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A Stephane Enjolras Game

Translation: Eric Laurent-Nauguet and Stephen Hart


What's happenin' man? Youre new here aint ya? Hey man! Im talking to you! Yeah!
Youve got a righteous motor! Its a 76 Chevy Camaro, aint it? Far Out! I love this car man!
But let me give you the skinny, youre gonna have to boost the engine and mount blasters
on it, if you wanna live long enough to see the sunrise tomorrow!
And if you are looking for a well paid job, you should visit Big Magic Mama, shes the pimp
from the massage shop at the end of the street...

CRUSHING! is a board game for 2 or more players. Each player controls a gang with armed and
customized vehicles which can be improved and changed after each game.

In order to play CRUSHING! you will need these rules and a few more bits and pieces. Some are
included at the end of the rulebook, others are meant to be built, or converted.

This is used to keep track of the distance driven each turn and any gear changes.

This sheet allows you to note the characteristics of each of your cars and their drivers.

Some cars are equipped with passive rear weapons which allow them to drop mines, nails or oil.

You will need one or more 6 sided dice (D6) and 20 sided dice (D20) and a tape measure (in centimeters).

Each player has to create their own gang and their cars in order to play. A gang is made up of 2 to 5
vehicles. One of these vehicles is designated as gang leader. At the moment we are working on some
resin cars especially for CRUSHING! meanwhile, you can use Johnny Lightning die cast cars, Muscle
Machines die cast cars, JADA die cast cars or any other brand in 1:64 scale.

You will need a flat surface to play. It can be your kitchen table, your living room table or a specific game
tabletop. We advise a minimum of 1 meter by 1 meter surface to allow the cars space to move.

You will need to place scenery on your playing surface, such as buildings, rocks, hills, garbage cans in
fact any scenery you will need for the game to provide obstacles, and cover.


Yes! Its important too! Even more with CRUSHING! than with any other game. We advise funk
compilations of the seventies, movies or TV series soundtracks from Lalo SCHIFFRIN (Mission
Impossible, Harry movies, Bullitt, Shaft (Harlem Nights), Superfly, Night Warriors and others like Funky
Cops (a French cartoon: ) are good sources for
All these Funky tunes really helped us while creating CRUSHING!, and there was not a minute of rules
writing without listening to Lalo SCHIFFRIN or George CLINTON music in background.

We advise you to play with a single car and a single driver for your first few games. Once you have
learned the rules, you could create a complete gang using the advanced rules.

A basic driver has 10 points DRIVING skill and 10 points SHOOTING skill. In addition to this you need to
roll 1D6. The die roll result is the number of extra points you have to allocate between the DRIVING and
SHOOTING skills.

Example: Bob creates his first driver. He knows that he already has a minimum of 10 in DRIVING skill and

10 in SHOOTING skill. He rolls 1D6 to find out the number of additional points he can allocate between the

two skills. He rolls a 5, a rather good result.

Bob decides to allocate 3 points to the DRIVING skill (which is now at 13) and the 2 remaining points to

the SHOOTING skill (which is now at 12).

FUNK points are always at 0 at the beginning of the game.

You have $1000 to buy and create your car. This money is used to buy the car itself, a basic car for every
player. The basic car is equipped with a 4 cylinder engine, which gives 5 cm/game turn acceleration, a 5
cm/game turn deceleration, basic brakes for 1D6 and a maximum speed of 30 cm/game turn.

Once you earned enough money, playing CRUSHING! games, you can improve the cars performance by
replacing the 4 cylinder engine with a V6 one, by equipping your car with a turbo or by changing the
braking system for a more efficient one. All upgrades will be explained in the advanced rules.

The basic car costs $500. You then have $500 to spend on equipping your car with weapons.

If you only have one weapon, it should be placed either on the hood (position 4 on the car sheet) or the
roof (position 1 on the car sheet). If you buy 2 weapons (2 mini K. for instance) they should be placed on
each side of the car (position 2 and 3) to keep the car balanced. If both weapons are the same type they
need to be synchronized (position 2 and 3 or 5 and 6).
If you have some money left, note it on the gang sheet. You will find a place to record your money on the
car sheet.

The following photos can help you figure how a CRUSHING! car looks like once equipped.

A CRUSHING! game is divided into game turns. Each player can perform all of the actions they want,
and the rules allow, and then it is their opponents turn, and so on until one player wins the game.

CRUSHING! is written for two players but it can be played by 3, 4, 5, or even 53 players. Randomly
determine which player goes first. Once that is done, each player chooses a table edge. The first player
begins. If you are playing a scenario, please check it for any special set up rules.
Each player places their gang in the deployment zone. If nothing is specified in the scenario, the
deployment zone is within 10 cm of a table edge. You can place all the gang vehicles anywhere you like
within the deployment zone.

During a game turn, the active player can move all their cars. Any cars which went out of control during
the previous turn can try to regain control by making a driving test. A car can make both a driving and a
shooting action in the same turn. The shooting action can take place before, during or after the vehicle

These actions allow you to change the speed or the direction of a car. Any actions to change or maintain
the cars speed can be combined with one (and only one) other free driving action. A player first moves
their vehicle and then they must roll the dice, each time they have to roll for a driving test. If they fail the
test, check the loss of control table.


If a car is parked, has stalled or has previously braked enough to stop, it needs to restart. Starting allows
you to move the car up to 5 cm. dont forget to note the speed on the speed counter to keep track of the
new speed of the car. This action can be performed with a change of direction for free.
In order to accelerate, the player declares that their car speed increases, moves their vehicle accordingly
and notes the speed on the speed counter to keep track of the new speed of the car. This action can be
performed with a change of direction for free.
A basic acceleration increases the speed of the car by +1 to +5 cm.

Example: It is Bobs turn. He chooses his first car and declares that he accelerates this turn. Checking his

speed counter, Bob sees that his current speed is 10 cm/turn. By accelerating the speed increases up to

15 cm. Bob moves his car 15 cm and sets his speed counter to 15.

In order to decelerate, the player declares that their cars speed decreases; they move their vehicle
accordingly and note the speed on the speed counter to keep track of the new speed of the car. This
action can be performed with a change of direction for free.
A deceleration move decreases the speed of the car by -1 to -5 cm.
This action is used when you want to keep the car at the same speed as the previous turn.

Example: Bob decides to decrease his speed for this turn in order to perform complicated maneuvers. He

checks his speed counter and declares he will decrease his speed. The current speed his 28 cm/turn. Bob

decreases his speed by 5 cm. His new speed is now 23. Bob moves his car 23 cm and sets his speed

counter to 23.

This action allows a car to decrease the speed of the vehicle more than simple deceleration.
Roll a number of dice equal to the BRAKE characteristic on the vehicle sheet. The result indicates the
number of centimeters per turn you subtract from the actual speed of the vehicle plus the deceleration.
This action can be combined with a change of direction action for free.


Adjust the speed counter immediately.

If the vehicle is in 2nd gear or lower, it can make a 45 turn without any problems. If it is in a higher gear,
you must pass a driving test to make the turn. Apply a 1 modifier for each 45 or part of turn e.g.: 0 from
0 to 45, -1 from 46 to 90, -2 from 91 to 135, and so on.
The player who controls the car declares they want to change its direction and moves their car according
to the SCREEETCH template. This turn can be made whenever they want during the move.
Check your car sheet for the driving skill of your driver. This skill is out of 20 and represents their ability to
drive the car. The higher it is the better is your driver. Roll one D20. You have to get a result lower or equal
to the driving skill to succeed. If the test is passed, your driver manages the turn and gains one point in
their driving skill. If the test is failed, roll one D6, check the loss of control table and apply the result
If the turn is bigger than 90, you have to apply a 1 modifier.
If the cars gear is higher than 2nd you also have to roll for a driving test with a 1 modifier for each gear above 2nd.

Example: Bob decides to make a 90 turn. He already braked to decrease his car speed which is still

driving at 20 cm/turn with a 3rd gear. The driving skill of his driver is 14. As the turn is not higher than 90

there is a -1 modifier, but his speed is far too high to turn without taking any risks. As he is driving in 3 rd

gear, he suffers a 1 penalty on his driving skill. He has to roll 12 or less on his D20 roll in order to make

the turn.

Your drivers will often have to test their driving skill. The player will have to roll less or equal to their driving skill to
succeed. If they fail, they must roll one D6 on the loss of control table and apply the result immediately. A 20
on a D20 is always a failure whatever your driving skill is. Every time you roll a 1 on a D20 you win a
FUNK point. Notch a FUNK box on your vehicle sheet.
When your vehicle is out of control, you have to test at the beginning of each turn to try to regain control:
roll 1D20. If you regain control, the vehicle could drive normally again. In any other case, the effects of the
loss of control still apply: this applies for a side-slip, a slew-round and rolls. For example, the vehicle
continue sliding in the same direction and remains out of control. It keeps the same speed until it collides
into an obstacle such as a wall or another vehicle. In this case the vehicle suffers damage because of this
collision and stops. It still remains out of control as long as a driving test is not passed. In case dispute
with your opponent, just use common sense or pass your driving license again
If your vehicle goes off of the table as a result of a loss of control, it leaves the game permanently and
wont be able to play before next game.
You never notch a driving skill box for a succeeded loss of control test.
A vehicle can reverse at a maximum speed of 5 cm per game turn. A reversing vehicle can perform the same driving

actions as in forward gear but it cant jump a ramp nor make a U-Turn, except with a special driving skill or a special

car (to come soon).

Your vehicles wont always drive on asphalt. In 2078, the desert covers most of the States. The type of

terrain you drive in can modify your driving actions.

Whenever a vehicle drives on hard sand, all driving and shooting tests suffer a 1 modifier. This can be
avoided with some equipment (see campaign rules).

Whenever a vehicle drives into soft sand, the driver must pass a driving test with a modifier corresponding
to the current gear. If he fails, speed, acceleration, deceleration and brakes are halved (round down). In
case of a critical failure (20 on 1D20) the vehicle is immobilized for the rest of the game. You can still fire
the weapons.

Some weapons can make craters. Craters create 6cm diameter holes in the ground. They remain on the
tabletop for the entire game duration. Craters can be dodged with a successful dodging test (a driving test
with a modifier corresponding to the vehicles current gear).
If you fail, you must roll one D6 on the loss of control table and apply the result immediately (ignore a
result of 1 on the table and re roll the die).
In case of a critical failure, (20 on 1D20) you must roll one D6 on the loss of control table and apply the
result immediately (ignore a result of 1 on the table and re roll the die) but you also have to roll 2D6 on the
critical hits table.

It is a hazardous maneuver requiring a high skill. The car makes a 180 turn, while the driver slams on the
In order to try a u-turn, you must be in 2nd gear at least. The player declares their action and makes a
driving test with a 2 modifier, plus a penalty corresponding to the current gear.
If a vehicle makes a u-turn at 3rd gear, it suffers a 5 penalty (-2 for the u-turn and 3 for the gear).
If the test is passed, the car is placed in the new direction and the speed counter is set to 5cm per turn for
the next game turn. If the test is failed, roll one D6, check the loss of control table and apply the result
A successful u-turn gives one FUNK point. Notch a FUNK box on your vehicle sheet.

The player declares they want to jump from a ramp. The vehicle must be in a gear higher than 2 nd. The car
must be able to reach the ramp this turn. The vehicle must be entirely on the ramp, i.e. both axles are on it.
In any other case, a driving test must be rolled immediately with a 2 modifier.
The modifier increases as usual: -3 for 3rd gear, -4 for 4th gear, -5 for 5th gear and 6 for 6th gear. If the test is
failed, roll one D6, check the loss of control table and apply the result immediately.

If the vehicle reaches the ramp, the player rolls a number of D6 equal to the gear (from 2 to 6). The car is
launched (dont really do it!) a distance in centimeters equal to the combined result of the dice.
If you roll a 1 on any of the dice, you miss the landing. The vehicle is placed at the correct distance but you
have to roll for a driving test with a 1 for each 1 rolled. If the test is failed, roll one D6, check the loss of
control table and apply the result immediately.


This action allows you to avoid an obstacle or another vehicle whenever it is at less than 10 cm from the
front of your vehicle. If the obstacle is at more than 10 cm, you can brake or turn instead of dodge. But when
the obstacle is at less than 10 cm from your vehicle, the driver must pass, prior to any other action, a driving
test with a modifier corresponding to the current gear (-1 for 1st gear, -2 for 2nd gear, ).
If it is another vehicle, driving towards you, the driver must pass a driving test with a modifier corresponding
to its own gear and the gear of the other car.
If the test is passed, slide the vehicle sideways at random far enough to avoid the other car (roll a die:
even/odd left/ right).

If the test is failed, there are two possibilities:

If you hit a fixed obstacle (such as a wall) your vehicle suffers one point of damage for each centimeter it
should have moved if the obstacle was not there. For example, you lose the control of your car, and it moves
19cm in the direction of a wall. If your vehicle was 5cm from the wall, it takes 14 points of damage on the
side hitting the wall. In this case, the vehicle suffers damages on the side hit. The speed counter is set to
zero if the vehicle is blocked by the obstacle and cannot move anymore.
A light obstacle, like a box or trash, can only scratches the paint of the car and does no further damage.

In case of a collision with another vehicle, follow the crash rules below and immediately apply the result:
each player rolls a number of dice equal to its current gear, 1D6 for each gear. Add both results together to
calculate the number of damage points and divide the result between the two vehicles. As you cant divide
an odd result, just ignore the extra point of damage.
You can dodge your opponents car by rolling a dodge test during your turn but also during your opponents
turn, whenever it is a voluntary or involuntary collision (except otherwise stated). In all cases, the victims
rolls a driving test modified by its current gear.

All these actions are driving actions. It is impossible to use a driving action to perform an extra shooting
action or to use a shooting action to perform an extra driving action.

During their turn, a player can shoot with each of their vehicles. He can only use one weapon or two
synchronized weapons per shooting action. This shooting action can be performed before, during or after
the cars movement.

The player must declare which weapon they are going to use. They then declare their target. The target
must be in the firing zone of the weapon and in its line of sight (not hidden by an obstacle or another

Each weapon has a maximum firing range and a firing

range band. If the target is in the first firing range band,
the player only has to make a shooting test. For each
firing range band above the first one, apply a 1
modifier, up to the maximum range.
If the test is passed, the target is hit. Apply damage

If the test is a critical failure, i.e. 20 on a D20, the weapon is jammed and cant be used next turn.
If both weapons are of the same type, they are synchronized (in position 2 and 3 or 5 and 6). In this case,

you roll only one die for both weapons.

Some cars are equipped with rear devices allowing you to drop mines, nails or oil. They are placed on
position 5 or 6 on the vehicle.
Shooting with a passive weapon is also a shooting action but does not require a die roll.

In order to use passive weapons, the player declares their action and immediately places a counter
corresponding to the weapon (mines, nails, oil) just behind their car and sometimes rolls 1D6. When a
vehicle drives on a passive weapons counter, immediately apply the following rules if it cant dodge the

OIL: The driver must pass a driving test with a 2

modifier up to 2nd gear. For higher gears, add a 1
modifier as usual (-3 for 3rd gear, -4 for 4th gear, -5 for 5th
gear and 6 for 6th gear). Passive weapon is empty on a
6. Active for 1D6 turns.

MINES: The car suffers 1D3+2 points of damage

distributed on all the vehicle parts. The driver must pass
a driving test with a modifier corresponding to the current gear (-1 for 1 st gear, -2 for 2nd gear, -3 for 3rd
gear, -4 for 4th gear, -5 for 5th gear and 6 for 6th gear). Mines make 6 cm diameter craters. Place the crater
under the vehicle.
MAGNETIC MINES: They stick under the victims vehicle and the driver who set the mine can try to
trigger the mine at distance during one of his shooting turns: roll 1D6: on a 1, pick an orange box and roll
2D6 on the critical hits table, the vehicle also suffers 1D6 points of damage (at random), 2 to 5 the vehicle
suffers 1D6 points of damage, 6 the mine doesnt explode. Mines make 6 cm diameter craters. Place the
crater where the mine exploded.

NAILS : The driver must pass a driving test with a modifier corresponding to the current gear (-1 for 1 st
gear, -2 for 2nd gear, -3 for 3rd gear, -4 for 4th gear, -5 for 5th gear and 6 for 6th gear). If the test is failed, roll
1D6 on the loss of control table. You also have to roll 1D6 to calculate damage: 1 to 5: notch an orange box
and roll 2D6 on the critical hits table. On a 6: Notches two orange boxes and roll 2D6 twice on the critical
hits table. Passive weapon is empty on a 6. Active for 1D6 turns.

SMOKE: Counters are placed at the rear of the vehicle at 2 cm from each other. They block the line of

sight. Passive weapon is empty on a 6. Active for 1D6 turns.


There are two types of crashes: voluntary and involuntary crashes, or accidents.
You can use your car as a ram. It is a voluntary crash, and a desperate action which creates heavy
damage to both vehicles.


If your driver wants to make a voluntary crash, it replaces their shooting action for this turn. Its impossible
(unless they has a special skill) to voluntarily crash into an opponents car and to shoot at it during the
same game turn with the same car.
Your drivers skills will improve as they progress in games. When your drivers win new skills they can
perform new actions novice drivers couldnt

REAR COLLISION: each player announces

their gear. The attacker rolls a number of D6
equal to the difference between the two gears.
This is the number of damage points suffered by
the victim on the rear of their car. The victim rolls 1D6. The result corresponds to the damage points
suffered by their attacker.
If both gears are the same, each vehicle suffers 1D6 damage points.

LATERAL COLLISION: both vehicles are side by

side and the driver, who is playing their turn, moves
the steering wheel in order to push the opponents
The victim must pass a driving test with a modifier
corresponding to the current gear (as usual). If he
fails, they must roll one D6 on the loss of control table
and apply the result immediately.
If they succeed, the victim hangs on. In case of a
critical success (1 on D20), the attacker looses control
and they must roll one D6 on the loss of control table
and apply the result immediately.
The victim wins one FUNK point.
In case of a critical failure (20 on D20) the attacker wins one FUNK point.

LATERAL CRASH: The attacker crashes into

one side of the victims car.
The victim must pass a driving test with a modifier
corresponding to the attackers current gear. If they
succeed, they manage to avoid the attacker. If they
fail, the attacker must roll a number of D6 equaling
their current gear and inflicts the result to their
victim (damage points). The victim must also roll 1D6 on the loss of control table and apply the result
In case of a critical success (1 on D20), the attacker looses control and they must roll one D6 on the loss
of control table and apply the result immediately. The victim wins one FUNK point.
In case of a critical failure (20 on D20) the attacker wins one FUNK point and doesnt suffer any damage.
In all other cases, they suffer 1D6 points of damage on the front of their car. If the victim is not moved

because of loss of control, the attackers vehicle speed is set to zero.

FRONTAL CRASH: Its not fun anymore as

both cars suffer the same consequences.
Each driver must pass a driving skill test with a
modifier corresponding to both vehicles current
gears added together.
If the test is failed, the vehicle goes straight.
If the test is a success, the driver manages to
avoid the other car. Slightly move the car to the
others car side. Both vehicles speed is set to
If one of the drivers succeeds, the crash is
In case of a critical success (1 on D20), the driver avoids the crash but the opponent looses control of their
car. They must roll one D6 on the loss of control table and apply the result immediately.
Your driver wins one FUNK point.
In case of a critical failure (20 on D20) roll 2D6 on the critical damage table as one vital part of your car is
damaged. Your opponent wins one FUNK point.
If both players roll a critical success, these are void but each player wins one FUNK point.
In order to calculate damage points, add both vehicles gears. This is the number of D6 you will have to roll
to determine damage points. These damage points are equally allocated between the two cars. In case of
an odd result, the victim suffers the extra damage point.

Your vehicle sheet allows you to keep track of your cars changes and evolution during the game.

A diagram represents the car and is used to keep track of the damages.
When the car suffers damages on one of its sides (right, left, rear or front), just notch one white box for

each point of damage.

If you dont have any white box left on a side, you must notch an orange box next to the white ones.

For each orange box notched, you must roll 2D6 on the critical damages table and apply the result


If you notch the central box, your driver their hit, is unconscious and your car is out of control. It

decelerates each turn until complete stop. You must also roll on the loss of control table and apply the

result immediately at the beginning of each turn. If you roll a 1, just re-roll the dice.

If damage is determined at random, roll 1D20 for each damage point and use the following table:

1-5: front

6-10: right

11-15: left

16-20: rear

The other important part of the vehicle sheet is weapons. A drawing of the car shows numbers from 1 to 6:

these are the weapons locations. Use the weapons table on your vehicle sheet to note the location of your


Your drivers skills are also listed on the vehicle sheet. Just note the skills in the appropriate boxes when

you create your driver. The 20 small boxes under each skill box must be notched each time you succeed a

driving or shooting test.

If you make a critical success (1 on D20) on one of your skills, you can notch a FUNK box.

You will find more about FUNK points in the Streets of Funkytown rules.

The last player with at least one structure point on their vehicle is the winner. If you play a scenario, just

follow the victory conditions of your scenario.

You now know enough to play a CRUSHING! game. In the following advanced rules you will learn how to

use FUNK points, manage your gang and its territories, modify your vehicles and loads more.

So lets drive!

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