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Notes to Financial Statement
As of and For the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014
15. Financial Instruments

The companys financial assets and liabilities are recognized initially at cost which is the fair value of the
consideration given (in the case of assets) or received (in the liabilities).

Fair values are determined by reference to market-based evidence, which is the amount for which the financial
assets could be exchanged between a knowledgeable willing buyer and a knowledgeable willing seller in an
arms length transaction as at the valuation date.

The following tables set forth the carrying values and estimated values of the Companys financial assets and
liabilities recognized as of December 31, 2015 and 2014.

2015 2014
Carrying Value Fair Value Carrying Value Fair Value
Financial Asset
Cash 3,741,139.58 3,741,139.58 3,719,360.12 3,719,360.12
Retention Receivable 1,077,465.48 1,077,465.48 1,980,182.69 1,980,182.12
4,181,605.16 4,818,605.16 5,699,542.81 5,699,542.81
Financial Liabilities
Trade Payable 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Advances from Contracts 0.00 0.00 2,085,756.96 2,085,756.96
0.00 0.00 2,085,756.96 2,085,756.96
The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each class of financial instrument
for which it is practicable to estimate such value.

Financial instruments whose carrying amounts approximate fair value. Management has determined that the
carrying amounts of cash, trades and other payables reasonably approximate their fair values because of their
short maturities.

The company maintains cash to meet its liquidity requirements for up to 30-day periods and the Company
maintains adequate highly liquid assets in the form of inventory to assure necessary liquidity.

Retention receivable consists of a regular customer, and based on historical information about said customer
default rates, management consider the credit quality of trade receivables that are not past due or impaired to be
good. All of the Companys trades and other receivables have been reviewed for indicators of impairment.

The fair values of trade and other payables have not been individually disclosed as, due to their short duration,
management considers the carrying amounts recognized in the balance sheet to be reasonable approximation of
their fair values.

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