Objectives: Use While/for/do-While Loops. Use Switch Statements

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Yarmouk University

Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology

Computer Engineering Department
CPE 150: Introduction to Programming Laboratory
Task # 04
Switch statement and Loops

Use while/for/do-while loops.
Use switch statements.

Required Tasks:
1- Write a program that accepts the number of the day of the week and displays the
name of the corresponding day. Assume Day 1 is Saturday; Day 2 is Monday, and so
on. For example if you have entered 1 as your day number, the program should
display "The day is Saturday." as the output (Use switch statement to solve the

Please insert the number of the day:

The day is Saturday

2- Write a C++ program to print all numbers of an interval [N, M], where N and M
are integer numbers read from the keyboard (NM).

If wrong interval was entered, the following message should appear:

3- Write a program that reads a nonnegative integer and computes and prints its
factorial. The factorial of a nonnegative integer n is written n! .and defined as

Good Luck

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