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Insect belong in the great phylum of jointed-legged animals, the Arthropoda. Of this
phylum the insects are a highly specialized group comprising the class Insecta. In the adult
stage insects are characterized primarily by having the body divided into three regions, the head,
thorax,and abdomen, and by the thorax bearing three pairs of legs. Both the body regions and number
of legs are functional groupings of parts, groupin:gs that are very different from those of their original
ancestors (John Wiler & Sons:1959:26).

Especially ant, A typical adult insect has three body regions, The anterior region is the
head, which bears eyes, antennae, and three; pairs of mouth-parts. The next region is the thorax
which is composed of three segments each usually bearing a pair of legs; in many groups the
second and third segments each bear a pair of wings. The posterior portion of the body is the
abdomen. it consists of as many as eleven segments and has no legs~ -The eighth, ninth, and
tenth segments usually have appendages modified for mating activities or egg laying~ The
exoskel-ton in insects, as in other arthropods, provides both the protection for the vital organs
and the support which maintains the body shape. The chief in ternal organs consist of the
following parts: (1) a tubular digestive tract; (2) a long valvular heart for pumping the blood;
(3) a system of pipelike tracheae for respiration; (4) paired reproductive organs opening at the
posterior end of the body; (5) an intricate muscular system; and (6) a nervous system
consisting of a brain, paired segmental ganglia, and connectives (John Wiler &

John Wiley & Sons. 2013. A Text Book of Entomology, (online),

( diakses pada tanggal 7
November 2015.

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