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I, Rahul Mandavi, hereby declare that, the project work of book review entitled, 'INDIA
2020'submitted to H.N.L.U., Raipur is record of an original work done by me under the
guidance of Mrs. Alka Mehta, Faculty Member, H.N.L.U., Raipur.

Tejaswi Tiwari
Batch XIV
Roll No. 125


The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance
from many people and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along this all along
the completion of my project work. Whatever I have done is only due to such guidance
and assistance and I would not forget to thank them.

I respect and thank Mrs.Alka Mehta for providing us all support and guidance which
made me complete the project on time.

I take this opportunity to also thank the university and the vice chancellor for providing
all the crucial resources through library and internet



The article highlights about the problems and prospects about our country and

where India would be by 2020. It focused about the Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities and Threats of India. It also compared India with China economically

and strategically. It has addressed the areas for improving India. It has concluded

that Indians should draw lessons from the V formation of birds and should cultivate

a few qualities and characteristics to make India a developed nation by 2020 and as

a Super Power by 2050.


DECLARATION .......................................................................................................2
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .........................................................................................3
ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................4
ABOUT THE AUTHOR ...........................................................................................6
SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................7
INDIA 2020: THEME .............................................................................................11
CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE NOVEL .............................................................13
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................13
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................15


Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (born 15 October 1931) usually referres to as
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, was an Indian scientist and administrator who served as the 11th
President of India.

Kalam was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, studied physics at the St.
Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli, and aerospace engineering at the Madras Institute of
Technology (MIT), Chennai.

Before him as President, he worked as an aerospace engineer with the Defense Research
and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organization

Kalam is popularly known as the Missile Man of India for his work on thee development
of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology. He played a pivotal organizational,
technical and political role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998.

His popular books are 'Wings of Fire ', ' India 2020 ' & ' Ignited Minds '.


Indian civilization is one of the oldest one in the world and we are proud to have cultural
richness and India was one of the richest countries in the past. Gradually many changes have
taken place and especially with the Portuguese being strong at navigation, they discovered sea
routes to various countries and they set up their colonies. Subsequently, French, and finally
British set up their colonies all over the world especially after the Industrial revolution. When
they departed India, they fully plundered our wealth and left India in a financial mess.

Ever since independence, India saw many upheavals because British left India with many
geographical complications and implications. As a result, we had to face wars with Pakistan in
1948, 1965 and 1971. And also India faced the onslaught of Chinese incursion in 1962. All these
things led to many social, economic and political problems. Besides, the policy of mixed
economy adopted by Pundit Nehru did not pay off. It has been since early nineties the Indian
economy began looking up due to the liberalization, privatization and globalization initiated
under the leadership of late P.V.Narasimha Rao when he was Prime Minister. All these
economic policies and reforms paved the way for rapid growth of our country and the world
began taking India seriously. And there is a powerful talk of India emerging as an economic
Super Power in the near future. In this context, let us evaluate Indias potential by conducting
SWOT Analysis.


India, with a population of 1.1 billion and a middle class that is larger than the entire population
of US, is one of the worlds largest untapped markets Satveer Chaudhary, Senator, Minnesota.

Below are the few competitive advantages India has:

About 16 per cent of the world population lives in India.

Gateway to international markets in SAARC countries.
Well developed research and development (R&D) infrastructure.
Largest resources of untapped natural resources.
Worlds largest democracy.
Information technology base, in terms of both software and hardware.
Technical and marketing expertise.
English as the preferred business language.
A vibrant capital market with 25 stock exchanges with over 9,000 listed companies.
The largest supplier of cost-effective technical and non-technical manpower.
Conducive environment for foreign investments by providing freedom of entry, investments,
location, choice of technology and import/exports.
A well-organized judicial system with a hierarchy of courts.
Legal protection for intellectual property rights.
A transparent approach for promoting domestic and foreign investment.
Declining share of agriculture and allied industries in the GDP. The Economic Survey 2000-01
reveals that the contribution of services sector to the GDP is 40 per cent whereas agriculture and
industry contribute 30 per cent.
Increased investments in the priority and high growth sectors such as software, electronics,
food processing, oil and gas, power, electronics and telecommunications, chemicals, electrical
equipment, food processing etc.,
A well organized banking system with a network of 63,000 branches supported by a number of
national and state-level financial institutions.
Offers a large market (middle class population of over 25 to 35 crore with increasing
purchasing power).
Current account convertibility and capital account convertibility for foreign investors.
Increase in the number of joint ventures or wholly-owned subsidiaries most of the domestic
companies consolidated around their area of core competence by typing up with foreign
companies to acquire new technologies, management expertise and access to foreign markets.

Deregulation of interest rates with a greater freedom to banks to assess credit requirements.
Large and solid infrastructure throughout the country.
Simplified systems for administration in government departments.
Special investment and tax incentives for exports and certain sectors such as power, electronics
and software.
Lower tariffs for trade.
A transparent approach for promoting domestic and foreign investment.
Significantly large manufacturing capabilities through latest technologies.
Indias growth is really productivity-led, rather than investment-led.


We have disputes with both China and Pakistan which are yet to be resolved. When British left
India, they left many of the border disputes unaddressed. And the onus now lies with India to
resolve the same. Because of the unresolved long pending border disputes with Pakistan and
China most of our energies and efforts are focused in fighting the issues rather than
concentrating on the developmental activities. No nation can develop as long as it has problems
with its neighbors.

We have beaurocratic bottlenecks and widely prevalent corruption which hinders the progress
and development. Lack of capital is another impediment for rapid growth. Unfortunately we
have cross border terrorism arising out of unemployment opportunities. The present slowing
GDP growth and increasing inflation is matter of grave concern

At times cultural differences, linguistic barriers and regional imbalances among various regions
led to infighting among the people and it has become a big stumbling block for progress. Due to
the unemployment the youth take to guns thereby giving rise to terrorism. Although we have
huge natural resources we have never exploited the same. Lack of opportunities at the domestic
front led the skilled precious human resources to leave our country and work abroad thereby
leading to Operation Brain Drain.
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You cant cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water, quoted Guru Dev
Rabindra Nath Tagore.

India is the second largest populated country in the world and sooner or later will dominate the
world in population. We need to convert quantitative human resources into qualitative one.
Presently India has the affluent middle class estimated at over 20 crores or equivalent to the
entire population of Indonesia. Research reveals that by 2020 we can have more than 60 per cent
of the people in the middle class who will have disposable incomes. And currently Indias
consumption rate is 64 per cent of GDP and mostly it is services driven growth. When the
consumption levels go up there will be more demand for production and more employment
opportunities for us. Along the way, there will be rotation in business and effective and efficient
circulation of money. Therefore, there will be opportunities for the faster growth of our
economy. Presently many foreign companies have set up their shops due to the rising population
and rising disposable incomes. Sensing the opportunities many foreign MNCs are entering India
for reaping the economic benefits. It is in this context, Arun Sarin, ex-CEO Vodafone said,
India is on a roll and we are happy to be rolling with India.

The Indian companies after the introduction of the New Economic Policy shed from the
protectionist attitude and started competing with their counterparts. Gradually now we find many
Indian MNCs who are in a shopping spree to acquire foreign companies. Tata group acquired
many foreign companies be it in steel segment, tea, or chemical or in automobiles. So is the case
of Ambani and other business houses in India.

Research reveals that one per cent of India has been crossing the poverty line each year for the
last 25 years. And that adds up 200 million Indians have crossed the poverty line in 25 years.
Slowly and steadily many Indians will cross the poverty line and thereby minimizing the
percentage of poverty.
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Rising crude oil prices, increasing inflation and depreciating rupee is a matter of grave concern.
By 2011 the government expects half of Indias population to be living in the cities. The urban
poverty is posing a major threat than the rural poverty. The rural poor have some space for life
and somehow they can survive but the urban poor are the worst hit thereby posing a danger for
the society and the economy.

Although Indian economy is growing rapidly it is solely dependent on American economy. If

America catches cold India sneezes and that is the plight of India economy today. Presently the
Indian economy is doing extremely well but due to American recession the Indian economy is
being affected badly. Therefore, it is essential to insulate Indian economy from American

When we glance at internal environment like strengths and weaknesses it is very obvious that
strengths outweigh weaknesses and similarly when we look at external environment like
opportunities and threats it is crystal clear that opportunities outnumber threats.


We have lot of waste land that needs to be allocated to the landless poor so that they can
cultivate and earn their livelihood. If every family is allotted with a piece of land and provided
with water and power facilities the land gets developed as well as the people make their living
and they get engaged in a right direction.

Even after six decades of independence we are not in a position to provide compulsory primary
education to all. Efforts may be made to see that children aged between 6 to 14 years are
encouraged to go to schools as it eliminates child labor also.
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Focus on environmental issues also is equally important. We have to cut carbons and the
corporates should be taught to be friendly with ecology and the development should be ecology
driven. There is a strong need to resort to afforestation to check ecological imbalance.

Ours is basically an agrarian society and a gradual shift to services is essential. Focusing on
infrastructure is the need of the hour. Unless we have strong infrastructure we can not afford to
have strong superstructure.

Cultivate the mind set of what we gave to the nation not what nation gave to us as it makes us
more accountable and responsible. The Indian media is more banking on negative information
rather than on positive one in order to ensure their struggle for survival and also to take on their
rivals in their segment. It is an unhealthy trend. If they focus on positivism and resort to
constructive criticism then they can enlighten the society with right knowledge and information
and also they can survive in the long run.

There is need for political reforms to make our democratic process more meaningful and
qualitative. Criminalization of politics should be checked. Politicians with criminal records
should not be allowed to the legislatures and parliament. Harmonious balance amongst the four
pillars of democracy - legislature, executive, judiciary and press is vital. It should be made
mandatory that politicians should have basic education for contesting in elections. No person
should occupy the higher offices of President and Prime Minister at the centre and Governor and
Chief Minister at the states more than two times.

Militarily we need to strengthen our forces by allocating proper budget for defence so that we
can be prepared to meet any eventualities as we have threat from both China and Pakistan.
Resolving the border disputes with both the countries through diplomatic means is to be
accorded priority.
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When we try to be in sync with the vision of the author it's just amazing
It was supposed to be a book not document.
The language is not interactive.
The book should attract by language and show the facts in a hidden way.
Facts and figures should only be provided when a reader want to go to

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The best way to predict the future is to create it, Peter F. Drucker.

As every individual likes to grow, similarly every country likes to grow. It all depends on the
mindset of the people. Cultivating a right mindset is the need of the hour. We can learn a few
lessons from the V formation of the birds that conveys certain qualities and characteristics.

When birds fly they get into V shape and start their journey. By forming into V shape the birds
minimize the drag and maximize the speed thereby enhancing the speed of journey by 71 per
cent. During the course of journey they shift their roles and responsibilities. If any one of the
birds is hurt or hit by gun shot or falls sick, a few birds will escort the sick bird or the wounded
bird to the ground and extend all kind of support to bring the bird to normalcy and then they
restart their journey with other group of birds by V formation. If the bird is not able to revive the
escorting birds wait till the death of the bird and then they resume their journey. From this V
formation of birds we can cultivate the qualities like team spirit, unity of direction and command,
sense of belongingness, common goal and objective, fraternity and leadership. All Indians need
to cultivate these qualities and characteristics to grow as strong individuals as well as to build a
strong India.
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