 %). Since
Sulphur as SO3 0.016 Fly Ash is an industrial waste material, it is very
Loss of ignition 3.81 important to determine its chemical composition as
Moisture content 2.04 well as its class. Table 3, presents the chemical
composition of Fly Ash.

Fig. 4 Scanning electron microscopic view of Fly Ash. a Image of Fly Ash particle, b intensity of minerals of Fly Ash

1440 Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451






10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Position [2Theta] (Copper (Cu))

Fig. 5 X-ray diffraction test result of Fly Ash

2.7 2.9

Specic gravity
Specic gravity


2.62 2.75


2.56 0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
Dolochar content (%)
Fly Ash content (%)
Fig. 7 Specific gravity of Expansive soil stabilized with
Fig. 6 Specific gravity of Expansive soil stabilized with Fly Dolochar

The Fly Ash under experiment is Class F. The is seen that the Dolochar is non-plastic and non-
scanning electron microscopic view and X-ray diffrac- expansive in nature. The specific gravity of Dolochar
tion test results on Fly Ash are presented in Figs. 4a, b is more than Expansive soil (under study) because
and 5 respectively. The angularity of Fly Ash particles Dolochar is a by-product of sponge iron. The details of
lies between 1.154 and 1.711. This shows that the engineering properties of Dolochar are reported in
particles are sub-angular in nature. Many particles are Table 1.
roughly rounded.
2.2 Planning of Experiments
2.1.3 Dolochar
For this research work, initially Expansive soil was
Collected Dolochar samples were broken into smaller collected from regions of Eastern India. Commonly
particles and sieved through 4.75 mm IS sieve. The available industrial wastes such as Fly Ash and
materials passing through 4.75 mm IS sieve are taken Dolochar were also collected from the local industries.
for the testing purpose. Dolochar is a by-product of The collected soil sample and additives were tested for
sponge iron and it has no clay content. From Table 1, it determining their index and compaction properties.

Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451 1441

Table 4 Consistency characteristics of Expansive soil, Fly Ash and blended samples
Sample reference Liquid limit (%) Plastic limit (%) Plasticity index (%) Shrinkage limit (%)

Soil 56 28 28 16.81
Only Fly Ash 43 Non plastic
95 % soil ? 5 % Fly Ash 53 23.7 29.3 18.65
90 % soil ? 10 % Fly Ash 52.25 24.31 27.94 19.79
85 % soil ? 15 % Fly Ash 51.44 28.31 23.13 23.93
80 % soil ? 20 % Fly Ash 49.5 29.47 20.03 25.45
75 % soil ? 25 % Fly Ash 49.23 31.73 17.5 26.34
70 % soil ? 30 % Fly Ash 48.75 31.96 16.79 29.26

Table 5 Consistency characteristics of Expansive soil, Dolochar and blended samples

Sample reference Liquid limit (%) Plastic limit (%) Plasticity index (%) Shrinkage limit (%)

Only soil 56 28 28 16.81

Only Dolochar 18 Non plastic
95 % soil ? 5 % Dolochar 56 27 29 14.71
90 % soil ? 10 % Dolochar 53.5 25 28.5 13.89
85 % soil ? 15 % Dolochar 52 24 28 16.86
80 % soil ? 20 % Dolochar 51.8 25 26.8 13.86
75 % soil ? 25 % Dolochar 46.2 23 23.2 12.29
70 % soil ? 30 % Dolochar 45 22 23 11.4

50 50
Water content (%)
Water content (%)

40 Liquid Limit
Liquid Limit 30 Plasc Limit
30 Plasc Limit 20 Plascity Limit
20 Plascity Index 10 Shrinkage Limit
Shrinkage Limit
10 0
0 10 20 30 40
0 Dolochar content (%)
0 10 20 30 40
Fly Ash content (%) Fig. 9 Consistency limits of Expansive soil stabilized with
Fig. 8 Consistency limits of Expansive soil stabilized with Fly

The collected soil sample was also tested for deter- index properties of the blended samples were deter-
mining its consolidation and drainage characteristics. mined following the standard BIS methods. Optimum
All tests were conducted as per Bureau of Indian Moisture Content (OMC) and Maximum Dry Density
Standards (BIS). (MDD) for each blended sample were determined by
Fly Ash and Dolochar were added to the virgin Standard Proctor method. For consolidation test,
Expansive soil in different percentages by dry weight blended samples were remoulded at their respective
of Expansive soil at 5 % increment up to 30 %. All the OMC and MDD conditions.

1442 Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451

3 Results and Discussions 3.2 Consistency Characteristics

3.1 Specific Gravity The consistency limits and plasticity characteristics of

Expansive soil blended with Fly Ash and Dolochar
The specific gravity of virgin Expansive soil was samples are summarized in Tables 4 and 5
determined to be 2.69 whereas for Fly Ash it was 2.47. respectively.
After addition of Fly Ash to virgin Expansive soil, the In Table 4, it is seen that the liquid limits (LL) of
specific gravity of blended soil samples were found to blended samples decreased with increase of Fly Ash
decrease (Fig. 6). This decrease is due to the replace- content. The plastic limit and shrinkage limit
ment of Expansive soil (heavier particles, specific increased with increase of Fly Ash content. The
gravity 2.69) by same amount of Fly Ash (lighter plasticity indices are gradually decreased with the
particles, specific gravity 2.47). increase of Fly Ash content in the virgin Expansive
The specific gravity of virgin Expansive soil was soil.
determined to be 2.69 whereas for Dolochar it was Fly Ash is a non-plastic material and its water
3.22. From Fig. 7, it is seen that the specific gravity holding capacity is less than that of virgin Expan-
of blended soil samples were found to increase with sive soil (LL of Expansive soil is 56 % and Fly Ash
increase of Dolochar content. This is because of the has 43 % LL). So water holding capacities of
replacement of Expansive soil (lighter particles, blended samples are gradually decreased with the
specific gravity 2.69) by same amount of Dolochar increase in Fly Ash content. As a result, the LL of
(heavier particles, specific gravity 3.22). blended samples are gradually decreased with the

Table 7 Swelling characteristics of Expansive soil, Dolochar

Table 6 Swelling characteristics of Expansive soil, Fly Ash and blended samples
and blended samples Sample reference Differential free swelling (%)
Sample reference Differential free swelling (%)
Only soil 60.00
Only soil 60.00 Only Dolochar 0.00
Only Fly Ash 0.00 95 % soil ? 5 % Dolochar 60.00
95 % soil ? 5 % Fly Ash 36.36 90 % soil ? 10 % Dolochar 55.56
90 % soil ? 10 % Fly Ash 27.27 85 % soil ? 15 % Dolochar 44.44
85 % soil ? 15 % Fly Ash 21.74 80 % soil ? 20 % Dolochar 44.44
80 % soil ? 20 % Fly Ash 16.67 75 % soil ? 25 % Dolochar 30.0
75 % soil ? 25 % Fly Ash 12.5 70 % soil ? 30 % Dolochar 30.0
70 % soil ? 30 % Fly Ash 8.33


70 60
DFS (%)
DFS (%)


10 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Fly Ash content (%) Dolochar content (%)

Fig. 10 Differential free swell of Expansive soil stabilized with Fig. 11 Differential free swell of Expansive soil stabilized with
Fly Ash Dolochar

Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451 1443

Fig. 12 Test results of 18

proctor compaction of virgin
Expansive soil and soil-Fly
Ash blended samples
5% Fly ash content

Dry density (kN/m3)

10% Fly ash content
15% Fly ash content

16 20% Fly ash content

25% Fly ash content
30% Fly ash content
15 Virgin soil

0 10 20 30
Moisture content (%)

Fig. 13 Test results of 21

proctor compaction of virgin
Expansive soil and soil- 20.5
Dolochar blended samples
5% Dolochar content
Dry density (kN/m3)

10% Dolochar content
15% Dolochar content
20% Dolochar content
25% Dolochar content
30% Dolochar content
Virgin soil
0 10 20 30
Moisture content (%)

Table 8 Influence of Fly Sample reference Optimum moisture content (%) Maximum dry density (kN/m3)
Ash on compaction
characteristics Only soil 16.1 17.8
Only Fly Ash 35 12.2
95 % soil ? 5 % Fly Ash 16.4 17.6
90 % soil ? 10 % Fly Ash 19.6 17.45
85 % soil ? 15 % Fly Ash 21.5 17.0
80 % soil ? 20 % Fly Ash 23.2 16.49
75 % soil ? 25 % Fly Ash 23.4 16.0
70 % soil ? 30 % Fly Ash 24.45 15.94

increase in Fly Ash content. Due to the increase of increased and plasticity index decreased. Figure 8
Fly Ash content in blended samples, the non-plastic show the consistency properties of Fly Ash blended
characteristics increase, as a results plastic limit soil samples.

1444 Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451

Fig. 14 Compaction 30 18
characteristics of Expansive
soil stabilized with Fly Ash 25 17.5


MDD (kN/m3)
OMC (%)

0 15.5
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Fly Ash content (%) Fly Ash content (%)

In Table 5, it is seen that the liquid limits (LL) of blended samples is gradually decreased with increase
blended samples decreased with increase in Dolochar in Dolochar content. As a result, the LL of blended
content. The plastic limit, plasticity index and shrink- samples are gradually decreased with the increase in
age limit gradually decreased with increase of Dolochar content. Due to the increase in Dolochar
Dolochar content. content in blended samples, the plastic limit and
Dolochar is a non-plastic material and its water plasticity index gradually decreased.
holding capacity is less than that of the virgin Figure 9 shows the consistency properties of
Expansive soil (LL of Expansive soil is 56 % and Dolochar blended soil samples.
Dolochar has 18 %). So water holding capacity of
3.3 Expansive Characteristics

Table 9 Influence of Dolochar on compaction characteristics

The differential free swell (DFS) of virgin Expansive
Sample reference OMC (%) MDD (kN/m3) soil sample was found to be 60 % which shows it to be
highly expansive in nature whereas the DFS of Fly
Only soil 16.1 17.8
Ash and Dolochar were found to be 0 %, indicating
Only Dolochar 6.7 26.34
Fly ash and Dolochar used were not expansive.
95 % soil ? 5 % Dolochar 15.5 18.2
With addition of Fly Ash, the DFS decreased which
90 % soil ? 10 % Dolochar 16.0 18.5
is revealed from Table 6 and Fig. 10. With addition of
85 % soil ? 15 % Dolochar 15 19.0
30 % of Fly Ash, DFS of stabilized soil decreased to
80 % soil ? 20 % Dolochar 14.4 19.4
8.33 %.
75 % soil ? 25 % Dolochar 12.37 19.95
Similarly with addition of Dolochar, the DFS of
70 % soil ? 30 % Dolochar 11.2 20.5
blended samples were observed to decrease (Table 7).

Fig. 15 Compaction 20 21
characteristics of Expansive 20.5
soil stabilized with Dolochar
MDD (kN/m3)

15 20
OMC (%)

0 17.5
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Dolochar content (%) Dolochar contenet (%)

Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451 1445

Fig. 16 Test results of 0.9

consolidation of virgin
Expansive soil and soil-Fly
Ash blended samples 0.7 Virgin soil
0.6 5% y ash content

Void rao
0.5 10% y ash content
0.4 15% y ash content
0.3 20% y ash content
0.2 25% y ash content
30% y ash content
1 10 100 1000
Eecve pressure (KPa)

Fig. 17 Test results of 0.700

consolidation of virgin
Expansive soil and soil- 0.600
Dolochar blended samples Virgin soil
5% Dolochar content
Void rao

0.400 10% Dolochar content

0.300 15% Dolochar content

0.200 20% Dolochar content

25% Dolochar content

30% Dolochar content
1 10 100 1000
Eecve pressure (KPa)

This decrease in DFS value was found to be 50 % of OMC and MDD of Fly Ash are 35 % and 12.2 kN/m3
virgin soil at Dolochar content 30 % (Fig. 11). respectively. From Table 8 and Fig. 14, it is observed
This shows that the reduction in swelling potential that with increase in Fly Ash content in the blended
of Expansive soil mixed with Fly Ash is more than that soil sample, the OMC of blended soil sample increased
of the soil blended with Dolochar. whereas MDD of the blended soil sample decreased.
As the specific gravity of blended samples are
3.4 Compaction Characteristics decreased with the increase in Fly ash content, as a
result the MDD of blended samples are decreased with
As per IS: 2720 (Part-8), a series of standard Proctor the increase of Fly Ash content. As OMC of Fly Ash is
compaction tests were conducted with virgin Expan- higher (35 %) than that of soil (16.1 %), the OMC of
sive soil and soil blended with Fly Ash at different blended samples are increased with the increase in Fly
percentages. The results are presented in Fig. 12. Ash content. At 30 % Fly ash content, OMC is
Similarly, a series of standard proctor compaction 24.45 % and MDD is 15.94 kN/m3. Table 8 and
tests were conducted with virgin Expansive soil and Fig. 14 show the influence of Fly Ash content on the
soil blended with Dolochar at different percentages compaction characteristics of blended soil samples.
and the results are presented in Fig. 13. Table 9 and Fig. 15 show the variation of OMC and
From the Table 8 it is observed that the OMC and MDD with addition of Dolochar to virgin Expansive soil.
MDD of virgin Expansive soil sample are found to be The OMC and MDD of the virgin Expansive soil
16.1 % and 17.8 kN/m3 respectively, whereas the sample were determined to be 16. % and 17.8 kN/m3

1446 Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451

Table 10 Consolidation and drainage characteristics of Expansive soil stabilized with Fly Ash
Sample Compression Co-efficient of volume Co-efficient of Coefficient of Co-efficient of
reference index Cc change mv (m2/kN) compressibility av consolidation Cv permeability K
(m2/kN) (m2/min) (m/min)

Only soil 0.298 0.39 9 10-3 2.43 9 10-3 1.31 9 10-6 0.51 9 10-8
-3 -3 -6
95 % 0.229 0.31 9 10 1.87 9 10 2.05 9 10 0.63 9 10-8
soil ? 5 %
Fly Ash
90 % 0.173 0.31 9 10-3 1.41 9 10-3 2.25 9 10-6 0.70 9 10-8
soil ? 10 %
Fly Ash
85 % 0.168 0.30 9 10-3 1.37 9 10-3 2.60 9 10-6 0.78 9 10-8
soil ? 15 %
Fly Ash
80 % 0.148 0.29 9 10-3 1.21 9 10-3 2.78 9 10-6 0.81 9 10-8
soil ? 20 %
Fly Ash
75 % 0.140 0.29 9 10-3 1.14 9 10-3 3.02 9 10-6 0.88 9 10-8
soil ? 25 %
Fly Ash
70 % 0.136 0.29 9 10-3 1.11 9 10-3 3.55 9 10-6 1.03 9 10-8
soil ? 30 %
Fly Ash

Table 11 Consolidation and drainage characteristics of Expansive soil stabilized with Dolochar
Sample reference Compression Co-efficient of volume Co-efficient of Coefficient of Co-efficient of
index Cc change mv (m2/kN) compressibility av consolidation Cv permeability K
(m2/kN) (m2/min) (m/min)

Only soil 0.298 0.39 9 10-3 2.43 9 10-3 1.31 9 10-6 0.51 9 10-8
-3 -3 -6
95 % soil ? 5 % 0.222 0.32 9 10 1.81 9 10 2.19 9 10 0.70 9 10-8
90 % 0.187 0.31 9 10-3 1.53 9 10-3 2.23 9 10-6 0.70 9 10-8
soil ? 10 %
85 % 0.186 0.30 9 10-3 1.52 9 10-3 2.44 9 10-6 0.73 9 10-8
soil ? 15 %
80 % 0.183 0.30 9 10-3 1.49 9 10-3 2.83 9 10-6 0.85 9 10-8
soil ? 20 %
75 % 0.160 0.30 9 10-3 1.31 9 10-3 3.45 9 10-6 1.03 9 10-8
soil ? 25 %
70 % 0.155 0.30 9 10-3 1.26 9 10-3 3.75 9 10-6 1.12 9 10-8
soil ? 30 %

respectively, whereas the OMC and MDD of Dolochar blended sample by decreasing the same percentage of
were 6.7 % and 26.34 kN/m3 respectively. But when soil by weight, the OMC of soil sample decreased and
the percentage of Dolochar content is increased in simultaneously MDD increased. As the specific

Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451 1447

gravity of blended samples are increased with the their respective maximum dry densities. Results of
increase in Dolochar content, as a result the MDD of these tests are presented in Fig. 17.
blended samples are increased with the increase in Consolidation tests of virgin Expansive soil and
Dolochar content. As OMC of Dolochar is lesser blended samples (Soil-Fly Ash and Soil-Dolochar)
(6.7 %) than that of soil (16.1 %), the OMC of blended were conducted at their respective OMC and MDD
samples are decreased with the increase in Dolochar conditions.
content At 30 % Dolochar content, OMC is 11.2 % The consolidation properties such as compression
and MDD is 20.5 kN/m3. index Cc, Co-efficient of volume change mv, Co-
From Figs. 14 and 15, it can also be observed that efficient of compressibility av, Coefficient of con-
higher MDD at lesser OMC is obtained in Expansive solidation Cv and Co-efficient of permeability
soil blended with Dolochar in comparison to soil (drainage properties) of virgin Expansive soil and
blended with Fly Ash. It is due to the fact that blended samples are presented in Tables 10 and 11.
Dolochar particles are heavier than that of Fly ash. Figure 18 shows the variation in consolidation
characteristics with increase in Fly Ash content in the
3.5 Influence on Consolidation Characteristics blended samples. The compression index, co-efficient
of volume change and co-efficient of compressibility
As per IS: 2720 (Part-15), a series of consolidation of blended samples are decreased with increase in Fly
tests were conducted with virgin Expansive soil and Ash content. It is due to the decrease in plastic
soil blended with Fly Ash in different percentages at characteristics of blended samples with the increase in
their respective maximum dry density. Results of these Fly Ash content. The co-efficient of consolidation of
tests are presented in Fig. 16. Similarly, a series of blended samples are gradually increased with increase
consolidation tests were also conducted on soil in Fly Ash content. This is because when the Fly Ash
blended with Dolochar at different percentages at content is increased in the blended soil samples, the

Fig. 18 Consolidation 0.35 0.45

characteristics of Expansive 0.3 0.4
soil stabilized with Fly Ash
mv ( 1x10-3 m2/kN)


0.15 0.2
0.1 0.15

0.05 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 0
0 10 20 30 40
Fly Ash content (%)
Fly Ash content (%)
3 4

av ( 1x10-3 m2/kN)

Cv (1x10-8 m/min)


1.5 2

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Fly Ash content (%) Fly Ash content (%)

1448 Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451

Fig. 19 Consolidation 0.35 0.45

characteristics of Expansive 0.4
soil stabilized with Dolochar 0.35

mv ( 1x10-3 m2/kN)
0.2 0.25

0.15 0.2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Dolochar content (%) Dolochar content (%)


Cv (1x10-8 m/min)
av ( 1x10-3 m2/kN)

2 2.5

1.5 2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Dolochar content (%) Dolochar content (%)

1.2 1.2

K (1x10-8 m/min)

K (1x10-8 m/min)

0.8 0.6

0 10 20 30 40
0.2 Dolochar content (%)

0 Fig. 21 Drainage characteristics of Expansive soil stabilized

0 10 20 30 40 with Dolochar
Fly Ash content (%)

Fig. 20 Drainage characteristics of Expansive soil stabilized Figure 19 shows the variation in consolidation
with Fly Ash
characteristics with increase in Dolochar content in the
blended samples. The compression index, co-efficient
plastic characteristics of blended samples are of volume change and co-efficient of compressibility
decreased. As a result, the compressibility of blended of blended samples is decreased with increase in
samples are decreased and hence the time required for Dolochar content. It is due to the decrease in plastic
90 % consolidation is also decreased. characteristics of blended samples with the increase in

Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451 1449

Dolochar content. The co-efficient of consolidation of 30 % at an increment of 5 % by dry weight of virgin

blended samples are gradually increased with the Expansive soil as per existing practice. Based on the
increase in Dolochar content. This is because when the test results obtained during the study, following
Dolochar content is increased in the blended soil conclusions have been interpreted.
samples, the plastic characteristics of blended samples
are decreased. As a result the compressibility of 4.1 Addition of Fly Ash
blended samples are decreased and hence the time
required for 90 % consolidation is also decreased.
With increase in Fly Ash content, Liquid Limit
Table 10 and Fig. 20 show the variation in drainage
(LL) and Plasticity Index (PI) of the virgin
properties with increase in Fly Ash content in the
Expansive soil were found to decrease. At 30 %
blended samples. The co-efficient of permeability of
Fly Ash content, Liquid Limit was found to
blended samples gradually increased with the increase
decrease by 12.95 % and plasticity index
in Fly Ash content. This is because when Fly Ash is
decreased by 40 % in comparison with that of
mixed with the fine particles of virgin Expansive soil,
virgin Expansive soil.
it forms a granular matrix of bigger size in blended
At 30 % Fly Ash content the swelling potential of
samples. Simultaneously plastic and cohesion charac-
the virgin Expansive soil decreased by around
teristics of blended samples gradually decreased with
86 %.
the increase in Fly Ash content. The co-efficient of
Optimum moisture content (OMC) of the blended
permeability at 30 % Fly Ash content of blended
samples are increased whereas maximum dry
sample was found to be 1.03 9 10-8 m/min.
density (MDD) decreased simultaneously.
Table 11 and Fig. 21 show the variation in drainage
With addition of Fly Ash, the compression index
properties with increase in Dolochar content in the
(Cc), co-efficient of volume change (mv) and co-
blended samples. The co-efficient of permeability of
efficient of compressibility (av) gradually
blended samples gradually increased with the increase
decreased with the increase in Fly Ash content in
in Dolochar content. The reason that when Dolochar is
blended samples. But the co-efficient of consoli-
mixed with the fine particles of virgin Expansive soil,
dation (cv) gradually increased with the increase in
it forms a granular matrix of bigger size of blended
percentage of Fly Ash content in blended samples.
samples. Simultaneously plasticity and cohesion char-
At the 30 % Fly Ash content, the compression
acteristics of blended samples gradually decreased
index decreased by 54 %, co-efficient of volume
with the increase in Dolochar content. The co-efficient
change decreased by 26 % and co-efficient of
of permeability at 30 % Dolochar content of blended
compressibility decreased by 54 % to that of virgin
sample was found to be 1.12 9 10-8 m/min.
Expansive soil.
It can also be observed from Figs. 20 and 21 that at
The drainage properties of the Expansive soil
same percentage of additives, sample blended with
increased with the increase in Fly Ash content at
Dolochar is having higher permeability than the
different percentages in the Expansive soil. At
sample blended with Fly Ash. It is due to the size of
30 % Fly Ash content, the co-efficient of perme-
Dolochar particle is bigger than that of Fly Ash
ability (K) increased by 102 % to that of virgin
Expansive soil.
All these changes in the mechanical and drainage
characteristics of blended samples have been
4 Conclusion
explained scientifically in details in the body of
the text (in the results and discussion portion).
In this technical article the influence of Fly Ash and
Dolochar on mechanical as well as drainage properties
of local Expansive soil have been discussed in details 4.2 Addition of Dolochar
in the above paragraphs. The mechanical and drainage
characteristics of the Expansive soil are improved with
Liquid limit gradually decreased with increase in
the addition of Fly Ash and Dolochar at different
Dolochar content. The decrease was around 20 %
percentages. Fly Ash and Dolochar were added up to

1450 Geotech Geol Eng (2016) 34:14351451

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