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Asignatura: Philosophy Bimestre: 1 2 3 4 X Curso:


Nombre del Estudiante:

1. Answer the following questions in a coherent way. (In your

notebooks ONLY) there is no need to print the prep, instead
please answer it in your notebook.

A) How does Kant differ from Descartes and Hume?

B) What did each one of the following philosophers think about

the social contract? Explain in detail



C) What does Kant say about the categories time and space?

D) What solution does Kant give about the problem between

empiricsm and rationalism?

2. Define the following vocabulary using your own words (use

your dictionary of philosophy):

- Priori and Posteriori Knowledge

- Social contract

- Innate ideas

- Perceptions

- Ideas

- Premise

- Argument

- Conclusion

- Valid/invalid

- Sound/unsound

- Argument about dreaming

- Inception
1. Remember that a valid argument could be defined as an argument in which its
premises are enough to support its conclusion definitely.

That means that if there is room for another reason other than the ones stated in the
premises of the argument to support the conclusion (if the conclusion could be true
for another reason other than the ones stated in the premises), then the argument is

Using the previous definitions of validity, consider the following argumentative

structures. Provide one example per structure, and explain whether your examples
are valid or invalid.

a. (PREMISE) If P, then Q



b. (PREMISE) If P, then Q



c. (PREMISE) If P, then Q


d. (PREMISE) If P, then Q


4. Write about and explain the term I think, therefore I am (15


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