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Introducing Growth Mindset

Lesson Topic Growth Mindset

Standards Addressed & CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.2

Learning Targets Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in
detail its development over the course of the text, including
how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details;
provide an objective summary of the text.

Learn and understand the characteristics of a growth

Recognize how to develop and nurture your own growth

Prerequisite skills & Students need to be able to read the survey.

Possible Modifications
If needed, I will read the questionnaire to the class. I will define
unknown terms and rephrase questionnaire statements

Materials Growth mindset questionnaire

Introduction Today we will answer some questions that have to do with what
you think about yourself and your learning abilities. Answer the
questions as honestly as you can because we will be looking at
how this can help you be more successful in school.

Guided Practice Start with questionnaire that requires students to think about their
educational capabilities

Direct instruction After students take and score the survey, we will discuss their
responses. We will define and differentiate between growth and
fixed mindset by creating a chart. Students can draw a chart or
create a presentation on powerpoint. Students will be working in
groups to define growth vs. fixed mindset.

Independent Practice Students write a reflection about where their mindset is currently
and how they can work on reflecting and changing their mindset.

Closing We will continue to work with fixed and growth mindsets over the
course of the year. We will look at ways to develop the growth
mindsets. We will also look at why it is important to have a growth
mindset in comparison. These are skills that can be transferred to
real life which we will continue to talk about in the following weeks.

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