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Rubric for Political Campaign Advertisement

Criteria: Accomplished Competent Developing Beginning Insufficient*

Strength of Provides extensive Provides considerable Provides adequate Provides limited See
Campaign evidence that justifies evidence that justifies evidence that justifies evidence that may not footnote.
(50%) their position on several their position on their position on justify their position
key issues. Information several key issues. several key issues. on certain issues.
presented is very clear Information presented Information presented Information presented
and often convincing. is mostly clear and is somewhat clear is unclear and
convincing. and sometimes inconsistent.
Evidence of considering convincing.
different political Evidence of Evidence of
perspectives is considering different Evidence of considering different
extremely clear. political perspectives considering different political perspectives
is quite clear. political perspectives is missing.
is somewhat clear.

Quality of The movie is complete The movie is complete The movie is complete The movie is
Video and well edited. and well edited. and includes some incomplete.
(30%) Students use a wide Students use some editing. Students did not use
variety of compelling variety of compelling Students use editing any video editing
editing techniques that editing techniques that techniques that techniques to enhance
greatly enhance the usually enhance the sometimes enhance their video. Audio is
arguments in the video. arguments in the the arguments in the often unclear.
Audio is very clear. video. Audio is video. Audio is
mostly clear. somewhat clear.
Teamwork Students collaborated Students collaborated Students collaborated Students did not
(20%) regularly and all group regularly and all group somewhat regularly collaborate regularly
members were highly members were and most group and only a few of the
involved in the creation involved in the members were group members were
of the video. Team creation of the video. involved in the involved in the
members showed a high Team members creation of the video. creation of the video.
degree of respect to one showed respect to one Team members Team members did
another. another. usually showed not show respect to
respect to one another. one another.

*Assignments that fit into the insufficient column for any criteria will not be accepted as complete. Student must consult with the
teacher to determine what will be required in order to receive a grade.

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