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Names and last names: ___Milagros Samaniego Lopez_____________

I.-Look at the pictures; then complete the chart with the correct countable or uncountable noun: 6 pts.



cheese Onions

chicken Bread

hamburger Fried egg

II.-Complete the sentences with a or an: 6 pts.

1. There is __an____ onion in the basket.

2. Do you have __an___ apple in your bag?
3. I have __a_____ sandwich.
4. I want __a____ banana.
5. Do you have ___a___ big lunch?
6. He needs ____an__ egg for his omelette.

III.- Underline the correct expression ( some or any ) : 6 pts.

1. There are some / any vegetables on the table.

2. Are there any / some mushrooms in the fridge?
3. Do you need some / any peppers?
4. Martha doesnt want some / any spinach.
5. My mother buys any / some tomatoes in the supermarket.
6. Is there any / some bread in the cupboard?

IV.-Complete the columns with new words. Look for information in your dictionary: 2 pts.

Lettuce Orange
Carrot Banana

Broccoli watermelon

Pepper Grapes

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