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Lesson Plan Template 2017-2018

Name Delmy Rivera

Grade Level 5th grade
Subject Area Earths System
CCSD Standard 5-ESS2-1

Introduction: Introduce the 4 Earths Systems, Geosphere (such as rock), Atmosphere (air), Biosphere
(living organisms), & Hydrosphere (water).

Daily Reviews: Students will watch a video on youtube. Big Idea 3: Earth's Systems Interact 6 minutes.
Geosphere describes all the rocks, minerals, and ground that are found on and in Earth.
Geo comes from Greek word ground.
Biosphere composed of all the living organisms on the planet, including all plants, animals,
bacteria, fungi and single celled organisms found on Earth. Bio come from the Greek word
Hydrosphere made up of all the water on Earth, including rivers, lakes, streams, oceans,
groundwater, polar ice caps, glaciers, and moisture in the air (like rain and snow). Hydro
comes from the Greek word water.
Atmosphere the whole mass of air that surrounds the Earth. Atmo comes from the word
Terrarium a container for growing and displaying plants. Terra -earth
Daily Objective: Develop a model using an example to describe ways the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere,
and/or atmosphere interact and are connected to the Earth.

Concept and Skill Development I want to provide students with a general overview of all four systems (spheres). To support
and Application: the idea that all systems work together, I will display the same templates students have on
their Ipads to describe each system. The template will be drawn on the smart board before
we begin lesson.
Guided Practice (Teacher led): Students will open their Earth Systems template on their Ipads take notes and to color code
each system along with their definitions. Example When discussing Hydrosphere, definitions
and examples are labeled in blue. This will be used to aid comprehension. 20minutes
Group Practice (Whole class or Small groups 4 students will gather their iPads and log in to Gmail account to fill out google
small groups): form (short answers) to list examples of each system found while walking around the
playground. This will inspire interest in how the Earths systems interact. They will also collect
materials for their models they will create in the classroom. 15 minutes
Independent Practice (Alone): Each student will get a paper template to of Earths System and will identify and define each
Earth System. Once completed they will begin to create their terrarium with materials found
in the playground. 15 minutes.
Homework Assignments: Students will continue to observe their terrarium at home and write in their Penzu journal
what they have observed overnight. They will reflect what was learned in the classroom and
write a different ways the Earths System interacts.
Closure: Revise the lesson with students and students will open up their Penzu journal and reflect on
the interactions of the Earths System and summarize major points.

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