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Systems of the Human Body

Marking Rubric
You will:
Describe/explain the system and its basic functions
Provide examples and connections as to why each system is
Explain 2-3 diseases and disorders related to each system
Provide examples and connections

To learn about and understand 4 of the 11 Systems of the
Human Body
To learn how each system works
To learn how each system is important to the body
To learn about diseases and their affect on the systems
To learn how disease affects the systems, quality of life and
body functioning
Is able to demonstrate an understanding of 4 of the
11 systems of the human body
Is able to demonstrate an understanding of how
body systems are important
Is able to demonstrate how disease can affect body
Is able to demonstrate how disease can affect
quality of life and body functioning
Is able to demonstrate research, organization and
presentation skills to grade level expectations

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