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2010 Structures Congress 2010 ASCE 2439

Design of Circular Concrete Tanks


Mahmoud E. Kamara, PhD, Senior Structural Engineer, Portland Cement Association

5420 Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 60077, Phone 847-972-9012, email:
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This paper presents methods to calculate the forces in the circular tank wall and base.
The impacts of the changes in the ACI 350 and ACI 318 on circular tank design
including load factors, allowable stresses and crack control are presented.


With the versatility of concrete and new emerging technologies, reinforced concrete
circular tanks are being used extensively in municipal and industrial facilities. The
design of tanks requires that attention be given not only to strength requirements, but
to serviceability requirements as well. A properly designed tank must be able to
withstand the applied loads without cracking that may cause leakage. The goal of
providing a structurally sound tank that will not leak is achieved by providing the
proper amount and distribution of reinforcement, the proper spacing and detailing of
construction joints, and use of quality concrete placed using proper construction

The design of the whole environmental engineering concrete structure as well as all
individual members should be in accordance with ACI 350-06 (Code Requirements
for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures and Commentary(1). A thorough
understanding of the ACI 350-06 Code is essential in understanding design of tanks.
ACI 350-06 has been adapted from ACI 318-02 (Building Code Requirements for
Structural Concrete (2)), therefore, knowledge of ACI 318 is also necessary.
Calculations of forces in circular tank wall and base are based on theory of plates and
shells. Solutions for forces in cylindrical walls and circular plates with different
supporting conditions and loadings are presented in the PCA publication, Circular
Concrete Tanks without Prestressing (3). To illustrate tank behavior and design,
technical materials are adopted from the PCA publications.

Loading conditions

A tank must be designed and detailed to withstand the loads that will be subjected to
during its service life and during construction. Figure 1 shows some of the loading
conditions that must be considered for partially buried tank. The tank may also be
subjected to uplift forces from hydrostatic pressure on the base of the tank when the
tank is empty. Walls supporting interior water loads and exterior earth loads are
designed to support both the effect of the interior water pressure and the full effect of

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2010 Structures Congress 2010 ASCE 2440

the maximum exterior earth pressure without considering that one load could
minimize the effect of the other (1).
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Figure 1 Possible loading conditions for partially buried tank

Base Fixity

Behavior of circular concrete tanks is based on the wall to footing connection. The
two main types of connections are; continuous connection and hinged connection
Figure 2.

Continuous connection# Hinged connection#

# Reinforcement detailes and construction joints are not shown

Figure 2 - Wall to base connection

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2010 Structures Congress 2010 ASCE 2441

Forces in the tank wall

Three values are essential in the design of the tank wall: 1) the tension in the ring
elements, 2) the moment in the vertical cantilever, and 3) shear at the base. The
magnitude and distribution of these forces depend on the type of connection between
the wall and the base and the ratio of the diameter to the height of the wall. If the tank
wall were rigidly fixed at the base, the ring tension would be eliminated at the point
where the pressure is the greatest, this restraint of the wall at the base leads to a
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complicated load distribution between the tension in the ring elements and the
moment in the vertical cantilever elements. For deeper tanks, or tanks with smaller
diameter, restraint at the base has little or no effect at the upper parts of the wall. For
shallow tanks or tanks with large diameters, and a fixed base, the magnitude of the
maximum ring tension is greatly reduced. In general cases the liquid pressure is
resisted by both the tension in the ring elements and the moment in the vertical
elements. Rigorous mathematical analysis of circular concrete tanks that is accurate
for both shallow tanks of large diameter or deep tanks with small diameter are found
in the classical engineering literature (4), (5) and (6). Coefficients for ring tension,
moments and shear calculations for different loading and for different base to wall
fixity conditions are presented in reference (3).

Walls with fixed base and free top

Coefficients for ring tension and moment in the wall are presented in Tables 1 and 2
(adapted from Reference 3). Coefficients for shear are presented in Table 3. Tables
for other wall to base fixity conditions and other loading are presented in reference
(3). Figure 3 and 4 show the distribution of the ring tension and cantilever moment
along the height of the tank wall for different height to diameter ratios. The
coefficients to be used for a given tank dimensions depend on the value of H2/(Dt),
where H, D, and t are the height of the wall, the internal diameter and the wall
thickness respectively.

Moment distribution

In practice it would be rare that the base would be fixed against rotation and such an
assumption would lead to erroneous forces distribution in the wall. For walls that are
not intentionally detailed to be hinged at the bottom, the base slab and tank wall
should be analyzed as one integral unit. To account for the continuity between the
base slab and the wall a simple one cycle moment distribution procedure can be
performed. The fixed end moment at the base of the wall is calculated from Table 2.
The moments in circular slabs fixed at the edge are shown on Table 4. Table 5 and 6
provide values for the stiffness of cylindrical wall and circular plates respectively.

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2010 Structures Congress 2010 ASCE 2442

Table 1 - Tension in circular rings Triangular load Fixed base Free top

T = Coefficient wHR
Positive sign indicate tension
w = liquide density
H = wall height
R tank radius
H2/Dt 0.0H 0.1H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H
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0.4 0.149 0.134 0.12 0.101 0.082 0.066 0.049 0.029 0.014 0.004
0.8 0.263 0.239 0.215 0.19 0.16 0.13 0.096 0.063 0.034 0.01
1.2 0.283 0.271 0.254 0.234 0.209 0.18 0.142 0.099 0.054 0.016
1.6 0.265 0.268 0.268 0.266 0.25 0.226 0.185 0.134 0.075 0.023
2.0 0.234 0.251 0.273 0.285 0.285 0.274 0.232 0.172 0.104 0.031
3.0 0.134 0.203 0.267 0.322 0.357 0.362 0.33 0.262 0.157 0.052
4.0 0.067 0.164 0.256 0.339 0.403 0.429 0.409 0.334 0.21 0.073
5.0 0.025 0.137 0.245 0.346 0.428 0.477 0.469 0.398 0.259 0.092
6.0 0.018 0.119 0.234 0.344 0.441 0.504 0.514 0.447 0.301 0.112
8.0 0.0037 0.0063 0.008 0.007 0.0023 -0.0068 -0.0224 -0.0465 -0.0795 0.001
10.0 -0.011 0.098 0.208 0.323 0.437 0.542 0.608 0.589 0.44 0.179
12.0 -0.005 0.097 0.202 0.312 0.429 0.543 0.628 0.633 0.494 0.211
14.0 -0.002 0.098 0.2 0.306 0.42 0.539 0.639 0.666 0.541 0.241
16.0 0 0.099 0.199 0.304 0.412 0.531 0.641 0.687 0.582 0.265

Table 2 - Moment in Cantilever Wall -Triangular load Fixed base Free top

M = Coefficient wH3
Positive sign indicate tension
w = liquide density
H = wall height
R tank radius
H2/Dt 0.1H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H 1.0H
0.4 0.005 0.0014 0.0021 0.0007 -0.0042 -0.015 -0.0302 -0.0529 -0.0816 -0.1205
0.8 0.001 0.0037 0.0063 0.008 0.007 0.0023 -0.0068 -0.0224 -0.0465 -0.0795
1.2 0.0012 0.0042 0.0077 0.0103 0.0112 0.009 0.0022 -0.0108 -0.0311 -0.0602
1.6 0.0011 0.0041 0.0075 0.0107 0.0121 0.0111 0.0058 -0.0051 -0.0232 -0.0505
2.0 0.001 0.0035 0.0068 0.0099 0.012 0.0115 0.0075 -0.0021 -0.0185 -0.0436
3.0 0.0006 0.0024 0.0047 0.0071 0.009 0.0097 0.0077 0.0012 -0.0119 -0.0333
4.0 0.0003 0.0015 0.0028 0.0047 0.0066 0.0077 0.0069 0.0023 -0.008 -0.0268
5.0 0.0002 0.0008 0.0016 0.0029 0.0046 0.0059 0.0059 0.0028 -0.0058 -0.0222
6.0 0.0001 0.0003 0.0008 0.0019 0.0032 0.0046 0.0051 0.0029 -0.0041 -0.0187
8.0 0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0008 0.0016 0.0028 0.0038 0.0029 -0.0022 -0.0146
10.0 0 0 0.0001 0.0004 0.0007 0.0019 0.0029 0.0028 -0.0012 -0.0122
12.0 0 0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0013 0.0023 0.0026 -0.0005 -0.0104
14.0 0 0 0 0 0.0001 0.0008 0.0019 0.0023 -0.0001 -0.009
16.0 0 0 -0.0001 -0.0002 -0.0001 0.0004 0.0013 0.0019 0.0001 -0.0079

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Table 3- Shear at base of cylindrical wall subjected to triangular load

V = CoefwH2

H2/Dt Coefficients H2/Dt Coefficients

0.4 0.436 5.0 0.213
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0.8 0.374 6.0 0.197

1.2 0.339 8.0 0.174
1.6 0.317 10.0 0.158
2.0 0.299 12.0 0.145
3.0 0.262 14.0 0.135
4.0 0.236 16.0 0.127

Figure 3 Distribution of ring tension along the height of the wall

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Figure 4 Distribution of cantilever moment along the height of the wall

Table 4 - Moment in circular slabs fixed perimeter

Moment = Coefficient pR2

Points Radial Moment Tangential Moment

Coeffecients Coefficients
0.00R 0.075 0.075
0.10R 0.073 0.074
0.20R 0.067 0.071
0.30R 0.057 0.066
0.40R 0.043 0.059
0.50R 0.025 0.050
0.60R 0.003 0.039
0.70R -0.023 0.026
0.80R -0.053 0.011
0.90R -0.087 -0.006
1.00R -0.125 -0.025

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Table 5 Stiffness of cylindtical wall

Near edge hinged, faar edge free
K = Coeff Et3/H

H2/Dt Coefficients H2/Dt Coefficients

0.4 0.139 5.0 0.713
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0.8 0.270 6.0 0.783

1.2 0.345 8.0 0.903
1.6 0.399 10.0 1.010
2.0 0.445 12.0 1.108
3.0 0.548 14.0 1.198
4.0 0.635 16.0 1.281

Table 6 Stiffness of circular plates with centeral support

k = K = Coeff Et3/R
c/D 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Coefficient 0.290 0.309 0.332 0.358 0.387
c = diameter of the centeral support
Coefficient for plates without centeral support = 0.104

Environmental durability factor

The ACI 350-06 adopts the load combinations as presented in ACI 318-02, Section
9.2, to calculate the required strength. In designing concrete tanks the ACI 350-06
requires that the required strength for other than compression controlled sections must
be multiplied by the environmental durability factor Sd.



= strength reduction factor defined in ACI 350 Chapter 9 ( = 0.9 for axial tension)

fs = permissible tensile stress in the reinforcement as given below:

fs = 20,000 psi, Direct and hoop tensile stress in normal environmental exposures

fs = 17,000 psi, Direct and hoop tensile stress in severe environmental exposures

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fs = 24,000 psi, Shear stress carried by shear reinforcement in normal environmental

fs = 20,000 psi, Shear stress carried by shear reinforcement in severe environmental

In the case of shear design, this factor is applied to the excess shear strength carried
by shear reinforcement only. The durability factor must not be used for designs using
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service loads and permissible service load stresses.

Permissible stresses and crack control


Any significant cracking in liquid containing tank is unacceptable. For this reason the
tensile stress in concrete due to ring tension combined with other effects, such as
shrinkage, must be kept at a minimum. Neither ACI 318 nor 350 provide direct
guidelines for the tension carrying capacity for this condition. The tensile strength of
concrete varies between 7% and 12% of the compressive strength. A value of 10% of
concrete compressive strength is usually used.

Steel reinforcement

For members in axial tension, the ACI 350 limits the allowable stress for steel
reinforcement for service load design to fs = 20,000 psi. Allowable stresses for
flexural and shear reinforcement depend on the bar size, steel grade and expouser
conditions and are given in ACI 350-06 Section I.3.2.

In addition ACI 350 provides rules for distribution of flexural reinforcement and the
allowable stresses used to control flexural cracking in all members that are not
compression controlled sections. The calculated stress fs in reinforcement closest to a
surface in tension at service loads must not exceed the following:

In normal environmental exposure areas , 36,000

fs need not be less than 20,000 psi for one-way and 24,000 psi for two-way members

In sever environmental exposure areas , 36,000

fs need not be less than 17,000 psi for one-way and 20,000 psi for two-way members

as a simplification the value of 4(2+db/2)2 may be taken as 25.

= strain gradient amplification factor = and may be assumed equal to 1.2 for
members with h 16 in. and 1.35 for members with h< 16 in.

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s = spacing between reinforcing bars

Normal environmental exposure is defined as exposure to liquids with a pH greater

than 5, or exposure to sulfate solutions of 1000 ppm or less. Severe environmental
exposures are conditions in which the limits defining normal environmental exposure
are exceeded.

Effect of shrinkage
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As concrete dries and loses moisture, it shrinks. If drying shrinkage is constrained, it

will produce tensile stresses that may exceed the capacity of concrete and cause
cracking. According to Reference (3) the combined concrete tensile stresses due to
axial load and drying shrinkage effect can be calculated from the following equation:

C = coefficient for shrinkage for reinforced concrete (C ranges between 0.0002 and
Es = modulus of elasticity for steel = 29,000 ksi
n = modular ratio = Es/Ec
Ec = modulus of elasticity for concrete = 57000 , psi for normalweight concrete
= compressive strength of concrete in psi
T = the axial tensile force
As and Ac are the areas for steel reinforcement and concrete section respectively

Considering one foot width of a wall having a thickness = t (Ac = 12 t) and inserting
the value of As in the above equation, the thickness can be calculated from the
following equation:


Where T is the ring tension per foot length, fc and fs are the allowable stresses for
service loads for concrete and steel respectivly.

Design procedure

The usual procedure for tank design is to provide horizontal reinforcement As for all
ring tension at certain allowable stress fs neglecting the contribution of concrete (As =
T/fs). After determining As, the concrete tensile stress in the uncracked section is
checked due the combined ring tension and shrinkage. If the strength design approach
is used, factored forces from different load combinations must be multiplied by the
associated environmental durability factor Sd. According to ACI 350, the minimum

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thickness of conventionally cast-in-place concrete wall that are in contact with liquids
and are at least 10 ft high must be 12 in.

The required vertical reinforcement for the cantilever moment is calculated using the
strength design approach for flexural members. In selecting the size of reinforcing
bars it should be noticed that cracking can be better controlled by using a larger
number of small diameter bars rather than fewer larger diameter bars. Spacing of
reinforcing bars must be limited to 12 in., and the minimum cover for reinforcement
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in the tank wall must be at least 2in.

Base design

The tank base design varies depends on the supporting condition. For ground tanks
supported directly on soil, the base is designed as a circular slab accounting for the
continuity with the wall. Different loading conditions need to be considered for this
case. For circular elevated tanks, moments calculations in the base will depend on
whether the base, is supported only around the perimeter or central supports are used.
Reference (1) contains detailed examples covering different conditions for base


With the versatility of concrete and new emerging technologies, reinforced concrete
circular tanks are being used extensively in municipal and industrial facilities. A
properly designed tank must be able to withstand the applied loads without cracking
that may cause leakage. Methods for calculating the forces in tank wall and base are
presented. Effect of shrinkage on concrete resistance is discussed. The current
provisions of ACI 350-06 are explained and discussed.


1. ACI Committee 350, Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering

Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 350-06), American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI, 2006
2. ACI Committee 350, Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering
Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 350-06), American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI, 2006
3. PCA, Circular Concrete Tanks without Prestressing, IS072.01D, Portland
Cement Association, Skokie, IL 1992
4. ACI Committee 350, Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering
Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 350-06), American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI, 2006
5. ACI Committee 318, Code Requirements for Structural Concrete(ACI 318-02 and
Commentary (ACI 318R-0206), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills,
MI, 2002

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6. W.S. Gray, Reinforced Concrete Reservoirs and Tanks, Concrete Publications,

Ltd., London, Second Edition, 1942
7. S. Timoshenko, Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw Hills Books, 1940
8. Slater, George S., Design of Circular Concrete Tanks, Transaction of the
American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 105, 1940, p. 504
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Structures Congress 2010

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