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Name Friday Report 2017-10-13

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Administrative Content
Board Meetings & Minutes Drafts
Draft minutes for the October 10 regular meeting are attached. Please provide necessary changes to Debbie Vanderwilt by
noon on Wednesday, October 18.

Attachment: Board Meeting Minutes 20171010 Regular.pdf (34 KB)

Board Agenda Items

ECEA Elementary Clubs Stipend Schedule Revision: At the September 26, 2017 regular meeting, the board approved the
Everett Coaches/Extracurricular Association's tentative agreement. On the salary schedule, under "Other Extracurricular
Assignments," the line for "Elementary Student Clubs" was inadvertently omitted on the schedule sent to the board for
approval. It was included in the tentative agreement signed by the association and district during negotiations and was in the
information provided to the association membership when the agreement was ratified. The corrected salary schedule will be
placed on the October 24 board meeting agenda for board consideration of approval.

Attachment: Other Extracurricular Assignments 20171013.pdf (46 KB)

Resolution 1162, Racial Imbalance Certification for North Middle School Modernization: At the October 24, 2017 regular
meeting, the board of directors will be asked to approve a resolution for OSPI certifying that the project will not create or
aggravate racial imbalance within the school district boundaries. This project will not require changes in attendance boundaries
or affect enrollment patterns. Proposed Resolution 1162, Racial Imbalance Certification for North Middle School Modernization,
has been prepared to meet this requirement.

Attachment: Resolution 1162, Racial Imbalance Certification for North Middle School Modernization.pdf (10 KB)

North Middle School Value Engineering Study: At the October 24, 2017 regular meeting, the board of directors will be asked to
approve the value engineering study for the North Middle School modernization project. Districts are responsible for ensuring
that a value engineering study is completed in accordance with WAC 392-343-080 during the design process for state match
eligible projects. Value engineering is an organized approach to optimize both cost and performance in a facility or to identify
items that add cost without contributing to the required function of the facility. In evaluating the quality, use, life, appearance,
and required features of a facility, the value engineering team attempts to achieve value without reducing quality below
required levels while maximizing function, cost, and value in design.

Attachments: North MS Value Analysis Report 20171012.pdf (5,316 KB)

Board Meeting Follow-Up

The Board Annual Planning Workshop evaluation summaries have been calculated and are provided for your review. The first
shows the response results and average percentages of the first six questions. The second gives the responses to all questions
with the average percentages for each agenda item.

Attachment: Annual Planning Workshop Evaluation (Responses 1-6) 20170830.pdf (19 KB)

Attachment: Board Workshop Evaluation Summary Results 20170830.pdf (33 KB)

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Board-Superintendent Communication
Seven items of correspondence are provided for director background with this edition of the Friday Report. The first is a copy
of a memo from facilities staff verifying the lack of permanent classrooms in the district's elementary schools. This information
will be shared during community presentations. The second is a parent complaint regarding vehicle access to parking behind
Mill Creek Elementary School, and the principal's response. The third is an email requesting repairs to railings in the Memorial
Stadium baseball park stands, and the facilities response. The fourth is an email from the director of federal programs,
and the memo attached to that email, describing the problems and costs associated with applying for a particular
type of federal aid for Native American students. This is an example of analysis, as discussed during the October 10
regular board meeting, of the superintendent not bringing a grant or aid application to the board for approval
because of the cost/benefit calculations. The fifth is an email series between the board president and the executive
director of facilities and planning regarding preparation for the October 17 special board meeting. The attachments
are not provided because they are included in the board agenda items published October 13. The sixth item is a
note from Larry O'Donnell regarding the passing of a former district employee, Doris Olsen, who reach age 100. The
seventh is an email series from, and the response from technology staff to, a publisher who identified teacher web
postings that violate the copyright act.
Attachment: Booth-Gunn Memo (Elementary classroom use) 20171006.pdf (275 KB)

Attachment: Campana-Fuglevand Emails (Mill Creek vehicle-student safety) 20171010.pdf (91 KB)

Attachment: Hedeen-Gunn Emails (Memorial baseball stadium safety) 20171010.pdf (94 KB)

Attachment: Jones Email (Native American federal support) 20171011.pdf (143 KB) |

Jones Memo (Native American families support) 20171011.pdf (1,617 KB)

Attachment: Mason-Gunn Emails (October 17 capital planning) 20171010.pdf (147 KB)

Attachment: O'Donnell Note (Doris Olsen Obituary) 20171004.pdf (641 KB)

Attachment: Wilson-Cohn-Hull Emails (Copyright infringement) 20171009.pdf (146 KB)

Elementary Literacy Update (Key Performance Outcome: 1.1.a)

During the month of September, the director of elementary literacy conducted visits at every site with English Language Arts
(ELA) coaches. The purpose of these visits was to ensure each school had the materials they needed, respond to questions
from coaches, and to review the materials purchased for ELA coaches. During the months of October and November, the
director of elementary literacy will facilitate 60-minute workday extension professional development (PD) sessions at each
school site. At these sessions, staff will learn how to access the digital platform tools, including the lesson planner. The grade
level teams will also participate in backward planning of unit two, including developing an assessment plan with a common
summative and formative assessment. In addition to conducting the workday extensions at each school site, the director of
elementary literacy conducted makeup sessions for the summer initial use training. A team of coaches and the director also
facilitated five sessions on Friday, October 13. These sessions included: Best Practices in ELA Instruction-Primary, Best
Practices in ELA Instruction-Intermediate, Reach for Reading Overview for Paraeducators, Best Practices in Writing Instruction-
Intermediate, and Reach into Phonics for Special Education Classrooms. The elementary literacy leadership team plans to meet
five times this year, and will provide ongoing input and assist with planning the content of upcoming professional learning

Continued Support for Kindergarten Classes (Key Performance Outcome: 1.1.b)

The early learning team is continuing to support teachers in providing a high-quality, full-day kindergarten model. Prior to the
beginning of the school year, all kindergarten teachers participated in Early Learnings third annual Kindergarten Institute.
Kindergarten teachers were engaged in the work of high performing teams and refining their practice related to Everett Public
Schools' (EPS) 21st century skills kindergarten model. On Monday, October 2, the Early Learning team facilitated a Plan, Do,
Reflect (PDR) session at the EPS Menu of Options training. During this session, participants learned to establish their classroom
as a "second teacher" and engage students in a 21st century skills model of play-based learning with intentional choice, action,
and reflection. Next steps include a convening of the EPS kindergarten leadership team on October 17, and professional
development for all kindergarten teachers in mid-November.

National Manufacturing Week Participation (Key Performance Outcome: 1.1.d)

Last week was National Manufacturing Week. District administrators attended a forum at the Washington State
University|Everett campus focused on understanding workforce needs and student opportunities that currently exist in our
community as well as in the future. Local industry leaders and post-secondary partners also attended. Cascade High School

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staff took advantage of tours sponsored by Everett Community College Advanced Manufacturing Training & Education Center
(AMTEC) and Boeing. On Thursday, Cascade staff and students toured AMTEC and learned about the many and varied technical
skills being taught. On Friday, Cascade staff and students toured Boeings Everett facility, which included an opportunity to
rivet a mockup fuselage and to splice practice strands of electrical cable. Boeing representatives showed interest in the
district's manufacturing curriculum, Core Plus. By using Core Plus, the certifications the students earn will not only be
recognized by Boeing, they will also give students a decided edge in their Boeing job applications.

Building a Rich Mathematics Culture in District (Key Performance Outcome: 1.2.a)

Everett Public Schools is focused on ensuring mathematical success for each student. In coordination with the district-wide
implementation of balanced mathematics instructional models, efforts are in place to support families at home and make
certain students are engaged in mathematics beyond the school day. To support families at home, elementary summer math
calendars and an online secondary summer math challenge were offered this past summer. The elementary summer math
calendars allowed parents to see and interact with the mathematics that is all around them daily. The secondary math
challenges had over 480 middle schoolers and 78 high schoolers involved, logging in and submitting their work on weekly
challenging mathematics problems. Engaging students in mathematics beyond the school day extends to parental support
during the school year, with home-school connections added to instructional maps and additional resources. One such resource
is Bedtime Math, which encourages families to talk to their kids about math in a fun and engaging way every night, similar to
reading a bedtime story. Additionally, parents can access resources via the How to Support Your Childs Mathematical
Development handout from Youcubed. This resource includes advice for parents as well as links to websites, courses, apps, and
games to engage in with children to build mathematics beyond the school experience.

English Learner and Free and Reduced Rates, October 2017 (Key Performance Outcome: 1.5.a)
The number of active English Learners (EL) in the district as of October 2, 2017 is 2,640, an increase of 117 from October 2016
when there were 2,523 EL students. In October of 2015, there were 2,348 EL students. Elementary school numbers have
increased by 49 students, middle school by 27, and high school by 41. The number of exited EL students increased from 818 in
October 2016 to 982. Students are included in this count if they scored a level 3 Proficient on the English Language Proficiency
Assessment (ELPA) in spring 2016 or 2017. Exited students are monitored for two years, and academic support provided as
necessary. Spanish remains the predominant language, at 1,097 students; Russian/Ukrainian as the second most predominant
language at 327; Arabic the third at 198; followed by Vietnamese at 167 and Marshallese at 102. These numbers are very
consistent with last October. Ninety languages are spoken by active ELs. Three additional languages are spoken by exited
students, for a total of 93 languages. English is included on the matrix because of students who come from multi-lingual
homes. Everett Public Schools' Free and Reduced district percentage for September is 40.03%. This is down slightly from
40.61% in October 2015.

Attachment: EPS Language Matrix Levels 1-2 20171013.pdf (215 KB)

Attachment: EPS Language Matrix Exited Students 20171013.pdf (171 KB)

Attachment: EPS Free & Reduced Rates 20171013.pdf (186 KB)

Smarter Balanced Assessments Chromebooks (Key Performance Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b)

The learning and information technology services department is delivering new Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)
Chromebook carts to schools beginning next week. The SBA Chromebooks currently in place, while out of warranty, are still
useful and the schools will continue to use them along with these newer devices. The schools will receive a new cart for each
SBA cart they originally had onsite. Two notable exceptions are Jackson High School and Cascade High School who not only will
receive their original number of devices, but will split the carts previously allocated for Sequoia High School and Everett High
School. This increase in technology at school sites will assist them with their online testing needs as well as supporting
instruction in the classroom as teachers continue to use technology to provide access to authentic learning experiences for
students. This deployment will be completed by mid-November.

Student Email (Key Performance Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c)

Students at Port Gardner, Everett, and Sequoia high schools have been assigned district email accounts. Later this semester,
Cascade and Jackson high school students will also receive email accounts. Student email accounts will include the first initial
of the student's first name and then the student's full last name possibly followed by a number for those who have the same
combination as another student. Common to all students' email will be The learning management services
team is coordinating with schools to educate students and families on how to access and use their email. A webpage has been
dedicated to student email best practices. This will give students a way to enhance their professional communication skills.

Social Emotional Learning Survey (Key Performance Outcome: 3.4.a)

Schools are beginning to administer the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) survey through Panorama Ed. This survey was piloted
in four schools last fall and nine schools in the spring. This fall, all schools will use the survey. This survey measures seven
constructs: Grit; Sense of Belonging; Self-Management; Growth Mindset; Teacher-Student Relationships; and Social

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Awareness. The student perception data collected through this survey helps schools to better understand the SEL needs of
their students, which contributes to students' ability to learn. In addition to the SEL survey, Cascade High School and Gateway
Middle School are piloting the Student Success platform which connects student SEL survey data to their academic, behavior,
and attendance data. In this way, administrators and other staff can better respond to individual learning needs. This platform
is in implementation and will be available to the pilot schools later this fall.

Director Reimbursements
The district accounting office will now send all reimbursements to director's primary (net check) payroll direct deposit bank
account. Directors will receive an automated email notification from the district's notification system before the deposit is
made. If the business office is closed for a holiday or inclement weather, payments may be delayed. There are several benefits
to this which includes greater convenience and security, reduced costs, and less waste.

Procedure Updates
Procedure 2114P, Online Learning: Revisions to Procedure 2114P, Online Learning, have been reviewed by legal counsel and
superintendent's cabinet. Language has been revised to comply with changes to RCW 28A.232.010, Alternative learning
experience coursesGenerallyRulesReports. Revisions to Procedure 2114P, Online Learning, are provided for director's

Attachment: 2114P IR 20171013.pdf (185 KB)

Public Records Request Updates

A&R Hoods: Jetta Galler of A&R Hoods requested and received 2016-17 information regarding payments for various
services including pressure washing, kitchen hood cleaning, maintenance of exhaust fans, fire suppression system
maintenance and facility fire extinguishers. Many of these services are performed by in-house maintenance staff as
part of their regular duties.

Stacey Abbott: The parent of a Jackson High School student has requested email correspondence referencing her
daughter, specific to a number of staff members. Staff are awaiting records from the team in Learning and
Information Technology to commence review.

Freedom Foundation: Raimee Sluder, labor policy analyst for the Freedom Foundation, initially requested copies of
any executed payroll deduction form for the Washington Education Association political action committee. The
roughly 1,400 responsive documents, of various years and types on various colors of NCR (carbonless copy) paper,
included non-public information about teaching staff, including home address and personal email. Following
discussion with Ms. Sluder, it was determined that it was a benefit to the district and acceptable to Ms. Sluder to
create a list of the individuals who have executed authorization forms for this payroll deduction, and copies of the
sample forms. Following general notification to the Everett Education Association leadership, this request was

David Mace: The parent of a Lowell Elementary student requested email correspondence referencing his son, specific
to a number of current and former staff members and service providers. Pacifica Law Group is engaged with the
district in working with this family and has been providing record responses with an estimated final installment of
records to be provided on October 20, 2017.

Rodman Reynolds: Mr. Reynolds requested copies of the Friday Report from September 1 through October 6, 2017.
There was no record responsive to Mr. Reynold's request for September 1. Copies of the Friday Report for
September 22, 29, and October 6 have been provided. Additional time is needed to review for potential exemptions
or third party notification related to items in the September 8 and 15 editions of the Friday Report. Mr. Reynolds has
been offered the opportunity to agree to a voluntary redaction of the information in question, related to the name of
a staff person making a sexual harassment claim and the name of a plaintiff in litigation.

Flowing Robin: The parent of a Hawthorne Elementary School student requested and was provided with educational
background information related to a substitute teacher working in the student's classroom. No record was
specifically requested, nor was one provided in response to this informational request.

Shannon Walburn: As previously reported, the parent of a Gateway Middle School student has requested numerous
records, including calendars of various staff members including the superintendent and the deputy superintendent,
investigation notes related to her son, correspondence regarding her family in general including her older son who
graduated from Everett High School, and general information related to harassment, intimidation, and bullying
claims over the past five years at all schools. Staff are working to gather and review records responsive to Ms.
Walburn's request.

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Miscellaneous Attachments, News Releases & Articles

Attachment: WASA Hotline 201710.pdf (1,267 KB)

Attachment: EEA Bargaining Alert #1.pdf (1,648 KB)

News Releases

Directors' Dates to Remember

Tuesday, October 17 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Wednesday, November 1 - Special Board Meeting - 7:30 a.m. - Community Resource Center
Friday, November 10 - Veterans' Day Holiday - District Closed
Tuesday, November 14 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Friday-Sunday, November 17-19 - WSSDA Annual Conference - Bellevue, Washington
Thursday-Friday, November 23-24 - Thanksgiving Holiday - District Closed
Tuesday, November 28 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center
Monday - Friday, December 18-29 - Winter Break - District Closed
Monday, January 1 - New Year's Holiday - District Closed

Booth-Gunn Memo (Elementary classroom use) 20171006.pdf (275 KB)

Jones-Cohn Memo (Native American families support) 20171011.pdf (1,617 KB)

EEA Bargaining Alert #1.pdf (1,648 KB) EPS Language Matrix Levels 1-2 20171013.pdf (215 KB)

EPS Free & Reduced Rates 20171013.pdf (186 KB) EPS Language Matrix Exited Students 20171013.pdf (171 KB)

O'Donnell-Cohn Note (Doris Olsen Obituary) 20171004.pdf (641 KB)

Other Extracurricular Assignments 20171013.pdf (46 KB)

Resolution 1162, Racial Imbalance Certification for North Middle School Modernization.pdf (10 KB)

North MS Value Analysis Report 20171012.pdf (5,316 KB) 2114P IR 20171013.pdf (185 KB)

Annual Planning Workshop Evaluation (Responses 1-6) 20170830.pdf (19 KB)

Board Workshop Evaluation Summary Results 20170830.pdf (33 KB) 3115P IR 20171013.pdf (333 KB)

Board Meeting Minutes 20171010 Regular.pdf (34 KB)

Wilson-Cohn-Hull Emails (Copyright infringement) 20171009.pdf (146 KB) WASA Hotline 201710.pdf (1,267 KB)

Jones Email (Native American federal support) 20171011.pdf (143 KB)

Mason-Gunn Emails (October 17 capital planning) 20171010.pdf (147 KB)

Hedeen-Gunn Emails (Memorial baseball stadium safety) 20171010.pdf (94 KB)

Campana-Fuglevand Emails (Mill Creek vehicle-student safety) 20171010.pdf (91 KB)

Last Modified by Debbie Vanderwilt on October 13, 2017

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