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Jaimini Chara Dasha in Astrology

Predict Effectively Through Chara Dasha

We can predict the timing of an event, the strength of a horoscope as well as various aspects in the life of a
nativity independently by using Jaimini Chara Dasha. It is also called Rashi Dasha. Before going to show
how Chara Dasha can be used for practical astrological predictive purpose, it is imperative to discuss some
elementary and fundamental aspects of Chara Dasha.

At the outset, the first and foremost important thing is to determine the degrees/minutes/seconds of the seven
core planets of a natal horoscope in order to get their Karaka (significator) status. Rahu & Ketu has not
been given any Karaka status. However, they have given dominant role in deciding Dasha sequence
according to their degrees/planetary association in respect of Aquarius Dasha (the span of Dasha could be
either on the basis of the placement Rahu or Saturn according to their strength, which includes
degrees/planetary association) and Scorpio Dasha (the span of Dasha could be either on the basis of the
placement of Ketu or Mars according to their strength, which include degrees/planetary association). The
seven Jaimini Karakas are known as under: - (Note - The degrees of Lagna, Rahu & Ketu should not be
taken into consideration for deciding Karakas).

Amongst the seven core planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn), the planet with
highest degree in a Natal Horoscope is known as Atmakaraka (AK enjoys the status of Lagna); the planet
with 2nd highest degree is known as Amatyakaraka (Amk signifies 10th house/professional matter); the
planet with 3rd highest degree is known as Bhratrikaraka (BK signifies coborns/3rd house significations);
the planet with 4th highest degree is known as Matrikaraka (MK signifies/4th house significations); the
planet with 5th highest degree is known as Putrakaraka (PK offspring/5th house significations); the planet
with 6th highest degree is known as Gnatikaraka (GK enemies/obstacles/diseases/6th house significations)
and the planet with 7th highest degree is known as Darakaraka (DK significator of spouse/7th house
significations). Then comes the importance of Karakamasha Lagna (KL). It is very simple to locate KL in a
Natal Horoscope. The sign occupied by AK in Navamsha Horoscope is the KL of a given Natal
Horoscope/Rashi Chart, which is treated as Lagna (1 st house) for predictive purpose through Jaimini Chara
Dasha. The second importance is of Arudha Lagna/Pada Lagna (AL/PL). It is decided on the basis of as
many signs the Lagna Lord is away from Lagna. For example, if Lagna is Libra, which Lagna Lord is Venus
and Venus as Lagna Lord is suppose in Leo, which is 11 signs away from Libra. Now counting 11
sings/houses from Leo it comes the sign Gemini, which is the Arudha/Pada Lagna in the example case. Next
comes the importance of Upapada Lagna (UL). UL is decided on the basis of as many signs the 12 th lord is
away from 12th house in the same manner as explained above in the case of AL/PL. These are the three
important pivot points of a Natal Horoscope to be remembered for the astrological predictive purpose
through Jaimini Chara Dasha. There are altogether 12 Rashi Dasha according to the 12 zodiac signs, such as,
Aries, Taurus, etc. All Moveable Signs including planets posited therein aspects all the Fixed Signs except
the one adjacent to it. Similarly, all Fixed Signs aspects all Moveable Signs barring the one adjacent to it.
And, all Common Signs aspects all the Common Signs. I would now attempt to show how to predict the
timing of events as well as a few aspects with the help of Jaimini Chara Dasha through following
illustration. (Note Atleast three horoscopes should invariably be examined with due diligence for giving
out an astrological prediction. These are Natal Horoscope, Navamsha Horoscope and the Divisional
Horoscope pertaining to the query). First see the degrees of the seven Karaka Planets of the example
S/No.Name of Karaka Planets Degrees Karaka Status
01 Sun (2nd highest degree) 24.32.47 Amatyakaraka
02 Moon (5th highest degree) 18.33.36 Putrakaraka
03 Mars (4th highest degree) 20.20.00 Matrikaraka
04 Mercury (6th highest degree) 15.35.13 Gnatikaraka
05 Jupiter (Highest Degree) 27.10.34 Atmakaraka
06 Venus (3rd highest degree) 22.49.19 Bhratrikaraka
07 Saturn (7th highest degree) 07.37.35 Darakaraka

Model Horoscope in tabular format of a male nativity

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius CapricornAquarius Pisces
BC 11H 12H KL 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H 8H 9H 10H

& **UL (AL/PL) Sun Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Ketu

H/No (AK) (DK)
from Mercury Venus
(GK) Moon
D-9 11H 12H Lagna 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H 8H 9H 10H

& Rahu Jupiter Venus Mercury Sun Moon

H/No. (AK) Mars

Saturn Ketu
D-10 10H 11H 12H Lagna 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H 8H 9H

& Moon Jupiter Mercury Sun Mars Venus

H/No. Rahu Saturn


(Parashari Lagna is Libra and 12th lord is Mercury which is in 10th house in sign Leo and, as such, it is 11th
house away from 12th house and counting from Leo, the 11th sign falls in Taurus, which is Upapada Lagna of
the model horoscope).

Sample Query

What could be the health and the education of the nativity?

5th house Libra from Karakamasha Lagna Gemini is occupied by Jupiter, Atmakaraka (Lagna Lord in
Parashari parlance) and Moon, the Putrakaraka (5th lord in Parashari parlance) giving rise to Jaimini Rajyoga
as well as Parashari Rajyoga. It is also aspected by Matrikaraka Mars (4 th lord in Parashari parlance) and
Bhratrikaraka Venus (3rd lord in Parashari parlance). It is a fact that the person is very intelligent and a man
of wisdom with pious mind because of the Rajyoga in the 5 th house and formation of Rajyoga by two natural
benefics (Jupiter & Moon). He is also likely to be unorthodox in his way of thinking because of the malefic
aspect of Mars, which he is. He will acquire higher knowledge through self-effort. From birth till the age of
10 years he was running the Dasha of Libra and the 6 th house from the Dasha sign is occupied by Ketu and
aspected by two other malefics (Rahu & Saturn) through Jaimini aspect as well as the Dasha sign Libra is
occupied by 6th lord, which is a definite indication of some chronic and incurable disease involving watery
and airy complications (Pisces is a watery sign and 6 th lord from Dasha Rashi at birth is in an airy sign
Libra). It is a fact that the person is a chronic patient of Asthma from his childhood. Now, verify the same in
Navamsha Kundli. 5th house from Atmakaraka Jupiter is again sign Libra occupied by Matrikaraka Mars (4 th
lord in Parashari parlance), Bhratrikaraka Venus (3rd lord in Parashari parlance) in Rahu Ketu axis and
aspected by Sun (Amatyakaraka 10th lord in Parashari parlance) through Jaimini aspect. In Navamsha
horoscope also, the 5th house is strong with the placement of 5th lord Venus therein and has Rajyoga
confirming that the person has razor sharp intelligence and a man of wisdom. It is also confirmed that the
person is unorthodox in his way of thinking because of the placement of Rahu in 5 th house. In D-9, 6th house
Scorpio is occupied by Gnatikaraka Mercury (significator of diseases) aspecting the D-9 Lagna Gemini
through Jaimini aspect and Lagna is occupied by Saturn (a natural malefic) thus confirming about the
chronic ailment. In Navamsha also, the involvement of watery sign (Scorpio) as 6th house and airy sign
(Gemini) as Lagna confirms the watery and airy combine complications in the shape of chronic Asthmatic

It is an attempt with due diligence in which a horoscope need to be assessed for predictive accuracy. It is
very easy to pass derogatory comments and unleash vituperative campaigns against astrological fraternity
without understanding the subject matter in its depth. I have seen a few odd netizens passing ugly comments
(including use of unconventional/filthy words) against astrologers and astrology claiming to have read over
thousands of books on astrology. I humbly request such person(s) to kindly make a list of those books and
post them in the website along with his/their detail understanding on the subject matter before making any
adverse and dirty comments against astrologers in particular and astrology as whole. As regards taking
astrological consultation by anybody, it is a subject matter of ones own faith and belief in the subject and
nobody is forced to take such consultation.

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